Simtel MSDOS 1992 December
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File List
225 lines
Stan Krute
Listing One
*--------------------------------------- file information
* MPW record definitions useful in XCMD and XFCN work
* Edited with MPW 2.02
* Compiled under MPW 2.02
* Written and (C)1988 by Stan Krute. All rights reserved.
; general array structures
Array4L RECORD 0 ; an array of 4 longs
zero DS.L 1
one DS.L 1
two DS.L 1
three DS.L 1
Array8L RECORD 0 ; an array of 8 longs
zero DS.L 1
one DS.L 1
two DS.L 1
three DS.L 1
four DS.L 1
five DS.L 1
six DS.L 1
seven DS.L 1
Array16L RECORD 0 ; an array of 16 longs
zero DS.L 1
one DS.L 1
two DS.L 1
three DS.L 1
four DS.L 1
five DS.L 1
six DS.L 1
seven DS.L 1
eight DS.L 1
nine DS.L 1
ten DS.L 1
eleven DS.L 1
twelve DS.L 1
thirteen DS.L 1
fourteen DS.L 1
fifteen DS.L 1
; an XCmdBlock record
XCmdBlock RECORD 0
paramCount DS.W 1 ; # of entry parameters
params DS Array16L ; array of handles to entry parameters
returnValue DS.L 1 ; handle to a return value
passFlag DS.W 2 ; boolean: if true, HC passes message on
entryPoint DS.L 1 ; pointer to HyperCard callback function (cbf)
request DS.W 1 ; a cbf command code
result DS.W 1 ; HC's answer to a cbf command
inArgs DS Array8L ; array of arguments in to a cbf command
outArgs DS Array4L ; array of arguments out from a cbf command
Listing Two
# make instructions for the isAlpha XFCN
# the object file depends on the assembly language source code file
isAlpha.a.o f isAlpha.a
# to create the object file, assemble the assembly language source code file
# the source code file is isAlpha.a
# we'll send a listing to the file isAlpha.a.lst
Asm isAlpha.a -l
# the resource file depends on the object file
isAlpha f isAlpha.a.o
# to create the resource file, link the object file
# the output file is isAlpha
# the output file's type is RSRC
# the output file's creator is RSED
# the code will be an XFCN resource with ID #990
# the segment name will be isAlpha, same as the new HyperCard command name
# the input file is the object file isAlpha.a.o
Link -o isAlpha -t RSRC -c RSED -rt XFCN=990 -sn Main=isAlpha isAlpha.a.o
Listing Three
*--------------------------------------- file information
* isAlpha.a
* Assembly language source code for the HyperCard XFCN isAlpha
* Given a character, isAlpha returns the string 'true'
* if the character is an uppercase or lowercase letter, the
* string 'false' if it is not.
* A c function prototype might look like this:
* BOOLEAN_STRING isAlpha(CHAR chSomeChar) ;
* Edited with MPW 2.02
* Compiled under MPW 2.02
* Written and )1988 by Stan Krute. All rights reserved.
* No part of this file other files in the project it belongs to,
* or the object code the file(s) lead(s) to, may be reproduced,
* in any form or by any means, without the express written
* permission of the author and copyright holder.
*-------------------------------------- include files
; standard Mac definitions
INCLUDE 'QuickEqu.a' ; quickdraw
INCLUDE 'ToolEqu.a' ; toolbox
INCLUDE 'SysEqu.a' ; system
INCLUDE 'Traps.a' ; traps
; our stuff
INCLUDE 'XCMDandXFCN.a' ; XCMD and XFCN definitions
*------------------------------------------ isAlpha -----------------
; set local constants
smallBlockSize SET 6 ; size of a small result block we'll allocate
XCmdPtr SET 8 ; where we'll find the XCmdPtr after register saving
bytesOfEntryParams SET 4 ; bytes of entry parameters
isAlpha MAIN
; save a register
; get a small result block, filled with zeroes for cheap 0-terminated strings
MOVE.L #smallBlockSize,D0
_NewHandle ,CLEAR
; store the result block's handle as a return value
MOVE.L XCmdPtr(SP),A2 ; A2 gets pointer to XCmdBlock
MOVE.L A0,XCmdBlock.returnValue(A2) ; handle to result block
; point to the result block
MOVE.L (A0),A0
; get the single entry parameter
MOVE.L XCmdBlock.params.zero(A2),A1 ; handle to first entry parameter
MOVE.L (A1),A1 ; pointer to first entry parameter
; clear a data register, and move entry parameter, a character, into it
MOVE.B (A1),D0
; now run a series of boundary tests
; check against the low bound of upper-casedness
CMP.B #'A',D0
BLT.S notAlpha ; less than this, and we're not alphabetical
; check against the high bound of upper-casedness
CMP.B #'Z',D0
BLE.S yesAlpha ; less than or equal to this, and we're upper-case,
; thus alphabetical
; check against the low bound of lower-casedness
CMP.B #'a',D0
BLT.S notAlpha ; less than this, and we're not alphabetical
; check against the high bound of lower-casedness
CMP.B #'z',D0
BGT.S notAlpha ; greater than this, and we're not alphabetical
; we have an upper- or lower-case letter
; set result into result block
MOVE.L #'true',(A0)
BRA.S bye
; we have neither an upper- nor a lower-case letter
; set result into result block
MOVE.L #'fals',(A0)+
MOVE.B #'e',(A0)
bye ; tell HyperCard we've handled things
CLR.W XCmdBlock.passFlag(A2)
; restore a register
; move the return address into A0
MOVE.L (A7)+,A0
; jump over entry parameters
ADD.W #bytesOfEntryParams,A7
; puffasmoke and we be gone
JMP (A0)
; end of the procedure
; end of the assembly language source file
Example 1: C rendition of an XCmdBlock data structure
#include "Types.r"
resource 'SIZE' (-1, purgeable) {
150*1024, /* maximum size 150K */
150*1024 /* minimum size 150K */