Simtel MSDOS 1992 December
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700 lines
Utilities for
Menus in Batch Files
Ken Hipple
All Right Reserved
[Including: GetKey, SaveDir, and Wait]
Copyright 1988 by
Mississippi Data Equipment Company, Inc.
625C Lakeland East Drive
Jackson, MS 39208
(601) 932-6332
BatKit ver. 5.0 7/15/88 Page: 2
GETKEY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
OVERVIEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
USING GETKEY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Response Editing
COMMAND LINE PARAMETERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
DISPLAYING TEXT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
# control character
@ control character
GETKEY 4.x AND GETSTRNG COMPATIBILITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
WAIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
SAVEDIR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
USING THE DOS ENVIRONMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
REGISTERING BatKit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
BatKit ver. 5.0 7/15/88 Page: 3
GetKey is a utility program designed to be used in a batch file. Its
main function is to make batch files interactive by allowing the user to
enter a response to a prompt or question. Used with an appropriate text
file and batch file it can be the basis of a menu system. Other uses
include displaying text files and messages, playing tones, clearing
screens larger than 80x25, and providing a 'hidden' escape method from a
batch file.
GetKey enables you to use a single batch (BAT) file and a single text
file to completely control the operation of a system from startup to
GetKey has been tested with DOS versions from 2.1 to 3.3. It will run
on most IBM PCs and compatibles. Features of GetKey include:
- Returns an ERRORLEVEL for all - Option to wait for RETURN key
keys including function keys before accepting a response
- Option to insert response - Can wait a given time for a
into the environment response and then continue
- Fast text display & screen - Can display a file, message or
handling both
- Optional response echoing - Can display a section of a file
- Optional bad response message - Flexible color handling
- Option to delete bad responses - Time and date display options
- Optional beep on bad response - Does display delays and pauses
- Built-in help screens - 'Smart' clear screen function
- Clear type-ahead buffer option - Limited screen mode switching
- Tone generation capabilities - Optional response validation
- Adjustable max. response length - Can trim spaces from response
- Option to force uppercase - Defaults can be modified
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When GetKey is run it first displays any file or message specified,
then waits for the user to enter a response. You can specify the
maximum length allowed. After the response is entered it is validated
if necessary. The ASCII value of the first letter of the response is
then returned to the batch file in ERRORLEVEL. The response can also be
placed into the environment if you want. The values returned by func-
tion keys are their extended ASCII value plus 128. These values are:
F1-F10 SHIFT F1-F10 CTRL F1-F10 ALT F1-F10
Value Returned: 187-196 212-221 222-231 232-241
GetKey [?] [/A] [/B] [/C] [/D] [/E] [/F"filename[@s]"] [/G["char"]]
[/H] [/I] [/K"chars" | /KF"filename[@s]"] [/Lnnn] [/M"msg"]
[/N["char"]] [/O] [/P] [/R] [/S] [/T] [/U] [/V["var"]]
[/Wnnnn] [/X] [/Z]
Items in [] are optional. The character | means or (for example, you
can use /K or /KF but not both together). Most parameters can have a +
or - appended to them (ex. /B- or /G+"*"). See below for which para-
meters can use this. Note that any place GetKey expects a number you
may enter it in decimal or hexadecimal. To use hexadecimal add a & in
front of the number. For example, to GetKey &A0 is the same as 160.
Arguments enclosed in quotes (") above MUST be enclosed in quotes on
the command line.
Response Editing:
The following keys can be used during response entry for editing:
Home - Returns the cursor to the first character of the
End - Moves the cursor to the right end of the response.
Left Arrow - Moves the cursor one space to the left.
Right Arrow - Moves the cursor one space to the right.
Ins - Toggles Insert/Overstrike mode. Insert mode is indicated
by a large cursor.
Del - Deletes the character under the cursor.
BackSpace - Deletes the character to the left of the cursor.
Esc - Deletes the entire response.
