Simtel MSDOS 1993 May
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576 lines
File PD1:<MSDOS.FILEDOCS>UPLOADS.JAN Created: Feb. 1, 1993
NOTE: This file is also available in comma-delimited format as SIM9301.IDX
during the month of January 1993
NOTE: Type B is Binary; Type A is ASCII
Filename Type Length Date Description
Directory PD1:<MSDOS.4DOS>
4DPSETDJ.ZIP B 5739 930126 Printer setup for HP Deskjet series. 4DOS req.
4LASER.ZIP B 4920 930118 4DOS BTM file for HP-LJII configuration
4UTILS72.ZIP B 97714 930129 4DOS Description editor & file finder (free)
Directory PD1:<MSDOS.ARC-LBR>
AM84.ZIP B 220334 930124 ArcMaster front-end/convrt for ARC/ARJ/LZH/ZIP
FV142.ZIP B 8975 930124 View dirs of ARC/DWC/LBR/LZH/PAK/ZIP/ZOO/SFXs
SHEZ85.ZIP B 207955 930124 Shell for archive manipulation, w/virus check
Directory PD1:<MSDOS.ASMUTL>
ASMLIB30.ZIP B 167900 930110 Herr's library of ASM language subroutines
Directory PD1:<MSDOS.BATUTL>
BATMNU21.ZIP B 36295 930111 Batch file menus w/point-and-shoot & windows
CALLBAT.ZIP B 12798 930119 CALL command emulator for DOS < version 3.3
CHKTD15.ZIP B 13217 930130 Check current time / date and set errorlevel
CLRKEY13.ZIP B 10614 930130 Clear 'n' keystrokes from keyboard buffer
ENVTIME.ZIP B 12400 930103 Set DOS envir. variables based on system clock
ERRLVL13.ZIP B 10511 930130 Set the DOS errorlevel (return code)
EXISTDIR.ZIP B 5824 930108 Check existence of files and subdirectories
MAKMNU18.ZIP B 25875 930130 Self maintaining menu utility
RESET23.ZIP B 10301 930130 Presses the reset button and/or CTRL+ALT+DEL
SAVPTH13.ZIP B 12960 930130 Save current path setting to a batch file
SAVSCR27.ZIP B 14177 930130 Save/restore current text screen contents
SCRTYP13.ZIP B 12898 930130 Return screen type in use
SLEEP25.ZIP B 12420 930130 Sleep for specified period
STFKEY15.ZIP B 12895 930130 Stuff keys into the keyboard buffer. Non-TSR
TSBAT41.ZIP B 97981 930130 Collection of useful batch files by Timo Salmi
Directory PD1:<MSDOS.BBS>
FP13DOC.ZIP B 94957 930103 User manuals for FidoPCB v1.3 - req. WinWP 5.1
FP13S.ZIP B 217909 930103 FidoPCB v1.3: Toss/NetMail/AreaFix for PCBoard
QBBS276D.ZIP B 168188 930105 QuickBBS v2.76 multi-node BBS, Documentation
QBBS276E.ZIP B 366548 930105 QuickBBS v2.76 multi-node BBS, Executables
QBBS276O.ZIP B 375967 930105 QuickBBS v2.76 multi-node BBS, Overlay version
QBBS276U.ZIP B 275401 930105 QuickBBS v2.76 multi-node BBS, Mail/other util
RABIR200.ZIP B 41788 930131 RABIRTH 2.00: Birthday utility for RA 1.11 BBS
SX405A.ZIP B 138597 930124 Sapphire: Fast-install easy-to-run BBS. 1 of 2
SX405B.ZIP B 307896 930124 Sapphire: Fast-install easy-to-run BBS. 2 of 2
TOPFLS11.ZIP B 134852 930113 PC Board top files d'loaded during last x days
WEDICT25.ZIP B 173647 930121 Dictionary files for WWIVEdit 2.5 (WWIVED25)
WEDIT210.ZIP B 175504 930118 FidoNet message editor, Fido or QuickBBS base
WEDIT25S.ZIP B 88639 930121 TP6.0 source code for WWIVEdit 2.5 (WWIVED25)
WMAIL230.ZIP B 180948 930118 FidoNet Echomail processor, Fido/QuickBBS base
WWGT103A.ZIP B 65004 930119 WWIVGate: Allows WWIV to work with FIDOnet
WWIVED25.ZIP B 110462 930121 Full screen text editor for WWIV 4.xx BBS
ASPBB4.ZIP B 15664 930103 Listing of all ASP approved BBSs, as of Nov 92
USBBS104.ZIP B 92755 930102 Darwin's nationwide IBM BBS listing: 930101
ESEE109E.ZIP B 117608 930117 DNA/protein multiple sequence editor Ver 1.09e
Directory PD1:<MSDOS.C>
SNIP1292.ZIP B 347944 930116 Collection of C-snippets [mostly] by Bob Stout
SWAP300.ZIP B 89088 930112 C routines allow swap of app to disk, XMS, EMS
Directory PD1:<MSDOS.CAD>
LASI41A.ZIP B 329745 930129 LASI v4.1 IC layout CAD prgm: unzip in \lasi4
LASI41B.ZIP B 354755 930129 LASI v4.1 IC layout CAD prgm: unzip in \lasi4
LASI41C.ZIP B 217874 930129 LASI v4.1 IC layout CAD prgm: unzip in \lasi4
LASIDEMO.ZIP B 22425 930129 LASI v4.1 DEMO drawing: unzip in \lasi4\demo
CDISK633.ZIP B 261914 930124 Disk catalog system also does ARC/PAK/ZIP/LBR
Directory PD1:<MSDOS.CDROM>
CDPRO11.ZIP B 268001 930124 CD-ROM file librarian w/multi-disc player sup.
