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| C News - International C Newsletter, Compiler review, and |
| Tutorial. |
| |
Volume 1, Number 9 15 July 1988
Editor | Editor's Corner: The Heap .................... 1
Barry Lynch | by Barry Lynch
Australian |
Office: | Resident C: a review ......................... 2
David Nugent | by Bill Querry
| Programming the Hercules Graphics Card ....... 4
| Part II: by David Cheslow
| Practical C: Everyday C Solutions............. 18
| by Readers of C News
| Latest PD/Commercial Software Release ....... 19
| Article Submission Standards ................ 20
| Address's ................................. 21
| Index ...................................... 22
| Distribution Points ........................ 24
| User Response Form .......................... 25
| C News is an Electronic Journal published by the
| C BBS in Burke, VA Bi-Monthly. All rights are
| reserved, and all opinions expressed are of the
| authors and any damage sustained, either physically
| or financially via use of the routines in this
| journal are at the sole expense of the reader.
C News 1-09 Page 1 15 Jul 1988
The Heap: Messages from the editor
Issue 9 represents a milestone of sorts for C News: Our
6th month anniversary. This is truly remarkable considering what
C News started as, a couple of pages of notes by yours truly on
Christmas Day 1987. C News has grown to proportions that I
personally never thought it would, and with issue we continue to
add new features and announce a few future enhancements as well.
PRACTICAL C: Everyday problems with C solutions
This column was founded this past week at the first ever C BBS
user meeting. One of the users had a small problem that required
him to write a small, yet powerful, C program. This problem and the
program are included in this issue.
C BBS New Phone Number:
The C BBS has changed the type of phone service that we use here,
from Local to Metro DC area. This means that users in the Metro DC
area can call the C BBS as a local call and vice versa. This also
means that the C BBS is once again PC Pursuitable. The new number
is (703) 644-6478. I apologize for the inconvenience, and will get
the phone company to get a message on the old number as soon as
Future Enhancements:
In this issue of C News, David Cheslow continues his series on
programming the Hercules Graphics Adapter. In future issues, art-
icles on the following subjects will be included:
- Database Design and Implementation.
- cMail - a Fidonet compatible Mail Check.
- An article on a Comm program with src.
As you can see with these future topics, C News will be providing
more code samples and theory. If you are interested in assisting in
any of these areas, or in one that you are particularly interested
in. Please send me a note at any of the address's listed later on
in this document.
C News 1-09 Page 2 15 Jul 1988
/*resident_C*/ by Essential Software, Inc.
Everybody has their favorite TSR "pop-up" software that
they use every day. Until now though, if one wanted to create
their own TSR "pop-up" that did anything significant at all or
wanted to create one that did something just like FAMOUS.EXE.
An intimate knowledge of assembler and MS-DOS "tricks" was an
absolute necessity. Now with /*resident_C*/ from Essential
Software, Inc., almost anything you want to do (including DOS
calls!) can be done from C.
/*resident_C*/ is a C language library package that handles
all the tricky MS_DOS documented and undocumented interfaces so
that the C programmer can put full effort and concentration on
the program function and know that the MS-DOS TSR details are
already handled via a function call.
The authors (and so do I) suggest that you create and
test and develop your program in a non-TSR environment first, and
then add the function calls for residency after the program works
properly. To make it a TSR will add three function calls:
1. Make sure the program isn't already "loaded".
2. Install program as a TSR.
3. Optionally "unload" your program when desired and
The library installs your programs as a well behaved TSR
(if there is such a thing) by chaining to the previous owner of
any used interrupts (unlike the original SIDEKICK). By not
hogging the interrupts, your TSR can be loaded concurrent with
other "well behaved" TSR's.
The /*resident_C*/ library has two other similar load
functions for creation of ISR's (interrupt service routines and
what Essential Software calls a hybrid-TSR. ISR's are very
useful for creation of "shared" software functions in larger
projects. Shared functions can be made resident and then invoked
via a software interrupt, saving memory for the common code.
