Simtel MSDOS 1992 December
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File List
166 lines
Filename Type Length Date Description
AEROBIX.ZIP B 81246 910420 Fitness Log: Record aerobic exercise/progress
ALBUMS.ZIP B 84370 911004 DBMS for CD/record/tape music collections
AMSF20.ZIP B 280940 920107 Array Management System - Fortran version 2.0
AP11.ZIP B 141230 900407 Bibliographical database for academic papers
AP220.ZIP B 276648 920410 Auto Price v2.20: New car pricing program
AROWDB25.ZIP B 221990 910706 Arrow-DB v2.5: Database program. Limited DEMO
ASCDBF26.ZIP B 58443 920825 Convert txt report file to delimited data file
AVPLAN30.ZIP B 228431 910521 Aviation preflight planning utility
BB_DRAFT.ZIP B 68305 920131 Rotisserie Baseball Draft/Auction Program DEMO
BCAST102.ZIP B 269827 920730 Daily Solar Geophys. database manager/analyst
BILL21.ZIP B 97031 900319 PC-Billing - Easy invoicing system
BOWL101J.ZIP B 168064 910614 Bowling league management program
BOWLS21A.ZIP B 249718 921007 BowlStat V2.1: Bowling stats program, 1/2
BOWLS21B.ZIP B 158795 921007 BowlStat V2.1: Bowling stats program, 2/2
BSM295.ZIP B 47357 920312 Tracks baseball statistics. Easy to use
CARDFILE.ZIP B 18563 900406 3x5 card file manager, handles 150 cards
CARS16.ZIP B 44931 910102 Auto expense tracking and reporting system
CCHEF15.ZIP B 186636 910306 Meal mgr/recipe organizer/shopping list maker
CDMSTR67.ZIP B 172453 911104 CDMaster v6.70: Catalog and list CD library
CDS20D.ZIP B 49628 920910 Compact Disk Cataloging System w/browse/search
CEQPT36C.ZIP B 168448 921113 Database for equipment service/usage histories
CHEX252.ZIP B 102158 920411 Chex 2.52: Easy-to-use checkbook program
CHEXBAL3.ARC B 10781 900120 Use with CHEX, totals balances of all accts.
CINVT54D.ZIP B 167936 921113 Inventory pgm for tracking store stock/orders
CKITOT11.ZIP B 303721 901224 Personal double-entry accounting system v.1.1a
CM170.ARC B 179386 890215 Checking account manager v1.70
COLLECT.ZIP B 245643 911106 Collect; a configurable DB for collections
CONTAC01.ZIP B 172480 920116 Contacts management. Phone, fax, E-Mail etc
DCTDATA.ARC B 212089 900206 Customer Database, prints list/mailing lables
DDATA40.ZIP B 114944 920706 Baseball/Softball statistics tracking software
DIMPRT12.ZIP B 32315 900413 Cvt fixed-length ASCII to comma-delimited file
DREAM22A.ARC B 198981 890709 Menu-driven data retrieval/entry/mgmt, 1 of 5
DREAM22B.ARC B 207189 890709 Menu-driven data retrieval/entry/mgmt, 2 of 5
DREAM22C.ARC B 158558 890709 Menu-driven data retrieval/entry/mgmt, 3 of 5
DREAM22D.ARC B 87462 890709 Menu-driven data retrieval/entry/mgmt, 4 of 5
DREAM22E.ARC B 49772 890709 Menu-driven data retrieval/entry/mgmt, 5 of 5
DWELCALC.ZIP B 179807 920626 Residential NEC electrical code calculations
EASYQT.ARC B 209442 890910 EASY QUOTE - price quoting program
EDB_21.ZIP B 37661 910516 Ed's DataBase v2.1: Simple flat file database
EDB31.ARC B 29230 891213 Easy to use menu-driven database program
EDIT_DTA.ARC B 21248 870625 Edit and print PC-File database
EMPSCH10.ZIP B 64769 900905 Employee Scheduler, up to 1 week, 60 employees
ENTRY141.ZIP B 62325 910531 Dr. Funkey's fixed-format data entry system
ESTIMATE.ARC B 131346 890910 Quick and easy job cost estimator
EXCHK403.ZIP B 262518 900323 ExpressCheck check book manager, v4.03
EZCARD13.ZIP B 128455 910521 A simple database based on a 3x5 cardfile
EZCATLOG.ARC B 68745 871123 Data file and cataloging program
FBK505.ZIP B 341495 920430 FastBucks Home Finance Manager version 5.05
FDVW233.ZIP B 64384 920421 FoodView: view/print/index recipes (TROFF fmt)
FE51_A.ZIP B 308483 921026 File Express v5.10 database system, 1 of 3
FE51_B.ZIP B 353036 921026 File Express v5.10 database system, 2 of 3