ISC36.ZIP B 134964 930128 Interrupts in C++, contains TSRs + serial
NEWMAT07.ZIP B 123399 930110 C++ classes and functions for Matrices
CUG292WK.ZIP B 419130 930124 C source & EXE for ASLINK and ASXXXX CrossASMs
HPB20.ZIP B 63161 930111 The Home Phone Book v2.0: Address database
SMS9233A.ZIP B 269602 930124 Shareware Marketing System for authors, 1 of 2
SMS9233B.ZIP B 311859 930124 Shareware Marketing System for authors, 2 of 2
ALARM13.ZIP B 16973 930130 TSR pop-up alarm clock
CLIPIT1.ZIP B 357362 930103 High quality PCX Clipart (Shareware)
DVDEVL12.ZIP B 11395 930104 Load device drivers in DESQview windows
DVINT33.ZIP B 90865 930103 List of DESQview/QEMM interrupt calls
Directory PD1:<MSDOS.DIRUTL>
CCD110.ZIP B 42110 930127 Quickly change directories (for NT and DOS)
DF460.ZIP B 222051 930103 Directory Freedom v4.60: Directory Manager
DIRCM301.ZIP B 55235 930129 Like DOS REPLACE command with delete option
DIRTO301.ZIP B 113112 930129 Directory listing and totaller
DRIP200.ZIP B 10317 930118 TSR to store and retrieve current path
FILUP301.ZIP B 50836 930129 Copy updated files based on a control list
FINDFI36.ZIP B 17648 930130 Find file/s and change to directory if req'd
LS26.ZIP B 23603 930130 List file directories with many many options
RETAIN10.ZIP B 11623 930108 Pure BAT eq. of PUSH/POPDIR, 8 levels, no TSR
SATRIB14.ZIP B 12159 930130 Modify any attributes
SAVDIR25.ZIP B 12679 930130 Save current directory to a batch file
SDEL210.ZIP B 18310 930130 Delete any files including in sub-direcories
SLDIR210.ZIP B 23230 930130 Select directory via a menu
Directory PD1:<MSDOS.DISASM>
AABSTRCT.TXT A 5024 930121 Information about the files in this directory
ASMGENSQ.ZIP B 14644 930111 Generates ASMGEN/ASMGEN3 disassembler SEQ file
Directory PD1:<MSDOS.DJGPP>
F2C_LIB0.ZIP B 41633 930117 F2C library for DJGPP C compiler
Directory PD1:<MSDOS.DSKUTL>
DSKRW237.ZIP B 56617 930117 FAST 1pass disk copy and disk image handling
DUGIDE10.ZIP B 11728 930113 Show the IDE disk info. Includes C source
FILL301.ZIP B 99859 930129 Stuffs as many files as possible on diskette
FRE560.ZIP B 27465 930105 Multi-drive disk space check info with graph
MAC-ETTE.ZIP B 19932 930108 Read 1.4meg Mac floppies in a 1.44meg PC drive
SPKT452S.ZIP B 292780 930124 HyperDisk disk cache w/HyperKey & HyperScreen
Directory PD1:<MSDOS.DV-X>
DVXTIN.ZIP B 135598 930114 DESQview/X port of TIN Usenet News reader
XV221EXE.ZIP B 316174 930105 GIF/TIFF/JPEG/PBM viewer for DESQview/X. EXEs
XV221SRC.ZIP B 1185163 930105 GIF/TIFF/JPEG/PBM viewer for DESQview/X. SRCs
Directory PD1:<MSDOS.EDITOR>
ASCII20.ZIP B 5374 930115 TSR for viewing/entering ANY ASCII characters
JED080.ZIP B 222847 930123 Emacs-like extensible editor with source code
KANTKS11.ZIP B 104102 930111 Kannada Script editor/Transliterator, req. EGA
XTED100.ZIP B 28949 930126 Norton Cmdr-style editor (Wordstar-compatible)
CARD24.ZIP B 25474 930111 Math-teaching card game for age 9 and up
LETRX11.ZIP B 131053 930116 Boggle clone: Find words in letter matrix
MATHLT13.ZIP B 36006 930123 LILTMATH: A game-like math drill for age 6-12
PHYSIC11.ZIP B 103355 930124 Z & C Software's Physics Tutor v1.1b. EGA/VGA
SAM1993.ZIP B 232933 930129 Balance the fiscal year 1993 US federal budget
STUDY13.ZIP B 15251 930130 Study helper. Asks questions randomly