The "hybrid-TSR" is an interesting feature. Instead of
using the normal "hot-key" method of invoking a function, a chain
to the system clock interrupt is made. Your TSR program checks
for the "condition" for popping up to occur and either returns or
pops up. A "hot-key" can also be assigned to this hybrid giving a
large amount of flexibility in your program design. I have
successfully used this "hybrid-TSR" scheme to check and control a
hardware device that needed to be interfaced to a commercial EGA
graphic intensive software package.
C News 1-09 Page 3 15 Jul 1988
/*resident_C*/ by Essential Software, Inc. Cont'
Memory overhead for a /*resident_C*/ TSR/ISR is relatively
small (4-6k bytes depending on model used).
The /*resident_C*/ library package lists for $99.00 and
is available with source for a list price of $198.00. The source
code is well commented and is a good method to learn the tricks
of MS-DOS TSR interfacing. The library comes with a 43 page
manual of which almost 20 pages of it is a tutorial on TSR/ISR
development and how /*resident_C*/ does its thing. The software
comes one disk with language support for Microsoft C5.x,
Turbo C, and Lattice C. Nice for us that develop in different
compilers for different projects. Also included are demo programs
showing how to use the library in all three of the supplied
interfaces. I have included one of their demos in both source and
executable format so that you can see how easy it is to make a
If you purchase the library source and want to make
changes, a Microsoft MASM 5.x compatible assembler will be needed
for re-compiling. As with all of Essential's library packages, no
royalties are required for software incorporating /*resident_C*/
functions into your programs.
I have on occasion used their technical support, and
have found willing, helpful and knowledgeable people (including
the authors of the packages). I have used this package along with
other libraries, mostly Essential's Utilities, Essential's Graphics,
and Essential's Communications (I DO like these Essential Software
products!) and have had no problems using any of their functions
MS-DOS or otherwise.
DISCLAIMER: I have no connection or interest with Essential
Software, Inc. other than a loyal user of their products for the
last 2 years.
/*resident_C*/ list $99.00 ($198.00 with source)
Essential Software, Inc.
76 South Orange Avenue
South Orange, New Jersey 07079
Bill Querry, VP Engineering
Paragon Technologies, Inc.
8383 Mentor Ave
Mentor, Ohio 44060
C News 1-09 Page 4 15 Jul 1988
Editor's Note: This is the second in a series of Articles on
programming for the Hercules Graphics Adapter.
The 1st article in this series was included in
C News Issue 8. All comments regarding this
series should be directed to the author:
David Cheslow.
Part II: Programming for the Hercules Graphics Adapter.
Shifts are very fast binary operators, they work like this:
11111111 >> 1 = 01111111
11111111 << 1 = 11111110
Logical operators are also faster than the equivalent
mathematical operators, they work,like this:
10101010 & 00001111 = 00001010
10101010 | 00001111 = 10101111
10101010 ^ 00001111 = 10100101
~ 00001111 = 11110000
Many of the H_GRAPH functions use the shift and logical
operators to improve execution speed. Some optimizing
compilers may automatically substitute shift and logical
operators for the more time consuming multiplication,
division and modulus operators. Using the more efficient
(binary) operators in our code ensures that they will be
used and forces us to think of things the same way the
computer does. The bottom line is this:
x>>1 is equivalent to x/2;
x>>2 is equivalent to x/4;
x>>3 is equivalent to x/8; etc.
x<<1 is equivalent to x*2;
x<<2 is equivalent to x*4;
x<<3 is equivalent to x*8; etc.
x&1 is equivalent to x%2;
x&3 is equivalent to x%4;
x&7 is equivalent to x%8; etc.
Where x is a two byte integer.
C News 1-09 Page 5 15 Jul 1988
Note that the result of 32768<<1 is 0 whereas the result of
32768*2 will depend upon your compiler (i.e. numbers too small
or large to fit in a two byte integer are always 0 when shift
operators are used but will be unpredictable and incorrect
when higher level operators are used). Some compilers will
produce an overflow error when high level operators are used
to produce a result out of the range of a two byte integer
(most just give an incorrect answer).
I have never heard of a compiler that does not support shift
and logical operators, but if yours does not you may make the
above substitutions.
If shift and logical operators are new to you, I suggest that
you find a good book on binary arithmetic. One that I found
published by COMPUTE magazine. Your time and effort will be
well spent learning about binary arithmetic. Such knowledge
will improve your understanding of your computer and will
allow you to write much more efficient code.
