Simtel MSDOS 1992 December
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#21║#1F #21║#1F
#21║#1F #1E This menu file was actually created for a friend of #1F #21║#1F
#21║#1E mine who has a dual floppy drive system. As you will#1F #21║#1F
#21║#1E see, most of their applications are in a large menu#1F #21║#1F
#21║#1E located on the boot disk. The batch file would prompt#1F #21║#1F
#21║#1E for insertion of the diskette for the application and #1F #21║#1F
#21║#1E transfer control to a batch file on that diskette.#1F #21║#1F
#21║#1F #21║#1F
#21║#1E #1ASince his system was monochrome, the color attributes #1F #21║#1F
#21║#1A are rather boring. So, I have added some color "shifts"#1F #21║#1F
#21║#1A with @@S to show some other choices. Of course, the#1F #21║#1F
#21║#1A menu in this sample is non-functional, but pressing a #1F #21║#1F
#21║#1A number key (#1D1#1A-#1D9#1A) will cause a color shift of that size.#1F #21║#1F
#21║#1A You can also press the `#1D-#1A' key to shift back one step. #1F #21║#1F
#21║#1A This will let you experiment with color shifts. To return#1F #21║#1F
#21║#1A to the main menu, press #1DX#1A.#1F #21║#1F
#21║#1F #21║#1F
#21║#1A #A1 Now - press any key to see the "BIG" menu! #1F #21║#1F
#21║#1F #21║#1F
░#70║ @DD >>>>>> The SMYTHER'S FAMILY COMPUTER SYSTEM <<<<<< @DT ║#01░
░#70║#07 #70 UTILITY FUNCTIONS #07 #0F║#07 #70 GAMES & ENTERTAINMENT #07 #70║#01░
░#70║#07 #0F║#07 #0F #07 #70║#01░
░#70║#07 #0FT#07 : #0FT#07en-Key #0FCALCULATOR #07with tape #0F║#07 #0F1 : MUSIC #07(Pianoman) & #0FBANNERS#07 #70║#01░
░#70║#07 #0FP #07: #0FP#07lanning #0FCALENDAR #07with alarm #0F║#07 #0F2 : #07Play #0FPHRASE CRAZE#07 #70║#01░
░#70║#07 #0FC #07: #0FCLOCK #07(full-screen, digital) #0F║#07 #0F3#07 #0F:#07 #0FGWBASIC GAMES #07Sub-menu #70║#01░
░#70║#07 #0FD #07: #0FDOS #07Function sub-menu #0F║#07 #0F4 :#07 #0FGAMES II #07Sub-menu #70║#01░
░#70║#07 #0FE #07: #0FEDIT#07 Text file (like .BAT) #0F║#07 #0F5 :#07 Chuck Yeager's #0FAFS#07 #70║#01░
░#70║#07 #0FX #07: E#0FX#07IT to DOS command prompt #0F║#07 #0F6 :#07 Play #0FNORD and BERT #07... #70║#01░
░#70╠#0F══════════════════════════════════════╣#07 #0F7 :#07 Play #0FCHESSMASTER #072000 #70║#01░
░#70║#07 #70 BUSINESS APPLICATIONS #07 #0F║#07 #0F8 : #07Use #0FTYPING TUTOR #07IV #70║#01░
░#70║#07 #0F║#07 #70║#01░
░#70║#07 #0FW : #07Leading Edge #0FWORD #07Processor #0F║#07 #9E {Press 1-9 to "shift" colors #07 #70║#01░
░#70║#07 #0FL : LOTUS #071-2-3 Spreadsheet #0F║#07 #9E or 'X' to eXit} #07 #70║#01░
░#70║#07 #0FA : A#07ardvark #0FTAX#07 Planning #0F║#07 #70║#01░
░#70║#07 #0FN : NUTSHELL#07 DataBase Manager #0F╠═════════════════════════════════════#70╣#01░
░#70║#07 #0FF1 : #07Access #0FCompuServe#07 with TapCis #0F║#07 Do #70NOT#07 change disks until told to! #70║#01░
░#70║#07 #0F║#07 #70║#01░
░#70║#07 #0F║#07 #0FEnter your selection: #01@R #07 #70║#01░
░#70║#07 #0F║#07 #70║#01░
░#07░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░#01Menus by GETKEY#07░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░@W18@S1@W5@S2@W5@S1@W5@S1@W5@S1@W5@S1@W5@S1@W5@S1@W5@S1@W5@S1@W5@S1@LS#5E@C
█ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █
█ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █
█ █ █ █
█ Current Path: @DV(LDIR) █
█ █ #07 ┌──────────────────────────────────────┐ #5E █ █
█ #07 │ @DD #70 BATKIT & GETKEY #07 @DT │ #5E █
█ █ #07 │ #70 DOS UTILITY MENU #07 │ #5E █ █
█ #07 ╞══════════════════════════════════════╡ #5E █
█ █ #07 │ #0DG#07. Go to another Drive/Directory │ #5E █ █
█ #07 │ #0DB#07. Make BACKUP of diskette in A: │ #5E █
█ █ #07 │ #0DC#07. COPY / LIST files on Diskette │ #5E █ █
█ #07 │ #0DD#07. Delete Files │ #5E █
█ █ #07 │ #0DF#07. Format Diskette │ #5E █ █
█ #07 │ #0DK#07. Check Files on Diskette in B: │ #5E █
█ █ #07 │ #0DR#07. RUN a DOS command │ #5E █ █
█ #07 │ #0DX#07. Return to MAIN MENU │ #5E █
█ █ #07 ├──────────────────────────────────────┤ #5E █ █
█ #07 │#5E Miss. Data Equip. Co.: 601-932-6332 #07│ #5E █
█ █ #07 └──────────────────────────────────────┘ #5E █ █
█ █
█ █ #07 Enter your selection: #DE#5E@R █ █
█ █
█ █ █ █
█ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █
█ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █@LD#70@C
Enter the filename to be DELETED (* and ? may be used): @R
[enter X to eXit to menu]