WSRCH12.ZIP B 11520 930116 Generates scrambled word puzzles
DSPICE0B.ZIP B 182037 930117 128Mb Spice 2g6 circuit simulator. Req 386/387
DSPICE0S.ZIP B 436904 930118 C Sources for Spice 2g6. Req. DJGPP & F2C_LIB0
SIMIC104.ZIP B 1042528 930130 SIMIC logic simulator, student version 1.0.4
Directory PD1:<MSDOS.EZYCOM>
BDAY102.ZIP B 12527 930127 Birthday Message Poster v1.02 for Ezycom BBS
BEST102.ZIP B 19733 930127 Best 1.02. Best user grapher for Ezycom BBS
EBANR102.ZIP B 13450 930127 EzyBanner v1.02: Ezycom file area header maker
EZMGR111.ZIP B 66541 930129 EzyManager v1.11: Ezycom BBS network manager
EZYC103A.ZIP B 37113 930127 EzyChext v1.03a: Ezycom BBS archive conversion
EZYGIF.ZIP B 22475 930127 EzyGif: JPG to GIF converter for Ezycom BBS
FLIST100.ZIP B 22355 930127 Auto adds echos from FIDONET.NA to Ezycom BBS
FSDUMP.ZIP B 6942 930127 Makes 4DOS DESCRIPT.ION from Ezycom files list
FSLN14.ZIP B 70138 930127 Ezycom BBS utility shows last n callers
LOGDL100.ZIP B 9263 930127 Front Door log download counter for Ezycom BBS
LSCAN103.ZIP B 28106 930127 LogScan v1.03: Ezycom log scanner/msg poster
MKRD101.ZIP B 208413 930127 MkRead v1.01 offline message reader for Ezycom
AUTFTP11.ZIP B 12652 930131 Auto get files from OAK using SIMDIR+NSCA FTP
MAILSERV.INF A 3151 930107 List of e-mail servers offering SIMTEL20 files
QUICKREF.LST A 3092 930123 Quick reference list to SIMTEL20's MSDOS dirs
SIM9212.IDX A 28374 930103 Comma-delimited list of December 1992 uploads
SIMIBM.ZIP B 290671 930201 Comma-delim list of all MSDOS files w/descrip.
SIMLIST.ZIP B 284281 930201 Text format list of all MSDOS files w/descrip.
UPLOAD.INF A 1569 930116 How to upload programs to SIMTEL20
UPLOADS.DEC A 26601 930103 List of uploads to SIMTEL20 for December 1992
Directory PD1:<MSDOS.FILUTL>
BVIEW.ZIP B 45753 930121 View binary files in several different formats
CONCT301.ZIP B 57157 930129 Concatenate files incl on multiple floppies
DECODE10.ZIP B 146194 930124 View bytes/words/longs/floats of files as text
PAR230.ZIP B 116841 930107 Data/text import/export/parse/convert utility
SCOPY16.ZIP B 23410 930130 Copy, move, update, break, concatinate files
UUDO11.ZIP B 15238 930130 More flexible uuencode/uudecode for MS-DOS
UUEXE520.ZIP B 33555 930121 R.E. Marks' fast multi-section UU/XX EN/DEcode
XTRV1.ZIP B 151446 930108 Reformats ASCII files by graphical marking
BAM351.ZIP B 218086 930109 Bank Account Manager v3.51: Family finance mgr
Directory PD1:<MSDOS.FOODS>
MCHEFR1A.ZIP B 279823 930120 Recipe, diet & meal management tool. Part 1of2
MCHEFR1B.ZIP B 307690 930120 Recipe, diet & meal management tool. Part 2of2
BK51CD1.ZIP B 233030 930118 Brother's Keeper (v5.1c) Family History, 1of4
BK51CD2.ZIP B 353518 930118 Brother's Keeper (v5.1c) Family History, 2of4
BK51CD3.ZIP B 350458 930118 Brother's Keeper (v5.1c) Family History, 3of4
BK51CD4.ZIP B 343001 930118 Brother's Keeper (v5.1c) Family History, 4of4
BK51CD5.ZIP B 244313 930118 Brother's Keeper (v5.1c) Family History, 5of5
Directory PD1:<MSDOS.GENIE>
ILMP9301.ZIP B 61472 930107 GEnieLamp IBM Online Magazine (Jan 1993)
Directory PD1:<MSDOS.GIF>
GDESK44.ZIP B 45107 930103 View several GIFs at once. Req. VGA w/>=512K
GIFBRT11.ZIP B 12619 930127 Change color byte values of GIFs
GIFXTS.ZIP B 240128 930124 Transforms GIF file to Cross Stitch pattern
Directory PD1:<MSDOS.GNUISH>