FE51_C.ZIP B 305862 921026 File Express v5.10 database system, 3 of 3
FFA20.ZIP B 293407 920814 Fantasy football manager statistics database
FISHBYTE.ZIP B 217487 920312 Fishbyte: Salt water fishing and Loran log pgm
GARDENER.ZIP B 173309 881030 Database for gardeners
GC11.ZIP B 60464 921107 Graphical employee scheduling program
GETIT.ARC B 147623 880525 Free form database & reminder
GIFLG11A.ZIP B 47608 910114 GIF file cataloging program
GL_4_131.ZIP B 150981 900402 Bibliographic database program - with manual
GOVERN.ARC B 126518 890307 Writing government representatives, made easy
GROCERY.ARC B 44384 890521 Makes grocery shopping list, 52 categories
HANDY120.ZIP B 51953 920708 Estimate home repair material costs
HBMS430.ZIP B 211543 920512 Home Budget financial & record keeping system
HELPD12.ZIP B 104967 911023 Help Desk pgm for use in MIS/DP departments
HHG106.ZIP B 93587 920822 Household Goods Inventory Management program
HOOPER.ZIP B 182369 900314 Finance Manager II, General Ledger Lite
HTNET112.ZIP B 281764 910420 Hotnet: Phone support/call track/mgmt system
IC31_1.ZIP B 322654 910208 IN-CONTROL Prospect/Client/Customer Tracker1/2
IC31_2.ZIP B 313285 910208 IN-CONTROL Prospect/Client/Customer Tracker2/2
ICF186.ARC B 86918 880714 Indexed card filer
IIMS10.ARC B 235887 900119 Shareware inventory management system
INF_EXE.ZIP B 99728 871231 Information system, part 1 of 2
INF_SRC.ZIP B 48387 871231 Information system, part 2 of 2
INV10.ZIP B 179672 921027 Home inventory and moving management program
IP205A.ZIP B 260634 910608 Free-form information storage database
JEPRS111.ARC B 178100 890907 Database system for literature references
JOGGR105.ZIP B 59053 920312 Runner's log and analysis database, v1.05
JPRO.ZIP B 158998 901203 Journal-Pro: Keep a computerized journal diary
LEDGER.ZIP B 170159 911230 V1.165 - WYSIWYG editor for any set of books
LGMGR10.ZIP B 110168 920602 League Manager: League of teams management dbm
LISST20.ARC B 32651 890829 dBase-like relational list maker/database
LIST_MGR.ARC B 20295 881002 List format/retrieve utility
LPCDINDX.ZIP B 103020 910823 Music indexing database for records/CDs. DEMO
LPRO101.ZIP B 8704 920825 LabelPro 1.01 address database & label printer
MAG20.ARC B 50816 861206 Magazine filing system (Ver. 2.0)
MDB05S.ZIP B 113080 920110 Catalog your music: song search,reports,& more
MEDLIN.ZIP B 222722 910306 Accounting G/L, A/R, A/P, Payroll and Invoice
MM_701.ZIP B 204416 921026 MealMaster database program for recipes, v7.01
MODBIL74.ZIP B 151601 920626 Billing system for Accountants/Consultants/etc
MYGL116.ARC B 118912 870416 My General Ledger accounting pkg
NDEX.ARC B 149658 890907 N-DEX, an enhanced index-card database
NUTRI321.ZIP B 114152 910207 Nutritional database helps fine tune your diet
OCDEMO.ZIP B 170275 920608 Fire department dispatching software. DEMO
ONBASE.ARC B 55235 881203 TSR database program - 3 Db can be called
PAPER202.ZIP B 120677 910531 PAPERS v2.02: Scientific literature database
PC_COMMA.ARC B 39483 890218 Make comma-delim files from ASCII or data file
PCAB300.ZIP B 68330 910531 Database of names/addresses/dates
PCFPL3_1.ARC B 259047 890914 PC-File+ v3.0 Buttonware database pgm - 1of3
PCFPL3_2.ARC B 280411 890914 PC-File+ v3.0 Buttonware database pgm - 2of3
PCFPL3_3.ARC B 268631 890914 PC-File+ v3.0 Buttonware database pgm - 3of3
PERINV21.ZIP B 123852 920822 Keep track of household items for insurance
PERSONAL.ARC B 157065 900212 Shareware phone/address database manager,v1.10
PIMS12.ARC B 165936 890902 Personal Information Management System, v1.2
PINMONEY.ARC B 21259 890622 Reminds you about your PINs in a secure way
PONYEX20.ZIP B 232755 920512 Pony Express v2.0 Postal/UPS/FedEx rate util.
