Simtel MSDOS 1992 December
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A PC-File+ Database Template for Scientific and Technical References
Copyright 1988 by C&J Consultants and J.R. Connolly
REFBASE2 is a database "template" for working with scientific
references using Jim Button's PC-File+ database program. With
PC-File+ and this template, you can keep track of articles or
reprints, retrieve entries by searching anything in your database
(including author, title, year, journal or keywords which you choose),
and print a "standard form" output on your printer. In addition, by
making use of the sort and reporting capabilities of PC-File+, you can
select groups of references (in the order you choose) and output them
to a disk file in a variety of formats which approximate those
required by many professional journals. This standard ASCII file may
be imported into most word processors, edited for exact formats and
appended to your manuscripts, saving lots of tedious typing.
The template is designed for use with Buttonware's PC-File+ version 2,
and makes use of the "window" field capabilities added in this most
recent version of the program. DO NOT RUN THE DATABASE FROM THIS
DISTRIBUTION DISK. Use Diskcopy to make a copy of it and put the
original away for safekeeping should something happen to your working
copy. Please feel free to make other copies to give away to your
friends and associates. All we ask is that you include all the files
on the distribution disk (or archive file if you obtained it from an
electronic bulletin board), including this documentation.
Many of us have been frustrated by the lack of a decent, affordable
program to catalog references (or maintain a cross-referenced index of
all those pesky reprints we tend to acquire and lose) and print them
out in different formats. This frustration (with a little prodding
from friends in need) has led to REFBASE. Refbase is a database
template for PC-File+ (Version 2) that can be used to store journal or
book references in a format which is searchable by keyword, author,
title or virtually any entry in any field of the database. In
addition, it comes with several report formats for printing disk files
of formatted references which may be imported into your Word Processor
for integration into manuscripts, theses, papers, etc. While the
output formats do require some editing to "final form", I think you
will find it a whole lot easier than typing each reference every time
you need it.
Initially there were two versions of REFBASE. Version 1 did not use
the "window" (wider than screen) fields added by Button in Version 2
of PC-File+, and was designed to work with PC-File+ Version 1 released
in 1987. Since PCF+ Ver. 2 has been out since January of 1988 (and
sports considerable improvements over Ver. 1) the REFBASE2 files
included here are for PC-File+ Ver. 2 only. If you use Ver. 1, and
need that version, let me know when you send in your registration, and
I'll return you a copy on disk.
The Database templates and report formats distributed as REFBASE are
copyright 1988 by C&J Consultants and James R. Connolly. REFBASE may
be freely copied and used on a trial basis. Distribution may be by
means of Electronic Bulletin Boards (including commercial services
like Compuserve and GENIE), User Groups, or private parties. If you
find REFBASE to be a useful product, we ask that you register your use
of the Database using one of the options explained below. Initial
development of REFBASE was spurred by a personal need and the needs of
colleagues. It works fine for what I use it for. Future improvements
of the product will be in direct proportion to the registered user
support received. There is also a special registered user option to
have us design a customized version personalized for individual use
with particular fields or layout specified. If there is sufficient
interest among registered users, I hope to write a "report engine" for
the database which will permit users to do "smart" reports in which
extra commas and punctuation can be automatically removed, fields may
be all caps, and other fine tuning of report formats. At the moment,
this is just a nice idea. Your financial support and encouragement
could help bring it closer to reality.
Before sending in your registration, REFBASE. Enter some references,
try the search features, print a report to disk, import the disk file
into your Word Processor and see if REFBASE2 and PC-File+ can make
your process of writing papers and reports easier. If it doesn't do
the trick for you, pass it on to someone else. If it does work, please
register as a user. There are several options for registration (and
any support is appreciated). Registered users will receive an
announcement of the availability of the "report engine" once it nears
operational status. Registered users will be offered this program at
greatly reduced price (free if you wish to be a program tester) as a
way to thank you for your early support in this venture. If you have
a printer connected to your system, you may print a registration form
using the Smart Key Menu (Press M at the main PC-File+ menu after
loading REFBASE).
