Simtel MSDOS 1992 December
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C/C++ Source or Header
572 lines
* This program is Copyright (C) 1986, 1987, 1988 by Jonathan Payne. JOVE *
* is provided to you without charge, and with no warranty. You may give *
* away copies of JOVE, including sources, provided that this notice is *
* included in all the files. *
extern char
/* proc.c */
*MakeName proto((char *command)),
/* ask.c */
*ask_file proto((char *prmt, char *def, char *buf)),
*ask proto((char *, char *, ...)),
*do_ask proto((char *, int (*) proto((int)), char *, char *, ...));
extern int
yes_or_no_p proto((char *, ...));
extern void
minib_add proto((char *str,int movedown));
extern void
isprocbuf proto((char *bufname)),
DoAutoExec proto((char *new,char *old)),
RegToUnix proto((struct buffer *outbuf,char *cmd));
extern void
/* extend.c */
vpr_aux proto((const struct variable *, char *)),
/* proc.c */
#ifndef MSDOS
dowait proto((int pid, int *status)),
get_FL_info proto((char *, char *)),
ErrFree proto((void));
/* jove.c */
finish proto((int code)); /* doesn't return at all! */
extern int
/* ctype.h */
ismword proto((int c)),
/* proc.c */
UnixToBuf proto((char *, int, int, int, ...)),
/* extend.c */
addgetc proto((void)),
ask_int proto((char *prompt,int base)),
aux_complete proto((int c)),
chr_to_int proto((char *cp,int base,int allints, int *result)),
complete proto((char * *possible,char *prompt,int flags)),
joverc proto((char *file)),
/* jove.c */
#ifdef MAC
win_reshape proto((int /*junk*/)),
charp proto((void)),
getch proto((void)),
jgetchar proto((void)),
getrawinchar proto((void));
extern void
error proto((char *, ...)),
complain proto((char *, ...)),
confirm proto((char *, ...)),
ttyset proto((int n)),
tty_reset proto ((void)),
ToError proto((int forward)),
Ungetc proto((int c));
#ifdef IBMPC
extern int
lower proto((char *c)),
rawkey_ready proto((void));
extern char
switchar proto((void));
extern Bufpos
/* insert.c */
*DoYank proto((struct line *fline,int fchar,struct line *tline,int tchar,struct line *atline,int atchar,struct buffer *whatbuf)),
*lisp_indent proto((void));
extern void
Insert proto((int c)),
LineInsert proto((int num));
/* c.c */
extern Bufpos
*c_indent proto((int brace)),
*m_paren proto((int p_type,int dir,int can_mismatch,int can_stop));
extern void
mp_error proto((void));
extern unsigned char
chpl proto((void)),
lpp proto((void));
extern void
DoJustify proto((struct line *l1,int c1,struct line *l2,int c2,int scrunch,int indent)),
/* abbrev.c */
#ifdef ABBREV
AbbrevExpand proto((void)),
/* disp.c */
message proto((char *)),
/* insert.c */
#ifdef ABBREV
MaybeAbbrevExpand proto((void)),
GCchunks proto((void)),
/* fmt.c */
format proto((char *buf, size_t len, char *fmt, char *ap)),
add_mess proto((char *, ...)),
f_mess proto((char *, ...)),
fwritef proto((struct _file *, char *, ...)),
writef proto((char *, ...)),
s_mess proto((char *, ...)),
swritef proto((char *, char *, ...)),
/* keymaps.c */
InitKeymaps proto((void)),
/* paragraph.c */
do_rfill proto((int ulm)),
/* macros.c */
mac_init proto((void)),
/* misc.c */
skip_wht_space proto((void)),
put_bufs proto((int askp)),
/* term.c */
#ifndef IBMPC
getTERM proto((void)),
putpad proto((char *str,int lines)),
putargpad proto((char *str, int arg, int lines)),
settout proto((char *ttbuf));
