Simtel MSDOS 1992 December
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These were written while the author was ~Ilearning~N the language and since
they are ~Ifree~N ( to copy and/or distribute ) there is a money-back
guarantee on the accuracy of each and every statement in the lessons (!)
The ~Idisplay~N program was written ( in C ) in order to provide a vehicle
for displaying the lessons.
Dept. of Applied Math
Univ. of Waterloo
Ontario N2L 3G1
When we declare ~b~Ichar x;~N we tell the C compiler that ~b~Ix~N is a
~b~Ichar~Nacter variable (so we may define ~b~Ix='Z';~N for example).
But what if we wish to assign to ~b~Ix~N the ~Istring~N: 'hello' ?
In order to identify a string (as opposed to a single character) we write:
~b~Ix="hello";~N using the ~Idouble quote~N and we tell ~b~Iprintf()~N
to print ~b~Ix~N using a ~b~Is~Ntring format, ~b~I%s~N:
~b~Imain() {~N
~b~Ichar x;~N declare ~b~Ichar x;~N as usual.
~b~Ix="hello";~N use ~Idouble quotes~N to define ~b~Ix~N.
~b~Iprintf("string x is %s",x);~N use ~b~I%s~N to printf a ~b~Is~Ntring.
The above program (when ~Icompiled~N and ~Irun~N) prints:
~r~Istring x is hello~N
~b~Imain() {~N
~Vchar x; ~N
~b~Ix="hello";~N use ~Idouble quotes~N to define ~b~Ix~N.
~b~Iprintf("string x is %s",x);~N use ~b~I%s~N to printf a ~b~Is~Ntring.
~IThis declaration of a string ~b~Ix~N~I may NOT be acceptable to your C-compiler!~N
(It has the SAME format as the declaration of a single ~b~Ichar~Nacter variable!)
Lesson6 will explain .....
Double Quotes and Strings : Single Quotes and Characters
Consider the following:
~b~Imain() {~N
~b~Ichar x,y;~N ~b~Ix~N, ~b~Iy~N both ~b~Ichar~N.
~b~Ix="A";~N ~b~Ix~N is in ~Idouble~N quotes.
~b~Iy='A';~N ~b~Iy~N is in ~Isingle~N quotes.
~b~Iprintf("x is %s and y is %s",x,y);~N BOTH printed as a ~b~I%s~Ntring!
What do you think will be printed?
~r~Ix is A and y is ~N ~Ithe x-string is OK..but NOT the y!~N
If ~b~Ix~N is defined as a string (using the ~Idouble quotes~N) and
is printed (via ~b~Iprintf()~N) using the ~b~I%s~Ntring format, then the
printout is OK. BUT if ~b~Iy~N is defined as a ~Isingle character~N (using
~Isingle quotes~N) but is printed using the ~b~I%s~Ntring format then
~b~Iprintf()~N gets confused (..or maybe it's ~IWE~N who are confused!).
~w~BThis says something interesting about printf()!~N
When we tell ~b~Iprintf()~N to print a ~b~I%s~Ntring (either ~b~Ix~N
or ~b~Iy~N) ~b~Iprintf()~N expects the ~Iaddress~N of the first
character of the string. When we ask to ~b~Iprintf()~N a ~b~I%c~Nharacter
it expects the actual character itself.
We normally don't worry about this...just define the variable ~b~Ix~N
as a ~Istring~N (using ~Idouble quotes~N) and ask ~b~Iprintf()~N for the
~b~I%s~N format and - ~Iautomatically~N - the ~Iaddress~N of ~b~Ix~N is
given to ~b~Iprintf()~N and printing begins with the first character
found at that ~Iaddress~N and continues until the ~Ilast~N character
(...and how does ~b~Iprintf()~N know when it has reached the ~Ilast~N
character ?? ... patience ...).