REFBASE2 Database for PC-File+ Page 2
Registration Options:
$15 Basic Registration - License to use REFBASE, technical support (by
mail), one replacement REFBASE disk if needed, and information
about any future improvements.
$35 Custom Registration - all of the above, plus one customization of
REFBASE to your specifications. This can include customized
screen headers, modified field sizes or names, more extensive
prompt input information on screen as desired, and 5 (or so)
output formats (you supply examples) for citations in formats not
We are interested in comments and suggestions for improvements from
all users, but we can only respond to questions from registered users.
Please note that registration of REFBASE does not include registration
for PC-File+. PC-File+ (like REFBASE) is a user supported product.
If you are not a registered PC-File+ user and use the program you
should register. Registration, at $ 69.95, is much less than any
commercial product with similar capabilities, and gets you a printed,
bound manual, and a year of the best technical support in the
business. Consult the README file distributed with PC-File+ for
information on how to register.
PC-File+ is a registered trademark of Buttonware, Inc.
Considerable effort has gone into making REFBASE a relatively bug-free
product, however C&J Consultants cannot be held responsible for any
use or misuse which may result in any financial or other loss to the
user. These files are offered with no warranty, expressed or implied,
and the user assumes all risks attendant to their use.
The presently operational features of the REFBASE2 are:
1. Keyword searchable (you enter the keywords when you enter each
reference or add them later).
2. A "standard" formatted output to print references on any
standard width (80 column) printer.
3. Report output formats which come very close (some editing will
be required to make them perfect) for major journals. You may
make up your own outputs for different journals using the
PC-File+ report script language. I have included reports for
REFBASE2 Database for PC-File+ Page 3
several technical journals. For ease in incorporation papers,
reports should be printed to a disk file and then appended to
the paper for which you need references printed. You may then
edit them to the precise format required using your word
processor or text editor.
4. A Sort field which allows you to mark references for a
particular paper or journal article (and/or specify a printing
sequence), allowing inclusion of a specified "subset" of
references in a report.
5. Fields for brief comments about the article or book, and to note
if you have a reprint.
6. Pre-programmed macro or "Smart" keys to assist in automating many
of the Database functions.
7. A snapshot key to printout the reference currently being viewed
on your printer using the "standard" format.
Before using REFBASE, make sure that you have all of the appropriate
files on your disk. You do not need to have all of these files on
your working disk, but we ask that IF YOU GIVE THE PACKAGE TO SOMEONE
ELSE THAT YOU INCLUDE THEM ALL. If working on a hard disk, there is
no problem having all of these files in the REFBASE directory. If
working on a floppy disk, minimizing extra files will allow you to put
more records in your database.
EPSON.EXE Setup an Epson Printer (Put in any directory on PATH).
EPSON.DOC Documentation for EPSON.EXE (Not reqd. to run).
PRINTFRM.BAT Prints REGISTER.FRM on printer (Not reqd. to run).
REFBASE2.DOC This documentation file (Not reqd. to run).
REFBASE2.DTA Data file. Contains a few sample records (Reqd.).
REFBASE2.HDR Header File. Contains database definition (Reqd.).
REFBASE2.INX Index file for Database (Reqd.).
REFBASE2.KEY "Smart Key" Macro File (Reqd.).
REFBASE2.PRO Configuration file, incl. snapshot definition (Reqd.)
REGISTER.FRM Registration Form for REFBASE2 (Not reqd. to run).
SMARTHLP.COM Smart Key Help (Put in any directory on system PATH).
STDPRINT.REP "Standard" report format to print references (Reqd.).
*.REP Various report formats (Use only those that you need).
If you are new to PC-File+, see the sections on installing PC-File+
later in this document. The REFBASE2 data entry screen looks
something like this (except there are brackets after each field):
REFBASE2 Database for PC-File+ Page 4
REFBASE2 - Tech Reference Database Copyright 1988 by C&J Consultants
Author1LN: FN1: MI1:
Author2LN: FN2: MI2:
Author3LN: FN3: MI3:
Reprint?: Sort#: Type: (J=Journal B=Book O=Other)
Year: Vol: StPage: EndPage:
Most commands in PC-File are run with single key entries (although for
some you may use function keys). For instance, to select ADD a Record
from the main menu, you merely press A. Print a copy of the file CARD
on the PC-File+ Utilities Disk (Disk #2); it lists almost all commands
needed to run the program. Also, context sensitive help screens are
available at any time by pressing Alt-H.