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COMMAND LINE PARAMETERS for GetKey: (The value in [] after some defini-
tions is the "initial" default for that parameter. That is, the action
for that parameter if the switch is not included in the command line.
If the default is [off], the switch would change it to ON. Most of
these initial defaults can be changed by using the /O switch to patch
GETKEY.EXE. Toggles can also be forced ON or OFF using + or -.)
/A - Makes the RETURN key be one of the Acceptable responses for GetKey
(see /K and /KF). If not used with the /K|/KF parameter it makes
the RETURN key be the only acceptable response. [off]
/B - Toggles the setting for the error Beep produced by an invalid
response to GetKey (see /K|/KF) and Ctrl-G beeps. [on]
/C - Toggles the Clear screen setting. If no color setting has been
done the original screen colors or attributes are used; otherwise
the last color that was set is used. GetKey determines the
original screen colors by looking at the attributes at the cursor
position that was current when GetKey was called. This means that
the color the cursor is when you invoke GetKey is the color it
thinks the screen is. [off]
/D - Toggles the 'Delete (erase) unacceptable response' setting (see
/K|/KF). [off]
/E - Toggles the setting for displaying an Error message when the user
enters an unacceptable response (see /K|/KF). [off]
/F - Causes GetKey to display the File "filename". Using the syntax
"filename@s" causes GetKey to display only section s of the file.
See 'Displaying Text' below for more information.
/G - Toggles the setting for a Guide line. When ON, it displays a
guide line showing the length of the maximum acceptable response.
Use /G"char" to change the character used for the line. The
initial default is an underline [_], but this can be changed using
the /O option. [off]
/H - Causes the built-in Help screens to be displayed. (also use ?)
/I - Toggles the 'Incompatible display adapter' setting. When ON it
forces GetKey to use 80x25 screen. (Known to be needed for some
AT&T adapters.) [off]
/K - Makes the list of characters entered ("chars") be the only accep-
table Keys for GetKey. GetKey will not continue processing until
the user presses one of these keys. Use this option when you are
looking for one character responses. For multi-character respon-
ses use /KF. When this option is used with responses of length
greater than 1 only the first character of the response is
checked. For example, if one of the characters in "chars" is a 1
than any response starting with a 1 will be accepted. To make a
function key or a character not on the keyboard an acceptable
BatKit ver. 5.0 7/15/88 Page: 6
character, enter the appropriate value using the ALT-Numeric Key
Pad method. For example, to make F1 an acceptable key, hold down
the ALT key, press the keys 1, 8, and then 7 using the numeric key
pad and then release the ALT key. (See /U for case sensitivity)
/KF - Makes the responses in the file "filename" the only acceptable
responses. Response files can be broken into sections the same as
display files using the "filename@s" syntax. Response files must
be ASCII text files with each response delimited by a carriage
return or a carriage return/line feed. This is the format pro-
duced by EDLIN or by doing 'COPY CON filename'. Most word pro-
cessing packages have an option to produce this type file also.
Be careful when using this or the /K option. It is very easy to
get 'trapped'. For example, your response file doesn't have any
single character responses in it and you start GetKey without
overriding its default maximum response length setting of 1. (see
/U for case sensitivity)
/L - Sets the maximum allowable Length of the response. nnn can be any
value from 0 to 255. A value of 0 means that the user cannot
enter any characters. This would make GetKey act similar to the
PAUSE command in a batch file. [1]
/M - GetKey displays the Message "msg" on the screen before waiting for
the user's response.
/N - Toggles GetKey response echoing. Normally, when the user presses
a key, that key is displayed (if it is a displayable character).
