Simtel MSDOS 1992 December
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Instant Help - INSTAHLP (c) 1988 Instant Help - INSTAHLP (c) 1988 Instant Help - INSTAHLP (c) 1988 Instant Help - INSTAHLP (c) 1988
Richard A. Murphy Richard A. Murphy Richard A. Murphy Richard A. Murphy
This package is intended for use with the Clipper Summer '87
compiler. Use of any previous versions will NOT work.
If you like what you see and want to use it in your programs,
I am asking $25 (U.S.) or your word as a fellow developer that the
library will either be destroyed or given to someone else to look
at. An extra $25 (U.S.) and you will receive a copy of the source
to modify to your heart's content!! Also, please feel free to
distribute this library to your friends/enemies. And as always,
any comments, suggestions, death threats, etc... are welcome and
will be considered.
Thanks, Richard.
OK, on to more important subjects. This package contains the
following programs/files:
1) INHP11.LIB -- The Instant Help v1.1 Library.
NOTE: The HELP.* files are NOT part of the original package.
They will be made if not currently present.
2) HELP.DBF -- The database for your help screens.
3) HELP.DBT -- The memo file for HELP.DBF.
4) HELP.NTX -- The index created by HELP and INSTAHLP.
5) HLTEST.PRG -- The demo test program. Feel free to look
at it to see how easy it is to use the
system. This program needs to be
compiled by CLIPPER S'87 before you can
link it.
6) INSTAHLP.DOC -- This file you're reading right now.
To link and run the demo;
1) Compile HLTEST.PRG with CLIPPER S'87.
link hltest,,,clipper extend inhp11
With PLINK86:
Execute HLTEST and enjoy!
To link with your program, you will need to do the following:
1) Somewhere (I do it at the beginning) in your program put
the following instructions:
external instahlp, help && For making help screens.
set key 291 to instahlp && Alt-H triggers creating help.
This will cause link/plink86 to look for the modules INSTAHLP
and HELP in the library and set ALT-H to INSTAHLP.
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Instant Help - INSTAHLP (c) 1988 Instant Help - INSTAHLP (c) 1988 Instant Help - INSTAHLP (c) 1988 Instant Help - INSTAHLP (c) 1988
Richard A. Murphy Richard A. Murphy Richard A. Murphy Richard A. Murphy
2) Make sure you erase HELP.DBF, HELP.DBT and HELP.NTX from
the current directory (Of course, don't erase HELP if you
are currently working on it) and the programs will create
it the first time you press ALT-H. At any time if you
suspect an index error, simply erase HELP.NTX and the
programs will re-create it.
3) When you are done creating your help screens and are ready
to give the program to your customer, simply remove
"instahlp" from the external statement and delete (I
usually comment it out) the instruction -- set key 291 to
instahlp. When the customer hits ALT-H, nothing will
happen, but when he hits F1 -- WOW!!
As you probably have figured out by now, to activate the
program, press ALT-H (assuming you have "set key 291 to instahlp"
in your program). A box will appear in the upper left corner of
your screen. Enter the screen number (1-9). A bigger box will
appear to edit/add the help screen specific information.
│ Program: HLTEST │
│ Variable: VAR1 │
│ Box Chars: │
│ Box Color: R │
│ Text Color: B+ │
│ Header: Help for screen │
│ Footer: PgDn, Or any ke │
│ Head Color: W+ │
│ Foot Color: RG+ │
│ Shadow: Y │
│ Sh. Color: N/N │
│ Overlay: Y │
│ Pause Time: 10 │
NOTE: At anytime while editing, the following keys are
<ESC> Abort.
<ENTER> Accept current field editing.
<CTRL-U> Undo changes of current field.
<HOME> Go to beginning of current field.
<PGDN> Complete all fields displayed for editing.
Program: The name of the program when ALT-H was pressed.
Variable: The name of the variable when ALT-H was pressed.
NOTE: There are different uses for this variable.
By leaving this information blank, the help
screen you define here will be a GENERIC help
screen for that procedure.
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Instant Help - INSTAHLP (c) 1988 Instant Help - INSTAHLP (c) 1988 Instant Help - INSTAHLP (c) 1988 Instant Help - INSTAHLP (c) 1988
Richard A. Murphy Richard A. Murphy Richard A. Murphy Richard A. Murphy
This allows you to have a combination of
specific and non-specific help for that
screen/procedure. This means if you have three
variables in an edit screen and you define a
specific help for VAR1 and a non-specific help
for VAR2, when F1 is pressed on VAR1, the
specific help you wrote will come up. But when
the user presses F1 on VAR2 OR VAR3, the
generic help you defined for VAR2 appears on
BOTH! You may edit the generic help on any
variable that is not specific on that
screen/procedure. For this reason, I suggest
(it is also good programming etiquette) to have
each entry/edit screen in it's own procedure.
