Simtel MSDOS 1992 December
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C/C++ Source or Header
621 lines
/*------------------------------ file information -----------------------------*/
custom controls demo.c
c source code file for a minimal Mac program that demonstrates
controls drawn with a custom CDEF resource
the custom CDEF resource that's demonstrated provides 16 button variations
the buttons ╔
í ╔ live in a rectangular space
í ╔ can be outlined, shadowed, or bare
í ╔ can contain text in any font-style-size, an icon, or a picture
í ╔ can indicate highlighting via inversion or a change of content
edited and compiled with Lightspeed C 2.13
written and ⌐1987 by Stan Krute. all rights reserved. no part of this file,
or the object code it leads to, may be reproduced, in any form or by any means,
without the express written permission of the author and copyright holder.
timestamp: 3:49 pm PST November 16, 1987
spacestamp: 18617 Camp Creek Road Hornbrook, California 96044
this file looks good in 9 point Courier, LSC tabs set to 3
/*--------------------------------- include files -----------------------------*/
/* definitions for Mac OS managers used herein */
#include "ControlMgr.h"
#include "DialogMgr.h"
#include "EventMgr.h"
#include "FontMgr.h"
#include "MenuMgr.h"
#include "Quickdraw.h"
#include "StdFilePkg.h"
/* our stuff */
#include "custom controls demo.h" /* private definitions for this file */
/*----------------------------- main program block ----------------------------*/
void main()
/* local variable */
int theItem ;
/* initialize Mac OS managers */
initializeManagers() ;
/* see what the world is like */
studyAndSetEnvironment () ;
/* set up and draw a (dummy) title menu */
InsertMenu( GetMenu(titleMenuID), append ) ;
DrawMenuBar() ;
/* set up and draw a modal dialog window */
getThatDialogCookin () ;
/* initalize our doneness indicator */
finished = false ;
/* run the main event loop */
ModalDialog (noFilterProcedure, &theItem) ;
dealWithDialogItem (theItem) ;
( ! finished ) ;
/* leave neatly when done */
DisposDialog (ourDialog) ; /* bye bye to dialog */
ExitToShell() ; /* bye bye to program */
/*---------------------------- initializeManagers -----------------------------*/
/* initialize the heap, cursor, and Mac Operating System managers */
void initializeManagers()
/* local variable */
Handle someDay ;
/* get some space */
MoreMasters() ; /* get some master pointers */
if (someDay = NewHandle(humungousBlock)) /* grow a maximal heap by */
DisposHandle (someDay) ; /* asking for the future */
/* get those managers going */
InitGraf(&thePort) ; /* set up Quickdraw */
InitFonts(); /* set up the Font Manager */
InitWindows(); /* set up the Window Manager */
InitMenus(); /* set up the Menu Manager */
TEInit(); /* set up Text Edit */
InitDialogs (noResumeProcedure) ; /* set up the Dialog Manager */
/* final adjustments */
FlushEvents (everyEvent, dontStop ) ; /* clear the event queue */
InitCursor(); /* turn the cursor on */
/*---------------------------- studyAndSetEnvironment -------------------------*/
/* check out screens, machines, ROMs, et al */
void studyAndSetEnvironment ()
/* check out the screen */
screenRect = screenBits.bounds ;
screenHeight = screenRect.bottom - screenRect.top ;
screenWidth = screenRect.right - screenRect.left ;
/* determine height of the menu bar */
if ( ROM85 & 0x8000 )
menuBarHeight = stdMBarHeight ; /* for 64K ROMs */
menuBarHeight = MBarHeight ; /* for newer ROMs */
/*------------------------------- getThatDialogCookin -------------------------*/
/* set up and draw our main modal dialog window */
