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- Date: Friday, 15 March 1985
- From: Harald Striepe
- Re: Use of IBM PC-DOS \"EXEC\" function call
- > Does anyone have any experience with the use of PCDOS functions
- > (INT 21H) I have been trying to figure out how to use the "Exec"
- > function 4Bh and have been having no success.
- >
- > Would someone who has used this function call please let me know what
- > the secret is. A copy of a simple program using the call would
- > help also.
- >
- > Brian
- The key is to release the memory not used by your calling program.
- MS-DOS appears to allocate all memory to the current application until
- it is properly notified. Below is an example program. Note that this
- worked on a Rainbow, but should also function on any other PC with
- MS-DOS V2 or higher.
- --------------------------- cut here ---------------------------------
- PAGE 56,132
- TITLE Exec Call Test- Call COMMAND.COM SHELL to do Directory (.EXE file)
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ; ;
- ; Loads COMMAND.COM, and executes a directory on default drive. ;
- ; ;
- ; Based on a shell example by Brian Markey. ;
- ; Note: This example does not do any error checking!!! ;
- ; ;
- ; Author: H. Striepe 8/84 ;
- ; ;
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- MSDOS EQU 021h ;MS-DOS interrupt
- Print EQU 009h ; func: print string terminated with $
- ModMem EQU 04ah ; modify allocated memory
- Exec EQU 04bh ; load and execute program
- TermProc EQU 04ch ; terminate process
- Stacklen EQU 128 ;Size of program stack
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- code SEGMENT PARA 'codeseg'
- ASSUME CS:code,SS:stack,DS:data,ES:nothing
- Start: ; Program entry point
- MOV AX,SEG data ; load data seg pointer
- MOV DS,AX ; .
- MOV AH,Print ; Print "Before shell"
- MOV DX,OFFSET mess1 ; .
- INT MSDOS ; ..
- ; MS-DOS allocates all available memory to a program upon loading,
- ; we first have to deallocate all unused memory using function 4Ah.
- ; ES := point to PSB (default after load)
- ; BX := current program size in paragraphs
- ; Note: If on calling function 4Ah ES: is not equal to the PSB MS-DOS
- ; allocated on loading, an ARENA TRASHED error will result.
- ; ES: still points to PSB, calculate memory required for calling
- ; routine:
- MOV BX,OFFSET end+256 ; code space+PSP
- ADD BX,stacklen ; + stackspace
- ADD BX,OFFSET lastloc+15 ; + data space
- MOV CX,4 ; in
- SHR BX,CL ; paragraphs
- XOR AL,AL ; Deallocate unused memory
- MOV AH,Modmem ; .
- INT MSDOS ; ..
- ; In case of error, carry would be set.
- ; Error codes in AX: 7=> arena trashed
- ; 8=> not enough memory
- ; 9=> invalid block
- MOV SI,2CH ; Get environment address
- MOV AX,ES:[SI] ; from PSP+2CH
- MOV WORD PTR parmblk,AX ; .
- MOV DX,OFFSET filenam ; Set up exec call
- PUSH DS ; .
- POP ES ; ..
- MOV BX,OFFSET parmblk ; ...
- XOR AL,AL ; ....
- MOV AH,Exec ; .....
- PUSH DS ; Save machine state
- PUSH ES ; .
- MOV CS:savess,SS ; ..
- MOV CS:savesp,SP ; ...
- INT MSDOS ; Shell to DOS
- ; In case of error, carry would be set.
- ; Error codes in AX: 1=> invalid function
- ; 2=> file not found
- ; 8=> not enough memory
- ; 10=> bad environment
- ; 11=> bad format
- MOV SP,CS:savesp ; Restore machine state
- MOV SS,CS:savess ; .
- POP ES ; ..
- POP DS ; ...
- MOV AH,Print ; Print "After shell"
- MOV DX,OFFSET mess2 ; .
- INT MSDOS ; ..
- MOV AH,TermProc ; Terminate process
- XOR AL,AL ; . no error...
- INT MSDOS ; ..
- savess DW ? ; Holders for SS:SP
- savesp DW ? ; .
- end:
- code ENDS
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- stack SEGMENT PARA STACK 'stackseg'
- DB Stacklen DUP (?) ; Stack
- stack ENDS
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- data SEGMENT PARA 'dataseg'
- mess1 DB 'Before shell',0DH,0AH,'$' ; Program messages
- mess2 DB 'After shell',0DH,0AH,'$' ; ..
- filenam DB '\command.com',0 ; Load filename
- parmblk DW 00 ; Parameter block
- DD comline ; .
- DD fcb_one ; ..
- DD fcb_two ; ...
- comline DB 07H,'/C dir ',0DH ; Command line
- ; The following are two full fcb's
- db 0ffh ;flag byte, extended fcb
- db 5 dup (0) ;reserved
- db (0) ;attribute
- fcb_one db 0 ;drive number
- db " " ;filename
- db " " ;extension
- dw 0 ;current block
- dw 0 ;record size
- dd 0 ;file size
- dw 0 ;date of last write
- dw 0 ;time of last write
- db 8 dup (0) ;reserved
- db 0 ;current record
- dd 0 ;relative record
- db 0ffh ;flag byte, extended fcb
- db 5 dup (0) ;reserved
- db (0) ;attribute
- fcb_two db 0 ;drive number
- db " " ;filename
- db " " ;extension
- dw 0 ;current block
- dw 0 ;record size
- dd 0 ;file size
- dw 0 ;date of last write
- dw 0 ;time of last write
- db 8 dup (0) ;reserved
- db 0 ;current record
- dd 0 ;relative record
- lastloc LABEL BYTE ; End of program
- data ENDS
- END start