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- ;NEWBELL 2-24-83 by Jim Keesey, 2945 Sandra Pl., Palo Alto, CA 94303
- ; changes 2-25-83 by J. R. Celoni, S.J.
- ; DOS 3.0 bugs fixed 1-25-85 by Hal Sampson
- ;Run after boot to change DOS (not Basic) bell tone and length.
- ; (Should be converted to .COM by EXE2BIN)
- note_length equ 1311 ;length (ms) * 131.072
- note equ 0a98h ;2712 = 1193180. / 440Hz
- cseg segment public 'code'
- assume cs:cseg,ds:cseg
- org 100h
- start proc far
- jmp initial
- start endp
- even
- video_io dd 0
- new_bell proc near
- sti ;enable
- cmp ah,0eh ;tty mode?
- jz nb1 ;yes
- vid: jmp cs:video_io ;goto rom
- nb1: cmp al,7 ;bell?
- jnz vid ;no, let rom do it
- ;see IBM Tech. Ref. Man. p. A-18: BEEP & ERR_BEEP
- ;
- cli ;MUST disable
- push ax
- push cx
- mov al,0b6h ;sel tim 2,lsb,msb,binary
- out 43h,al ;set up timer chip
- mov ax,note ;get note
- out 42h,al ;write timer 2 count: lsb...
- mov al,ah
- out 42h,al ;...and msb
- in al,61h
- mov ah,al ;save current port setting
- or al,3
- out 61h,al ;turn spkr on
- mov cx,note_length ;64K = 500 ms
- here: loop here ;delay
- mov al,ah
- out 61h,al ;restore port setting
- pop cx
- pop ax
- sti ;enable
- iret
- resident_end equ $+1 ;(end of code +1 for int 27H)
- new_bell endp
- initial proc near
- cli
- lds si,int10vect ;int10 = video i/o
- lea di,video_io
- movsw
- movsw ;save old trap location
- lea ax,new_bell
- mov word ptr [si-4],ax ;store new trap loc...
- mov word ptr [si-2],cs ;...& code seg
- lea dx,resident_end
- int 27h ;terminate & stay resident
- initial endp
- int10vect dd 40H ;address of int10 vector
- cseg ends
- end start