This would allow you to make a generic help for
each screen. If you define more than one
screen per procedure, and have a generic help,
it will appear on ANY wait state in that
Box Chars: Enter Box chars. Clipper's BOX command is used, so
define the characters from upper-left corner clockwise
to the left vertical line. Look at you Clipper manual
at the @ BOX command description for ideas.
Box Color: Any valid clipper color statement. -- No syntax check.
Text Color: Color for text inside of box. Refer to Box Color.
Header: Message to be displayed at top of help box.
Footer: Message to be displayed at bottom of help box.
I usually have this message say something like,
Press any key...; Press PgUp or any key... (for
screens that have a screen before it); Press PgUp,
PgDn or any key... (for screens that have screens
above and below them); or Press PgDn or any key...
(for the first screen if there is a screen 2, 3,
etc...). NOTE: This system uses PgUp to go up a
screen (ex; from screen 2 to 1) and PgDn to go down a
screen (ex; from screen 1 to 2). If PgUp is pressed
on Screen 1, the help is finished. If PgDn is pressed
on the last defined screen (Upper limit of 9, lower
limit of 1), the help is finished.
Head Color: Color for Header Message. Must be Clipper color
Foot Color: Color for Footer Message. Must be Clipper Color
Shadow: Y/N -- Display shadow under box?
Sh. Color: Color for shadow. Only valid if Shadow: = Y.
ASCII Character 176 (░)is used for the shadow. This
character is a box with half the pixels defined in the
foreground color, and the other half in the background
color. This can give a "shadow" effect with the right
color combinations. Experiment!
Overlay: Y/N -- Y = Overlay help, N = Clear screen before
displaying this help AND after. Makes a "loner" help
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Instant Help - INSTAHLP (c) 1988 Instant Help - INSTAHLP (c) 1988 Instant Help - INSTAHLP (c) 1988 Instant Help - INSTAHLP (c) 1988
Richard A. Murphy Richard A. Murphy Richard A. Murphy Richard A. Murphy
Pause Time: Amount of time to wait for a key-press from user.
An amount of 1 displays until a key-press.
Once the specific information is filled in, answer Y to OK?
and a full cursor will appear. Move the cursor to where you want
the UPPER LEFT corner of the help box to appear. Press <ENTER>.
Then move the cursor again to where you would like the LOWER RIGHT
corner of the help box to be. Press <ENTER>. The box will be
drawn and you will be placed into a memo to edit inside the help
box. Press ALT-H when you are finished editing. The menu at the
bottom of the screen gives you the choices:
F2 - Toggle Screens : Allows viewing screen you are writing help
F3 - Delete : Asks if you want to delete current help
screen. Answer Y/N.
ALT-H - Save-Exit : Saves current help screen and exists back to
your program.
ESC - Abort : Aborts current editing of help memo and
exists back to your program. NOTE: When
you answer Y to OK? when editing the
Specific Information, the Specific
Information is then saved. You must press
ESC when editing that information to abort
your changes and exit back to your program.
F4 - Move Window : Use the cursor keys and move your help
window to another part of the screen.
Enjoy the system and let me know how you like it. I have put
a lot of thought and energy into trying to create a very easy and
professional help system. I hope I have met a need in the
programming/development department. Let me know what you think.
NOTE: This library contains a sub set of Jason Matthews PROCLIP2
functions. I very HIGHLY endorse his library. I use it
extensively. If you currently use the library, you will
probably get some link warning messages. If using MS LINK,
use the /NOE option to avoid these messages. If using
PLINK86, you will just have to ignore them.
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Instant Help - INSTAHLP (c) 1988 Instant Help - INSTAHLP (c) 1988 Instant Help - INSTAHLP (c) 1988 Instant Help - INSTAHLP (c) 1988
Richard A. Murphy Richard A. Murphy Richard A. Murphy Richard A. Murphy
Registration Form for:
Instant Help - Version 1.1
Please Send To: Richard A. Murphy
3162 Prosser Ave.
Akron, OH 44319
(216) 645-6707
Name: ____________________
Company: ____________________
(If applicable)
Addr: ____________________
Addr: ____________________
City: ____________________
State: ____________________
Zip: ____________________
Please Check One:
__ Inclosed is my check for $25 for the registration fee.
__ Inclosed is my check for $50 for the registration fee AND
the source code for my own use/modification.
All registered persons will receive a confirmation of their
registration from me and will be informed of any changes/updates,
and if at all possible, receive free updates.
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