After selecting ADD, you are presented with a blank data entry screen,
and the cursor is positioned in the first field (Author1LN). Entries
are made by typing them into the fields in order. When you press
return in a field, the data is placed in that field and you are moved
to the next entry field. The cursor keys, tab (shifted tab key to
move back) and return key step you through all the fields in the
database. When you have entered all the data you want, press F10 and
you will be asked if you want to add this record (in general, PC-File
uses F10 to accept entries, NOT Return); if you press Y the record
will be added and you will be presented with an entry screen for the
next record. Press N and you will be back in entry mode to make
corrections. Press ESC, and you will be asked if you want to cancel
this add. When done entering references, pressing F10 on a blank
screen will get you back to the main menu; pressing ESC will do the
same by canceling the add.
Records may be modified by first getting the record on the screen
(using any of the FIND options) and then selecting Modify from the
small menu on the screen.
Below is a description of each field and how you should enter your
data in the fields. The format of the input is not important if you
are just using the database to keep track of your references or to
REFBASE2 Database for PC-File+ Page 5
index a reprint library. It is VERY important if you wish to format
your output for inclusion in papers you will be writing.
Field: Description:
------ -------------------------------------
Author1LN: Enter lead author's last name only. No punctuation unless
name is Jr, in which case follow author's last name with:
, Jr. (including the period).
FN1: Enter lead author's first name. If you only have a first
initial, enter it as the first character in the field. No
punctuation is needed.
MI1: Enter lead author's middle initial(s). Put periods after
the initials. If there are multiple initials put them in as
you want them to print.
Author2LN,FN2,MI2,Author3LN,FN3,MI3: Enter 2nd and 3rd author as
appropriate. Format is same as Author1 fields. Leave blank
if no other authors.
OtherAUTH: If more than three authors, enter these as you would
normally want them printed out, including punctuation.
Typically this would be: Lastname, F., M.
Keywords: Put in key words you might want to use in a search. The
order is not important since you can search across the
field for all key words. You should put some thought into
the key words you will be using so they will be consistent.
You can have up to 150 characters of key words.
Comment: This field is for up to 150 characters of your comments
about the book, paper, etc.
Reprint: This is a field for noting if you have a reprint of the
paper. You could use Y or Yes, or could set up your own
indexing system for your reprint catalog. Up to 5
Sort#: This is a numeric field used as a "flag" when you are
printing reports. When printing references in alphabetical
order by Author, you may enter the same number for all
flagged references (i.e., the ones you want in your report).
If you need to print citations in a numbered order, put
numbers in this field which correspond to the order cited in
the paper. The Global Modify (in the PC-File+ Utilities
menu) may be used to clear the Sort# field contents when
you are done with your report (there is a "Smart Key" macro
set up to do this automatically).
REFBASE2 Database for PC-File+ Page 6
Type: Enter J for Journal, B for Book, O for other. No other
characters are allowed. This is a "non-implemented" option
at the present time, but will be used by the (possible)
future "Report Formatter" to tailor reports to the
reference type.
Title: Enter article title EXACTLY as you want it printed out.
You may use up to 200 characters for those HUGE titles.
Ref: Enter full reference information exactly as you would want
it printed. DO NOT include volume number or pages. Some
1. Geological Society of America Bulletin
2. Nature
3. Blowhard, J.H., Ed., Proceedings of the First
International Conference on Why These Sorts of
Publication Always Have Such Ridiculously Long
Titles, Nice, France, August 23, 1991
Most entries for journal articles in this field will be
fairly short. 200 characters are allotted for this field
because of references like #3 above.
Year: Enter the year of the publication, e.g., 1986. Enter only
the numbers without any punctuation. 8 characters are
allowed for odd years (like books published every 2 years
that are 1986-87) or for multiple references by same
author in same year (i.e., 1986a, 1986b, etc.).
