Simtel MSDOS 1992 December
Text File
70 lines
#: 68909 S6/dBASE IV
21-Dec-88 12:03:54
Sb: #68833-printer drivers
Fm: Mike Hedblom (A-T) 27012,1012
To: Fred Fachet 70346,1076 (X)
Of the four HP LaserJet drivers, HPLAS100 and HPLASL are the
standard drivers, they are identical except for the
initialization strings. Additionally, the HPLASL has codes to
turn on compress type ( {Esc{(s16H ) and a code to set absoulte
tabs. I was not aware of the drivers HPLAS2I and HPLAS2ID, they
were apparently added adter the manuals were printed. In
examining these files, they are similar to the first two drivers
except they both contain codes for Italics. I assume then that
these are for HP LaserJet IIs and that these printers support
Italics. HPLAS2I has the same printer init codes as HPLAS100,
like wise, HPLAS2ID macthes HPLASL.
*What function does the printer driver serve?* By having printer
drivers, you may use the five built-in fonts styles that dBASE IV
supports without having to hard code the functions. For example,
?? "Underline text" STYLE "U"
is a lot cleaner than
??? CHR(27)+"&dD"
?? "Underline text"
??? CHR(27)+"&d@"
The printer support in dBASE IV is limited, but for most general
work, the support provided should suffice. It's a far cry from
The reason you are getting an error when you inadvertantly select
quaility is because there are no codes for quality print on the
laser printers. In your report, dBASE IV is including a command
to enter quality mode (at your request). Since you are asking it
to do something that cannot be done, an error condition occurs.
The fact that you do not have a choice to ignore is a oversight
in the program. There have been many complaints about this.
&& Mike
NOTE from Fred:
AHA, it becomes clearer. ? and ?? now have a STYLE argument, such as shown
above as ?? "underlined text" STYLE "U"
The STYLEs the manual shows are:
B = bold
I = Italic
U = underline
R = raised (superscript)
L = lowered (subscript)
There is also a new ??? command that allows sending ESCape codes directly
to the printer, bypassing the installed printer driver (per the manual).
Excluded are double quotes (") and ESC itself. Control characters must be
defined in curly braces, so escape would be {ESC} or {ESCAPE} or {CTRL-[}
according to the book. The manual lists possible codes, basically they
are the words we woulkd use, in curly braces...
{CTRL-M} is carriage return
{CTRL-J} is line feed
{CTRL-L} is form feed (ascii 12)
Haven't tried ??? yet, but will do so and let you know.
Press <CR> for next or type CHOICES !