void getThatDialogCookin ()
/* local variables */
Point tempPoint ;
Rect scratch ;
ControlHandle theButton ;
/* get the dialog window */
ourDialog = GetNewDialog (ourDialogID, storeInHeap, inFront) ;
/* adjust its position */
MoveWindow ( ourDialog,
(tempPoint = figureCenteredRectTLC (&(*ourDialog).portRect)).h,
tempPoint.v, inFront ) ;
/* make dialog window the current grafPort so we can change its font */
SetPort (ourDialog) ;
/* change its font to Geneva 12 */
TextFont (geneva) ;
TextSize (12) ;
/* show the dialog */
ShowWindow (ourDialog ) ;
/*-------------------------------- dealWithDialogItem -------------------------*/
/* deal with the hit item */
void dealWithDialogItem (theItem)
int theItem ;
/* local constants */
#define oolSize 6
/* local variables */
static short onOffList[oolSize] = { orwellItem, hupCoupleItem,
ronItem, saveAsItem,
pinheadItem, duplicateItem} ;
/* case out on the item */
switch (theItem)
case quitItem:
finished = true ;
break ;
case orwellItem:
doOrwellItem () ;
break ;
case snapshotItem:
doSnapshotItem () ;
break ;
case mushroomItem:
doMushroomItem () ;
break ;
case openItem:
doOpenItem () ;
break ;
case saveAsItem:
doSaveAsItem () ;
break ;
case flipItem:
doFlipItem () ;
break ;
case someOffItem:
doSomeOffItem (onOffList, oolSize) ;
break ;
case someOnItem:
doSomeOnItem (onOffList, oolSize) ;
break ;
case copyrightItem:
doCopyrightItem () ;
break ;
break ;
/* remove local constants */
#undef oolSize
/*--------------------------------- doOrwellItem ------------------------------*/
/* deal with a click of the orwellItem button */
void doOrwellItem ()
/* local constants */
#define cyclesDesired 4
#define delayTicksOne 20
#define delayTicksTwo 10
/* local variables */
Rect scratch ;
ControlHandle theItemHandle ;
short cycleCounter ;
ControlHandle ronItemHandle ;
/* get a handle to the button */
GetDItem ( ourDialog, orwellItem, &scratch, &theItemHandle, &scratch) ;
/* hilite the button */
HiliteControl (theItemHandle, hilitedHS ) ;
/* get a handle to the ronItem button */
GetDItem ( ourDialog, ronItem, &scratch, &ronItemHandle, &scratch) ;
/* run several fade cycles on the ronItem button */
for ( cycleCounter = 0; cycleCounter < cyclesDesired; cycleCounter++)
/* fade out */
HiliteControl (ronItemHandle, inactiveHS ) ;
/* wait a while */
Delay (delayTicksOne, &scratch) ;
/* back into view */
HiliteControl (ronItemHandle, activeHS ) ;
/* wait a while */
Delay (delayTicksTwo, &scratch) ;
/* unhilite the button */
HiliteControl (theItemHandle, activeHS ) ;
/* remove local constants */
#undef cyclesDesired
#undef delayTicksOne
#undef delayTicksTwo
/*--------------------------------- doSnapshotItem ----------------------------*/
/* deal with a click of the snapshotItem button */
void doSnapshotItem ()
/* local variables */
ControlHandle theItemHandle ;
Rect scratch ;
GrafPtr entryGrafPort ;
/* get a handle to the button */
GetDItem ( ourDialog, snapshotItem, &scratch, &theItemHandle, &scratch) ;
/* hilite the button */
HiliteControl (theItemHandle, hilitedHS ) ;
/* save a pointer to the grafPort */
GetPort(&entryGrafPort) ;
/* this lets me take some snapshots */
/* has no effect unless you have a desk accessory named Camera */
OpenDeskAcc ("\007\000Camera") ;
/* restore the grafPort */
SetPort(entryGrafPort) ;
/* unhilite the button */
HiliteControl (theItemHandle, activeHS ) ;
/*--------------------------------- doMushroomItem ----------------------------*/
/* deal with a click of the mushroomItem button */
void doMushroomItem ()
/* local constants */
#define cyclesDesired 4
#define delayTicks 30