Most Hercules compatible graphics adapters (but not all) have
the capability of operating in three distinct modes: DIAG,
HALF and FULL. DIAG mode is used for 100% IBM monochrome
compatibility and masks all of the Hercules graphics
capabilities. HALF mode allows the Hercules to coexist with
a CGA card, but disables the second graphics page. FULL mode
enables all of the graphics features of the card but
disallows the presence of any other graphics adapter in the
computer. All of the H_GRAPH functions are written based on the
assumption that the Hercules is the only graphics card
installed in the computer and is, therefore, in FULL mode.
For those people who would like to experiment with using the
H_GRAPH functions on a dual monitor system or whose computer
does not default to FULL mode, here is a function to
change the Hercules's operating mode (don't confuse this with
the graphics/text mode operations of the card). The
prototype is - void h_opmode(int newmode). Note - If you
are using the H_GRAPH functions on a dual monitor system
you should use HALF mode - and not use the second graphics
C News 1-09 Page 6 15 Jul 1988
#define H_OPPORT 0x3BF
#define H_DIAG 0
#define H_HALF 1
#define H_FULL 3
#include <conio.h>
int newmode;
Where 'newmode' may have the values H_HALF or H_FULL, any
other value will result in the DIAG mode (the safest of all
the modes) being selected. The FULL mode must never be
selected when another graphics card is present in the computer!
If you intend to use this function, always call it BEFORE
calling the h_init function.
If you are using an EGA card along with the Hercules card,
it's O.K. because the h_init function will always request a
mode change to CGA emulation before initializing the Hercules
graphics mode. DO NOT use the video mode change function
supported by your compiler to change to an EGA graphics mode
while the Hercules is in graphics mode. The two are definitely
incompatible and the result of requesting an EGA graphics mode
while in Hercules graphics mode may be disastrous. If the
Hercules is in graphics mode, then the EGA must be in CGA
emulation mode (as set by the h_init function). If the
Hercules is in text mode, then the EGA may be in any mode.
If you use the HALF mode of operation in your programs, it is
YOUR responsibly to make sure that you do not attempt
to make the second graphics page of the Hercules card visible.
Writing to the second graphics page is permissible but will
really mess up the image on the other monitor.
Last month, I included a function to disable the Hercules card
(blank the screen). The routine will work correctly ONLY if
the h_init function of the H_GRAPH functions is used. Use of
any other function to initialize the Hercules (maybe one that
came with your compiler) will definitely destroy your monitor.
This is a result of the fact that other programs/functions do
not have any way to find out which graphics/text mode the
adapter is currently in.
C News 1-09 Page 7 15 Jul 1988
You have two options at this point:
1) do not mix H_GRAPH functions with other graphics library
functions or
2) do not use the screen blanking function.
In the September 1988 article I will cover a method of soft-
ware screen blanking which will be just as effective and will work
with functions from other sources. Also, any other set of
functions which you might find will undoubtable have certain
variables which are used to store the current graphics mode,
operation mode, cursor position, etc. Failure to set those
variables will almost certainly cause you trouble. Unless
you get a lot of documentation with the functions from another
source (the code is really what you need), it is probably
best to stick with functions from one source. If you find a
function from another source that you would like to use,
I will be happy to try to write an H_GRAPH compatible function
to perform the same task; just leave me a note in the C NEWS
message section of the Mclean VA (USA) C BBS. To all those
who have already sent me messages - THANK YOU - your input is
greatly appreciated.
All of the H_GRAPH functions that draw on the screen will
perform clipping at the edges of the current window as defined
by the external variables h_xmin, h_ymin, h_xmax, and h_ymax.
This will allow us to develop a full blown windowing package
over time. While I have not yet presented any window control
functions but you are invited to experiment with the external
variables. If you have any suggestions, just drop me a line.
Text is one of the most important parts of any graphic image
you might conjure up. A bar or pie chart without labels,
while pretty, is not terribly informative. Even a video game
must display the current score and other information in
textual form. Two types of text images are called raster and
vector fonts. Raster fonts are exact images of the text to be
drawn on the screen. Raster fonts are quick to display and
relatively easy to implement, but are not very versatile. They
can not easily be rotated or scaled. Vector fonts, on the
other hand, are not stored as exact screen images but as a set
of points connected in order by lines.
