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910 lines
by Jim Mischel
* qstring.c - finds and outputs all quoted strings in a C source file.
* Copyright 1988, Jim Mischel
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "awklib.h"
void main (void) {
char pat[MAXPAT];
char buff[MAXSTR];
char s[MAXSTR];
char *c;
awk_init ();
if (makepat("\"[^\"]*\"", pat) == NULL) {
fprintf (stderr, "Error compiling pattern string.\n");
while (gets (buff) != NULL) {
c = buff;
while ((c = re_match (c, pat)) != NULL) {
strncpy (s, c, RLENGTH);
s[RLENGTH] = '\0';
puts (s);
* awklib.h - defines, global variables, and function prototypes for
* AWKLIB routines.
* Copyright 1988, Jim Mischel. All rights reserved.
extern int RSTART;
extern int RLENGTH;
extern int NF;
extern char *FS;
extern char *FS_PAT;
extern char *FIELDS[];
#define MAXSTR 1024
void pascal awk_init (void);
char * pascal setfs (char *fs);
char * pascal match (char *s, char *re);
char * pascal re_match (char *s, char *pat);
char * pascal makepat (char *re, char *pat);
int pascal split (char *s, char **a, char *fs);
int pascal re_split (char *s, char **a, char *pat);
int pascal getline (char *s, int nchar, FILE *infile);
int pascal sub (char *re, char *replace, char *str);
int pascal re_sub (char *pat, char *replace, char *str);
int pascal gsub (char *re, char *replace, char *str);
int pascal re_gsub (char *pat, char *replace, char *str);
char * pascal strins (char *s, char *i, int pos);
char * pascal strcins (char *s, int ch, int pos);
char * pascal strdel (char *s, int pos, int n);
char * pascal strcdel (char *s, int pos);
char * pascal strccat (char *s, int c);
* awklib.c - C callable routines that provide field splitting and regular
* expression matching functions much like those found in AWK.
* Copyright 1988, Jim Mischel. All rights reserved.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <alloc.h>
#include <process.h>
#define TRUE -1
#define FALSE 0
#define ALMOST 1 /* returned when a closure matches a NULL */
#define ENDSTR '\0'
#define EOL '$'
#define BOL '^'
#define NEGATE '^'
#define CCL '['
#define NCCL ']'
#define CCLEND ']'
#define ANY '.'
#define DASH '-'
#define OR '|'
#define ESCAPE '\\'
#define LPAREN '('
#define RPAREN ')'
#define CLOSURE '*'
#define POS_CLO '+'
#define ZERO_ONE '?'
#define LITCHAR 'c'
#define END_TERM 'e'
#define FS_DEFAULT "[ \t]+"
#define MAXSTR 1024
#define MAXFIELD 128
* AWKLIB global variables. These variables are defined in AWKLIB.H and may
* be accessed by the application.
int RSTART; /* start of matched substring */
int RLENGTH; /* length of matched substring */
int NF; /* number of fields from most current split */
char * FS; /* global field separator */
char * FS_PAT; /* compiled field separator */
char * FIELDS[MAXFIELD]; /* contents of fields from most current split */
* Internal function prototypes.
char * pascal re_match (char *s, char *pat);
char * pascal makepat (char *re, char *pat);
int pascal re_split (char *s, char **a, char *pat);
char * pascal do_sub (char *str, int inx, int len, char *replace);
char parse_escape (void);
* These string routines, while designed specifically for this application,
* may be useful to other programs. Their prototypes are included in the
* AWKLIB.H file.
char * pascal strins (char *s, char *i, int pos);
char * pascal strcins (char *s, int ch, int pos);
char * pascal strdel (char *s, int pos, int n);
char * pascal strcdel (char *s, int pos);
char * pascal strccat (char *s, int c);
* Initialize AWKLIB global variables. This routine MUST be called before
* using the AWKLIB routines. Failure to do so may produce some strange
* results.