If we define ~b~Iy~N using ~Isingle quotes~N and use the ~b~I%c~N
format in ~b~Iprintf()~N that's OK too. The C language looks after
giving the ~Iactual character~N to ~b~Iprintf()~N (rather than the
let C doit
~b~Ix="Z";~N ~b~Ix~N is in ~Idouble quotes~N.
~b~Iprintf("x is %s",x);~N
~r~Ix is Z~N this is the printout..~IOK~N!
If ~b~I%s~N is used in the ~b~Iprintf()~N statement, and if ~b~Ix~N is
declared and defined as a ~Istring~N, then C will look after giving to
~b~Iprintf()~N the address where ~b~Ix~N is stored.
~b ~N
Now consider:
~b~Iy='Z';~N ~b~Iy~N is in ~Isingle quotes~N.
~b~Iprintf("y is %c",y);~N
~r~Iy is Z~N this is the printout..~IOK~N!
Here ~b~Iy~N is in ~Isingle quotes~N (hence a ~Isingle~N character) and
the ~b~I%c~N tells ~b~Iprintf()~N that the 'value' of ~b~Iy~N which it
receives is to be interpreted as the actual character itself (in this
example, the character ~b~IZ~N), so a ~r~IZ~N is (correctly) printed.
Now consider:
~b~Iy='Z';~N ~b~Iy~N is in ~Isingle quotes~N.
~b~Iprintf("y is %s",y);~N
~r~Iy is ~N this is the printout ~INOT OK!~N.
NOW ~b~Iy~N is a ~Isingle~N character (~b~IZ~N, in ~Isingle quotes~N) but
because we asked to have it printed as a ~b~I%s~Ntring, ~b~Iprintf()~N
goes to the ~Imemory address~N given by the 'value' of ~b~Iy~N and prints
characters on the screen (according to the numbers it finds in memory)!
The 'value' given to ~b~Iprintf()~N was used as a ~w~Rpointer~N instead
of the actual character to be printed...and ~b~Iprintf()~N went to some
strange ~Iaddress~N in memory to find the ~b~I%s~Ntring to print!!
Even if we do it right and define a string with ~Idouble quotes~N
and use ~b~I%s~N in the ~b~Iprintf()~N format (so the ~Iaddress~N of the
beginning of our string is passed to ~b~Iprintf()~N) ~ITHEN~N....
~w~Bhow does printf() know when it has come to the end of our string??~N
..how does a string end?
When we say ~b~Ix="hello";~N the C compiler will put the correct 'values'
for the characters ~b~Ih~N, ~b~Ie~N, ~b~Il~N, ~b~Il~N, ~b~Io~N into memory
and add, ~Iat the end~N (after the ~b~Io~N) the 'value' ~I0~N.
It is this 'value' ~I0~N which signals the end of the string!
NOTE: Every character such as ~b~Ia~N, ~b~Ib~N, ~b~IZ~N, ~b~I{~N, etc.
has a certain 'value' (or 'number') associated with it. In ~IASCII~N
(~IA~Nmerican ~IS~Ntandard ~IC~Node for ~II~Nnformation ~II~Nnterchange)
the 'value' or 'number' associated with ~b~IA~N is ~I65~N (in decimal) and
the 'value' or 'number' associated with ~b~I0~N is ~I48~N (in decimal).
Notice that it is NOT the 'number' ~I0~N which is associated with the
character ~b~I0~N but rather the 'number' ~I48~N! ~ISO~N...the ~I0~N which
terminates strings cannot be confused with the character ~b~I 0~N.
After all, the string may, in fact, be defined by: ~b~Ix="10"~N which
will be stored in memory as the two 'numbers' associated with the two
characters ~b~I1~N and ~b~I0~N (namely the two 'numbers' ~I49~N ~I48~N)
followed by the terminating number ~I0~N
It is possible to define a string by defining an ~Iarray of single~N
~Icharacters~N. Although we will talk (later) about ~Iarrays~N, now is
an opportune time to talk briefly about such a definition of a string
because, in this instance, we must ~Idefine the last single character~N
~Iin the array as the special terminating character, 0~N.
special 0
...just one word about 'string arrays'
~b~Ichar x[10];~N defines an ~Iarray~N of ~b~I10~N elements.
