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Text File  |  1980-01-01  |  14KB  |  173 lines

  1.                       Telephone ring dector circuit.
  2.                         Designed by Len Busshart
  4. ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
  5. │                                  ┌──────────┐ ┌───> +5V                      │
  6. │                       ┌─────┐    │          │ │                              │
  7. │  (red)                │     │   2│          │9│   3.3K                       │
  8. │ >─────────────┤(───~~~~~~   └────┤          ├─┴─~~~~~~~~─┐                   │
  9. │ INPUT        1uf    50k          │  6N139   │            │                   │
  10. │ Telephone line                  1│  ─────   │            │                   │
  11. │ >────────────────────────────────┤          │6           │                   │
  12. │  (green)                         │          ├────────────┴────────┐          │
  13. │  Optoisolator to non-electriclly │          │5                    │          │
  14. │  couple phone line to circuit    │          ├─────┐               │          │
  15. │                                  │          │    ===              │          │
  16. │                                  └──────────┘     =               │          │
  17. │  (start pot at max resistance and                                 │          │
  18. │  decrease until counter detects ring)                             │          │
  19. │  ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘          │
  20. │  │                                                                           │
  21. │  │                                                                           │
  22. │  │                                                                           │
  23. │  │          Retriggerable 1-shot (approx. .8 sec.)                           │
  24. │  │  ┌─┐     to ignore 700 Hz ring frequency                                  │
  25. │  │ ─┘ └─                                                                     │
  26. │  │                                                                           │
  27. │  │        ┌────────────┐    ┌─┐             ┌────────┐                       │
  28. │  │      10│   (1/2)    │5  ─┘ └─           1│ (1/4)  │                       │
  29. │  └────────┤            ├────────────────────┤        │                       │
  30. │           │   74123    │                    │  7408  │3                      │
  31. │   1N914  7│   ─────    │                   2│  ────  ├─────────┐             │
  32. │ ┌─>├──────┤            │                ┌───┤        │         │             │
  33. │ │         │            │12              │   │        │         │             │
  34. │ │ 47uf   6│            ├────── N.C.     │   └────────┘         │             │
  35. │ ├─┤(──────┤            │                │                      │             │
  36. │ │+        └────────────┘                │                      │             │
  37. │ │                                       │                      │             │
  38. │ │        47K                            │                      │             │
  39. │ └──────~~~~~~~─────> +5V                │                      │             │
  40. │                                         │                      │             │
  41. │                                         │                      │             │
  42. │                                         │                      │             │
  43. │ ┌───────────────────────────────────────┘                      │             │
  44. │ │                                                              │             │
  45. │ │                                                              │             │
  46. │ │  ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘             │
  47. │ │  │                                                                         │
  48. │ │  │                        ┌────┬─────┬────> +5V  <──────────┬───────┐      │
  49. │ │  │                        │4   │16   │11                    │3      │16    │
  50. │ │  │                      ┌─┴────┴─────┴──┐                ┌──┴───────┴──┐   │
  51. │ │  │                      │               │3             10│             │   │
  52. │ │  │            1    2   5│               ├────────────────┤             │   │
  53. │ │  ├──────────────>.──────┤               │2             12│(A)          │   │
  54. │ │  │            7404      │     74193     ├────────────────┤    7485     │   │
  55. │ │  │            ────      │     ─────     │6             13│    ────     │   │
  56. │ │  │                      │               ├────────────────┤             │6  │
  57. │ │  │                      │               │7             15│       (A=B) ├──┐│
  58. │ │  │                      │               ├────────────────┤             │  ││
  59. │ │  │                      │               │           2,4,8│             │  ││
  60. │ │  │                    14│               │   ┌────────────┤             │  ││
  61. │ │  │                   ┌──┤               │  ===           │             │  ││
  62. │ │  │                   │  └───────┬───────┘   =            │             │  ││
  63. │ │  │                   │          │8                      9│             │  ││
  64. │ │  │                   │          ├────┬───/.─┬────────────┤a            │  ││
  65. │ │  │                   │         ===   │(1)   │          11│             │  ││
  66. │ │  │                   │          =    ├───/.─(──┬─────────┤b            │  ││
  67. │ │  │                   │     BINARY SW.│(2)   │  │       14│  (B)        │  ││
  68. │ │  │                   │               ├───/.─(──(───┬─────┤c            │  ││
  69. │ │  │                   │               │(3)   │  │   │    1│             │  ││
  70. │ │  │     ┌─────────────┘               └───/.─(──(───(───┬─┤d            │  ││
  71. │ │  │     │                      1K      (8)   │  │   │   │ │             │  ││
  72. │ │  │     │     +5V<───────┬───~~~~~~~~────────┘  │   │   │ └─────────────┘  ││
  73. │ │  │     │                │     1K               │   │   │   COMPARATOR     ││
  74. │ │  │     │                ├───~~~~~~~~───────────┘   │   │   compares cntr  ││
  75. │ │  │     │                │     1K                   │   │   to preset #    ││
  76. │ │  │     │                ├───~~~~~~~~───────────────┘   │   of rings       ││
  77. │ │  │     │                │     1K                       │                  ││
  78. │ │  │     │                └───~~~~~~~~───────────────────┘                  ││
  79. │ │  │     │                                                                  ││
  80. │ │  │     └─────────────────────┐          ┌─────────────────────────────────┘│
  81. │ │  │  +5V<─────┬────┬────┐     │          │                                  │
  82. │ │  │           │3   │16  │11   │          │                                  │
  83. │ │  │         ┌─┴────┴────┴┐    │          │       ┌─────────┐                │
  84. │ │  │        2│   (1/2)    │4   │          │       │ (1/4)   │                │
  85. │ │  └─────────┤            ├────┘          │      4│         │                │
