Simtel MSDOS 1992 December
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Text File
383 lines
by Al Stevens
/* -------------- microsft.h ---------------- */
/* #include this file at the end of window.h */
/* this line replaces the select_window prototype in window.h */
int select_window(int, int, int, int (*)(int,int));
#define setmem(bf,sz,c) memset(bf,c,sz)
#define movmem(fr,to,ln) memmove(to,fr,ln)
#define cprintf wprintf
#define cputs(s) wprintf(s)
#define putch(c) wputch(c)
#define getch() wgetch()
void window(int lf,int tp,int rt,int bt);
void puttext(int lf,int tp,int rt,int bt,char *sv);
void gettext(int lf,int tp,int rt,int bt,char *sv);
void movetext(int lf, int tp, int rt, int bt, int lf1, int tp1);
void gotoxy(int x,int y);
void textcolor(int cl);
void textbackground(int cl);
int wherex(void);
int wherey(void);
void wprintf(char *, ...);
void wputch(int c);
int wgetch(void);
#define BLACK 0
#define BLUE 1
#define GREEN 2
#define CYAN 3
#define RED 4
#define MAGENTA 5
#define BROWN 6
#define LIGHTGRAY 7
#define DARKGRAY 8
#define LIGHTBLUE 9
#define LIGHTGREEN 10
#define LIGHTCYAN 11
#define LIGHTRED 12
#define YELLOW 14
#define WHITE 15
/* ----------- microsft.c ------------ */
* Surrogate Turbo C functions
* for Microsoft C users.
#include <dos.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <bios.h>
/* -------- One of these is your Display Adapter -------- */
#define MDA 1 /* Monochrome Display Adapter */
#define CGA 2 /* Color Graphics Adapter */
#define EGA 3 /* Enhanced Graphics Adapter */
#define VGA 4 /* Video Graphics Array */
#define ADAPTER EGA /* Specifies the Display Adapter */
#define VSEG 0xb000 /* VSEG is the video memory segment */
#define VSEG 0xb800
#define SNOW 1
/* --- assembly language vpeek.asm: manages CGA flicker --- */
void vpoke(unsigned adr, unsigned off, int ch);
int vpeek(unsigned adr, unsigned off);
#define SNOW 0
/* ---- macros for vpeek and vpoke for non-CGA systems ---- */
#define MKFP(s,o) (((long)s<<16)|o)
#define vpoke(a,b,c) (*((int far*)MKFP(a,b))=c)
#define vpeek(a,b) (*((int far*)MKFP(a,b)))
static union REGS rg;
/* --- a structure defined within Turbo C and used by us --- */
struct {
char filler1[4];
char attribute; /* saves the current video attribute */
char filler2[5];
char snow; /* says if the adapter snows */
} _video;
static int wlf,wtp,wrt,wbt; /* current window corners */
static int wx,wy; /* current window cursor */
/* ------- define a video window ---------- */
void window(int lf,int tp,int rt,int bt)
wlf = lf;
wtp = tp;
wrt = rt;
wbt = bt;
_video.snow = (char ) SNOW;
/* ------ makes a video offset from x,y coordinates ----- */
#define vaddr(x,y) (((y)-1)*160+((x)-1)*2)
/* -- makes far pointer to video RAM from x,y coordinates -- */
void far * pascal __vptr(int x, int y)
void far *vp;
FP_SEG(vp) = VSEG;
FP_OFF(vp) = vaddr(x,y);
return vp;
/* ---- writes a block of memory to video ram ----- */
void pascal __vram(int far *vp, int far *bf, int len)
while(len--) {
vpoke(VSEG, FP_OFF(vp), *bf++);
/* ---- gets a block of memory from video ram ----- */
void pascal __getvram(int far *vp, int far *bf, int len)
while(len--) {
*bf++ = vpeek(VSEG, FP_OFF(vp));
/* ----- writes a memory block to a video window ----- */
void puttext(int lf,int tp,int rt,int bt,char *sv)
while (tp < bt+1) {
__vram(__vptr(lf, tp), (int far *) sv, rt+1-lf);
sv += (rt+1-lf)*2;
/* ----- reads a memory block from a video window ------ */
void gettext(int lf,int tp,int rt,int bt,char *sv)
while (tp < bt+1) {
__getvram(__vptr(lf, tp), (int far *) sv, rt+1-lf);
sv += (rt+1-lf)*2;
/* ------ moves a video window (used for scrolling) ------ */
void movetext(int lf, int tp, int rt, int bt, int lf1, int tp1)