GDBM14AS.ZIP B 89315 930126 GNU db lib sources ported to MSC 6.0
Directory PD1:<MSDOS.GRAPH>
GRAFIT20.ZIP B 64859 930114 Graphs functions; solves sys. of inequalities
ALCH161.ZIP B 479523 930118 Image Alchemy v1.6.1 image format conversion
ASH16.ZIP B 13459 930115 Shell for Image Alchemy 1.6 (req. VGA+mouse)
DCVIEW21.ZIP B 257651 930112 High speed JPEG/GIF/BMP view/convert/edit. ASP
EEDRAW24.ZIP B 298063 930104 Electrical Engineering drawing (with layers)
EEDSRC24.ZIP B 208715 930104 C sources for EEDRAW24.ZIP program. TC/BC++
FRCAL035.ZIP B 352319 930116 Fractal drawing program: 15 formulae available
GIF2JPG2.ZIP B 181630 930118 Convert GIF files to JPEG & JPEG files to GIF
MINDIM20.ZIP B 363386 930111 Random Dot Sterogram viewer. VGA required
PBMPL91D.ZIP B 488807 930109 386+ port of Jef Poskanzer's graphics tools
PERSPECT.ZIP B 48245 930111 Generate stereoscopic images from designs. EGA
VESADRV2.ZIP B 81185 930112 VESA TSR graphics drivers. For DCVIEW21.ZIP
Directory PD1:<MSDOS.INFO>
ASP6101.ZIP B 505698 930104 Association of Shareware Professionals catalog
AUTHOR13.ZIP B 15943 930109 List of MS-DOS PD & SW author e-mail addresses
BKACHE56.ZIP B 191371 930124 Tutorial discusses back pain relief
COPRO15A.ZIP B 79055 930115 Article on numeric coprocessors for PCs
DCC9224.ZIP B 144937 930124 List of over 1,000 computer clubs nationwide
EXERCI22.ZIP B 14322 930130 Exercise a file system and show performance
INTER33A.ZIP B 359233 930103 Comprehensive list of interrupt calls, 1of2
INTER33B.ZIP B 302337 930103 Comprehensive list of interrupt calls, 2of2
INTER33C.ZIP B 186800 930103 Conversion/util programs for interrupt list
JAR_2911.ZIP B 516202 930103 Jargon list 2.9.11, computer slang dictionary
LAPTUT58.ZIP B 251964 930124 Laptop Tutorial, tips/tricks for laptop users
MODER20.ZIP B 6563 930127 List of MS-DOS FTP sites and their moderators
PCL57.ZIP B 325317 930124 PC-Learn 5.7: Computer/MS-DOS tutorial system
QWKLAY16.ZIP B 18820 930106 QWK off-line mail format specification
QWKP9301.ZIP B 22011 930106 List of QWK format readers & mail doors
SHAREBK1.ZIP B 293179 930107 The ShareWare Book - First Edition <ASP>
SP120.ZIP B 239036 930124 SmartPhone: International phone/geography ref.
SUT56.ZIP B 48958 930124 Tutorial on how to use and enjoy Shareware
TSFAQ32.ZIP B 107454 930124 T.Salmi: Frequently asked questions & answers
UPD6101.ZIP B 70044 930104 Association of Shareware Professionals updates
USEFUL21.ZIP B 99476 930104 Useful MS-DOS programs at SIMTEL20 and Garbo
Directory PD1:<MSDOS.KERMIT>
MSR31212.PCH A 2553 930114 Patch file for MS-Kermit v3.12 (patches 1-12)
TSR45.ZIP B 84132 930103 TSR Utilities v4.5: Function key macro assign
Directory PD1:<MSDOS.LAN>
CLONE1_1.ZIP B 76213 930108 PC-PC serial directory branch & files transfer
GETOID13.ZIP B 11033 930130 Return Novell Netware object ID
LOCK13.ZIP B 13753 930130 Simple network single application lock
MAIL56.ZIP B 27021 930130 Simple mail facility for Novell Netware
NETBDAY6.ZIP B 20784 930111 Birthday reminder at login for Novell networks
NETTLK23.ZIP B 19353 930130 User talk/chat utility for Novell Netware
PHONET3.ZIP B 15686 930128 Phone chat util. for Novell, works in Windows
TSTFIL14.ZIP B 14883 930130 Test file accessability under many modes
ZIP161.ZIP B 29129 930103 115K bps PC-to-PC serial file transfers!