C News 1-09 Page 8 15 Jul 1988
Vector fonts can easily be rotated and scaled, but are much
harder to design and implement. Vector fonts are typically dis-
played more slowly than their raster counterparts because the
position of each screen pixel making up the font must be calculated.
This month, I will present a raster font system made up of
two functions. First is a function to load a font from a disk
file into near memory. Near memory is used to increase speed.
The function returns a pointer to the raster image data which
is then passed to the character drawing function. All of the
fonts are stored in the same amount of memory space (3,590
bytes = 256 characters x 14 bytes per character + a 6 byte
header describing the font). The header information is:
1 byte cursor movement horizontally
1 byte cursor movement vertically
1 byte height of character
1 byte width of character
2 bytes start and stop position for 9th bit quoting
6 bytes
The first two bytes determine the offset from the current
cursor position to the beginning of the next character.
They are interpreted as signed values, allowing negative
offsets both horizontally and vertically. For the standard
font they are +9 and +0 respectively, indicating that each
character is 9 pixels wide and printed horizontally. Other
fonts can have different values. For example, the sideways
font has values of 0 and -10 indicating that the font is
10 pixels tall and printed vertically from bottom to top.
Note that the starting position for displaying fonts is always
the upper left corner of the first character. The sideways
font appears to be rotated but the starting point has not
been rotated with the font.
The next two bytes contain the actual height and width of the
raster image. The width may only have the values 8 or 9. The
height may range from 1 to 14 inclusive (although heights less
than about 5 are pretty useless). A width of 8 allows 90
characters to be displayed horizontally on the screen and a
width of 9 allows 80 characters. This feature, when combined
with 9th bit quoting (next 2 bytes) can be used to produce
primitive animation effects. Note that 14 bytes of memory are
set aside for the raster image even if the font is less than
14 pixels tall.
C News 1-09 Page 9 15 Jul 1988
This was done to standardize the font files, font loading
function and the character drawing function. I admit that in some
cases it wastes valuable near memory but I feel that the trade-off
is worth while.
Most characters are followed by a small blank space called
the inter-character spacing. In the standard font this inter-
character spacing includes the 9th bit. Some of the box
graphic characters in the standard font, however, require that
the 9th bit be used to make the characters join on the screen
(no inter-character spacing). The 9th bit quoting feature
allows for the situation in which some of the characters in a
font must contain a 9th bit. For those characters the 9th bit
in each row of pixels is the same as the 8th bit. Thus the
9th bit quotes the 8th bit. If the last 2 bytes of the font
header are 179 and 224, then the characters whose ascii values
are greater than 179 and less than 224 will have 9th bits
which quote the 8th bit, all other characters will have blank
9th bits (inter-character spacing). Naturally, 9th bit
quoting is only useful if the font is 9 bits wide.
I have included a primitive string drawing function in this
months' release. It simply displays a string of characters
starting in the current graphics cursor position. No attempt
is made to accommodate line feeds, tabs or other white space
characters (i.e. all characters are printable). While this
is somewhat inelegant, it serves our purposes nicely for
the moment. Next month I will present a couple of more
powerful string drawing functions.
Three 'put modes' are supported by the character drawing
function. Those of you with a background in BASIC may recognize
put modes. For those who don't know about such things, here is
a brief description of the three supported put modes:
PSET - this mode completely overwrites any background image.
XOR - this mode (exclusive or) is used whenever the
background image needs to be completely restorable
and the program can not regenerate the image effi-
It is most often used in animation (video games). The trans-
lation to English would be something like "one image or the other
image, but never both images". If that doesn't make any sense, just
remember that XORing the same text in the same place twice will
restore the original image behind the text as if the text had never
been there.
C News 1-09 Page 10 15 Jul 1988
OR - this mode displays the text overtop of the existing
image creating a combination of the two. It is most useful for
labeling graphs.
Also this month I am presenting a box fill function that is
quite powerful. It supports one additional put mode - AND.