int nolines = bt - tp + 1;
int incr = tp - tp1;
int len, i;
unsigned src, dst;
if (tp > tp1) {
src = tp;
dst = tp1;
else {
src = bt;
dst = tp1+nolines-1;
while (nolines--) {
len = rt - lf + 1;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
vpoke(VSEG, vaddr(lf1+i, dst),
vpeek(VSEG,vaddr(lf+i, src)));
src += incr;
dst += incr;
/* ----- position the window cursor ------ */
void gotoxy(int x,int y)
wx = x;
wy = y;
rg.h.ah = 15;
int86(16, &rg, &rg);
rg.x.ax = 0x0200;
rg.h.dh = wtp + y - 2;
rg.h.dl = wlf + x - 2;
int86(16, &rg, &rg);
/* ----- return the window cursor x coordinate ----- */
int wherex(void)
return wx;
/* ----- return the window cursor y coordinate ----- */
int wherey(void)
return wy;
/* ----- sets the window foreground (text) color ------- */
void textcolor(int cl)
_video.attribute = (_video.attribute & 0xf0) | (cl&0xf);
/* ----- sets the window background color ------- */
void textbackground(int cl)
_video.attribute = (_video.attribute & 0x8f) | ((cl&7)<<4);
void writeline(int, int, char *);
/* ------ our substitution for MSC cprintf -------- */
void wprintf(char *ln, ...)
char dlin [81], *dl = dlin, ch;
int cl[81], *cp = cl;
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, ln);
vsprintf(dlin, ln, ap);
while (*dl) {
ch = (*dl++ & 255);
if (!isprint(ch))
ch = ' ';
*cp++ = ch | (_video.attribute << 8);
(int far *) cl, strlen(dlin));
wx += strlen(dlin);
/* ------ our substitution for MSC putch -------- */
void wputch(c)
if (!isprint(c))
wprintf("%c", c);
/* ------ our substitution for MSC getch -------- */
int wgetch(void)
static unsigned ch = 0xffff;
if ((ch & 0xff) == 0) {
return (ch >> 8) & 0x7f;
ch = _bios_keybrd(_KEYBRD_READ);
return ch & 0x7f;
;--------------------------- vpeek.asm ----------------------------
.model compact
public _vpoke
; -------- insert a word into video memory
; vpoke(vseg, adr, ch);
; unsigned vseg; /* the video segment address */
; unsigned adr; /* the video offset address */
; unsigned ch; /* display byte & attribute byte */
; ------------------------------------------
_vpoke proc
push bp
mov bp,sp
push di
push es
mov cx,4[bp] ; video board base address
mov es,cx
mov di,6[bp] ; offset address from caller
mov dx,986 ; video status port address
loop1: in al,dx ; wait for retrace to quit
test al,1
jnz loop1
loop2: in al,dx ; wait for retrace to start
test al,1
jz loop2
mov ax,8[bp] ; word to insert
stosw ; insert it
pop es
pop di
pop bp
_vpoke endp
public _vpeek
; -------- retrieve a word from video memory
; vpeek(vseg, adr);
; unsigned vseg; /* the video segment address */
; unsigned adr; /* the video offset address */
; ------------------------------------------
_vpeek proc
push bp
mov bp,sp
push si
push ds
mov si,6[bp] ; offset address
mov cx,4[bp] ; video board base address
mov ds,cx
mov dx,986 ; video status port address
loop3: in al,dx ; wait for retrace to stop
test al,1
jnz loop3
loop4: in al,dx ; wait for retrace to start
test al,1
jz loop4
lodsw ; get the word
pop ds
pop si
pop bp
_vpeek endp
# TWRP.MAK -- make file for TWRP.EXE with Microsoft C/MASM
cl /DCOMPILER=MSOFT -c -W3 -Gs -AC $*.c
twrp.obj : twrp.c editor.h help.h window.h
editshel.obj : editshel.c editor.h menu.h entry.h help.h \
window.h microsft.h
editor.obj : editor.c editor.h window.h microsft.h
entry.obj : entry.c entry.h window.h microsft.h
menu.obj : menu.c menu.h window.h microsft.h
help.obj : help.c help.h window.h microsft.h
window.obj : window.c window.h microsft.h
microsft.obj : microsft.c
vpeek.obj : vpeek.asm
masm /MX vpeek;
twrp.exe : twrp.obj editshel.obj editor.obj entry.obj menu.obj help.obj \
window.obj microsft.obj vpeek.obj
cl twrp editshel editor entry menu help window microsft vpeek