PRM.ARC B 45609 880829 Personal Recipe Manager
PT100.ARC B 175592 890914 Physical Training test scorekeeper database
PURCHASE.ARC B 99840 870516 Purchase Order System (Ver 2.11)
Q_PRO4A.ARC B 256874 890918 Database application generator, exe&examples
Q_PRO4B.ARC B 168494 890918 Database application generator, docs
QAD12.ZIP B 47727 900412 Fixed length ASCII to CDF file cvt, w/QB4 src
QBOOK096.ZIP B 102856 910613 QuikBook v0.96a: Free-form recipe database pgm
QDRSUM.ARC B 47881 871205 PC-FILE+ quick & dirty report/summary
REC200_1.ZIP B 502272 920421 Recipe database for use with FoodView
REFBAS21.ARC B 43481 890813 Tech reference database template for PC-File+
REFLEXEX.ARC B 37173 880422 Reflex database program, part 1 of 2
REFRECOV.ARC B 30732 880422 Reflex database program, part 2 of 2
REXL210.ZIP B 463507 920526 Full 4GL with debugger/scrn designer/language
REXL211A.ZIP B 284671 920826 dBase file compatible database, exes/help
REXL211B.ZIP B 260608 920826 dBase file compatible database, utils/modules
REXL211C.ZIP B 279040 920826 dBase file compatible database, docs/examples
RL40.ZIP B 944785 920903 Menu-driven mail/phone manager & label maker
ROADMILE.ARC B 68928 880701 Calculate US Highway Mileage Between Points
ROADW254.ZIP B 195715 910526 Trip planning (routes, mileage), works w/mouse
ROCV2.ZIP B 671254 921006 Resumes On Computer (ROC), a resume database
RUNLOG.ZIP B 71801 900308 Runner's/bicycler's workout log
RUNSTA11.ZIP B 304829 911104 Journal/statistics package for runners, v1.1
SCHED201.ZIP B 359609 920811 Automatic employee scheduling system. DEMO
SEEKEASY.ZIP B 97052 901026 Flexible match information retrieval pgm
SIV2B.ZIP B 145829 920619 An expert system for staff scheduling
SSQL23.ZIP B 195830 910513 SQL cmd processor - create/update/query tables
STARTR10.ZIP B 174095 901212 Menu-based database of all Star Trek episodes
SUPERMEM.ZIP B 92156 911021 Create/edit/supervise knowledge databases
SVCP30_1.ZIP B 239195 910208 SERVICE PLUS Maint/Service call Tracker 1/2
SVCP30_2.ZIP B 248894 910208 SERVICE PLUS Maint/Service call Tracker 2/2
TAPEMK16.ZIP B 67579 911104 Music database and audio cassette label maker
TARA201.ARC B 137088 870525 Tara datafile utilities
TCBAP10C.ZIP B 218960 910819 Takin' Care of Bus. 1.0c Acc'ts Payable, 1of7
TCBAR10C.ZIP B 200552 910819 Takin' Care of Bus. 1.0c Acc'ts Recvable, 2of7
TCBGL10C.ZIP B 186905 910819 Takin' Care of Bus. 1.0c General Ledger, 3of7
TCBIN10C.ZIP B 160002 910819 Takin' Care of Bus. 1.0c Inventory, 4of7
TCBMA10C.ZIP B 302121 910819 Takin' Care of Bus. 1.0c Main Program, 5of7
TCBPR10C.ZIP B 250310 910819 Takin' Care of Bus. 1.0c Payroll, 6of7
TCBPS10C.ZIP B 153600 910819 Takin' Care of Bus. 1.0c POS/Invoicing, 7of7
TRACKAUD.ZIP B 22581 911104 Database for your albums/CDs/cassettes library
TRILOGY.ARC B 80466 880512 A notes retrieval system, with BASIC src & EXE
USNOFA91.ZIP B 202776 910324 US Naval Observatory floppy almanac for 1991
VCR.ARC B 12288 860330 Catalog those video cassettes (w/BAS)
VIDCAT70.ZIP B 127312 910504 Video tape library cataloger
VIDEOLOG.ARC B 127616 870927 Video tape catalog database
WEDDING1.ZIP B 111011 900428 Wedding Organizer: Invitation mgr/budget/to-do
WEDPLAN.ZIP B 174820 920704 Database for planning weddings or parties
WPMERGER.ZIP B 260062 901115 Mailing list database manager/WP merge program
YEARPLAN.ARC B 152466 881216 Print a yearly calendar. Good for planning
ZK0890.ZIP B 119701 910228 Zipcode lookup, v2.00, data, 8/90, 2 of 2
ZK200.ZIP B 92965 910228 Zipcode lookup, v2.00, prog & doc, 1 of 2
ZR22EXHL.ARC B 195571 900120 ZOOMRACKS database, exectuables, help file
ZR22FUBS.ARC B 92016 900120 ZOOMRACKS database, business templates
ZR22HOME.ARC B 89890 900120 ZOOMRACKS database, misc. templates for home
ZR22SMBS.ARC B 105612 900120 ZOOMRACKS database, small business templates
ZR22TUTR.ARC B 47496 900120 ZOOMRACKS database, Tutor