Simtel MSDOS 1992 December
111 lines
;;; -*- Mode: LISP -*- Syntax: AutoLISP (C) Benjamin Olasov 1988
;;; environment writing function **Release 9**
;;; -*- Mode: LISP -*- Syntax: AutoLISP (C) Benjamin Olasov 1988, 1989
;;; File: SV-ENV.LSP Copyright (C) Benjamin Olasov Graphic Systems, Inc. ;;;
;;; Inquiries: ;;;
;;; ;;;
;;; Benjamin Olasov ;;;
;;; Graphic Systems, Inc.: ;;;
;;; ;;;
;;; New York, NY: PH (212) 725-4617 ;;;
;;; Cambridge, MA: PH (617) 492-1148 ;;;
;;; MCI-Mail: GSI-NY 344-4003 ;;;
;;; Arpanet: olasov@cs.columbia.edu ;;;
;;; ;;;
;; This program is provided 'as is' without warranty of any kind, either
;; expressed or implied, including, but not limited to the implied warranties of
;; merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The entire risk as to
;; the quality and performance of the program is with the user. Should the
;; program prove defective, the user assumes the entire cost of all necessary
;; servicing, repair or correction.
;; AutoLisp and AutoCad are registered trademarks of AutoDesk, Inc.
;; This function C:SV-ENV saves the current LISP environment into a file with
;; the name of the drawing and with the extension .LSP. For example, if the
;; name of the current drawing whose LISP environment you wish to save is
;; FOOBAR.DWG, then the name of the LISP file to which the environment is saved
;; will be FOOBAR.LSP.
;; For this function to work at all, you must have placed a marker in your
;; ATOMLIST (AutoLISP's record of all LISP variables, functions, etc.).
;; To do this, simply place the following line at the end of your ACAD.LSP file:
;; (setq MARK nil)
;; That's all. Then the SV-ENV function will not attempt to record
;; AutoLISP's primitive functions, or the functions automatically loaded with
;; your ACAD.LSP.
;; To restore your previous environment of variables and user functions, just
;; type (load "dwgname") at the command prompt, where "dwgname" is the name
;; of the drawing whose LISP environment you saved.
;; This is a beta version, which I hope to improve soon.
;; If you have ideas on how to improve this, please don't just munge this file
;; and redistribute it- let me hear your ideas. If they would create errors
;; of which I'm aware, I'll let you know- if not, I'll include them in a
;; revision.
(defun C:SV-ENV (/ usr-atoms dwgname file-spec)
(if (setq usr-atoms (cdr (member 'MARK (reverse ATOMLIST))))
(princ usr-atoms) (terpri)
(setq dwgname (getvar "dwgname") counter 0)
(setq file-spec (open (strcat dwgname ".lsp") "w"))
(foreach atm usr-atoms
(write-atom atm file-spec))
(close file-spec)
(princ "\nWrote ")
(princ counter)
(princ " expressions to ")
(princ (strcase dwgname))
(princ ".LSP.")
(if (null ATOMLIST)
(prompt "\nCan't evaluate ATOMLIST.")
(prompt "\nNo marker present in atomlist."))))
(defun write-atom (atm filespec) ;; beta version
(cond ((or (= (type (eval atm)) 'LIST)
(= (type (eval atm)) 'ENAME))
(princ (strcat (chr 40) "setq ") filespec)
(prin1 atm filespec)
(princ (strcat " " (chr 39)) filespec)
(prin1 (eval atm) filespec)
(princ (strcat (chr 41) "\n") filespec)
(setq counter (1+ counter)))
((or (= (type (eval atm)) 'SYM)
(= (type (eval atm)) 'INT)
(= (type (eval atm)) 'REAL)
(= (type (eval atm)) 'STR)
(= (type (eval atm)) 'PAGETB))
(princ (strcat (chr 40) "setq ") filespec)
(prin1 atm filespec)
(princ " " filespec)
(prin1 (eval atm) filespec)
(princ (strcat (chr 41) "\n") filespec)
(setq counter (1+ counter)))
((null (eval atm))
(princ "\nIgnoring null expression ") (princ atm))
(T (princ "\nI don't know how to handle ")
(princ atm))))
(setq MARK 'T) ;; this places a marker in ATOMLIST for
;; later saving LISP environment
(setvar "cmdecho" 0)
(command "textscr")
(repeat 24 (terpri))
(princ "\nFor this function to work at all, you must have placed a marker in your")
(princ "\nATOMLIST (AutoLISP's record of all LISP variables, functions, etc.).")
(princ "\nTo do this, simply place the following line at the end of your ACAD.LSP file:")
(princ "\n\(setq MARK 'T\)")
(princ "\nTo use SV-ENV, type SV-ENV at the command prompt.")