#if defined(IBMPC)
extern void
write_em proto((char *s)),
write_emc proto((char *s,int n)),
write_emif proto(()),
write_emif proto((char *s));
#ifdef MAC
extern int
creat proto((char *,int)),
open proto((char *,int)),
close proto((int)),
read proto((int,char *,unsigned)),
write proto((int,char *,unsigned)),
unlink proto((char *)),
chdir proto((char *)),
rawchkc proto((void)),
getArgs proto((char ***));
extern long
lseek proto((int,long,unsigned));
extern time_t
time proto((time_t *));
#endif /* MAC */
extern char
*pwd proto((void)),
#ifdef MAC
*getwd proto((char *)),
*pfile proto((char *)),
*gfile proto((char *));
#ifdef MAC
extern void
MacInit proto((void)),
InitBinds proto((void)),
NPlacur proto((int,int)),
i_lines proto((int,int,int)),
d_lines proto((int,int,int)),
clr_page proto((void)),
clr_eoln proto((void)),
docontrols proto((void)),
RemoveScrollBar proto((Window *)),
InitEvents proto((void)),
menus_on proto((void)),
menus_off proto((void));
/* Wired Commands */
extern void
UnbindC proto((void)),
ShowVersion proto((void)),
WVisSpace proto((void)),
AppReg proto((void)),
Apropos proto((void)),
BackChar proto((void)),
BList proto((void)),
FList proto((void)),
BUpList proto((void)),
FDownList proto((void)),
BSexpr proto((void)),
BackWord proto((void)),
Bof proto((void)),
Bol proto((void)),
Bos proto((void)),
Bow proto((void)),
BindAKey proto((void)),
BindMac proto((void)),
BufPos proto((void)),
#if defined(MSDOS)
Buf1Select proto((void)),
Buf2Select proto((void)),
Buf3Select proto((void)),
Buf4Select proto((void)),
Buf5Select proto((void)),
Buf6Select proto((void)),
Buf7Select proto((void)),
Buf8Select proto((void)),
Buf9Select proto((void)),
Buf10Select proto((void)),
#endif /* MSDOS */
CasRegLower proto((void)),
CasRegUpper proto((void)),
CapChar proto((void)),
CapWord proto((void)),
LowWord proto((void)),
UppWord proto((void)),
Chdir proto((void)),
prCWD proto((void)),
prDIRS proto((void)),
Pushd proto((void)),
Popd proto((void)),
prCTIME proto((void)),
ChrToOct proto((void)),
ClAndRedraw proto((void)),
#if !defined(MAC)
MakeErrors proto((void)),
ErrParse proto((void)),
CopyRegion proto((void)),
BufSelect proto((void)),
DelBlnkLines proto((void)),
DelNChar proto((void)),
DelNWord proto((void)),
OneWindow proto((void)),
DelPChar proto((void)),
DelPWord proto((void)),
DelReg proto((void)),
KillSome proto((void)),
DelWtSpace proto((void)),
DelCurWindow proto((void)),
KeyDesc proto((void)),
Digit proto((void)),
Digit0 proto((void)),
Digit1 proto((void)),
Digit2 proto((void)),
Digit3 proto((void)),
Digit4 proto((void)),
Digit5 proto((void)),
Digit6 proto((void)),
Digit7 proto((void)),
Digit8 proto((void)),
Digit9 proto((void)),
DescBindings proto((void)),
DescCom proto((void)),
Eof proto((void)),
Eol proto((void)),
Eos proto((void)),
Eow proto((void)),
ForPara proto((void)),
BackPara proto((void)),
BufErase proto((void)),
PtToMark proto((void)),
Extend proto((void)),
ExecMacro proto((void)),
RunMacro proto((void)),
Leave proto((void)),
FindFile proto((void)),
WindFind proto((void)),
FindTag proto((void)),
FDotTag proto((void)),
ToIndent proto((void)),
ForChar proto((void)),
FSexpr proto((void)),
ForWord proto((void)),
TimesFour proto((void)),
GoLine proto((void)),
#ifndef _mac /* conflicts with MacTraps version */
GrowWindow proto((void)),
IncFSearch proto((void)),
IncRSearch proto((void)),
