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- Date: Wednesday, 21 Aug 1985 16:37:04-PDT
- From: mitton%beorn.DEC@decwrl.ARPA
- Subject: Interrupt Driver Async I/O
- Everything You wanted to know about PC Async Comm, but were afraid to ask....
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- A few months back I sent in a note asking for help about how to do reliable
- interrupt driven communications using the IBM PC async comm port. Now I
- know more than you may want to hear. But I would like to share my knowledge
- with the net to help out the adventurous, and expose some of the problems that
- make it so difficult, so that these situations might not get designed into
- to future products. Scattered though out this message are some of my own
- editorial comments in [square brackets].
- - The UART used in the IBM PC family is the Western Digital 8250 and friends
- (recently the National Semi 8250B, and the 14650 in the AT). This UART is
- single buffered. There is only one receive character buffer to store a byte
- in while the next byte is being assembled in the shift register. This
- means that you have only ONE CHARACTER TIME (on average) to process that byte
- before the next one wipes it out (an overrun).
- I bet you thought your AT adapter card or AST Advantage has an 8250B on it?
- The IBM PC-AT Tech Reference manual doesn't say what the chip is (unlike the
- XT) or that it is different until you look at the schematic.
- Surprise! Look again, its a NS 14650. National describes the chip on the
- same sheet as the 8250B. It seems to be functionally identical, but with
- a faster access time. Unfortunately, it is still not fast enough for the
- '286. Read IBM's ISV notes on avoiding doing back-to-back I/O references
- to the same chip so as to not violate chip access speeds.
- [ Modern UARTs should have at least a 4 character FIFO.
- This makes for less interrupt latency problems and more reliability]
- [Also better baud rate generators and dividers are available
- these days. 19.2k should be easily and accurately supported.]
- - Next I did the following rough instruction budget. An IBM PC-XT is an
- 8088 running at 4.77Mhz,
- 1 clock cycle = 210ns
- 1 memory reference = 4 clock cycles = 840ns
- 1 average instruction = 4 memory refs = 3360ns
- 1 second / ( 3360ns / avg ins) ~= 297,619 avg ins/sec
- 9600 bps = 960 cps
- (297,619 avg ins/sec) / 960 cps = 310 avg ins / char
- Now that's only for half duplex! Halve that for full duplex load.
- And don't forgot to subtract for the time PC memory refresh uses.
- It becomes rather clear that the interrupt service code path must be as short
- as possible. At least less than 150 instructions average.
- Now you may want to quibble with my assumption of 4 clocks/average instruction.
- Truth be known, I made it up. Everything I see indicates that on an 8088
- the average is more than that, and knowing that makes this estimate seem
- optimistic.
- On the AT, things get much better because the 16 bit bus causes more to happen
- in fewer cycles.
- [ Now do understand why a FIFO is needed?]
- [ My code on a Rainbow (with a 3 char FIFO UART) code was written in C
- (including interrupt service) and worked fine after first debugged it]
- - Now if this isn't bad enough, lets toss in a interrupt handling problem:
- The IBM PC 8259 Interrupt Controller is programmed in the BIOS to be edge-
- sensitive. The 8250 seems to supply edges properly, except when there may
- be multiple interrupts to service (ie: a full duplex receive complete and
- transmit complete at the same time). Now this behavior is not documented
- on any spec sheet I've seen, (usually because they don't tell you what happens
- in this case) but rumor has it that National changed the 8250B
- (and the 14650) so that it does not toggle the interrupt line when presenting
- such stacked interrupts. It is unknown whether the WD 8250 does the same.
- But the existence of said crock, has been experimentally verified many times.
- It is discussed thoroughly but sadly inconclusively in the file EDGES.INT.
- [ could someone get the UART people to fess up in writing?]
- [ also, tell them not to do it again!]
- - Okay, so what do you do? Well, you have to write your interrupt service
- routines as a loop, servicing the UART until all pending interrupts have
- been handled and you won't lose an interrupt edge. The COMPKG2 and the
- MIT PC/IP service routines do a good job, but they have some flaws.
- 1) They recheck the UART status by reading the LSR at the bottom of the loop.
- Since reading the LSR register will reset any pending receive error conditions,
- you could easily lose notification of an overrun, framing, or parity error.
