Simtel MSDOS 1992 December
Assembly Source File
299 lines
Lisitng One: Gestalt. article July 1988 issue
TITLE SIMIL.ASM written by John W. Ratcliff and David E. Metzener
; November 10, 1987
; Uses the Ratcliff/Obershelp pattern recognition algorithm.
; This program provides a new function to C on an 8086 based machine.
; The function SIMIL returns a percentage value corresponding to how
; alike any two strings are. Be certain to upper case to two strings
; passed if you are not concerned about case sensitivity.
; NOTE:!!! This routine is for SMALL model only. As an exerciese for
; the student, feel free to convert it to LARGE.
ststr1l dw 25 dup(?) ; contains lefts for string 1
ststr1r dw 25 dup(?) ; contains rights for string 1
ststr2l dw 25 dup(?) ; contains lefts for string 2
ststr2r dw 25 dup(?) ; contains rights for string 2
stcknum dw ? ; number of elements on the stack
score dw ? ; the #of chars in common times 2
total dw ? ; total #of chars in string 1 and 2
cl1 dw ? ; left of string 1 found in common
cr1 dw ? ; right of string 1 found in common
cl2 dw ? ; left of string 2 found in common
cr2 dw ? ; right of string 2 found in common
s2ed dw ? ; the end of string 2 used in compare
public _simil
_simil proc near
; This routine expects pointers passed to two character strings, null
; terminated, that you wish compared. It returns a percentage value
; from 0 to 100% corresponding to how alike the two strings are.
; +4 +6
; usage: simil(char *str1,char *str2)
; The similiarity routine is composed of three major components
; pushst ---- pushes a strings section to be compared on the stack
; popst ---- pops a string section to be examined off of the stack
; compare ---- finds the largest group of characters in common between
; any two string sections
; The similiarity routine begins by computing the total length of both
; strings passed and placing that value in TOTAL. It then takes
; the beginning and ending of both strings passed and pushes them on
; the stack. It then falls into the main line code.
; The original two strings are immediately popped off of the stack and
; are passed to the compare routine. The compare routine will find the
; largest group of characters in common between the two strings.
; The number of characters in common is multiplied times two and added
; to the total score. If there were no characters in common then there
; is nothing to push onto the stack. If there are exactly one character
; to the left in both strings then we needn't push it on the stack.
; (We allready know they aren't equal from the previous call to compare.)
; Otherwise the characters to the left are pushed onto the stack. These
; same rules apply to characters to the right of the substring found in
; common. This process of pulling substrings off of the stack, comparing
; them, and pushing remaining sections on the stack is continued until
; the stack is empty. On return the total score is divided by the
; number of characters in both strings. This is mulitplied time 100 to
; yeild a percentage. This percentage similiarity is returned to the
; calling procedure.
push bp ;save BP reg.
mov bp,sp ;save SP reg in BP for use in program
push es ;save the ES segment register
mov ax,ds ;copy DS segement register to ES
mov es,ax
xor ax,ax ;zero out AX for clearing of SCORE var.
mov score,ax ;zero out SCORE
mov stcknum,ax ;initalize number of stack entries to 0
mov si,[bp+4] ;move beginning pointer of string 1 to SI
mov di,[bp+6] ;move beginning pointer of string 2 to DI
cmp [si],al ;is it a null string?
je strerr ;can't process null strings.
cmp [di],al ;is it a null string?
jne docmp ;neither is a null string so process them
strerr: jmp donit ;exit routine
docmp: push di ;save DI because of SCAS opcode
push si ;save SI because of SCAS opcode
xor al,al ;clear out AL to search for end of string
cld ;set direction flag to forward
mov cx,-1 ;make sure we repeat the correct # of times
repnz scasb ;scan for string delimiter in string 2
dec di ;point DI to '$00' byte of string 2
dec di ;point DI to last character of string 2
mov bp,di ;move DI to BP where it is supposed to be
pop di ;restore SI into DI for SCAS (string 1)
repnz scasb ;scan for string delimiter in string 1
not cx ;do one's compliment for correct length of st
sub cx,2 ;subtract the two zero bytes at the end of st
mov total,cx ;store string 2's length
dec di ;point DI to '$00' byte of string 1
dec di ;point DI to last character of string 1
mov bx,di ;move DI to BX where it is supposed to be
pop di ;restore DI to what it should be
call pushst ;Push values for the first call to SIMILIARITY
main: cmp stcknum,0 ;is there anything on the stack?