Use /N"char" to change the default 'fill-in' character. For
example, if you are using GetKey to enter passwords you might like
to use the command /N"*". [on]
/O - Change Option's defaults. GetKey's default settings are shown on
the first help screen as highlighted fields. You can change these
defaults by using the /O option. Items that can be changed are:
/B, /C, /D, /E, /G, /G"char", /I, /L, /N, /N"char", /P, /R, /S,
/T, /U, /V, /V"var", /X, and /Z. Be careful about changing
defaults once you are using GetKey in several places. If an
existing batch file toggles a setting, and you change that sett-
ing's default, your batch file might stop working.
/P - Prevents (disables) GetKey snow checking on CGA monitors. This
will speed up screen displays, so if your CGA adapter doesn't
produce 'snow', or you don't mind it, use this option or set it
using /O. Actually, this switch toggles the default snow checking
setting. If you have a video adapter that GetKey thinks is not a
CGA then GetKey automatically turns snow checking off. If this
produces 'snow' on your screen you may need to use /P. [off]
/R - Toggles the 'RETURN key Required' setting. When ON, GetKey will
not act on a response until RETURN is pressed. When OFF a
response is accepted as soon as the maximum number of characters
have been entered. [off]
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/S - GetKey can be configured to add a Carriage Return-Line Feed
sequence after an accepted response. This option toggles the
default setting. [off]
/T - Toggles the 'Trim leading and trailing spaces' function. [on]
/U - Toggles the 'force response to UPPERcase' setting. This switch
also affects how response checking operates. When Uppercase is
ON, response checking is NOT case sensitive. This means that if
"Ab" is an acceptable response, a user could enter: "AB", "ab",
"Ab", or "aB", and GetKey would accept it. When Uppercase is OFF
response checking IS case sensitive. In this case the ONLY
acceptable response would be: "Ab". [on]
/V - Toggles the 'insert response into the environment' setting. Sets
the Variable name to be used to "var". If "var" is not used
GetKey uses the default value [GK]. [off]
/W - Tells GetKey to Wait for a given number of seconds before continu-
ing. If no response is entered before the wait period is up, an
ERRORLEVEL of 0 is returned to the batch file. /W0 is a special
situation. When it is used, GetKey does not wait for a key to be
entered. Unless there is a character in the buffer, an ERRORLEVEL
of 0 is returned.
/X - Toggles GetKey CTRL-BREAK checking during display delays, tone
generation, and text displaying. Text displaying is much slower
with checking ON. [off]
/Z - Toggles the 'clear (Zap) the type-ahead buffer' function in
GetKey. [off]
+|- - The above options that toggle a setting can also be used to force
the setting ON or OFF by adding a + (ON) or - (OFF) to the param-
eter. For example, /C+ forces screen clearing ON and /C- forces
it OFF. This syntax is safer if you plan on modifying the GetKey
default settings using the /O parameter. The toggle syntax
provides for a shorter command line entry for those users who plan
on sticking with a given GetKey setup and retains compatibility
with earlier versions of GetKey. A + or - can be used with /A,
/B, /C, /D, /E, /G, /I, /N, /P, /R, /S, /T, /U, /V, /X, and /Z.
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Using GetKey there are two methods of displaying text. The /M option
can be used for short messages or prompts. With this method you can
only display as much text as you have room for on the command line. The
/F method allows you to display a file so the amount of text you can
display is limited only by your disk space. Both methods can be used
together in which case the file is displayed first. With both methods
you can perform special functions through the use of # and @ control
character sequences. Note that all letters that are used in a control
sequence MUST be UPPER case.
In the case where the control sequence requires a numeric argument
you can enter the argument in decimal or hexadecimal form. To use
hexadecimal preface the number with & (ex. &1A). You only need to enter
as many digits as you wish. You do not need to pad the argument to its
full length with leading zeros but use caution if you don't. The reason
is that if you don't use the full length GetKey will misinterpret what
you mean if the control sequence is immediately in front of a word
starting with A through F (when using hexadecimal) or 0 through 9.
Example #&1Apple will be seen as the color combination #&1A followed by
the word "pple" instead of the color combination #&1 followed by the
word Apple. Forcing control sequence letters to be entered as upper
case lessens the possibility of this but does not prevent it.