Vol: Enter the volume number for the reference. Up to 4
characters with no punctuation.
StPage: Enter the first page for the article; DO NOT enter any
punctuation (this is added by the report formats). Up to
5 characters are allowed.
EndPage: Enter the last page for the article. For books this would
be the last page of the book. DO NOT enter punctuation;
maximum 4 characters.
Below are brief descriptions of the reference formats included in the
files distributed with REFBASE2:
STDPRINT.REP prints a standard output of your database entries on
your printer. This is the only report specifically designed for
direct printer output. It is set up for a usable (but not always
pretty) output of your data. It includes the first two authors
REFBASE2 Database for PC-File+ Page 7
names and initials, the REF, YEAR, VOL, Pages, TITLE and the Key
word list, with each entry separated by a blank line. It will
work best on printers which wrap lines more than 80 characters
long (Epson and IBM dot matrix printers do this). Laser (and
other) printers which truncate lines longer than 80 characters
might lose some information if there are long fields.
All of the other reports approximate formats for specific Journals.
Since geologists wanted me to do this database there is a strong slant
towards geological journals. GSABULL2 and JGR2 are probably the
closest to "standard" formats for alphabetical citations, and NATURE
is most close for numbered citations, although there is a lot of
variation here. ALL of these reports are designed to be written to a
disk file in a format which is importable by most word processors
(please let us know if it doesn't work with yours). MICROSOFT WORD
(Ver. 3 & 4), WORDPERFECT (up to Ver. 5), WORDSTAR 4 and Borland's
SPRINT can all import these files without any problem. The files are
clean ASCII text written with all information for each reference on
one long line followed by two carriage return/linefeeds--most word
processors take this line and then wordwrap it (you might need to do a
reformat command or something similar). The only problems will be
programs which truncate long lines or fail to import them (some
editors limit line length to 256 characters). If you have this
problem, you will need to edit the report formats to split the output
into several lines. For registered users, we can modify the report
formats to make shorter lines for you and send a new disk; just inform
us of the problem when you register.
The sequence of doing a formatted report is as follows:
1. Make appropriate entries in the Sort# field to "flag" the
entries to print. For alphabetical-by-author references, you
may use the same character in the field for each reference you
want to cite. If doing numerically ordered references, put the
sequential numbers for the references in this field. This is
probably the single most tedious part of the process. Included
here is a smart key macro to speed this process. First find the
record you want to modify, then use the Alt-F5 macro; it will
put you in modify mode and move the cursor to the Sort# field.
Make your entry, and press F10 and you're done. As you learn
how to use PC-File+ macros, you can re-program this macro to do
this more automatically.
2. Sort the database. For alphabetical output, sort on Author1LN,
and then on year. For numbered output, sort on the Sort#
field. (There are macros to do this for you - press M in the
main PC-File menu for a Menu of pre-programmed "Smart Keys".)
3. Select Report (R) from the main menu, and choose from a list of
available reports. Follow the prompts and make sure you choose
REFBASE2 Database for PC-File+ Page 8
to use the options to print to disk and output Selected records
(last entry on screen).
4. Give the output file a name (you will need to remember the name
of this file to import it into your word processor), and enter
your selection criteria. For alphabetical references, use the
"simple" option and enter (in the Sort# position) the numeric
Sort# "flag" you used to flag entries to print. For numbered
references, choose a complex search and enter as the search
command or "mask": Sort# >= 0 | Sort# <= 9. (NOTE: If you
think you might need both types of output for the same set of
references, this mask will select all flagged references,
regardless of how the database is sorted.)
5. When you have successfully generated your report (make sure it
is what you want first), you may use the Global Delete option
in the utilities menu to clear out the contents of the Sort#
field. It is important to do this prior to doing another
report output so that only those references currently selected
will be flagged. There is a pre-programmed macro to do this
for you.