GREEKCS.ZIP B 33736 930101 Crosby/Schaeffer vocab for GREEKPRC.ZIP
GREEKLUS.ZIP B 12940 930101 Luschnig vocabulary for GREEKPRC.ZIP
GREEKPRC.ZIP B 26228 930101 Greek vocabulary drill 'Flash Card' program
Directory PD1:<MSDOS.LOGO>
MSWEXT30.ZIP B 168239 930114 MswLogo x3.0 extentions kit for Windows 3.0
MSWLGO30.TXT A 8419 930114 Description of MswLogo x3.0 for Windows3.0/3.1
MSWLGO30.ZIP B 542869 930113 MswLogo x3.0: LOGO for Microsoft Windows 3.x
VMAP120.ZIP B 343425 930127 Draws outline maps on many map projections
Directory PD1:<MSDOS.MATH>
ALGBR212.ZIP B 132530 930116 Professor Weissman's Algebra Tutorials
ANALYS32.ZIP B 76181 930120 FFT,wavelets,coherence,filtering,Wigner,graphs
MAFIA2.ZIP B 401209 930114 Complex math calculation utilities package
Directory PD1:<MSDOS.MENU>
MINIMENU.ZIP B 434995 930113 Easy picture menu shell for young children
Directory PD1:<MSDOS.MODEM>
BWAVE212.ZIP B 348642 930103 Blue Wave, offline mail reader, QWK & others
COMMO54.ZIP B 186082 930103 DESQview-aware comm pgm w/macros,ext.protocols
ECOMM225.ZIP B 308631 930117 Comm pgm w/editor/calculator/X/YModem & mouse
NMODM236.ZIP B 135572 930103 NModem protocol driver w/MNP and 16550 support
OFFLI150.ZIP B 135552 930110 Offline v1.50: QWK mail mgr by Harvey Parisien
RBCOM341.ZIP B 126489 930110 DESQview-aware comm prg w/ANSI/VT100/AVATAR
SYSDEAL.ZIP B 3392 930103 Sysop discount deal from US Robotics. 921111
TM400-1.ZIP B 206026 930108 Telemate multi-threading comm prg v4.00, 1of4
TM400-2.ZIP B 207670 930108 Telemate multi-threading comm prg v4.00, 2of4
TM400-3.ZIP B 190952 930108 Telemate multi-threading comm prg v4.00, 3of4
TM400-4.ZIP B 104835 930108 Telemate multi-threading comm prg v4.00, 4of4
WXMDM108.ZIP B 40678 930103 WXModem protocol file transfer module, v1.08
Directory PD1:<MSDOS.MUSIC>
MED135.ZIP B 130459 930125 VGA / 286 analogue MOD (music) editor
PLAY22.ZIP B 16324 930130 Play music and write your own
Directory PD1:<MSDOS.OPUS>
WINK110.ZIP B 124731 930115 QWK mail door for Opus 1.1x, 1.7x, and up
Directory PD1:<MSDOS.PACKET>
KMTRM110.ZIP B 149424 930103 Hams: KAMterm host mode pgm for Kantronics TNC
PAX252.ZIP B 15580 930114 Hams: Resident (TSR) packet radio terminal pgm
Directory PD1:<MSDOS.PCMAG>
VOL12N01.ZIP B 114724 930103 PcMag: Group,Lcase,Memcle,Setmac,Sysmo2,WinTid
VOL12N02.ZIP B 83951 930127 PcMag: Bitfon,Change,Newobj,Procmo,Seegrf
VOL12N03.ZIP B 95126 930127 PcMag:Bitfont2,Exelook,Getpass,Rclick,Sysicons
PCP-EXCH.ZIP B 47848 930103 List of SprintNet (PC Pursuit) outdial cities
Directory PD1:<MSDOS.PGMUTL>
NGASCII.ZIP B 3628 930108 ASCII table in Norton Guide .NG format
PCROB141.ZIP B 111193 930122 Learn programming by writing robot programs
Directory PD1:<MSDOS.PLOT>
PIPER10.ZIP B 56258 930119 Plot Piper diagrams using HP-GL/2 commands
TRIPLT22.ZIP B 62217 930127 Plot ternary diagrams using HP-GL/2 commands
CHN2PSV3.ZIP B 907465 930121 Chinese to Postscript (2 pages on 1 sheet)
PCPS722.ZIP B 89331 930121 Print PC files on postcript printer. (DOS/OS2)
3812PR27.ZIP B 17816 930130 IBM 3812 Pageprinter driver
TPI323B.ZIP B 32433 930108 Professional Source Code Print to PCL Laser
Directory PD1:<MSDOS.QEDIT>
TSQED17.ZIP B 30990 930109 Timo Salmi's utilities for QEdit v2.15 editor
QDPMI101.ZIP B 74347 930107 Quarterdeck's DPMI Host for use with QEMM-386
SRDSK202.ZIP B 55995 930128 Resizeable EMS and XMS RAMDisk capable of >32M
Directory PD1:<MSDOS.RBBS-PC>
MAPL1223.ZIP B 215653 930101 Maple merges for enhancing RBBS-PC 17.4
MPLUS300.ZIP B 362957 930106 Mail Manager +Plus+ 3.00: QWK door for RBBS-PC
Directory PD1:<MSDOS.SCREEN>
ADDRV15R.ZIP B 25166 930122 Advanced Cyrillic drivers for EGA/VGA & keybd.
ADDRV15U.ZIP B 20954 930122 Advanced Ukrainian driver for EGA/VGA & keybd.
CURSOR15.ZIP B 11088 930130 Set cursor shape and style
MARTIN.ZIP B 42022 930111 Fractal graphics screen saver. Req. EGA
NNANS193.ZIP B 70903 930119 Enhanced/fast ANSI.SYS driver/tsr with source
SCRLIT15.ZIP B 35039 930127 SCROLLit 1.5: Screen scrollback buffer utility
PASSW13P.ZIP B 8607 930122 Password device driver for CONFIG.SYS V1.3
PCL10.ZIP B 2052 930115 Program to protect your PC from other people
CONVR301.ZIP B 107055 930129 Convert dBase, ASCII-delim, fixed, 1-2-3
QUICKREF.LST A 3092 930123 Quick reference list to SIMTEL20's MSDOS dirs
UNZ50P1.EXE B 40062 930119 Info-ZIP's free portable UNZIPv5.0p1, EXE/docs
CODEBK11.ZIP B 21047 930108 Convert fixed formatted data into other format
COPYFX11.ZIP B 9130 930108 Rearrange data records, change record lengths
ESTAT21.ZIP B 420317 930118 Statistics and graph-drawing programs
PRFST212.ZIP B 123324 930116 Professor Weissman's Statistics Tutorials
STUNNPC2.ZIP B 530818 930112 STunnPC Magazine for MS-DOS, volume 1, issue 2
Directory PD1:<MSDOS.SYSUTL>
BCLK.ZIP B 6160 930111 Full-screen digital clock. CGA or better req.