The # control character is used specifically for screen color or
attribute control. Hexadecimal is convenient to use for colors because
the first digit is the background setting and the second is the fore-
ground. For example, #&10 sets the colors to a foreground color of 0
(black) and the background color to 1 (blue). The syntax is #&hh where
&hh is a hexadecimal number. To see all of the 256 possible
color/attribute combinations enter GetKey/f"colors" (GetKey must be able
to find the colors file for this to work) at the DOS prompt. To display
the # character itself use ## in your message or file.
The @ control character is used for various functions. To display
the @ character itself use @@. The @ control sequences are:
@C - Clears the screen. This is the same as the /C command
line parameter except that it may be used anywhere in the
file or message.
@CR+ - Turns the CuRsor ON.
@CR- - Turns the CuRsor OFF.
@DD - Displays the Date in the form MM/DD/YY, updated as needed.
@DT - Displays the Time in the form HH:MM:SS, continuously
@DV(var) - Displays the environment Variable named 'var' (e.g. PATH).
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@H - Homes the cursor (to upper left corner) without clearing
the screen. This parameter can be used to "overlay"
screens. (see @X and @Y for other cursor positioning)
@Ls - Labels a section as section s, where s is any character.
Used with the /F"filename@s" syntax allows you to display
sections of a file instead of the whole file. GetKey will
display all of the file from the start of the given
section to the end of the file or the start of the next
section. Sections are found very quickly - even those
near the end of large files. If a file with sections is
displayed using the syntax /F"filename", then the first
section is displayed. File sectioning can also be used in
the same way for response files. (see /KF).
@Mx - Switches screen Modes. x may be 0 through 7 or the letter
O. Use the O to return the screen to the mode it was in
when GetKey was invoked. Use the command with some
caution since some of the modes won't display text.
@O - Returns the screen colors and attributes to the Original
start-up values (cursor color when GetKey was executed).
@P - Makes GetKey Pause its displaying of text until the user
presses a key. The key pressed is discarded. Useful when
you want to display more than one screenful of text.
@R - Set cursor position for Response. Normally, GetKey waits
for input wherever the display file (or message) ends. To
force the user response to be entered at some other
position on the screen, imbed @R at that point in the
display file.
@Snnn - 'Shifts' the screen's colors. The number entered is added
to the current color at each screen position.
@Tnnn#nnnnn - Generates a Tone. The nnn parameter is the duration. The
#nnnnn parameter is the frequency. The higher the number
entered for the frequency, the lower the frequency. Both
parameters are optional, however use care when following
an @T with a color change (#) command. @T is the equiva-
lent of @T2#&400.
@Wnnnnn - Causes GetKey to delay (Wait) the displaying of text for
the period nnnnn. The waiting period used is not machine
dependent. In other words @W10 will delay the display the
same length of time no matter what machine it is being run
on. @W18 provides a delay of approximately 10 seconds.
The maximum value for nnnnn is 65535.
@Xddd - Positions the cursor to column ddd or &hh (where the
leftmost column is 000). Note that -ddd or +ddd positions
the cursor ddd positions to the left or right of the
current position.
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@Yddd - Positions the cursor to row ddd or &hh (where the top row
is 000). Note that -ddd or +ddd positions the cursor ddd
rows above or below the current position.
The text file to display a screen can be created and edited with
any ASCII text editor. Most of ours were done with WordPerfect because
of it's convenient line drawing feature. However, adding the # param-
eters to control colors, etc. can be tedious. We have a utility to add
in screen preparation. It will convert a screen image file into a
GETKEY text file automatically - MAKESCRN. The screen image must be in
the format used by the PC Magazine PAINT program, which can be used for
creating screens from scratch. If you have another way of painting
screens in color (or want to capture existing screens), you can use our
GETSCRN program to capture screens to an image file.