AND - only those pixels which are part of both images are
displayed. This mode is useless in the text drawing function
but when text is drawn and then a filled box is overlayed
in the AND mode various grey scale text images can be achieved.
The box fill function also uses TILES. A TILE is simply an
eight byte character array. Think of the TILES as stationary.
They all start at position 0,0 and repeat until the end of the
the screen is reached. You can think of the box fill function
as simply exposing the pre-existing tiles. The advantage of using
TILES over a moveable fill image is that very few calculations are
needed to determine which byte is going to be exposed - yielding an
increase in speed.
The remaining functions presented this time are pretty straight
forward. To conserve space, the functions are not reprinted here in
the text as they were last month. Instead, I have included a file
called H_GRAPH2.NUM. It is simply a copy of the H_GRAPH functions
with line numbers in the right margin. To follow the discussion of
the functions you will need to print out a copy of the H_GRAPH2.NUM
The m_init and m_cursor functions (lines 70 - 230) were discussed
in C NEWS #8.
The m_status function (lines 250 - 340) is not included in this
months demo program but it is the primary way to get information from
the mouse. It returns an integer indicating which buttons are pressed
(0 = no buttons, 1 = left button, 2 = right button, 3 = middle button
on a 3 button mouse or both buttons together on a 2 button mouse). Two
other values are returned via pointer. They are the current horizontal
and vertical pixel positions of the mouse cursor, respectively. Note
that the addresses of 2 integer variables are passed (i.e. the function
call will look something like x=m_status(&y,&z). In a mouse driven
program, this becomes the primary function call for input. For that
reason it is a good candidate for assembly language. Maybe next time.
C News 1-09 Page 11 15 Jul 1988
The m_move function (lines 360 - 440) forces the mouse cursor
to the pixel position specified by the two passed variables. Of
course the mouse itself does not move, only the cursor.
The m_limit function (lines 460 - 580) sets the minimum and
maximum values for the horizontal and vertical movement of the
mouse. When the m_init function is called, these values are
set to 0,0 - 639,199. That's fine if you are working with
a CGA adapter, but we're not. To get the mouse to move freely
across the entire screen, we must call the m_limit function with
the values 0,0,719,347. This function can also be used to
confine the mouse cursor any a smaller area of the screen. You
must turn the mouse cursor off whenever you change the image
on the screen (add text, draw a box, anything ...). In a video
game these added function calls will greatly slow execution.
To overcome this problem, simply limit the mouse cursor to the
"playing area" , separate from the "scoring area" which is
being continually updated.
The m_shape function (lines 600 - 710) allows you to create
your own mouse cursors (within reason). You will have to be able
to convert a near pointer to a far pointer and then split the far
pointer into its segment and offset portions. Some compilers simply
use long integers as far pointers. If your compiler does not have
built in functions for splitting apart far pointers, try setting a
long integer equal to the far pointer. Then create 2 short integers
from the long integer. Long >> 16 may equal the segment and Long &
65536 may equal the offset. It's worth a try if you don't have the
functions already. The mouse.h file contains instructions for creating
your own cursors as well as five predrawn ones.
The functions h_isherc, h_init, h_setvpage and h_onoff (lines
740 - 1510) were covered in C NEWS #8.
The h_drawc function (lines 1530 - 3030) (no that's not a
misprint) takes two parameters, the character to print and a pointer
to a 3590 byte near memory character array containing a raster font
(loaded with the h_loadfont function). I decided to pass this para-
meter so that you may have multiple fonts loaded at the same time.
Lines 1570 - 1650 define the external variables affected by this func-
tion. Line 1660 defines the variables used to store the font header
information. Line 1670 contains the definitions for a bunch of stuff;
i is a counter, offset is the number of pixels from the start of the
memory byte to the starting position of the character, byte_loc is
the location of the memory byte currently being changed, x1 and y1
are temporary storage for the graphics cursor position, start and
stop_loc are the actual first and
C News 1-09 Page 12 15 Jul 1988
last bit positions to be changed (after accounting for clipping),
edge_locis used in the calculation of clipped boundaries. Line
1680 defines still more stuff - andmask1 and andmask2 are used when
changing memory bytes. When a bit is set to 1 in the and mask, the
corresponding bit in the memory bytes will remain unchanged. If a
bit is set to 0then the corresponding bit in the memory byte will
be replaced beth raster font data. Andmask1 is for the left edge
of the character,andmask2 for the right. This_byte is the byte from
the font array currently being displayed. Last_bit is used during 9th
bit quoting.