DOSNX22.ZIP B 175068 930124 DOSNIX v2.2: Unix-style utilities for MS-DOS
GO220.ZIP B 193829 930124 GO!: Install-archive-from-a-diskette program
PORTTOOL.ZIP B 183837 930118 16 Unix-like tools ported to MS-DOS
Q387_31E.ZIP B 115328 930113 387 math accelerator/coprocessor emulator v3.1
REPEATAT.ZIP B 4989 930119 Periodically repeat DOS commands using AT pgm
SHOWTD26.ZIP B 14155 930130 Show current time/date with many options
SHROOM2D.ZIP B 23225 930123 ShellRoom v2.0d: Swap program from MEM to disk
TSTSR15.ZIP B 54917 930105 TSR pgms noboot/reslock/timedown/timeup, etc.
XTNDPTH2.ZIP B 28116 930122 Extend MS-DOS (4.01 & up) PATH length, w/C src
DEMOS301.ZIP B 259504 930129 Create tutorials, demos, menu systems, etc.
TPRO2_01.ZIP B 60644 930105 Teacher's aid for creating classroom tests
Directory PD1:<MSDOS.TELIX>
SLRN_200.ZIP B 40511 930110 SALT learn utility, script creator for Telix
TLXMRG10.ZIP B 9685 930129 Merges two Telix phone directories together
ASIG9301.ZIP B 1389 930131 Additonal virus signatures for TBAV, Jan 1993
CLEAN100.ZIP B 221061 930127 CLEAN-UP 9.12V100 cleans viruses from PC & LAN
HS32.ZIP B 29296 930104 Boot sector Virus detection and repair program
MSG_912.ZIP B 75118 930127 Foreign language support files for McAfee 9.12
NETSC100.ZIP B 196719 930127 NETSCAN 9.12V100 scans LAN's for viruses
SCANV100.ZIP B 205916 930127 VIRUSCAN 9.12V100 scans PC's for viruses
TBAV503.ZIP B 257748 930131 Thunderbyte anti-virus pgms; req. VSIGxxyy.ZIP
TBAVU503.ZIP B 70230 930131 Thunderbyte anti-virus pgm, upgrade 5.02->5.03
VALIDATE.ZIP B 9771 930103 Validating information for Virus checkers 9212
VSHLD100.ZIP B 128798 930127 VSHIELD5.21V100 virus infection prevention TSR
VSIG9301.ZIP B 31505 930131 Virus signatures for TBAV/HTSCAN - Jan 1993
VTEC46C.ZIP B 107078 930103 Virus Terminus 4.6c, McAfee scan front-end
WSCAN100.ZIP B 259855 930127 WSCAN V100 Windows 3.x version of VIRUSCAN
BBSKT20E.ZIP B 138878 930121 BBS/door programmer's tookit for TP6.0+
BP7BUGS1.ZIP B 16045 930113 Unofficial Turbo/Borland Pascal 7.0 bug list
GTMOUS10.ZIP B 70937 930127 Graph mouse in TEXT mode for TVision, OPRO etc
PSDIR101.ZIP B 6159 930108 Turbo Pascal 6 directory functions (source/NG)
PSDSM103.ZIP B 4585 930128 Get more than 64 kb heap in Turbo Pascal 6
PSGUI130.ZIP B 51892 930105 Powerful graphics library for Turbo Pascal 6
PSLST100.ZIP B 6506 930108 List functions for Turbo Pascal 6
PSPPD100.ZIP B 28309 930108 Database functions for Turbo Pascal 6
PSSTK101.ZIP B 5699 930108 Stack functions for Turbo Pascal 6
PSSTR102.ZIP B 12815 930108 String/keyboard functions for Turbo Pascal 6
PSXMH103.ZIP B 9052 930128 XMS heap control for Turbo Pascal 6
TI01.ZIP B 77159 930115 HyperSource utility for Turbo Pascal 6
TP6BUGS7.ZIP B 30661 930113 Unofficial Turbo Pascal 6.0 bug list
TPBEAU32.ZIP B 16404 930130 Prepare Turbo Pascal 5.5 code for output
TPXMS.ZIP B 15055 930112 XMS access for Turbo Pascal
TSPA3170.ZIP B 104623 930124 TP7.0 real mode units for programmers, T.Salmi
TURTLE10.ZIP B 30150 930108 Allow old TP3 Turtle graphics in any BGI mode
Directory PD1:<MSDOS.TXTUTL>
ADD301.ZIP B 44753 930129 Add up a column of numbers in a text file
BFIND301.ZIP B 93960 930129 Boolean FIND command (BFIND BEGIN & END)
BOXIT-10.ZIP B 30535 930126 Quickly add boxes & lines to your text files
CHANG301.ZIP B 58521 930129 Change strings in text files
CHANGE17.ZIP B 16992 930130 Change text in one or more files
FIXCH301.ZIP B 49508 930129 Replace non-printable ASCII codes
MANPRINT.ZIP B 6089 930127 Simple Unix man page reformatter for MS-DOS
MULCO301.ZIP B 67433 930129 Multicolumn text with headers, dBase supported