~b~Ix[0]='A';~N the first element is the character ~b~IA~N.
~b~Ix[1]='b';~N the second element is the character ~b~Ib~N.
~b~Ix[2]='{';~N the third element is the character ~b~I{~N.
~b~Ix[3]='\0';~N the last element is the 'number' ~I0~N!!!!
~b~Iprintf("the string is %s",x);~N print the string, up to the ~I0~N.
...and the printout would be: ~r~Ithe string is Ab{~N
~w~B ~N
~w~B but note the strange way we had to define the terminating ~N
~w~B element so that C would recognize it as the 'number' 0 ~N
~w~B and not the 'character' 0 ... we used ~b~W\0~w~B inside single ~N
~w~B quotes in the statement: ~b~Wx[3]='\0';~w~B ~N
~w~B ~N
Other special characters like \0
In order to define the special character ~I0~N which terminates a string
we referred to it as ~b~I\0~N. The ~Ibackslash~N ~b~I\~N notifies C that
the VERY NEXT CHARACTER is to be interpreted in a SPECIAL manner. (We've
seen this kind of thing before: ~b~I%~N means the NEXT CHARACTER(s)
is 'special' in a ~b~Iprintf()~N format....as in ~b~I%s~N).
There are other ~b~I\character~N combinations in C. In each case they
are used to define a character which cannot (normally) be typed into
your text. For example you may have noticed that the statements:
~b~Ichar x,y;~N
~b~Ix="Z"; y='Z';~N
~b~Iprintf("x is %s y is %c",x,y);~N
will print:
~r~Ix is Z y is Z~N
Now suppose we wanted to print:~r~Ix is Z~N and ~r~Iy is Z~N
on two separate lines! Then we tell ~b~Iprintf()~N to print a 'special'
character, ~b~I\n~N, meaning a ~b~In~New line:
~b~Ichar x,y;~N
~b~Ix="Z"; y='Z';~N
~b~Iprintf("x is %s ~N~V\n~b~I~W y is %c",x,y);~N notice the ~V\n~N!
~r~Ix is Z ~N this is the printout,
~r~I y is Z~N notice the spaces.
We have the following 'special' characters:
~b~I\n~N the ~In~New line.
~b~I\t~N the ~It~Nab character.
~b~I\0~N the ~I0~N terminator (NULL character), ASCII 'value' ~I0~N.
~b~I\b~N the ~Ib~Nackspace.
~b~I\"~N the double quote.
~b~I\\~N the backslash character.
What would the following print?
~b~Iint age;~N
~b~Iprintf("\"Sam\" is %d years old\t\ttoday",age);~N
~r~I"Sam" is 100 years old today~N Notice the ~Iquotes~N
and the ~Itabs~N.
~b~Iprintf("~N~V\"~b~I~WSam~N~V\"~b~I~W is %d years old~N~V\t\t~b~I~Wtoday",age);~N
Other 'format' info you can give to printf()
We've seen the ~b~I%d~N (for ~b~Id~Necimal number printouts) and we've
seen ~b~I%f~N (for ~b~If~Nloating point numbers), and ~b~I%c~N and ~b~I%s~N
for ~b~Ic~Nharacters and ~b~Is~Ntrings, but we have also ~b~I%o~N (for
~b~Io~Nctal numbers) and ~b~I%x~N (for he~b~Ix~Nadecimal numbers) and
~b~I%e~N (numbers ~b~Ie~Nxponential format, such as ~r~I-7.001100E+03~N).