void pascal awk_init (void) {
int x;
char * pascal setfs (char *fs);
setfs (FS_DEFAULT);
for (x = 0; x < MAXFIELD; x++)
} /* awk_init */
* Sets the field separator to the regular expression fs. The regular
* expression is compiled into FS_PAT. FS_PAT is returned. NULL is returned
* on error and neither FS or FS_PAT is modified.
char * pascal setfs (char *fs) {
char pat[MAXPAT];
pat[0] = ENDSTR;
if (makepat (fs_DEFAULT, pat) == NULL)
return (NULL);
if (FS != NULL)
free (FS);
if (FS_PAT != NULL)
free (FS_PAT);
FS = strdup (fs);
FS_PAT = strdup (pat);
return (FS_PAT);
} /* setfs */
* makepat() - "compile" the regular expression re into pat and return a
* a pointer to the compiled string, or NULL if the compile fails.
* Performs a recursive descent parse of the expression.
char *_re_ptr; /* global for pattern building */
char * pascal makepat (char *re, char *pat) {
char *t;
char * parse_expression (void);
_re_ptr = re;
if ((t = parse_expression ()) == NULL)
return (NULL);
else if (*_re_ptr != ENDSTR) {
free (t);
return (NULL);
else {
strcpy (pat, t);
free (t);
return (pat);
} /* makepat */
* parse_expression() - Parse and translate an expression. Returns a pointer
* to the compiled expression, or NULL on error.
char * parse_expression (void) {
char pat[MAXPAT];
char *arg1;
char * parse_term (void);
pat[0] = ENDSTR;
if ((arg1 = parse_term ()) == NULL) /* get the first term */
return (NULL);
while (*_re_ptr == OR) { /* parse all subsequent terms */
strccat (pat, OR);
strcat (pat, arg1);
strccat (pat, END_TERM);
free (arg1);
if ((arg1 = parse_term ()) == NULL)
return (NULL);
strcat (pat, arg1);
strccat (pat, END_TERM);
free (arg1);
return (strdup (pat));
} /* parse_expression */
* parse_term() - parse and translate a term. Returns a pointer to the
* compiled term or NULL on error.
char * parse_term (void) {
char *t;
char pat[MAXPAT];
int isfactor (char c);
char * parse_factor (void);
pat[0] = ENDSTR;
if (*_re_ptr == BOL)
strccat (pat, *_re_ptr++);
do {
if ((t = parse_factor ()) == NULL)
return (NULL);
else {
strcat (pat, t);
free (t);
} while (isfactor (*_re_ptr)); /* parse all factors of this term */
return (strdup (pat));
} /* parse_term */
* isfactor() - returns TRUE if c is a valid factor character
int isfactor (char c) {
static char nfac_chars[] = "^|)]+?*";
return (strchr (nfac_chars, c) == NULL) ? TRUE : FALSE;
} /* isfactor */
* parse_factor() - parse and translate a factor. Returns a pointer to the
* compiled factor or NULL on error.