  86. │ │            │   74123    │               └───────┤  7408   │                │
  87. │ │    1N914 15│   ─────    │                       │  ────   │6               │
  88. │ │  ┌─>├──────┤            │                       │         ├────────┐       │
  89. │ │  │         │            │13                    5│         │        │       │
  90. │ │  │ 470uf 14│            ├───────────────────────┤         │        │       │
  91. │ │  ├─┤(──────┤            │                       │         │        │       │
  92. │ │  │+        └┬────┬────┬─┘                       └─────────┘        │       │
  93. │ │  │          │1   │8   │9                                           │       │
  94. │ │  │          │    │    │                                            │       │
  95. │ │  │          └────┴────┴──────────┐                                 │       │
  96. │ │  │                               │                                 │       │
  97. │ │  │        47K                   ===                                │       │
  98. │ │  └──────~~~~~~~─────> +5V        =                                 │       │
  99. │ │                                                                    │       │
  100. │ │         8 SEC. 1-SHOT (retriggerable)                              │       │
  101. │ │         enables counter circuitry                                  │       │
  102. │ │                                                                    │       │
  103. │ │┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘       │
  104. │ ││           ┌─────> +5V                                                     │
  105. │ ││  ┌─┐      │                                                               │
  106. │ ││ ─┘ └─     │ 14                                                            │
  107. │ ││     5┌────┴─────┐         ─┐ ┌─                                           │
  108. │ │└──────┤          │1         └─┘                                            │
  109. │ │       │          ├──────────────────┐                                      │
  110. │ │       │  74121   │3                 │                                      │
  111. │ │       │  ─────   ├─────────┐        │                                      │
  112. │ │     11│          │4        │        │       8 sec. 1-shot power down       │
  113. │ │┌──────┤          ├─────────┤        │       computer for duration of       │
  114. │ ││    10│          │7        │        │       1-shot, then re-applies        │
  115. │ ││  ┌───┤          ├─────────┤        │       power (cold-booting system)    │
  116. │ ││  │   └──────────┘         │        │                                      │
  117. │ ││  │                        │        │                                      │
  118. │ ││  │ 470uf                 ===       │                                      │
  119. │ ││  └─)├────┐                =        │                                      │
  120. │ ││  -    +  │    47K                  │                                      │
  121. │ │└──────────┴──~~~~~~~~─────> +5V     │                                      │
  122. │ │                                     │                                      │
  123. │ │                                     │                                      │
  124. │ ├─────────────────────────────────────┘                                      │
  125. │ │                                                                            │
  126. │ │                                                                            │
  127. │ │                                                                            │
  128. │ │                                                                            │
  129. │ │           ┌───┬─────────┬────┐                                             │
  130. │ │           │   │         │    │                                             │
  131. │ │           │   │         │    │                                             │
  132. │ │           │   │         │    │                                             │
  133. │ │           │   │         │    │                                             │
  134. │ └───────────┤(+)│         │    ├───────────────────────────┐                 │
  135. │             │   │         │    │                           │                 │
  136. │             │   │         │    │                           │                 │
  137. │     3-32VDC │   │ S S R   │    │ 120VAC     COMPUTER       │                 │
  138. │             │   │         │    │ 10A         ┌─────┐       │     120VAC      │
  139. │             │   │         │    │             │     │       └──>  Power       │
  140. │   ┌─────────┤(-)│         │    ├─────────────┼─┤ ├─┼──────────>  Plug        │
  141. │   │         │   │         │    │             │  ┬  │       ┌──>              │
  142. │  ===        │   │         │    │             └──┼──┘       │                 │
  143. │   =         │   │         │    │               ===        ===                │
  144. │             └───┴─────────┴────┘                =          =                 │
  145. │                                                                              │
  146. │                                                                              │
  147. ├──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
  148. │                          PARTS LIST                                          │
  149. ├───────────────────────────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────┤
  150. │ 1 - 6N139                         │ 4 - SPST SWITCHES                        │
  151. │ 1 - 74121                         │ MISC PARTS - AS REQUIRED BY BUILDER      │
  152. │ 1 - 74123                         │                                          │
  153. │ 1 - 74193                         │                                          │
  154. │ 1 - 7485                          │                                          │
  155. │ 1 - 7404                          │                                          │
  156. │ 1 - 7408                          │                                          │
  157. │ 2 - 1N914  DIODE                  │                                          │
  158. │ 3 - 47K    RESISTOR               │                                          │
  159. │ 1 - 3.3K   RESISTOR               │                                          │
  160. │ 4 - 1K     RESISTOR               │                                          │
  161. │ 1 - 50K    POTENTIOMETER          │                                          │
  162. │ 1 - 1uf    CAPACITOR              │                                          │
  163. │ 1 - 47uf   CAPACITOR              │                                          │
  164. │ 2 - 470uf  CAPACITOR              │                                          │
  165. │ 1 - SSR (3-32VDC)-(120VAC,10A)    │                                          │
  166. │ 1 - POWER RECEPTICLE (3 PRONG)    │                                          │
  167. │ 1 - POWER PLUG (3 PRONG)          │                                          │
  168. └───────────────────────────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────┘