Journal Report Formats:
AM-MIN2.REP American Mineralogist
AMSCIEN2.REP American Scientist
GEOCHIM2.REP Geochimica et Cosmochimica ACTA
GEOPHYS2.REP Geophysics
GJ-RAS2.REP Geophysical Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society
GSABULL2.REP Geological Society of America Bulletin & Geology
JGR2.REP Journal of Geophysical Research & EOS
JPALEO2.REP Journal of Paleontology
SCIENCE2.REP Science (uses footnotes for refs - editing needed)
NOTE TO DATABASE CLONERS: PC-File's utilities allow you to redefine
your database by "cloning" it. This is the easiest way to change
field lengths or otherwise modify your database (and how we do it for
registered users). If you only change field lengths without changing
field names, the pre-written report formats should work fine. If you
change field names or how you use them, the report formats will need
to be rewritten also.
What follows are some fairly detailed instructions for how to install
PC-File+ and the REFBASE2 files on your computer. There is very
little about how to use PC-File+ after you get to the main menu except
for things which are specific to REFBASE. PC-File+ comes with
extensive context-sensitive help which may be called at any time with
REFBASE2 Database for PC-File+ Page 9
Alt-H. The PC-File+ Utilities Disk (Disk #2) contains the files
READ.ME2 & CARD which contain useful quick reference information from
Button on how to use the program. The PC-File+ Manual (Disk #3) may
be printed (read the READ.ME file on that disk for how to print it or
read it on your monitor) and is VERY detailed.
Installing PC-File+ on a Dual Floppy System (360KB Drives):
While basic installation is fairly simple, there are a few special
things you must do in order for PC-File+ to work properly. First,
make a copy of both of the distribution disks containing the program
files (#1) and the utility programs (#2) to be your working copies
and put the originals away for safe keeping should you need to make
more working copies. Also use DISKCOPY to make a working copy of your
Because there is not enough room for the DOS system files and PCF.EXE
on one disk, you need to make a special bootable system disk which
sets your system up with a few things that PC-File needs. First,
FORMAT a new disk with the /S option to put the system files on the
disk. Then make a file named CONFIG.SYS and put it on this disk. This
may be done with any ASCII text editor (EDLIN is the line editor
supplied with DOS) or you may use the COPY CON procedure outlined
below. Put your new system disk in drive A, and from the A:> prompt,
Then press F6 and return; you have now added the required CONFIG.SYS
file. Now reboot your system with the new disk (Press Ctrl-Alt-Del
simultaneously with the new disk in drive A:); I would strongly
suggest entering the Date and Time when prompted by DOS--it will help
greatly in keeping track of changes to your data files. When bootup
is done put the PC-File+ working program disk in drive A: and the
REFBASE data disk in drive B: and enter PCF SETUP. Follow the prompts
to modify your copy of PCFILE.PRO. You will be presented with a
screen full of options all you need to change is the location where
databases will be (B:) and screen colors (if you want them changed -
the file CARD contains the key to the screen colors). If you don't
understand all the other options, don't worry--just leave them as is.
Below are a list of the program files on PC-File+ disks 1 and 2, and a
brief mention of what each one does:
On Disk #1:
PCF.EXE Main PC-File+ Program.
PCF.HLP Help File . Required if you want online help.
PCFILE.PRO Configuration File: Required - customize for your system.
REFBASE2 Database for PC-File+ Page 10
On Disk #2:
PCDECODE.EXE Utility to De-encrypt older PC-File Databases.
PCFIX.EXE Utility to repair databases with damaged index files.
PCLABEL.EXE Stand-alone utility to print complex multi-column labels.
PCG2.EXE Graphing module for PC-File. Required to print/view graphs.
MICPRINT.FY Font file for Graphing module.
SBO.FY Another Font file for Graphing module.