char * parse_factor (void) {
char pat[MAXPAT];
char *t;
char * parse_expression (void);
int parse_closure (char *pat, char c);
char * parse_ccl (void);
pat[0] = ENDSTR;
switch (*_re_ptr) {
case LPAREN : /* parenthesised expression */
t = parse_expression ();
strcat (pat, t);
free (t);
if (*_re_ptr++ != RPAREN)
return (NULL);
case CCL : /* character class */
t = parse_ccl ();
strcat (pat, t);
free (t);
if (*_re_ptr++ != CCLEND)
return (NULL);
case ANY : /* '.' or '$' operators */
case EOL :
strccat (pat, *_re_ptr++);
case ESCAPE : /* ESCAPE character */
strccat (pat, LITCHAR);
strccat (pat, parse_escape ());
case CLOSURE :
case POS_CLO :
case ZERO_ONE :
case NEGATE :
case CCLEND :
case RPAREN :
case OR : /* not valid characters */
return (NULL);
default : /* literal character */
strccat (pat, LITCHAR);
strccat (pat, *_re_ptr++);
* check for closure
if (*_re_ptr == CLOSURE || *_re_ptr == ZERO_ONE || *_re_ptr == POS_CLO)
if (parse_closure (pat, *_re_ptr++) == FALSE)
return (NULL);
return (strdup (pat));
} /* parse_factor */
* parse_escape () - returns ASCII value of character(s) following ESCAPE
char parse_escape (void) {
unsigned char ch;
switch (*_re_ptr) {
case 'b' : _re_ptr++; return ('\b'); /* backspace */
case 't' : _re_ptr++; return ('\t'); /* tab */
case 'f' : _re_ptr++; return ('\f'); /* formfeed */
case 'n' : _re_ptr++; return ('\n'); /* linefeed */
case 'r' : _re_ptr++; return ('\r'); /* carriage return */
case '0' : /* 0-7 is octal constant */
case '1' :
case '2' :
case '3' :
case '4' :
case '5' :
case '6' :
case '7' :
ch = *_re_ptr++ - '0';
if (*_re_ptr >= '0' && *_re_ptr < '8') {
ch <<= 3;
ch += *_re_ptr++ - '0';
if (*_re_ptr >= '0' && *_re_ptr < '8') {
ch <<= 3;
ch += *_re_ptr++ - '0';
return (ch);
default : /* otherwise, just that char */
return (*_re_ptr++);
} /* parse_escape */
* parse_closure() - place closure character and size before the factor
* in the compiled string.
int parse_closure (char *pat, char c) {
int len;
memmove (pat+2, pat, strlen (pat) + 1);
pat[0] = c;
len = strlen (pat + 2);
if (len > 255)
return (FALSE); /* closure expression too large */
else {
pat[1] = len;
return (TRUE);
} /* parse_closure */
* parse_ccl() - parse and translate a character class. Return pointer to the
* compiled class or NULL on error.
char * parse_ccl (void) {
char pat[MAXPAT];
int first = TRUE;
int len;
char * parse_dash (char *pat, char ch);
strcpy (pat, "[ ");
if (*_re_ptr == NEGATE) { /* if first character is NEGATE */
pat[0] = NCCL; /* then we have a negated */
_re_ptr++; /* character class */
* parse all characters up to the closing bracket or end of string marker
while (*_re_ptr != CCLEND && *_re_ptr != ENDSTR) {
if (*_re_ptr == DASH && first == FALSE) { /* DASH, check for range */
if (*++_re_ptr == NCCL)
strccat (pat, DASH); /* not range, literal DASH */
parse_dash (pat, *_re_ptr++);
else {
if (*_re_ptr == ESCAPE) {
strccat (pat, parse_escape ());
strccat (pat, *_re_ptr++);
first = FALSE;
len = strlen (pat+2);
if (len > 255)
return (NULL); /* character class too large */
else {
pat[1] = len; /* store CCL length at pat[1] */
return (strdup (pat));
} /* parse_ccl */
* parse_dash() - fill in range characters.
char * parse_dash (char *pat, char ch) {
int ch1;
for (ch1 = pat[strlen (pat) - 1] + 1; ch1 <= ch; ch1++)
strccat (pat, ch1);
return (pat);
} /* parse_dash */
* match() - Return a pointer to the first character of the left-most longest
* substring of s that matches re or NULL if no match is found. Sets
* RSTART and RLENGTH. This routine compiles the regular expression re and
* then calls re_match to perform the actual matching.
char * pascal match (char *s, char *re) {
char pat[MAXPAT];
pat[0] = ENDSTR;
if (makepat (re, pat) == NULL)
return (NULL);
return (re_match (s, pat));
} /* match */
* re_match() - Return a pointer to the first character of the left-most
* longest substring of s that matches pat, or NULL if no match is found.