NGRJ160.ZIP B 23026 930108 Text justifier, ideal for .NG compiling
OFF_09.ZIP B 37741 930112 OFF: A simple text formatter
READ301.ZIP B 192678 930129 Free viewer, also make any text self-viewing
RPSORT.ZIP B 57978 930124 Fast sort very large files. Multiple sort keys
SEE212.ZIP B 97840 930124 View/print/publish/organize files
STYPE27.ZIP B 16518 930130 Display files contents with many options
TAKE1301.ZIP B 45309 930129 Take1st: Remove duplicates in a text file
TRAN05.ZIP B 21487 930123 Windows and DOS prog to cnvrt string <-> ascii
TYPBCK13.ZIP B 12958 930130 Type a log file line by line backwards
UNDIGEST.C A 6676 930127 Break down newsletter digests to individ. msgs
Directory PD1:<MSDOS.UUCP>
TMAIL116.ZIP B 147814 930119 Threaded Mail/News shell for UUPC & Waffle
SETVPI17.ZIP B 13217 930130 Change default directory in VP.INF
Directory PD1:<MSDOS.VISCII>
VIETDM10.ZIP B 63305 930114 Multi-font dot-matrix formatting & printing
VISC11PS.ZIP B 374638 930120 VISCII and VIQR 1.1 standards, in PostScript
VISCII11.ZIP B 81512 930120 VISCII and VIQR 1.1 standards, in VISCII
VLASER2A.ZIP B 77726 930114 Multi-font Laserjet formatting & printing
Directory PD1:<MSDOS.WAFFLE>
VAC162.ZIP B 16086 930103 VACation: Automatic reply to email, for Waffle
W165PEG5.ZIP B 77659 930111 Pmail UDG kit for Waffle 1.65. Pmail<->uucp
Directory PD1:<MSDOS.WINDOWS3>
ADSLID10.ZIP B 17027 930126 256-color BMP slide show for After Dark 2.0
DUMPER31.ZIP B 48635 930123 Dump files to printer from Windows 3.1
DVIWIN20.ZIP B 177779 930122 TeX DVI viewer and printer under MS-Windows3.x
EW102.ZIP B 501809 930130 E!: Windows 3.1 text editor for programmers
MDLLATI.ZIP B 35298 930117 Win. MPEG player DLL file for ATI/unsup. SVGA
MDLLCIR.ZIP B 35351 930117 Win. MPEG player DLL file for Cirrus 640x480
MDLLCPQ.ZIP B 35295 930117 Win. MPEG player DLL file for Compaq Q-Vision
MDLLCR8.ZIP B 35357 930117 Win. MPEG player DLL file for Cirrus 800x600
MDLLS3.ZIP B 35353 930117 Win. MPEG player DLL file for S3
MDLLS38.ZIP B 35455 930117 Win. MPEG player DLL file for S3-805, 256 clr
MDLLS3H.ZIP B 37121 930117 Win. MPEG player DLL file for S3 - 64k colors
MDLLTRI.ZIP B 35325 930117 Win. MPEG player DLL file for Trident 8900
MDLLTSG.ZIP B 35487 930117 Win. MPEG player DLL file for Tseng ET4000
MDLLV7.ZIP B 35341 930117 Win. MPEG player DLL file for Video 7
MDLLWD.ZIP B 35284 930117 Win. MPEG player DLL file for Western Digital
MEW11.ZIP B 105166 930117 MicroEmacs 3.11c Port to Windows (EXE package)
MEWH11.ZIP B 162651 930117 MicroEmacs 3.11c Port to Windows (help file)
MEWR11.ZIP B 107305 930117 MicroEmacs 3.11c Source for Help files
MEWS11.ZIP B 281507 930117 MicroEmacs 3.11c Port to Windows - C sources
MPEGEXE.ZIP B 109560 930117 Win. 3.1 MPEG player for any SVGA w/256 colors
PBBSW200.ZIP B 397653 930113 PowerBBS for version 2.00 for Windows 3.1
PIXCH020.ZIP B 17335 930111 WIN3: Bitmap to ASCII conv. (VBRUN200.DLL req)
PMAN151.ZIP B 449296 930111 True color image editor for MS Windows 3.x
PRTY13D1.ZIP B 353190 930130 Parity 1.3 Win3.x stock charting. Req PRTY13D2
PRTY13D2.ZIP B 347439 930130 Parity 1.3 Win3.x stock charting. Req PRTY13D1
TIP151-2.ZIP B 53493 930129 Win3.1 Wastebasket to use with AppBar, v1.51.2
TYPSE_14.ZIP B 12160 930131 WPWin macro, improves typesetting of documents
UC-31.ZIP B 452779 930129 Unicom 3.1 communication program for Windows3
UUCODE20.ZIP B 150658 930128 Multi-part UUencode/UUdecode for Windows 3.x
WAVUTL11.ZIP B 84618 930128 WIN3: Wave Utilities, loop and play WAV files
WDASM13.ZIP B 88098 930116 WDASM: Disassembles Windows executables & DLLs