je done ;No, then all done!
call popst ;get regs. set up for a COMPARE call
call compare ;do compare for this substring set
cmp dx,0 ;if nothing in common then nothing to push
je main ;try another set
shl dx,1 ;*2 for add to score
add score,dx ;add into score
mov bp,stcknum ;get number of entry I want to look at
shl bp,1 ;get AX ready to access string stacks
mov si,[ststr1l+bp] ;move L1 into SI or L1
mov bx,cl1 ;move CL1 into BX or R1
mov di,[ststr2l+bp] ;move L2 into DI or L2
mov cx,cl2 ;move CL2 into CX t emporarily
mov ax,[ststr1r+bp] ;get old R1 off of stack
mov cl1,ax ;place in CL1 temporarily
mov ax,[ststr2r+bp] ;get old R2 off of stack
mov cl2,ax ; save in CL2 temporarily
mov bp,cx ;place CL2 into BP
cmp bx,si ;compare CL1 to L1
je chrght ;if zero, then nothing on left side string 1
cmp bp,di ;compare CL2 to L2
je chrght ;if zero, then nothing on left side string 2
dec bx ;point to last part of left side string 1
dec bp ;point to last part of left side string 2
cmp bx,si ;only one character to examine?
jne pushit ;no->we need to examine this
cmp bp,di ;only one character in both?
je chrght ;nothing to look at if both only one char
pushit: call pushst ;push left side on stack
chrght: mov si,cr1 ;move CR1 into SI or L1
mov bx,cl1 ;move R1 into BX or R1
mov di,cr2 ;move CR2 into DI or L2
mov bp,cl2 ;move R2 into BP or R2
cmp si,bx ;compare CR1 to R1
je main ;if zero, then nothing on right side string 1
cmp di,bp ;compare CR2 to R2
je main ;if zero, then nothing on right side string 2
inc si ;point to last part of right side string 1
inc di ;point to last part of right side string 2
cmp bx,si ;only one character to examine?
jne push2 ;no->examine it
cmp bp,di ;only one character to examine in both?
je main ;yes->get next string off of stack
push2: call pushst ;push right side on stack
jmp short main ;do next level of compares
done: mov ax,score ;get score into AX for MUL
mov cx,100 ;get 100 into CX for MUL
mul cx ;Multiply by 100
mov cx,total ;get total characters for divide
div cx ;Divide by total
donit: pop es ;Restore ES segement register to entry value
pop bp ;Restore BP back to entry value
ret ;Leave with AX holding % similarity
_simil endp
compare proc near
; The compare routine locates the largest group of characters between string 1
; and string 2. This routine assumes that the direction flag is clear.
; Pass to this routine:
; BX = R1 (right side of string 1)
; DS:SI = L1 (left side of string 1)
; ES:DI = L2 (left side of string 2)
; BP = R2 (right side of string 2)
; This routine returns:
; DX = # of characters matching
; CL1 = Left side of first string that matches
; CL2 = Left side of second string that matches
; CR1 = Right side of first string that matches
; CR2 = Right side of second string that matches
; The compare routine is composed of two loops. An inner and an outer loop.