- It is much better to re-read the ISR instead, because it serializes the
- the highest priority current status.
- 2) You should EOI the 8259 interrupt controller at the beginning or in
- the middle of the service loop. Notice that the 8250 clears the interrupt
- condition upon servicing (reading or writing) the appropriate register.
- If you EOI afterwards, then there is a window in which an interrupt may
- arise from the UART, but get dismissed when you clear the interrupt controller.
- Another bug to avoid, which I made once myself, is: do not break the loop
- in the character processing. The routine will hang with a unserviced interrupt
- pending on the UART and no more edges to trigger the 8259. (unless you
- implement the timer described below)
- The proper loop as I coded it is as follows:
- send EOI to 8259
- loop:
- read IIR
- switch(IIR)
- {
- iret;
- case XMIT_READY:
- send next char;
- break;
- case RECV_READY:
- receive and buffer char;
- break;
- record error condition;
- break;
- record state change;
- break;
- }
- goto loop
- Note:
- - EOI done outside the loop may generate extra nop interrupts,
- if no stacked interrupt, but one arrives during a long service path.
- An inside the loop EOI eliminates this but adds more code to the loop.
- - Great, so-far-so-good. What could screw us up? Well, I forgot to mention
- that what I was writing was a device driver and it runs in the background
- on the async ports. Because we are not dealing with a big system with
- device allocation concepts, there are all sorts of DOS programs and
- utilities that can stomp on your comm port. The MODE command will
- do you in, especially if you forget to take the command out of your AUTOEXEC
- [took me a month to figure that one out]. BASICA grabs the comm port.
- Even Symphony thinks that it can grab the comm port for it's terminal emulator,
- unless you do their not-well documented re-configuration procedure.
- [software writers: please don't assume that the UART is available!]
- - Another program that caused us to lose, was PROKEY. It had hooked on to
- Interrupt 1C, the user clock tick handler, which we were using too, and spent
- soooo much time on it, that our timing just totally screwed up. This was
- finally solved when we fixed another problem below.
- [Be careful of doing to much on the clock tick. It could screw up someone
- else.]
- - One thing that I did to add some robustness to all this (and find some bugs)
- was to add a timer scheme. Essentially, whenever I started a transmission
- or reception of a message, I initialized a word to a nonzero timeout value.
- A clock tick routine decremented the cell, if nonzero, and if it went to
- zero, reset it and faked an interrupt to the service routine. This feature
- allowed the code to recover (as opposed to hanging forever) from lost
- interrupts and errant MODE commands. Hopefully, this should never happen.
- But it did at first, and a trace of the current state helped.
- [real disasters give you first hand experience on how to defensively program.]
- - Now the device service looks good, but I still am getting overruns at 7200
- and 9600. So I thought some more about where the time goes in the CPU.
- Another way that you lose CPU instructions is to other interrupt service
- routines and code sections that disable interrupts. Unfortunately,
- unlike a VAX, we don't have the multiple IPL levels to synchronize CPU
- threads without shutting out device service.
- In my driver there are 3 levels of synchronization that use interrupt
- locking around cross-level queue operations. Unfortunately, the interrupt
- locking queue function was the default even for queue operations in the
- same level. A better analysis of interrupt locking and necessary
- synchronization lead to fewer and shorter interrupt disabled code sections
- and a much better performance level. I have now even figured out a better
- semaphore interlock with the interrupt service routine that will eliminate
- even more interrupt disabled code.
- [Interrupt latency on the 8086 architecture is precious!
- You must try to minimize all interrupt disabled code paths.]
- [Another reason to have a FIFO in the UART!]
- - Finally, I had done almost all I could think of; I had tweaked the
- interrupt service loop, bummed the code paths to a minimum, and was still
- getting overruns on the XT. I still had this feeling that they might be
- systematic, so I put a little code in the overrun routine that recorded
- the segment and offset of the code interrupted just before the overrun
- was serviced. A higher level monitor printed it out. I was perplexed
- because it was always the same: FE00:FEEA I had sort of expected to
- find some code that had just done a STI, but instead I was staring at the
- stack cleanup code for the clock tick service in the ROM BIOS. (below)
- FEA5 FB STI ;Interrupts back on
- .... push regs, increment DOS time in RAM, turn off floppies...
