Simtel MSDOS 1992 December
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Text File
343 lines
Special Keys and their Function
(Alt)C Calculator hot-key
(Alt)D Drop to DOS
(Alt)H Help
(Alt)M Load new Macro smart keys
(Alt)P Print screen (cleaned up)
(Alt)T TEACH mode (on/off)
(Alt)Y Smart key memorize (on/off)
backspace delete character to the left of cursor
(Ctrl)A Accept data (same as (F10))
(Ctrl)B Blank right, to end of field
(Ctrl)D Duplicate all of previous record
(Ctrl)F duplicate Field from previous record
(Ctrl)L print a Label (Snapshot)
(Ctrl)left arrow move cursor one word to the left
(Ctrl)P Print screen (cleaned up)
(Ctrl)R Read into memory
(Ctrl)right arrow move cursor one word to the right
(Ctrl)W Write from memory
(Ctrl)Z display batch number of program
(Del) delete the character at the cursor
down arrow move cursor to following field or line
(End) move cursor to right, past last character
(Enter) move cursor to next field, or accept data
(Esc) cancel this operation
(F10) accept data
(Home) move cursor left, to start of field
(Ins) Insert mode (on/off)
left arrow move cursor left one position
(PgDn) move cursor to last field, or page down in
browse mode
(PgUp) move cursor to first field, or page up in
browse mode
right arrow move cursor right one position
(Tab) move cursor to next field, or move browse
window one field to the right
(Shift)(Tab) move cursor to prior field, or move browse
window one field to the left
tilde (~) the flip data character
up arrow move cursor to preceding field or line
(Ctrl)(End) move to lower left corner of current window
(Ctrl)(Home) move to upper left corner of current window
(Ctrl)(left arrow) move to beginning of previous word
(Ctrl)(PgDn) move to left of last line of text
(Ctrl)(PgUp) move to left of first line of text
(Ctrl)(right arrow) move to beginning of next word
down arrow move down one line if not at end
(End) move past last character on current line
(Enter) move cursor to next line, creating a new line
(Home) move to first position on current line
left arrow move one position to left
right arrow move one position to right
(PgDn) scroll down one screen
(PgUp) scroll up one screen
(Shift)(Tab) tab left
(Tab) tab right
up arrow move up one line if not at top
Editor Commands
(Ctrl)\ split line at cursor
(Ctrl)A toggle automatic paragraph wrapping
(Ctrl)B mark corner of block
(Ctrl)C copy marked block below cursor
(Ctrl)D delete marked block
(Ctrl)E erase from cursor line to end of document
(Ctrl)F fill marked block with selected character
(Ctrl)L mark line or lined block
(Ctrl)M move marked block
(Ctrl)O overlay marked block
(Ctrl)R reformat marked block; reformat current
paragraph if no marked block
(Ctrl)U unmark the marked block
(Ctrl)V enable/disable "whoops key"
(Ctrl)W "whoops key"--recall previous buffer
(Esc) escape from editor or insert (Esc) character in
(F3) activate Editor Menu
(F5) delete current line
(F6) erase from cursor to end of line
(F10) exit and save all changes
Edit Masks specify characters allowed in a field and provide
automatic data. Examples:
:azAZ: allows only alpha characters
:NNnnYYyy: allows upper and lowercase N and Y
:09//-- : allows numbers, slash, dash and space
:BA: does not allow any character
:DATE*: automatic date field in mm-dd-yy format
:MM/DD/YY*: automatic date field in mm/dd/yy format
:DD/MM/YY*: automatic date field in dd/mm/yy format
:YYMMDD*: automatic date field in yymmdd format
:MO*: automatic field supplying month (mm)
:DY*: automatic field supplying day (dd)
:YR*: automatic field supplying year (yy)
:TIME*: automatic time field in hh:mm format
:UNIQUE*: automatic field for unique number
:DUPE*: automatically duplicate field from previous
:DATE*09//: automatic date field with edit mask
:DATE*:*A automatic field only when adding only
:DATE*:*M automatic field only when modifying only
Constants supply default data when adding and/or modifying records.