* Sets RSTART and RLENGTH. The != FALSE test below must NOT be changed
* to == TRUE. match_term() can return TRUE, FALSE, or ALMOST. Both TRUE
* and ALMOST are considered TRUE by this routine.
char *_s_end; /* global points to last character matched */
char * pascal re_match (char *s, char *pat) {
char *c = s;
int pascal match_term (int inx, char *s, char *pat);
_s_end = NULL;
while (*c != ENDSTR) {
if (match_term (c-s, c, pat) != FALSE) {
RSTART = c-s;
RLENGTH = _s_end - c;
return (c);
return (NULL);
} /* re_match */
* Match a compiled term. Returns TRUE, FALSE, or ALMOST.
int pascal match_term (int inx, char *s, char *pat) {
int pascal match_or (int inx, char *s, char *pat);
int pascal match_ccl (char c, char *pat);
int pascal match_closure (int inx, char *s, char *pat, char *clopat);
int pascal match_0_1 (int inx, char *s, char *pat);
_s_end = s;
if (*pat == ENDSTR)
return (FALSE);
do {
switch (*pat) {
case BOL : /* match beginning of line */
if (inx != 0)
return (FALSE);
case LITCHAR : /* match literal character */
if (*s++ != *++pat)
return (FALSE);
case END_TERM : pat++; break; /* skip end-of-term character */
case ANY : /* match any character ... */
if (*s++ == ENDSTR) /* ... except end of string */
return (FALSE);
case OR : return (match_or (inx, s, pat));
case CCL : /* character class requires */
case NCCL : /* special processing */
if (*s == ENDSTR)
return (FALSE);
if (!match_ccl (*s++, pat++))
return (FALSE);
pat += *pat + 1;
case EOL : /* match end of string */
if (*s != ENDSTR)
return (FALSE);
case ZERO_ONE : return (match_0_1 (inx, s, pat));
case CLOSURE :
case POS_CLO : {
char clopat[MAXPAT];
strncpy (clopat, pat+2, *(pat+1));
clopat[*(pat+1)] = ENDSTR;
return (match_closure (inx, s, pat, clopat));
default :
* If we get to this point, then something has gone very wrong.
* Most likely, someone has tried to match with an invalid
* compiled pattern. Whatever the case, the only thing to do
* is abort the program.
fputs ("In match_term: can't happen", stderr);
exit (1);
} /* switch */
_s_end = s;
} while (*pat != ENDSTR);
return (TRUE);
} /* match_term */
* match_or() - Handles selection processing.
int pascal match_or (int inx, char *s, char *pat) {
char workpat[MAXPAT];
char *t1, *t2, *junk;
int pascal match_term (int inx, char *s, char *pat);
char * pascal skip_term (char *pat);
* The first case is build into workpat. Second case is already there.
* Both patterns are searched to determine the longest matched substring.
workpat[0] = ENDSTR;
junk = skip_term (pat);
strncat (workpat, pat, junk-pat);
strcat (workpat, skip_term (junk));
t1 = (match_term (inx, s, workpat) != FALSE) ? _s_end : NULL;
* The second pattern need not be searched if the first pattern results
* in a match through to the end of the string, since the longest possible
* match has already been found.
if (t1 == NULL || *_s_end != ENDSTR) {
t2 = (match_term (inx, s, junk) != FALSE) ? _s_end : NULL;
* determine which matched the longest substring
if (t1 != NULL && (t2 == NULL || t1 > t2))
_s_end = t1;
return (t1 == NULL && t2 == NULL) ? FALSE : TRUE;
} /* match_or */
* Skip over the current term and return a pointer to the next term in
* the pattern.
char * pascal skip_term (char *pat) {
register int nterm = 1;
while (nterm > 0) {
switch (*pat) {
case OR : nterm++; break;
case CCL :
case NCCL :
case ZERO_ONE:
case POS_CLO:
pat += *pat;
case END_TERM: nterm--; break;
case LITCHAR: pat++; break;
return (pat);
} /* skip_term */
* Match the ZERO_ONE operator. First, this routine attempts to match the
* entire pattern with the input string. If that fails, it skips over
* the closure pattern and attempts to match the rest of the pattern.