- FEE3 CD1C INT 1CH ;Transfer control to a user routine
- FEE7 E620 OUT 020H,AL ;End of interrupt to 8259
- FEEB 1F POP DS ;Restore machine state
- Walking back up the code, I don't see anything unusual. Wait a minute!
- Why are we finally EOI'ing the 8259 after the INT 1C, when we STI'ed back
- at entry? Oh, that's to make sure that we don't reenter huh? Well what
- about the 8259 all the time that the INT 1C handlers were running?
- Yes folks, The Single Serializing Priority Interrupt Controller has been
- blocked the entire time. This was preventing any other device interrupt
- service during the clock tick handling. Initially, the 1C handler is
- an IRET, and it's okay. But in practice, my driver and other things were
- on there with a substantial total code path, almost guaranteeing lossage.
- My fix to this BIOS crock, had to replace the entire interrupt 08 routine,
- since it dispatches the interrupt 1C and has that EOI in the end.
- I wrote the following code in MWC assembler that handled problem of reentrancy
- as well:
- / Interrupt 08 Handler
- / This routine *REPLACES* the IBM PC BIOS interrupt handler for the
- / clock frequency interrupt. It *MUST* be loaded into the system before
- / any other Int 08h user.
- / We must replace the BIOS routine because it has a nasty bug in that
- / it does not reset the 8259 Interrupt Controller until the Int 1Ch Handler(s)
- / are done. This effectively locks interrupts for the entire period.
- / Chaining to the original handler would not work.
- /
- TIMER_LOW = 0x006C
- TIMER_HIGH = 0x006E
- TIMER_OFL = 0x0070
- MOTOR_COUNT = 0x0040
- .shri
- ticks: .word 0 / ticks flag
- .globl cex_clock_
- cex_clock_: / Timer interrupt entry point
- push ds
- push ax
- push dx
- mov ax, $0x40 / set BIOS DATA segment value
- mov ds, ax
- inc TIMER_LOW / Increment BIOS Time of day
- jnz T4
- T4:
- cmp TIMER_HIGH, $0x18
- jnz T5
- cmp TIMER_LOW, $0xB0
- jnz T5
- sub ax, ax
- mov TIMER_HIGH, ax
- mov TIMER_LOW, ax
- movb TIMER_OFL, $1
- T5: / Test for diskette timeout
- jnz T6
- andb MOTOR_STATUS, $0xF0
- movb al, $0x0C
- mov dx, $0x03F2
- outb dx, al
- T6: /New code starts here----
- movb al, $0x20 / reset 8259 Interrupt Controller
- outb 0x20, al / this allows other interrupts to queue
- inc cs:ticks / increment tick semphore
- cmp cs:ticks, $1 /is it the first time?
- jne T8 /No, just leave
- T7: pushf /fake interrupt call to local routine
- cli /
- push cs /
- call cex_clicker / giving us first priority
- int 0x1c / call everyone else
- cli / disable interrupts, if reenabled
- dec cs:ticks / check if others came in
- jnz T7 / yes, do it again
- T8: pop dx / restore state
- pop ax
- pop ds
- iret / exit interrupt service
- This routine also solved the PROKEY problem mentioned above, since
- I hooked my driver directly in the clock tick chain before anyone else.
- The 4 instructions after T7 can be removed, and this can be used as a
- general purpose Int 08 handler replacement. After installing this,
- I noticed that my polygon terminal emulator no longer gets overruns either.
- There may be some 1C clock tick users that would be upset by the change,
- but I haven't found one yet. (Even the PC Network tolerates it)
- Another way to work around this problem, if you don't need priority over
- the 1C handlers, is to hook Int 08, call it and wait for it to return.
- There are probably yet another way around this problem, but this seems the
- cleanest to me.
- [DOS needs better clock tick services!]
- [and don't hog them!]
- Dave Mitton, DECnet-DOS Development.
- Arpa: mitton%olorin.DEC@decwrl.ARPA
- Usenet: decwrl!dec-rhea!dec-olorin!mitton
- /opinions expressed here are mine, although DEC might feel likewise/
- Posted: Wed 21-Aug-1985 19:33 Eastern Standard Time, Tewksbury, Mass.
- To: RHEA::DECWRL::"info-ibmpc@usc-isib.arpa"