InsFile proto((void)),
Justify proto((void)),
RegJustify proto((void)),
SetLMargin proto((void)),
SetRMargin proto((void)),
LRShift proto((void)),
RRShift proto((void)),
BufKill proto((void)),
KillBos proto((void)),
KillEos proto((void)),
KillEOL proto((void)),
KillExpr proto((void)),
BufList proto((void)),
NotModified proto((void)),
NameMac proto((void)),
DelMacro proto((void)),
Newline proto((void)),
OpenLine proto((void)),
LineAI proto((void)),
#if !defined(MAC)
ShowErr proto((void)),
NextError proto((void)),
#endif /* MAC */
#if defined(MSDOS)
PageScrollUp proto((void)),
PageScrollDown proto((void)),
#endif /* MSDOS */
#if !defined(MAC)
PrevError proto((void)),
#endif /* MAC */
NextLine proto((void)),
NextPage proto((void)),
NextWindow proto((void)),
Recur proto((void)),
PopMark proto((void)),
PageNWind proto((void)),
Tab proto((void)),
DoParen proto((void)),
#if !defined(MAC)
ParseAll proto((void)),
#if defined(SPELL)
SpelWords proto((void)),
#if defined(JOB_CONTROL)
PauseJove proto((void)),
PrevLine proto((void)),
PrevPage proto((void)),
PrevWindow proto((void)),
#if !defined(MAC)
Push proto((void)),
RegReplace proto((void)),
QRepSearch proto((void)),
QuotChar proto((void)),
ReadFile proto((void)),
DefKBDMac proto((void)),
RedrawDisplay proto((void)),
ReNamBuf proto((void)),
RepSearch proto((void)),
DownScroll proto((void)),
UpScroll proto((void)),
ForSearch proto((void)),
FSrchND proto((void)),
RevSearch proto((void)),
RSrchND proto((void)),
SelfInsert proto((void)),
SetVar proto((void)),
SetMark proto((void)),
#if !defined(MAC)
ShellCom proto((void)),
ShNoBuf proto((void)),
Shtypeout proto((void)),
ShToBuf proto((void)),
ShrWindow proto((void)),
Source proto((void)),
#if defined(SPELL)
SpelBuffer proto((void)),
SplitWind proto((void)),
GotoWind proto((void)),
Remember proto((void)),
Forget proto((void)),
StrLength proto((void)),
TransChar proto((void)),
TransLines proto((void)),
SaveFile proto((void)),
WtModBuf proto((void)),
WriteMacs proto((void)),
WrtReg proto((void)),
Yank proto((void)),
YankPop proto((void)),
PrVar proto((void)),
#if !defined(MAC)
FilterRegion proto((void)),
WNumLines proto((void)),
#if defined(IPROCS)
ShellProc proto((void)),
ProcInt proto((void)),
ProcQuit proto((void)),
ProcKill proto((void)),
# if !defined(PIPEPROCS)
ProcEof proto((void)),
ProcStop proto((void)),
ProcCont proto((void)),
ProcDStop proto((void)),
# endif
ProcSendData proto((void)),
ProcNewline proto((void)),
ProcList proto((void)),
ProcBind proto((void)),
Iprocess proto((void)),
DBXpoutput proto((void)),
#if defined(LISP)
GSexpr proto((void)), /* Grind S Expression. */
AddSpecial proto((void)), /* add lisp special form */
CAutoExec proto((void)),
MAutoExec proto((void)),
DefMAbbrev proto((void)),
DefGAbbrev proto((void)),
SaveAbbrevs proto((void)),
RestAbbrevs proto((void)),
EditAbbrevs proto((void)),
BindMtoW proto((void)),
#if defined(CMT_FMT)
Comment proto((void)),
ScrollLeft proto((void)),
ScrollRight proto((void)),
MakeKMap proto((void)),
KmBind proto((void)),
ProcKmBind proto((void)),
MacInter proto((void)); /* This is the last one. */
/*==== Declarations of Library/System Routines ====*/
/* General Utilities: <stdlib.h> */
extern int abs proto((int));
extern void abort proto((void));
extern void exit proto((int));
extern int atoi proto((const char */*nptr*/));