int pascal match_0_1 (int inx, char *s, char *pat) {
char *save_s = s;
if (match_term (inx, s, pat+2) == TRUE)
return (TRUE);
else if (match_term (inx, save_s, pat+2+*(pat+1)) == FALSE)
return (FALSE);
return (ALMOST);
} /* match_0_1 */
* Match CLOSURE and POS_CLO.
* Match as many of the closure patterns as possible, then attempt to match
* the remaining pattern with what's left of the input string. Backtrack
* until we've either matched the remaing pattern or we arrive back at where
* we started.
int pascal match_closure (int inx, char *s, char *pat, char *clopat) {
char *save_s = s;
if (match_term (inx, s, clopat) == TRUE) {
save_s = _s_end;
if (match_closure (inx, save_s, pat, clopat) == TRUE)
return (TRUE);
return (match_term (inx, save_s, pat+2+*(pat+1)));
else if (*pat != CLOSURE)
return (FALSE); /* POS_CLO requires at least one match */
else if (match_term (inx, save_s, pat+2+*(pat+1)) == TRUE)
return (ALMOST);
return (FALSE);
} /* match_closure */
* Match a character class or negated character class
int pascal match_ccl (char c, char *pat) {
register int x;
char ccl = *pat++;
for (x = *pat; x > 0; x--)
if (c == pat[x])
return (ccl == CCL);
return (ccl != CCL);
} /* match_ccl */
* Substitue 'replace' for the leftmost longest substring of str matched by
* the regular expression re.
* Return number of substitutions made (which in this case will be 0 or 1).
int pascal sub (char *re, char *replace, char *str) {
if (match (str, re) != NULL) {
free (do_sub (str, RSTART, RLENGTH, replace));
return (1);
return (0);
} /* sub */
* Substitue 'replace' for the leftmost longest substring of str matched by
* the compiled regular expression pat.
* Return number of substitutions made (which in this case will be 0 or 1).
int pascal re_sub (char *pat, char *replace, char *str) {
int pascal re_sub (char *pat, char *replace, char *str);
if (re_match (str, pat) != NULL) {
free (do_sub (str, RSTART, RLENGTH, replace));
return (1);
return (0);
} /* re_sub */
* Substitute 'replace' globally for all substrings in str matched by the
* regular expression re.
* Return number of substitutions made.
* This routine uses makepat() to compile the regular expression, then calls
* re_gsub() to do the actual replacement.
* NOTE: gsub() makes only 1 pass through the string. Replaced strings
* cannot themselves be replaced.
int pascal gsub (char *re, char *replace, char *str) {
int pascal re_gsub (char *pat, char *replace, char *str);
char pat[MAXPAT];
pat[0] = ENDSTR;
if (makepat (re, pat) == NULL)
return (0);
return (re_gsub (pat, replace, str));
} /* gsub */
* Substitute 'replace' globally for all substrings in str matched by the
* compiled regular expression pat.
* Return number of substitutions made.
* NOTE: gsub() makes only 1 pass through the string. Replaced strings
* cannot themselves be replaced.
int pascal re_gsub (char *pat, char *replace, char *str) {
char *m = str;
int nsub = 0;
char *p;
while ((m = re_match (m, pat)) != NULL) {
p = do_sub (m, 0, RLENGTH, replace);
m += strlen (p);
free (p);
return (nsub);
} /* re_gsub */
* remove 'len' characters from 'str' starting at position 'inx'. Then insert
* the replacement string at position 'inx'.
char * pascal do_sub (char *str, int inx, int len, char *replace) {
char *p;
char * pascal makesub (char *replace, char *found, int len);
p = makesub (replace, &str[inx], len);
strdel (str, inx, len);
strins (str, p, inx);
return (p);
} /* do_sub */
* Make a substitution string.