BatKit ver. 5.0 7/15/88 Page: 11
GetKey 5.0 is highly compatible with pre-5.0 versions of GetKey and
GetStrng. 5.0 is a combination of these two programs. As shipped the
defaults for 5.0 make it work similar to older versions of GetKey. The
following is a list of incompatibilities and differences that you need
to watch for:
- Default number entry is now decimal instead of hexadecimal. It
seems a lot of people consider decimal the most natural base to
use. A strange way of thinking but I bow to the majority in this
case. To adapt existing files just take out the & sign where you
have it and put it in where you don't (i.e. an existing #&10 should
be changed to #10 and an existing #10 should be changed to #&10).
If you don't care for that idea use /4 as one of your command line
arguments. This changes the default back to hexadecimal.
- If you don't force responses to upper-case then lower-case letters
will return their lower-case value. As shipped, GetKey defaults to
forced uppercase responses.
- The /W parameter now lets you enter the waiting period in seconds
rather than a code character that was, in some cases, obscure.
- The default environment variable (as shipped) is GK. GetStrng
users take note.
- You can now display things in the bottom right corner of the screen
without having the screen scroll.
- To allow a SPACE(s) to be entered as a response you will have to
turn trimming (/T) off. This only concerns responses consisting of
just spaces. Embedded spaces are never removed.
- The following keys are now editing keys and will not return a
value: Home, End, Left Arrow, Right Arrow, Ins, Del, Esc, and
BatKit ver. 5.0 7/15/88 Page: 12
USAGE: WAIT [?] [/M] [/C] [/U] [/B] [time]
where: ? - displays help screen
/M - turns off the waiting until message
/C - turns ON the clock display
/U - wait until the time given
/B - makes delay non-interruptible
(CTRL-BREAK is also disabled)
time - 6 digits in HHMMSS format. Can be entered in
any way desired.
Examples: 01:02:03 010203
01 hours 02 minutes 03 seconds
WAIT provides a way to cause a delay in the processing of a batch
file. The delay can be from 1 second to 23 hours 59 minutes and 59
seconds. It may be for an amount of time or until a given time. It can
be interruptible or non-interruptible. If it is interruptible, then
pressing any key will exit WAIT. If no time is entered WAIT defaults to
approximately 1 second. If an entry error is made, a message is dis-
played, and an ERRORLEVEL of 1 is returned.
BatKit ver. 5.0 7/15/88 Page: 13
USAGE: SaveDir [?] [d:][dir]
where d: = a valid drive
dir = a valid directory
? = display help screens
SaveDir places the current drive and directory path into the
environment using the variable names LDRV and LDIR. Using the syntax
'SaveDir d:dir' will make SaveDir change to that drive & directory after
it has saved the info about the current directory. After SaveDir is
run, the command CD %LDIR% can be used by a batch file to return to the
directory current when SaveDir was run, and %LDRV% can be used to change
to the drive that was current. The following is an outline of a batch
file that will save the information about where it is currently at,
change to a new drive and directory, execute some commands, and then
return where it started:
SaveDir d:dir
. whatever commands you want
Note that the last two lines could be replaced with 'SaveDir %LDIR%'.
The advantage to using SaveDir is that you can change drive AND direc-
tory with one command instead of the two that DOS requires.
Error conditions will set ERRORLEVEL. 1 means there was not enough
environment space to insert LDIR. 2 means there was not enough room for
LDRV. 3 means the DOS being used is earlier than 2.0. 4 means an
invalid directory was entered and 5 means an invalid drive was entered.
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The environment is a section of memory reserved by DOS as a place for
information that may change, such as the path. The information in the
environment is stored in the form varname=text where varname is the name
of the environment variable and text is the information associated with
it. In a batch file you can use varname to access the information.