extern void qsort proto((UnivPtr /*base*/, size_t /*nmemb*/,
size_t /*size*/, int (*/*compar*/)(UnivConstPtr, UnivConstPtr)));
extern char *getenv proto((const char *));
extern int system proto((const char *));
extern void
free proto((UnivPtr));
extern char
*calloc proto((unsigned int, unsigned int)),
*malloc proto((size_t)),
*realloc proto((UnivPtr, size_t));
/* Date and Time <time.h> */
extern time_t time proto((time_t */*tloc*/));
extern char *ctime proto((const time_t *));
/* UNIX */
#ifdef IBMPC
#define const /* the const's in the following defs conflict with MSC 5.1 */
extern int chdir proto((const char */*path*/));
extern int access proto((const char */*path*/, int /*mode*/));
extern int creat proto((const char */*path*/, int /*mode*/));
/* Open may have an optional third argument, int mode */
extern int open proto((const char */*path*/, int /*flags*/, ...));
#ifdef IBMPC
extern int read proto((int /*fd*/, char * /*buf*/, size_t /*nbytes*/));
extern int write proto((int /*fd*/, char * /*buf*/, size_t /*nbytes*/));
extern int read proto((int /*fd*/, UnivPtr /*buf*/, size_t /*nbytes*/));
extern int write proto((int /*fd*/, UnivPtr /*buf*/, size_t /*nbytes*/));
extern int execl proto((const char */*name*/, const char */*arg0*/, ...));
extern int execlp proto((const char */*name*/, const char */*arg0*/, ...));
extern int execv proto((const char */*name*/, const char */*argv*/[]));
extern int execvp proto((const char */*name*/, const char */*argv*/[]));
#ifdef IBMPC
#undef const
extern void _exit proto((int)); /* exit(), without flush, etc */
extern unsigned alarm proto((unsigned /*seconds*/));
extern int pipe proto((int *));
extern int close proto((int));
extern int dup proto((int));
extern int dup2 proto((int /*old_fd*/, int /*new_fd*/));
extern long lseek proto((int /*fd*/, long /*offset*/, int /*whence*/));
extern int fchmod proto((int /*fd*/, int /*mode*/));
extern int unlink proto((const char */*path*/));
extern int fsync proto((int));
extern int fork proto((void));
extern int getpid proto((void));
extern int getuid proto((void));
extern int kill proto((int /*pid*/, int /*sig*/));
extern char *mktemp proto((char *));
* Note: in most systems, declarations of non-existant functions is
* OK if they are never actually called. The parentheses around the
* name prevents any macro expansion.
extern int UNDEF(vfork) proto((void));
#ifdef BSD_SIGS
extern int UNDEF(killpg) proto((int /*pgrp*/, int /*sig*/));
extern int UNDEF(setpgrp) proto((int /*pid*/, int /*pgrp*/)); /* Sys V takes no arg */
#ifdef __STDC__
struct timeval; /* forward declaration */
#endif /* __STDC__ */
extern int UNDEF(select) proto((int /*width*/, long */*readfds*/, long */*writefds*/,
long */*exceptfds*/, struct timeval */*timeout*/));
extern void UNDEF(bcopy) proto((UnivConstPtr, UnivPtr, size_t));
extern void UNDEF(bzero) proto((UnivPtr, size_t));
extern int UNDEF(ffs) proto((long));
/* termcap */
extern int UNDEF(tgetent) proto((char */*buf*/, const char */*name*/));
extern int UNDEF(tgetflag) proto((const char */*id*/));
extern int UNDEF(tgetnum) proto((const char */*id*/));
extern char *tgetstr proto((const char */*id*/, char **/*area*/));
extern void UNDEF(tputs) proto((const char *, int, void (*) proto((int))));
extern char UNDEF(*tgoto) proto((const char *, int /*destcol*/, int /*destline*/));