Lines 1690 - 1760 extract the necessary data from the font header.
If the 8th bit of the delta_x or delta_y variables is set then
the change in cursor position is interpreted as negative. Some
compilers support signed character variables, others do not. This
method will work in either case.
Line 1770 determines whether or not the entire character is outside
of the current window boundaries. If it is, then there is no need
to continue. The current cursor location is updated and the function
Lines 1830 - 2200 perform the left and right side clipping calculations.
I'm not going to go into any detail about this section. Suffice it to
say that the edges of the character are calculated and compared to the
edges of the current window. The greater of the two left edges and the
lessor of the two right edges is used to create the and masks.
The next three sections (lines 2250 - 2490, 2510 - 2740, and 2760 - 2990)
of the function are quite redundant, so I will describe just one of them
and then explain the differences between the three parts. They are redund-
antly coded in this way to maximize speed (at the expense of code space).
For each row of pixels making up the font (line 2260), we first extract
the matching byte from the font array (line 2280). Since in most cases 9th
bit quoting is not used, we set the 9th bit to 0 (line 2290). Then we
store the current pixel row in y1 (line 2300). The next line performs
the vertical clipping (which is much easier than horizontal clipping).
If the current byte is inside the current working window (line 2310),
then the exact byte in memory to be changed is found (line 2330). The
byte is actually changed with the strange looking code on line 2340.
The memory byte h_p+byte_loc is banded with andmask1 to produce the por-
tion of the memory byte which will not be changed. The result is ored
with the byte from the font array (after it is shifted into the proper
C News 1-09 Page 13 15 Jul 1988
Since all of the raster fonts are either 8 or 9 bits wide we
assume that the character will span a byte boundary and affect
the following memory byte as well. The second memory byte
is changed in lines 2350 - 2460 which also contains the 9th
bit quoting calculations (lines 2370 - 2400).
The only difference between this part of the function and the
other two lines in the memory changing lines (the lines that
start with *(h_p+ ... ). There are three such lines in each
section. It would be more efficient to code these sections
using the logical equate operators (|= and ^=) but the Mix
Power C optimizer freaks out when you do this so I have left
those changes for you to check out on your own compiler.
Similarly, since the Mix Power C compiler does a pretty good
job at optimizing registers, I have made no effort to identify
the best choices for register variables.
Finally, in line 3010 and 3020, the current graphics cursor
position is updated appropriately.
The h_loadfont function takes two character array pointers
as parameters. The first points to a path\file name for the
font and the second points to a 3590 byte character array
which will hold the font data. The function is set up this
way to avoid dynamic memory allocation (an area in which many
compilers differ). The function is pretty straight forward.
It simply reads 3590 bytes from the specified file and stores
them in the designated array. If the file is not found, then
the function returns -1. If all goes well it returns 0.
The h_boxfill function is the other biggie this month. It takes
three parameters. The first two identify the bottom right
corner of the boxed area. Note that the current cursor
position is ALWAYS interpreted as the upper left corner! The
third parameter is a pointer to one of many tile patterns
(you are free to create more if you like). Most of the
variables have equivalent counterparts in the h_drawc function.
These are new; Whole_bytes is the number of complete bytes
between the left and right edges (normally, whole bytes will
be equal to total bytes effected - 2 but if the box starts
or ends on a byte boundary, the value may differ); save_byte
is the current byte in use from the tile array; temp_byte is
used to overcome the register allocation problem with the
Mix optimizer. Line 3270 returns from requests for boxes
entirely out of the current window. Lines 3280 - 3340 perform
clipping, create the and masks and calculates the exact number
of whole bytes.
C News 1-09 Page 14 15 Jul 1988
The next section should look vaguely familiar to you. It
very closely follows the logic in the h_drawc function. The bigg-
est difference is in the way the ~ operator is used to effectively
mask out unwanted portions of the tile pattern. Remember, we
shifted the font data. Since the titles are stationary it is not
necessary to calculate the correct amount to shift, etc.
