Simtel MSDOS 1992 December
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Text File
162 lines
This program was created because I have a great deal of trouble
trying to remember many important things, and because I never was
one to keep notes around to remind me of my appointments.
It was written originally in GWBASIC on my AT&T-6300 PC.
The source code was compiled with the MICROSOFT'S QUICKBASIC Compiler,
version 2.01.
To use it you just type REMINDER at the DOS prompt. The program will
display the shareware message and wait for a key to be pressed. It
will then check the message file to see if there are any messages for
today. Should it find any messages dated for the present day, it
displays them on the screen. These messages, once delivered, are
then erased from the file.
Note: The registered version will not display the shareware message.
After delivering the messages, REMINDER then closes down and returns
you to the DOS prompt.
I have taken special care to create displays that can be presented in
every IBM compatible machine. No graphics cards are needed. All screen
displays are text based and should cause no problems. But if they do,
leave a message for me at this BBS explaining the problem. I will try
to correct it and UPLOAD the corrected version. No charge, I do this
kind of thing for fun.
Certain messages are not erased after they have been delivered.
These are the MONTHLY and the YEARLY messages. These messages have the
letters "YY" (For yearly), and "MM" (For monthly), instead of the number
of the month. In this case REMINDER delivers the messages and saves them
once more. But now the message "STATUS" is changed and reminder will not
deliver the message again on the same month once it has been delivered.
Once the month on which those messages have been delivered passes, their
status is once again changed so that the next time that the DATE
conditions are met the message will be delivered once again.
This program, however, cannot run itself, you must still remember to
run REMINDER to be reminded of your messages. So I recommend putting it
in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. That way REMINDER will check your messages
every time you turn your computer on.
If there are no messages that meet the conditions for REMINDER to
display them, REMINDER does nothing at all.
If there is no message file on the disk, REMINDER will create one and
assume that you will enter the messages now. Thus you will find
yourself in the REMINDER APPEND MODE screen.
Now you enter your messages and the dates on which they should be
delivered. If you need any help with this part of the REMINDER
program, you can always press the F1 key to get the help screen
When you are finished writing your messages you simply press <ESC>
to exit the APPEND mode and return to DOS.
To append more messages you simply type "REMINDER A", at the DOS
prompt. The "A" tells reminder that you wish to append messages to the
file, so REMINDER takes you directly to the APPEND mode.
REMINDER also has a message editor. If you should wish to delete any
of the messages on the message file, or if you should wish to change
the messages or dates in the message file, you type "REMINDER E" at
the DOS prompt to tell REMINDER that you wish to edit the messages.
REMINDER will then take you to the EDITOR MODE screen. Here you can
change any message or date, or, if you prefer, you can delete the
messages as well.
If you forget all these options for calling REMINDER, there is also a
HELP option which you get by typing "REMINDER H" at the DOS prompt.
This will give you a screen that outlines all the possible ways to
call REMINDER. (You also get this screen if you use any letter other
than "A","E", or "H"). This is what the COMMAND$ function of QUICKBASIC
was added to accomplish.
MONTHLY messages are special messages that are delivered every month
on the same day. These are messages with dates that start with the
letters "MM". When REMINDER encounters one of these messages it
checks the next two characters of the date to see if they match the
present day. If they do, the message is delivered and saved in the
file with a new status marker until the same day of the next month,
when the message is delivered once again. (I have trouble remembering
when to pay my bills, you see.)
YEARLY messages are very much like MONTHLY messages, except that
instead of the day to deliver the message you put in the month. When
REMINDER encounters a message with a date that begins with "YY" it
checks to see if the following two characters correspond with the
present month. If they do, the message is delivered and saved with a
new status marker until the month has passed. Then the status marker
is restored to the original condition. And the message is not
delivered again until the next year, when the date condition is met
once more. (I also have trouble remembering birthdays.)
REMINDER has two types of displays, there is the PAST-DATE display,
and the REMEMBER display.
The PAST-DATE display is used when REMINDER finds messages that
should have been delivered but because REMINDER had not been used in
those dates, they were not. Past dated messages are also delivered
with the dates they were supposed to be delivered.
If there are more than 13 messages, REMINDER will display them 13
at a time. Every 13 messages, REMINDER will wait for any key to be
pressed before it displays the next 13 or whatever messages that
remain. If this is the case, REMINDER will display a
"THERE ARE MORE MESSAGES" message at the bottom of the screen.
The REMEMBER display is used when REMINDER finds messages that meet
the DATE criteria for the present date. These messages are displayed
the same way that past-dated messages are displayed except that the
message date is not shown.
Should REMINDER find both past dated and present dated messages it
displays the past dated messages first. At the bottom of the screen
Reminder will prompt you with messages that indicate if there are
more messages. Or if the past dated messages have all been displayed,
REMINDER informs you that there are messages for today, (If that is so),
or will tell you to press any key to exit, if it has presented all the
messages for today.
Of course, you will only see the PAST-DATE screen if there are only
past dated messages. And you will only see the REMEMBER screen if
there are only messages for today. Both screens are only used if
there are both past dated and present dated messages.
REMINDER is pretty much foolproof, so don't worry about entering the
wrong date markers. Should an incorrect date be entered, REMINDER
will detect it and tell you to reenter the date. Also, for the purpose
of display esthetics, REMINDER will only accept messages of 70
characters in length or less. I find this to be enough for my needs,
but should there be a need for messages longer than that, I recommend
entering it as several messages, all with the same date.
Well, I guess that sums it up. The program itself is pretty much
self-explanatory. And the help screens in the EDIT and APPEND parts
of it do the rest.
I hope you like it.
║ If you wish to own a registered copy of REMINDER ║
║ just send a check or money order in the amount of ║
║ $10.00 payable to: ║
║ ║
║ Steven D. Huddleston ║
║ Mundo Feliz Apt. 1604 ║
║ Isla Verde, P.R. 00913 ║
║ ║
║ You will receive a diskette with the registered ║
║ version of REMINDER which will not display the ║
║ Shareware message every time it is used. ║
║ ║
║ Thank you for supporting Kongaloid Software and ║
║ the Shareware industry that has brought us so many ║
║ wonderful software packages at reasonable prices. ║