/* local variables */
Rect scratch ;
short cycleCounter ;
ControlHandle itemHandleOne ;
ControlHandle itemHandleTwo ;
/* get a handle to the button */
GetDItem ( ourDialog, mushroomItem, &scratch, &itemHandleOne, &scratch) ;
/* hilite the button */
HiliteControl (itemHandleOne, hilitedHS ) ;
/* get a handle to the bumperStickersItem button */
GetDItem ( ourDialog, bumperStickersItem, &scratch,
&itemHandleTwo, &scratch) ;
/* run several fade cycles on the bumperStickersItem button */
for ( cycleCounter = 0; cycleCounter < cyclesDesired; cycleCounter++)
/* fade out */
HiliteControl (itemHandleTwo, hilitedHS ) ;
/* wait a while */
Delay (delayTicks, &scratch) ;
/* back into view */
HiliteControl (itemHandleTwo, activeHS ) ;
/* wait a while */
Delay (delayTicks, &scratch) ;
/* unhilite the button */
HiliteControl (itemHandleOne, activeHS ) ;
/* remove local constants */
#undef cyclesDesired
#undef delayTicks
/*----------------------------------- doOpenItem ------------------------------*/
/* deal with a click of the openItem button */
void doOpenItem ()
/* local variables */
Rect scratch ;
ControlHandle theItemHandle ;
DialogTHndl theDLOGHandle ;
SFReply dummyReply ;
/* get a handle to the button */
GetDItem ( ourDialog, openItem, &scratch, &theItemHandle, &scratch) ;
/* hilite the button */
HiliteControl (theItemHandle, hilitedHS ) ;
/* run the standard file open dialog */
theDLOGHandle = (DialogTHndl) GetResource ('DLOG', getDlgID) ;
SFGetFile (figureCenteredRectTLC (&(**theDLOGHandle).boundsRect),
nil, nil, allTypes, nil, nil, &dummyReply ) ;
/* unhilite the button */
HiliteControl (theItemHandle, activeHS ) ;
/*-------------------------------- doSaveAsItem -------------------------------*/
/* deal with a click of the saveAsItem button */
void doSaveAsItem ()
/* local variables */
Rect scratch ;
ControlHandle theItemHandle ;
DialogTHndl theDLOGHandle ;
SFReply dummyReply ;
/* get a handle to the button */
GetDItem ( ourDialog, saveAsItem, &scratch, &theItemHandle, &scratch) ;
/* hilite the button */
HiliteControl (theItemHandle, hilitedHS ) ;
/* run the standard file open dialog */
theDLOGHandle = (DialogTHndl) GetResource ('DLOG', putDlgID) ;
SFPutFile (figureCenteredRectTLC (&(**theDLOGHandle).boundsRect),
"\015Save file as:", "\021Current File Name",
nil, &dummyReply ) ;
/* unhilite the button */
HiliteControl (theItemHandle, activeHS ) ;
/*--------------------------------- doFlipItem --------------------------------*/
/* deal with a click of the flipItem button */
void doFlipItem ()
/* local constants */
#define numButtons 9
#define cyclesDesired 4
#define delayTicks 15
/* local variables */
static short flipList [numButtons] = { hupCoupleItem, mouthOpensItem,
trashItem, melancholyItem,
eeekShrinkItem, mushroomItem,
duplicateItem, orwellItem,
bumperStickersItem } ;
Rect scratch ;
ControlHandle theItemHandle ;
short cycleCounter ;
short index ;
ControlHandle tempItemHandle ;
/* get a handle to the button */
GetDItem ( ourDialog, flipItem, &scratch, &theItemHandle, &scratch) ;
/* hilite the button */
HiliteControl (theItemHandle, hilitedHS ) ;
/* run several animation cycles on a group of content-changing buttons */
for ( cycleCounter = 0; cycleCounter < cyclesDesired; cycleCounter++)
/* hilite all the buttons in the group */
for (index = 0 ; index < numButtons ; index++)
GetDItem ( ourDialog, flipList[index], &scratch,
&tempItemHandle, &scratch) ;
HiliteControl (tempItemHandle, hilitedHS ) ;
/* wait a while */
Delay (delayTicks, &scratch) ;
/* unhilite all the buttons in the group */
for (index = 0 ; index < numButtons ; index++)