"New York City" supply text
"( ) - "*A supply text only when adding
"Milton Freewater"*M supply text only when modifying
Calculated fields generate data based on arithmetic, date or
relational calculations. Examples:
((cost+adjustments)/100) sample numeric calculation
((d1(@DAY#,mdy)+60)(@DATE,mdy/)) sample date calculation
(@acct,master,acct,city) sample relational lookup
Types Of Simple Searches
xxxxx generic (exact, first part)
~xxxxx scan across
?xxxxx sounds-like
___x_x wildcard (ignore certain characters)
Arithmetic Operators:
+ addition
- subtraction
* multiplication
/ division
% modulo (remainder)
^ exponentiation
Logical Operators:
& and
| or
Comparison Operators:
= equal
!= not equal
> greater than
>= greater than or equal
< less than
<= less than or equal
Special Calculations:
(@RANDOM#) creates random number between 0 and 1
(@TODAY#) creates todays "day number"
(@DAY#,mask) gets date from stack, converts to
day-number. mask tells date format:
ymd ydm mdy myd dmy dym yymmdd
(@DATE,mask) gets day-number from stack, converts
to date. mask tells date format:
examples mdy/ dmy-
(@key1,DBASE2,key2,ANSWER2) a relational lookup
Examples of calculations:
((age >= 21 & age < 40) & sex = "F")
difference between 2 dates
(date2(@DAY#,mdy) > date1(@DAY#,mdy))
date2 greater than date1
date 60 days later
[2] simulate (Ctrl)B (blank to right)
[4] simulate (Ctrl)D (dupe record)
[6] simulate (Ctrl)F (dupe field)
[9] simulate (Tab) key
[12] simulate (Ctrl)L (snapshot label)
[18] simulate (Ctrl)R (read into memory)
[23] simulate (Ctrl)W (write from memory)
[271] simulate (Shift)(Tab)
[288] simulate (Alt)D
[291] simulate (Alt)H
[302] simulate (Alt)C
[315] simulate (F1)
[316] simulate (F2)
[317] simulate (F3)
[319] simulate (F5)
[320] simulate (F6)
[321] simulate (F7)
[322] simulate (F8)
[323] simulate (F9)
[324] simulate (F10)
[327] simulate (Home)
[328] simulate up arrow
[329] simulate (PgUp)
[331] simulate left arrow
[333] simulate right arrow
[335] simulate (End)
[336] simulate down arrow
[337] simulate (PgDn)
[338] simulate (Ins)
[339] simulate (Del)
^n imbed smart key #n (0 - 9 supported)
^K get keyboard input
Sections of a report:
:COVER prints once at beginning of report
:HEADING prints at the top of each page
:DETAIL prints once for each record printed
:SUBTOTAL prints at each subtotal break
:FOOTING prints at the bottom of each page
:TOTAL prints once at end of the report
Commands in Command report (1 command per line):
[xxx] field xxx data prints here
<xxx> field xxx data (excess spaces removed)
"xxx" a constant
(#) relative record number
(a+b) calculation
(@f1,DB,f2,f3) relational lookup
=nn tab to column nn
/n insert n newlines
.FF form feed to new page
.CP nn conditional skip to new page
.GROUP start a group (no blank lines)
.EGROUP end a group
.EGROUP R end a group, replace blank lines
A nn,nnn,nn ASCII printer control codes
.IF (calculation spec) do next commands(s) if true
.ELSE do next commands(s) if .IF was false
.ENDIF end of .IF .ELSE sequence
[COUNT*] number of records printed
[DATE*] today's date
[KEYIN*prompt] get operator input
[PAGE*] current page number
[RECORD*] record number of current record
[RECORDS*] number of rcds in database
[SELECT*] selection criteria for report
[SORT*] current index or primary sort field
[SUBCOUNT*] number of records in subtotal group
[SUBFLD*] field name of subtotal break field
[SUBID*] data from subtotal break field
[TIME*] current time
Output Edit Masks (examples):
:@@@@@@@@@: character field mask
:#####: numbers, all digits appear
:zz,zz#.##: zero suppress, with commas
:$$$$$$.##: floating dollar sign
:******.##: asterisk check protection
:=12,0,100,* : barchart mask
:: no output (don't print anything)
.<fieldname> insert data, blanks stripped
.[fieldname] insert data, no blanks removed
.<KEYIN*prompt> insert data from keyboard
.<DATE*> insert today's date
.GROUP start a group (no blank lines)
.EGROUP end a group
.EGROUP R end a group, replace blank lines
.FORMFEED skip to new page on printer
.FF skip to new page on printer
.CP nn conditional skip to new page
.<(a+b):z,zz#.##:> calculation
.<(@k1,db2,k2,x2):@@@:> relational lookup
fieldname sort on entire field
fieldname,x,y data starts in position x, length y
fieldname,R roman numeral sort
fieldname,S sounds-like sort
(@RANDOM#) random sequence
(fieldname(@DAY#,mdy)) sort field in mm/dd/yy format
/ADDPW,xxx password allowing additions to database
/AUTOSKIP automatic skip to next field when full
/BG,n background screen color 0-7 (note 1)
/CASEFIND case sensitive searches
/CASESORT case sensitive indexes and sorts
/CONDENSED,n,n ASCII values to cause condensed print
/DELPW,xxx password allowing deletions in database
/DRIVE,x default disk for data
/EURODATE print dates in european date format
/EXPERT smaller menu prompts where possible
/FASTVIEW fastest screen writes (possible snow)
/FG,n foreground screen color 0-15 (note 1)
/FG2,n alternate color (field names, highlight)
/FILE,xxx default database name
/KEYIN,xxx keystrokes to run at startup
/LBL,xxx gives Snapshot label format (note 2)
/MODPW,xxx password allowing modify in database
/NORMAL,n,n ASCII values to cause normal print size
/NOTRAP don't trap disk errors and (Ctrl)(Break)
/PAGELEN,n size of page (number of print lines)
/PATH,xxx default subdirectory for data
/PRPORT,xxx printer output port
/SORTPW,xxx password allowing sorts on database
/SYSPW,xxx password allowing system operations
/USEPW,xxx password allowing use of the database
/XXXPW,xxx allows override of all passwords
Screen colors: background 0-7, foreground 0-15
0 black 4 red 8 gray 12 lt. red
1 blue 5 magenta 9 lt. blue 13 lt. magenta
2 green 6 brown 10 lt. green 14 yellow
3 cyan 7 white 11 lt. cyan 15 bright white
Snapshot Feature specification:
dev = LPT1:, LPT2:, MYFILE, etc.
t = no. chars to tab in at left margin
f = field number, or command
0 = new line
-n = insert n spaces
'xx' = insert xx (a constant)