char * pascal makesub (char *replace, char *found, int len) {
char news[MAXSTR];
char *c = replace;
int x;
news[0] = ENDSTR;
while (*c != ENDSTR) {
if (*c == '&')
for (x = 0; x < len; x++)
strccat (news, found[x]);
else if (*c == '\\') {
_re_ptr = c+1;
strccat (news, parse_escape ());
c = _re_ptr - 1;
strccat (news, *c);
return (strdup (news));
} /* makesub */
* split - split the string s into fields in the array a on field separator fs.
* fs is a regular expression. Returns number of fields. Also sets the global
* variable NF. This routine compiles fs into a pattern and then calls
* re_split() to do the work.
int pascal split (char *s, char **a, char *fs) {
char pat[MAXPAT];
pat[0] = ENDSTR;
makepat (fs, pat);
return re_split (s, a, pat);
} /* split */
* re_split() - split the string s into fields in the array on field seperator
* pat. pat is a compiled regular expression (built by makepat()). Returns
* number of fields. Also sets the global variable NF.
int pascal re_split (char *s, char **a, char *pat) {
int rstart = RSTART; /* save RSTART and RLENGTH */
int rlength = RLENGTH;
char *c = s;
char *oldc = s;
NF = 0;
if (a[0] != NULL)
free (a[0]);
a[0] = strdup (s);
while (*oldc != ENDSTR) {
while ((c = re_match (oldc, pat)) == oldc)
oldc += RLENGTH;
if (*oldc != ENDSTR) {
if (c == NULL)
c = &oldc[strlen (oldc)];
if (a[++NF] != NULL)
a[NF] = realloc (a[NF], c-oldc+1);
a[NF] = malloc (c-oldc+1);
memcpy (a[NF], oldc, c-oldc);
a[NF][c-oldc] = ENDSTR;
oldc = c;
RSTART = rstart; /* restore globals */
RLENGTH = rlength;
return (NF);
} /* re_split */
* Reads a line from infile and splits it into FIELDS. Returns EOF on
* end-of-file or error.
int pascal getline (char *s, int nchar, FILE *infile) {
char *c;
if (fgets (s, nchar, infile) == NULL)
return (EOF);
if ((c = strchr (s, '\n')) != NULL)
*c = ENDSTR; /* look for and replace newline */
re_split (s, FIELDS, FS_PAT);
return (0);
} /* getline */
* add a character to the end of a string
char * pascal strccat (char *s, int ch) {
register int len = strlen (s);
s[len++] = ch;
s[len] = ENDSTR;
return (s);
* removes the character at pos from the string.
char * pascal strcdel (char *s, int pos) {
memcpy (s+pos, s+pos+1, strlen (s) - pos);
return (s);
} /* strcdel */
* inserts the character ch into the string at position pos. Assumes there
* is room enough in the string for the character.
char * pascal strcins (char *s, int ch, int pos) {
memmove (s+pos+1, s+pos, strlen (s) - pos + 1);
s[pos] = ch;
return (s);
* removes n characters from s starting at pos
char * pascal strdel (char *s, int pos, int n) {
memcpy (s+pos, s+pos+n, strlen(s)-pos-n+1);
return (s);
* inserts the string i into the string s at position pos. Assumes there
* is sufficient memory in s to hold i.
char * pascal strins (char *s, char *i, int pos) {
char *p = s+pos;
int ilen = strlen (i);
memmove (p+ilen, p, strlen (s) - pos + 1);
memcpy (p, i, ilen);
return (s);
Program A Program B
... ...
while (getline(line,80,f) != EOF) { makepat("a+bc",pat);
if (match(line,"a+bc") != NULL) while (getline(line,80,f) != EOF) {
puts(line); if (re_match(line,pat) != NULL)
} puts(line);
... }