Dual 360K floppy drive users cannot access all of the utility modules
from the PC-File main menu because there is not sufficient room on a
single disk for all the required programs. You might consider copying
all the utilities to your boot disk; they will fit with the DOS system
files on the disk. REFBASE does not require any of the utility
programs for its operation, and should work fine without them. PC-File
requires 384K of RAM memory to run, and if you have 640K of RAM you
can set up a virtual disk (or RAM disk) to store some of the utility
programs (and DOS' COMMAND.COM) so that these programs may be accessed
from within PC-File (COMMAND.COM must be accessible for the DOS Shell
function to work). Consult your DOS Manual for how to use VDISK.SYS
supplied with most DOS 3 versions to set up a RAM disk; you will also
need to set the COMSPEC variable and a PATH to the RAM disk in an
AUTOEXEC.BAT file on your boot disk.
larger capacity of your disks, you can setup a fully functional
program disk with all the utilities and DOS on one disk. First
prepare a bootable disk with CONFIG.SYS as described above. Then copy
all of the files listed above to that disk (Leave off PCDECODE.EXE; if
you want to have some room to include some other DOS utilities, you
may also leave off PCFIX.EXE since it can be run "standalone" from
another disk if needed.) Then add an AUTOEXEC.BAT file to the disk
with a text editor or the COPY CON procedure by typing at the A:>
Press F6 and return, and you have added AUTOEXEC.BAT which will allow
your computer to automatically start PC-File+ every time you boot with
that disk.
Installing PC-File+ on a Hard Disk System:
While PC-File+ will work fine on a dual-floppy system, because of the
disk read/write intensive nature of database programs, it really
shines on a hard disk. If you have ever used other (usually much more
expensive) database programs and been tempted to go to lunch while it
indexes your data or does a complex search, PC-File's speed will
REFBASE2 Database for PC-File+ Page 11
impress you. If this is your first experience with a database
program, prepare to be spoiled.
Hard disk installation is very simple. First, if your prompt on
bootup is C>, enter PROMPT $P$G to change to a more informative
prompt (this will let you know at all times what subdirectory you are
in). Then enter MD \PCF to make a directory for the PC-File programs.
Change to this directory by entering CD \PCF (you will now see C:\PCF>
as your prompt). Put PC-File Disk #1 into drive A: and enter the
following at C:\PCF> COPY A:*.* C:\PCF. After the files have been
copied, put PC-File Disk #2 into A:, and repeat the same command.
Now enter MD REFBASE (at the C:\PCF> prompt), then CD REFBASE. You
should now see the prompt C:\PCF\REFBASE>. Put the disk containing
REFBASE into your A: drive, and enter: COPY A:*.* C:\PCF\REFBASE.
DOS will display the names of all the files copied.
As with the 2-floppy setup, your CONFIG.SYS file in your root
directory MUST contain the line FILES=20 (or some larger number), and
should additionally contain a line specifying RAM buffers; for PC/XT
with a 20MB disk, BUFFERS=15 is probably good, for larger disks on AT
class machines, 20 to 25 is probably best. In addition, you should
also add the PCF subdirectory to the PATH command in your AUTOEXEC.BAT
file. You may use any ASCII text editor or EDLIN to do this. Consult
your DOS manual.
On a dual-floppy system, first boot with your specially prepared boot
disk. Then put the PC-File main program disk in drive A:, the REFBASE
working disk in drive B:, and enter PCF. When PC-File asks for the
drive with the database files, enter B (then press F10) and when you
are prompted for the path, just enter F10. When asked for the
database name, enter the number in front of REFBASE2 and press F10.
This will bring you to the main menu screen.
On a hard disk system (with the PCF subdirectory on your system path)
change directories to the REFBASE subdirectory (CD\PCF\REFBASE) and
enter PCF. When PC-File asks for the drive with the database files,
you should see C -- press F10; when prompted for the path you should
see \PCF\REFBASE -- press F10 again. When asked for the database name,
enter the number in front of REFBASE2 (it should be 1) and press F10.
This will bring you to the main menu screen.
Pressing M brings up a menu of macro keys to automate many of
REFBASE's special operations. You may access PC-File help at any time
with Alt-H. Feel free to experiment with the database -- find, view
and modify existing records, add a few records, tryout the "snapshot"
output to your printer (Ctrl-L while viewing a record), etc. When you
feel comfortable with how things work, pull up the sample records, and
REFBASE2 Database for PC-File+ Page 12
replace them with your own and then add as many records as desired.