WGREEK17.ZIP B 351488 930123 Greek-Hebrew Fonts/Accenter/Conv CCAT for Win3
WINCLOCK.ZIP B 15935 930131 Puts a clock in Windows 3.x caption bar
WINJP200.ZIP B 261995 930127 JPEG/TARGA/GIF/BMP viewer/converter for WIN3.x
WNBFF14.ZIP B 15566 930102 Windows 3.x mail notification for UUPC, Waffle
WUNA221.ZIP B 140163 930114 WIN3: Windows UnArchive v2.21, handles ZIP/ARJ
XCALC112.ZIP B 124512 930129 WIN3: Dec/Cmplx/Hex/Oct/Bin RPN calculator
XSTIT20.ZIP B 97408 930114 Cross-Stitch pattern designer for Windows 3.1
BOOKBLD1.ZIP B 146235 930113 Bookbild v1.0 Pamphlet Publisher for WP5.1
GCATWP21.ZIP B 143705 930113 WP51 macros for printing graphics catalogs
LTRHEAD2.ZIP B 169660 930113 The Letterhead Kit v2.0 for WordPerfect 5.1
LTRWIN21.ZIP B 160060 930113 The Letterhead Kit v2.1 for WP/Windows 5.1/5.2
Directory PD1:<MSDOS.WPJ-MAG>
WPJV1N1.ZIP B 37454 930104 Windows Programmer's Journal Vol. 1 No. 1
Directory PD1:<MSDOS.ZIP>
BLDZIP10.ZIP B 32011 930117 Program builds a ZIP file to any wanted size
PK2BUGS.ZIP B 1454 930116 List of bugs in PKZIP 2.04c. Beware!
UNZ50P1.EXE B 40062 930119 Info-ZIP's free portable UNZIPv5.0p1, EXE/docs
UNZ50P1.ZIP B 240282 930115 C src code for free Unix/VMS/MS-DOS/etc. UNZIP
ZDIR18.ZIP B 29420 930127 ZIP dir (multicol,wildcard,-v verbose)
ZGREP30.ZIP B 20015 930110 Search/extract ZIP files w/regular expressions
ZIPCVT14.ZIP B 6050 930110 Convert ZIP files to PKZIP 2.x format
ZIPVU124.ZIP B 37190 930110 View text/graphics & execute files inside ZIPs
ZTEC62C.ZIP B 69508 930103 Zip Terminus v6.2c: Front-end for PKZIP
ZZAP66A.ZIP B 108254 930110 Convert archive types, test integrity/virus
SIMTEL20 allows only nine ANONYMOUS FTP logins during weekday prime
time, 5am to 3pm Mountain Time (GMT-7), but 27 otherwise.
SIMTEL20 files are also available by anonymous ftp from mirror sites
OAK.Oakland.Edu (, wuarchive.wustl.edu (,
ftp.uu.net (, nic.funet.fi (, src.doc.ic.ac.uk
(, nic.switch.ch (, archie.au (,
nctuccca.edu.tw (, by e-mail through the BITNET/EARN file
servers, or by uucp from UUNET's 1-900-GOT-SRCS. See UUNET file
uunet!~/info/archive-help for details.
OAK.Oakland.Edu is the most up-to-date mirror because I maintain it,
in addition to my duties at SIMTEL20. I run OAK's mirror program
whenever new files are added at SIMTEL20.
If you cannot access them via FTP or e-mail, most SIMTEL20 MSDOS
files, including the PC-Blue collection, are also available for
downloading from Detroit Download Central (313) 885-3956. DDC
has multiple lines which support 300/1200/2400/9600/14400 bps
(103/212/V22bis/HST/V32bis/V42bis/MNP). This is a subscription system
with an average hourly cost of 17 cents. It is also accessable on
Telenet via PC Pursuit and on Tymnet via StarLink outdial. New files
uploaded to SIMTEL20 are usually available on DDC within 24 hours.
Public, private or corporate institutions and libraries interested in
the SIMTEL20 MS-DOS collection in CD-ROM format bundled with library
card-catalog type access and duplication software can contact Coyote
Data, Ltd. by mail at 1142 N. Main, Rochester, MI 48307 or by FAX at
(313) 651-4071. Others who do not need the access and duplication
software should send e-mail to: rab@cdrom.com (Robert Bruce), telephone
(800) 786-9907 or (510) 947-5996, or FAX (510) 947-1644 for details on
his CD-ROM offer.
Keith Petersen
Maintainer of the MS-DOS archive at WSMR-SIMTEL20.Army.Mil []
Co-SysOp, Detroit Download Central 313-885-3956 (V22bis/HST/V32bis/V42bis/MNP)
Internet: w8sdz@TACOM-EMH1.Army.Mil or w8sdz@vela.acs.oakland.edu
Uucp: uunet!umich!vela!w8sdz BITNET: w8sdz@OAKLAND