When a batch file encounters the syntax %varname% it replaces it with
the information associated with varname. The principal and operation
are the same as the %1 through %9 command line arguments that batch
files use. If you want to see what you have in your environment enter
SET at the DOS prompt. To add something to the environment enter SET
One problem with using the environment is that it defaults to 160
bytes of memory. Once it is full nothing more can be added unless
something else is removed first. If you are using DOS 3.x this is
easily overcome by adding a command to the CONFIG.SYS file. For DOS 3.1
use the command 'SHELL=C:\COMMAND.COM /E:paragraphs /P'. For DOS 3.2
and later use 'SHELL=C:\COMMAND.COM /E:bytes /P'. The difference
between the two is that DOS 3.1 wants the amount of memory to be reserv-
ed to be specified in 16 byte paragraphs and the other versions want it
specified in bytes. If you have COMMAND.COM located somewhere other
than the root directory of drive C: then replace C:\COMMAND.COM with the
drive and path to where you do have it (example: D:\DOS\COMMAND.COM).
The /P is needed to make AUTOEXEC.BAT execute if it is present. If you
are using a DOS version before 3.x it is more difficult to expand the
environment. You will need to find one of the programs that modifies
COMMAND.COM. You can probably find one on the BBS where you found
BatKit or on CompuServe in the IBMNEW or IBMSW forums.
If you want to capture screens from other programs for use with GetKey,
you would like these utilities. GETSCRN will capture any text screen to
a file in the PC Magazine PAINT format. This file can then be edited
with PAINT and converted to a GetKey screen file by MAKESCRN. Although
the GetKey screen file can be created or edited by any text editor, it
is easier to create or edit screens with boxes, etc. using PAINT, which
can be downloaded from PC Magazine's PCMAGNET (on CompuServe). A sample
of screens captured with GETSCRN and converted with MAKESCRN is included
BatKit ver. 5.0 7/15/88 Page: 15
You may copy and distribute this program freely, as long as all parts
of the package are included without modification. This is a shareware
(not public domain) program; if you like it and use it on a regular
basis please register it. Also, in each case of non-personal use it
MUST be registered. Registered owners will receive support and notifi-
cation of updates. To register BatKit please send $25 to:
Mississippi Data Equipment Co.
625C Lakeland East Drive
Jackson, MS 39208
(601) 932-6332
To receive a diskette of other assorted utilities (including GETSCRN and
MAKESCRN, a WP 5.0 version of BATKIT.DOC, and the ASM source code for
BatKit), send $29 instead of $25. BatKit is distributed without war-
ranty, implied or otherwise. If you have any problems with BatKit, or
if you have any comments or suggestions, please send them to the above
address, to me on CompuServe (ID# 74076,2331), or to Conrad Smith on
CompuServe (ID# 76701,107). Conrad is a sysop on the Javelin forum (GO
JAVELIN) and will be able to respond on a more timely basis. He helped
develop and test BatKit and suffered through daily changes and fixes, so
he knows as much about how it works as I do.
If you distribute BatKit you must include the following files as part
of the package:
GETKEY.EXE The GetKey program
SAVEDIR.COM The SaveDir program
WAIT.COM The Wait program
BATKIT.DOC The BatKit documentation file
DEMO.GKF A text file that demonstrates GetKey's features.
Used by BATDEMO.BAT or type: GETKEY /f"DEMO.GKF".
COLOTONE.GKF A text file that displays all possible tone and
color/attribute combinations.
COLOTONE.BAT A batch file that uses COLOTONE.GKF
COLORS A text file that displays all colors.
(use GetKey /f"colors")
MSDEMO.GKF A text file used by BATDEMO.BAT to illustrate screen
captures by GETSCRN and MAKESCRN.
MENU.GKF A text file containing menus for BATDEMO.BAT
GETKEY.RSP A text file with valid responses for BATDEMO.BAT
BATDEMO.BAT A batch file illustrating uses of GETKEY, WAIT, and
If you receive BatKit and any of these files are missing, please contact