Although not calculated precisely, each floppy disk should hold
approximately 300 reference entries, and hard disk storage is limited
only by available disk space.
IMPORTANT NOTE for floppy disk and DOS Version 2 users: some of the
special help functions for REFBASE are accessed by the use of the DOS
shell function of PC-File to run help files which are executable
files. The DOS shell does not work properly in DOS version 2, and for
dual floppy users, you need to have a copy of COMMAND.COM available to
execute external programs. This means that you will probably not be
able to access the Smart Key help file (SMARTHLP.COM) or use the macro
to print REGISTER.FRM from within PC-File+.
There is no solution to the Version 2 problem (except to upgrade
to Version 3); a fairly simple solution for the COMMAND.COM problem is
to set up a RAM (or virtual) disk, put it on the path and set the
COMSPEC variable to that path. If you need to do this, let us know
when you register and we can help.
1. When printing reports, to eliminate the printing of any control
characters in the output file, delete the line: /NORMAL,18 from
the file PCF.PRO. If you do not delete this line, the first
character in your output file will be an ASCII 18 (Ctrl-R). The
change may be done by starting PC-File by entering PCF SETUP in the
subdirectory containing PCF.EXE. Usually the presence of this
character will cause no problems; just delete it when you import
the file into your Word Processor. Some Word Processors don't like
to see control characters in the files they import, and you are
generally best off without it.
2. If you have a wide carriage printer and are printing on narrow
paper, the STDPRINT output will print on the platten of your
printer if any of the fields printed are wider than 80 characters.
To avoid this problem, set the right margin of your printer to 80
and long lines will be "wrapped" to the next line. If your printer
is Epson compatible, you may use the included program EPSON.EXE to
setup your printer. (This program can be used to setup your
printer for other things too!).
3. While this database will work fine on a dual floppy disk system
(you need at least 384K of RAM Memory to use PC-File+), keyword
searches (which use the "search across field" option) will be
fastest if you have the database files on a hard disk. An
alternative solution (if you have 640K or more of RAM) is to copy
your database files to a RAM disk and work with them there. This
will limit the size of your database to the size of the RAM disk,
but will give you very fast searches.
REFBASE2 Database for PC-File+ Page 13
4. Remember that PC-File needs to have a CONFIG.SYS file on the disk
you boot your PC from (hard or floppy) which contains the line
FILES=20. You may have a larger number than 20, but need that as a
5. An ASCII text editor is something which no one who uses a PC should
be without. It can be very useful in making direct changes to
output reference reports, report formats, and even PC-File+
database headers (only if you grow to feel comfortable with how
they work). EDLIN is the ASCII line editor supplied with DOS, and
it may be used for editing ASCII files. Many EDLIN users are
perfectly satisfied with it and use nothing else. For those of us
who like to see more of what we are working on, a full screen ASCII
editor is an excellent addition to your software library. There
are many good ASCII editors available both commercially and as
Shareware or User Supported software. Two good ones are:
EDWIN Ver. 1.5B -- a surprisingly powerful ASCII editor which is in
the public domain (i.e., aside from whatever it costs you to get
a copy of the program, it is FREE). It can do multiple windows,
is keystroke customizable, can do limited macros to automate
repeated keystrokes, and can edit several files at once.
QEDIT Ver. 2.07 -- an ASCII editor similar to EDWIN but which is
far more customizable, has a smarter user interface, pull-down
menus for common commands, a versatile keyboard macro facility,
and many other convenience features. I used EDWIN for 2 years
before I found QEDIT and sent in my $39 registration fee.
You may order a Shareware disk containing either of these programs
from us on your REFBASE registration form.
6. If more information about REFBASE2, please feel free to contact us
at the address below. While we can only promise support to
registered users, we are interested in any input on how to improve
the product.
C & J Consultants
3923 Smith SE
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87108
| C&J Consultants specializes in increasing the efficiency of your |
| IBM-Compatible personal computing by making custom-tailored menu |
| systems, and introducing users to inexpensive or free software |
| which can make your computer work more productive. Please write |
| to us at the address above for more information. |
REFBASE2 Database for PC-File+ Page 14