Also note the 4 assembly function calls (one for PSET, OR,
AND and XOR). One of these was presented last time but I will
repeat it in case you didn't key it in last month. It is well
worth taking the time to make these ASM functions. I calculate
about a 600% speed increase for PSET and about 125% for the other
functions. It's not often that you find ten lines of code that
create speed improvements like that!
Here they are:
In each case, [bp+12] is the number of bytes to fill, [bp+10] is
the byte from the tile, and [bp+8] and [bp+6] are the segment
and offset portions of a far pointer respectively.
h_mempse push bp
mov bp,sp
mov di,[bp+6]
mov es,[bp+8]
mov ax,[bp+10]
mov cx,[bp+12]
rep stosb
QUIT: retfar
h_memor push bp
mov bp,sp
mov cx,[bp+6]
mov ax,[bp+8]
mov es,[bp+10]
mov bx,[bp+12]
DOIT: es:
or byte ptr [bx],al
inc bx
loop DOIT
pop bp
h_memxor push bp
mov bp,sp
C News 1-09 Page 15 15 Jul 1988
mov cx,[bp+6]
mov ax,[bp+8]
mov es,[bp+10]
mov bx,[bp+12]
DOIT: es:
xor byte ptr [bx],al
inc bx
loop DOIT
pop bp
h_memand push bp
mov bp,sp
mov cx,[bp+6]
mov ax,[bp+8]
mov es,[bp+10]
mov bx,[bp+12]
DOIT: es:
and byte ptr [bx],al
inc bx
loop DOIT
pop bp
If you REALLY hate assembly language you can substitute the
Replace the h_mempse function call with:
*(h_p+ ++byte_loc)=save_byte;
Replace the h_memor function call with:
*(h_p+ ++byte_loc)|=save_byte;
Replace the h_memxor function call with:
*(h_p+ ++byte_loc)^=save_byte;
C News 1-09 Page 16 15 Jul 1988
Replace the h_memand function call with:
*(h_p+ ++byte_loc)&=save_byte;
The h_moveto function simply provides a consistent way of
changing the current graphics cursor location to the position
specified by the two parameters.
The h_box function takes the same parameters as the h_boxfill
function but does not fill the box. Using different tiles
produces various dashed and dotted lines.
The h_setpmode function provides a consistent method of changing
the current put mode.
The h_clrw function clears the current window by trying to
fill the entire screen (the boxfill function does the clipping).
The only parameter is a tile pointer. The graphics cursor
position is not changed and the pre-existing put mode is
The h_explode function is used in the demo to give you an
idea of the many possibilities designed into the h_boxfill
The h_draws function simply displays a string at the current
cursor location, using the font pointed to by the alphabet
parameter. No control codes or white space characters are
The h_pattern function is used by the demo program to
display some possible tile patterns. Note the use of
the OR put mode to create a crosshatch pattern by
combining the left and right hatch patterns.
C News 1-09 Page 17 15 Jul 1988
I am currently employed as an economist for the Virginia
Department of Taxation. I have a Bachelor's degree in Business
Administration from Radford University and a Master's of Business
Administration from Virginia Polytechnic Institute. My wife, son
and I are about to embark on a journey to Texas so I can begin work
on a Ph.D. in Management Information Systems at Texas A&M. For this
reason, next months' article will be rather short. I will continue
to monitor the action in the C NEWS message area of the Virginia
C BBS and try my best to respond to your inquiries quickly.
= DAVE =
C News 1-09 Page 18 15 Jul 1988
PRACTICAL C: Everyday C Solutions
RSE: A Program to redirect standard error.
Scott Houck submitted this utility out our C BBS user meeting
this past week. Scott needed a utility to redirect standard
error, so that he could get compiler errors into a file. Polytron
Version Control System, had an RSE but Scott felt that he should
not be distributing it. As it is a copyrighted product. Thus
began the creation of his own RSE program, which is shown below:
/* RSE.C -- a program to redirect standard error
* Written by Scott R. Houck
* This program will redirect standard error to standard output so
* that a program's standard error output can be sent to a file
* using the redirection symbols '>' or '>>' on the command line.