In each case you may qualify the above ~Iformat~N instruction with a
~Ifield width~N specification, such as:
~b~Iint a=123;printf("%6d",a);~N ~V 123~N
~b~Ifloat b=123;printf("%6.3f",b);~N ~V123.000~N
~b~Ichar c='1';printf("%6c",c);~N ~V 1~N
~b~Ichar d="123";printf("%6s",d);~N ~V 123~N
~b~Iint e=123;printf("%6o",e);~N ~V 173~N
~b~Ifloat f=123;printf("%6e",f);~N ~V1.230000E+02~N
~b~Iint g=123;printf("%6x",g);~N ~V 7B~N in HEXADECIMAL
good form .. bad form
bad form?!
You may have noticed, in the compound statement:
~b~Ifloat b=123;printf("%6.3f",b);~N ~V123.000~N
that we declared ~b~Ib~N to be a ~b~Ifloat~N and, ~Iat the same time~N, we
defined it to be ~b~I123~N (as in ~b~Ifloat b=123;~N). ~IThat's legal~N.
BUT we also added ~b~Iprintf("%6.3f",b);~N ~Ion the same line~N. That's
considered ~Ibad form~N (...but sure convenient if you want to see as
much of your program as possible on a 25-line screen!)
Note: for ~b~Ib=123~N, ~b~I6.~N~V3~b~I~Wf~N doesn't provide enough ~Ifield~N
~Iwidth~N (if we want ~V3~N decimal places) so ~b~Iprintf()~N expands
the field width to ~b~I7~N (as required to accommodate ~V123.000~N).
You will also have noticed that the statement:
~b~Ichar d="123";printf("%6s",d);~N ~V 123~N
~Iright justified~N the ~r~I123~N in a ~Ifield width~N of 6. You may
ask ~b~Iprintf()~N to ~Ileft-justify~N the ~r~I123~N by specifying:
~b~Ichar d="123";printf("%-6s",d);~N ~V123 ~N
(Notice the format specification ~b~I%-6s~N with ~b~I-~N meaning
If ~b~Ib="1234567";~N then (as expected) ~b~Iprintf()~N will make the
~Ifield width~N ~b~I7~N (to accommodate ~r~I1234567~N)...even if we
asked for ~b~I%6s~N! If you ~IREALLY MEAN 6~N (and want to cut off the
string) then use the specification: ~b~I%.6s~N
~b~Ichar d="1234567";printf("%.6s",d);~N ~V123456~N note the ~b~I.6~N.
A note on format specifications
If ~b~Is~N has been declared and defined as a string: ~b~Is="I'm a string"~N
( with 12 characters ) then we may select any number of characters and
print then in a specified field width:
~b~Iprintf("%s",s);~N gives ~VI'm a string~N
~b~Iprintf("%20.12s",s);~N gives ~V I'm a string~N
~b~Iprintf("%-20.12s",s);~N gives ~VI'm a string ~N
~b~Iprintf("%20.10s",s);~N gives ~V I'm a stri~N
~b~Iprintf("%-20.10s",s);~N gives ~VI'm a stri ~N
field width = 20
print only 10 characters
More notes on format specifications
If ~b~Ix~N has been declared and defined as an int: ~b~Ix=123~N
then we have:
~b~Iprintf("%d",x);~N gives ~V123~N
~b~Iprintf("%10d",x);~N gives ~V 123~N
~b~Iprintf("%-10d",x);~N gives ~V123 ~N
~b~Iprintf("%010d",x);~N gives ~V0000000123~N
~b~Iprintf("%010x",x);~N gives ~V000000007B~N in HEXADECIMAL
this ~I0~N pads with 0's
...and some final notes on format
If ~b~Ix~N has been declared and defined as an float: ~b~Ix=123.456~N
then we have:
~b~Iprintf("%f",x);~N gives ~V123.456000~N
~b~Iprintf("%10.4f",x);~N gives ~V 123.4560~N
~b~Iprintf("%-10.2f",x);~N gives ~V123.46 ~N
That's all folks!
au revoir!