GetDItem ( ourDialog, flipList[index], &scratch,
&tempItemHandle, &scratch) ;
HiliteControl (tempItemHandle, activeHS ) ;
/* wait a while */
Delay (delayTicks, &scratch) ;
/* unhilite the button */
HiliteControl (theItemHandle, activeHS ) ;
/* remove local constants */
#undef numButtons
#undef cyclesDesired
#undef delayTicks
/*------------------------------- doSomeOffItem -------------------------------*/
/* deal with a click of the someOffItem button */
void doSomeOffItem (theOffList, listSize)
short theOffList[] ;
short listSize ;
/* local variables */
short index ;
Rect scratch ;
ControlHandle theItemHandle ;
ControlHandle tempItemHandle ;
/* get a handle to the button */
GetDItem ( ourDialog, someOffItem, &scratch, &theItemHandle, &scratch) ;
/* hilite the button */
HiliteControl (theItemHandle, hilitedHS ) ;
/* for each item in the list */
for (index = 0 ; index < listSize ; index++)
/* get a handle to the item */
GetDItem ( ourDialog, theOffList[index], &scratch,
&tempItemHandle, &scratch) ;
/* inactivate the item */
HiliteControl (tempItemHandle, inactiveHS ) ;
/* unhilite the someOffItem button */
HiliteControl (theItemHandle, activeHS ) ;
/*-------------------------------- doSomeOnItem -------------------------------*/
/* deal with a hit of the someOnItem button */
void doSomeOnItem (theOnList, listSize)
short theOnList[] ;
short listSize ;
/* local variables */
short index ;
Rect scratch ;
ControlHandle theItemHandle ;
ControlHandle tempItemHandle ;
/* get a handle to the button */
GetDItem ( ourDialog, someOnItem, &scratch, &theItemHandle, &scratch) ;
/* hilite the button */
HiliteControl (theItemHandle, hilitedHS ) ;
/* for each item in the list */
for (index = 0 ; index < listSize ; index++)
/* get a handle to the item */
GetDItem ( ourDialog, theOnList[index], &scratch,
&tempItemHandle, &scratch) ;
/* activate the item */
HiliteControl (tempItemHandle, activeHS ) ;
/* unhilite the someOnItem button */
HiliteControl (theItemHandle, activeHS ) ;
/*--------------------------------doCopyrightItem -----------------------------*/
/* deal with a hit on the copyrightItem button */
void doCopyrightItem ()
/* local variables */
Rect scratch ;
ControlHandle theItemHandle ;
DialogPtr copyrightDlog ;
Point tempPoint ;
/* get a handle to the button */
GetDItem ( ourDialog, copyrightItem, &scratch, &theItemHandle, &scratch) ;
/* hilite the button */
HiliteControl (theItemHandle, hilitedHS ) ;
/* pull in the copyright notice modal dialog */
copyrightDlog = GetNewDialog (copyrightDlogID, storeInHeap, inFront) ;
/* center it on the screen */
MoveWindow ( copyrightDlog,
(tempPoint = figureCenteredRectTLC (&(*copyrightDlog).portRect)).h,
tempPoint.v, inFront ) ;
/* show the copyright notice */
ShowWindow (copyrightDlog ) ;
/* wait until the user clicks the mouse in the dialog */
ModalDialog (noFilterProcedure, &scratch) ;
/* get rid of the dialog */
DisposDialog (copyrightDlog) ;
/* unhilite the button */
HiliteControl (theItemHandle, activeHS ) ;
/*--------------------------- figureCenteredRectTLC ---------------------------*/
/* given a rectangle, returns the top left corner position that will
center the rectangle inside screen area that's below the menu bar */
Point figureCenteredRectTLC (theRect)
Rect *theRect ;
/* local variable */
Point theResult ;
/* figure the vertical position */
theResult.v = menuBarHeight + ((screenHeight - menuBarHeight) -
(theRect->bottom - theRect->top) ) / 2 ;
/* figure the horizontal position */
theResult.h = ( screenWidth - (theRect->right - theRect->left) ) / 2 ;
/* done, so return the point */
return (theResult) ;