* The syntax is: RSE program [arguments]
#include <stdio.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <process.h>
int main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char **argv;
if (argv < 2)
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: RSE program [arguments]\n");
dup2(fileno(stdout), fileno(stderr));
return spawnvp(P_WAIT, *argv, argv);
C News 1-09 Page 19 15 Jul 1988
Latest Versions of Commercial/PD Software.
Compilers: Ver:
--------- ----
Microsoft C 5.10
QuickC 1.01
TurboC 1.5 /* With a rumored 2.0 out */
Datalight 2.1
PowerC ?
Lattice C ?
Watcom 6.0
C News 1-09 Page 20 15 Jul 1988
As I have repeatedly stated in this newsletter and previous
issues, I would like to see user-submitted articles, reviews or
questions. Listed below are the standards that should be
followed to make my job easier as an editor.
- Articles should be submitted in a ASCII non-formatted
file. (Margins 0-65 PLEASE)
- If the article include code fragments as examples. Then
you can include the entire source file if you like for
inclusion with the newsletter.
- Book or magazine reviews should follow the same format,
that is outlined in this issue. The publisher, author,
title, and ISBN number are a must.
- Compiler/and or product reviews, should include the
version number and manufacture. If possible, reviews
should include a sample program with benchmarks.
If you have any questions you can contact me at the
address's included on the next page.
C News 1-09 Page 21 15 Jul 1988
The C BBS is located at:
% BCL Limited
P.O. Box 9162
McLean VA, 22102
or you can send netmail to:
C News 1-09 Page 22 15 Jul 1988
Subject: Issue:
Additional Comments of Filename Wild.. 6
Beginning C Functions 7
C Spot Run: A User Supported Library 7
Filename Wildcard Expansion in MSC 4
Integrated Environment: TC & QC 5
Programming the Hercules Graphics Card 8
Talking with a Fossil 5
TurboC and Interrupts: A few Questions 2
Book Reviews:
C Chest: and other treasures. 6
C Database Development 1
C Programming Guide 1
C Programming Language 1
C Programmer's Guide to Serial Communications 3
C Programmer's Library 1
C Primer Plus 1
C the Complete Reference 2
Crafting C Tools for the IBM PC 2
Learning to Program in C 1
Microsoft C Programming on the IBM PC 1
MS-DOS Developer's Guide 4
Programming in Windows 3
Reliable Data Structures in C 1
TurboC: Memory Resident Utilities 5
TurboC Programmer's Reference Book 2
QuickC 1
Software Reviews:
Bplus11.arc 3
C_Dates.arc 4
Cdate.arc 4
Casm.arc 3
C-subr.arc 4
Docu.arc 3
Ezwind.arc 8
Jcl-src.arc 4
Mscpopup.arc 3
Ndmake41.arc 4
C News 1-09 Page 23 15 Jul 1988
Subject: Issue:
Software Reviews Cont:
Nuc-subr.arc 3
Prndoc.arc 6
Sed.arc 6
Shift_c.arc 4
Sysact11.arc 4
Tp_to_qc.arc 3
Xenixarc.arc 4
C News 1-09 Page 24 15 Jul 1988
Board Name Number Net/Node Sysop
United States
C BBS (703) 644-6478 1:109/713 Barry Lynch
Burke, VA
Jaz C-Scape (904) 724-1377 1:112/1027 Tom Evans
Jacksonville, FL
Eastern C Board (201) 247-6748 1:107/335 Todd Lehr
Exec-PC (414) 964-5160 .. Bob Mahoney
Milwaukee, WI
Tamaini (813) 793-2392 Gerhard Barth
Naples, FL
Another BBS System (416) 465-7752 1:148/208 Mark Bowman
Toronto, Canada
Fido_N1_1 31-8350-37156 2:500/1 Henk Wevers
The Netherlands
Alpha-Centuri BBS 011-61-3-874-3559 3:632/348 David Nugent
C News 1-09 Page 25 15 Jul 1988
This form will be included as a regular feature in all future
issues of C NEWS.
What did you think of the content of this Issue? _____________
What improvements can you think of that would make C News a
better tool for the C Community?
What is your favorite section or sections? ___________________
What don't you like about C News? ____________________________
Additional Comments: _________________________________________