; The worst case scenario is that ther are absolutely no characters in
; common between string 1 and string 2. In this case N x M compares are
; performed. However, whan an equal condition occurs in the inner
; loop, then the next character to be examinded in string 2 (for this loop)
; is advanced by the number of characters found equal. Whenever a new
; maximum number of characters in common is found then the ending location
; of both the inner and outer loop is backed off by the difference between
; the new max chars value and the old max chars value for both loops. In
; short if 5 characters have been found in common part of the way through
; the search then we can cut our search short 5 characters before the
; true end of both strings since there is no chance of finding better than
; a 5 character match at that point. This technique means that an exact
; equal match will require only a single compare and combinations of other
; matches will proceed as efficiently as possible.
mov s2ed,bp ;store end of string 2
xor dx,dx ;Init MAXCHARS
forl3: push di ;Save start of string 2
forl4: push di ;Save start of string 2
push si ;Save start of string 1
mov cx,s2ed ;Set up for calc of length of string 1
sub cx,di ;get length of string 1 -1
inc cx ;make proper length
push cx ;Save starting length of string 1
repz cmpsb ;compare strings
jz equal ;if equal, then skip fixes
inc cx ;inc back because CMPS decs even if not equal
equal: pop ax ;get starting length of string1
sub ax,cx ;get lenght of common characters
jnz newmax ;more than 0 chars matched
pop si ;get back start of string 1
pop di ;get back start of string 2
reent: inc di ;Do the next character no matter what
reent2: cmp di,bp ;Are we done with string 2?
jle forl4 ;No, then do next string compare
pop di ;get back start of string 2
inc si ;next char in string 1 to scan
cmp si,bx ;Are we done with string 1?
jle forl3 ;No, then do next string compare
ret ;MAXCHARS is in DX register
; We branch downwards for both newmax and newmx2 because on the
; 8086.. line of processors a branch not taken is faster than
; one which is. Therefore since the not equal condition is to be
; found most often and we would like the inner loop to execute as quickly
; as possible we branch outside of this loop on the less frequent
; occurance. When a match and or a new maxchars is found we branch down to
; these two routines, process the new conditions and then branch back up
; to the main line code.
newmax: cmp ax,dx ;greater than MAXCHARS?
jg newmx2 ;yes, update new maxchars and pointers
pop si ;get back start of string 1
pop di ;get back start of string 2
add di,ax ;Skip past matching chars
jmp short reent2 ;re-enter inner loop
newmx2: pop si ;get back start of string 1
pop di ;get back start of string 2
mov cl1,si ;put begin of match of string 1
mov cl2,di ;put begin of match of string 2
mov cx,ax ;save new maxchars
sub ax,dx ;get delta for adjustment to ends of strings
sub bx,ax ;adjust end of string 1
sub bp,ax ;adjust end of string 2
mov dx,cx ;new maxchars
dec cx ;set up for advance to last matching char
add di,cx ;advance to last matching char string 2
mov cr2,di ;put end of match of string 2
add cx,si ;advance to last matching char string 1
mov cr1,cx ;put end of match of string 1
jmp short reent ;re-enter inner loop
compare endp
pushst proc near
; On entry:
; BX = R1 (right side of string 1)
; DS:SI = L1 (left side of string 1)
; ES:DI = L2 (left side of string 2)
; BP = R2 (right side of string 2)
mov cx,bp ;save R2
mov bp,stcknum
shl bp,1 ;*2 for words
mov [bp+ststr1l],si ;put left side of string 1 on stack
mov [bp+ststr1r],bx ;put right side of string 1 on stack
mov [bp+ststr2l],di ;put left side of string 2 on stack
mov [bp+ststr2r],cx ;put right side of string 2 on stack
inc stcknum ;Add one to number of stack entries
mov bp,cx ;Restore R2
pushst endp
popst proc near
; BX = R1 (right side of string 1)
; DS:SI = L1 (left side of string 1)
; ES:DI = L2 (left side of string 2)
; BP = R2 (right side of string 2)
dec stcknum ;point to last entry in stack
mov bp,stcknum ;get number of stack entries
shl bp,1 ;*2 for words
mov si,[bp+ststr1l] ;restore left side of string 1 from stack
mov bx,[bp+ststr1r] ;restore right side of string 1 from stack
mov di,[bp+ststr2l] ;restore left side of string 2 from stack
mov bp,[bp+ststr2r] ;restore right side of string 2 from stack
popst endp