Simtel MSDOS 1992 December
Assembly Source File
96 lines
tech.notes/pc.code #29, from pmaupin, 3407 chars, Sat Jun 4 22:40:45 1988
TITLE: Finding DOS's master environment pointer
This is a fragment of code that my SD.COM program uses to find
the environment. This fragment is different than most ways of
finding the environment, in that it finds the MASTER environment block,
not the current process's parent's environment.
This is useful in some cases, and has the added advantage that
it does NOT behave differently when executing under CodeView,
so you do NOT have to hard-code your system's DOS environment address
into your program in order to debug it.
EnvPtr EQU 2CH ; Offset in PSP
CommandInterrupt EQU 2EH ; entry point into first Command.Com
; through interpreter
DosSegPtr EQU CommandInterrupt * 4 + 2
; FindEnvironment is passed:
; DS should point to program PSP
; FindEnvironment returns:
; ES points to master environment block, or program's copy if couldn't
; find the master.
; CX is length of block, or 0 if couldn't find the master.
; FindEnvironment destroys:
; AX, SI
FindEnvironment PROC NEAR
xor si,si ; Point to segment 0
mov es,si
mov si, word ptr es:[DosSegPtr]
mov ax,si
call VerifyBlock ; make sure we've found COMMAND
jnz GotBlock ; jump if not a good block --
; use process's environment
mov ax,es:[EnvPtr+10h] ; get COMMAND's environment ptr
or ax,ax ; jump if COMMAND has a
jnz MaybeGoodBlock ; subsidiary environment
mov ax,si ; If no subsidiary, just use
add ax,cx ; the allocation block
inc ax ; immediately after COMMAND
MaybeGoodBlock: call VerifyBlock ; verify that we have a good
; one, one way or another
shl cx,1 ; multiply by 16 to get
shl cx,1 ; length in bytes
shl cx,1
shl cx,1
mov es,ax
; VerifyBlock tries to insure that we're pointing to a valid DOS
; allocation block. If not, returns the current process's environment
; block.
VerifyBlock PROC NEAR
dec ax ; get block header into ES
mov es,ax
inc ax
cmp byte ptr es:[0],04Dh ; make sure signature is valid
jnz UseCurrent
cmp word ptr es:[1],si ; make sure owner is valid
jnz UseCurrent
mov cx, word ptr es:[3] ; retrieve the length
UseCurrent: mov ax,word ptr ds:[EnvPtr] ; get current process's env
xor cx,cx ; zero length
VerifyBlock ENDP
FindEnvironment ENDP
So far, this seems to work. I would welcome any feedback on its
efficacy, but if the feedback is negative, please give the DOS version
and a detailed problem description. Thanks,