«lbSaveVa»«sv29,*»«sx10,1»«sv50,0.SAV»«sv49,0»«sv57,9»«sv65,A»«sv78,N»«sv89,Y»«sv90,Z»«sv11,&»«sv16, ü »«sv13,
;Record first keystroke. If PrtSc key pressed, vacate:
«lbBeginCap» ü? ü Ç}«prBegin Keystroke Capture; PrtSc to abort»«sx98,«rc»»«if«is98»==«is29»»«sx10,0»«glRestore»«ei»«pv98»«glCap2»
;Concatenate keystrokes onto phrase 98:
«lbCap2»«sx99,«rc»»«if«is99»==«is29»» ües 1 ü «glSA»«ei»«pv99»«sx98,«is98»+«is99»»«glCap2»
;Save keystrokes on 0, then make a file on disk (0.SAV)
«lbSA»«sx0,«is98»» üA üsave %0 ü ü?«pr» ü éÑvo Çm ÇWStrike desired key (A-Z,1-9,&A-&Z,&0-&9) or PrtSc to abandon: «pr (&)Letter, (&)number or PrtSc only! »«glPickKey»
«lbPickKey»«sx70,«rc»»«sx70,@UPR(«is70»)»«if«is70»==«is11»»«glAmpersand»«ei»«if((«is70»>=«is65»)&(«is70»<=«is90»))»«glLoadNow»«ei»«if((«is70»>=«is49»)&(«is70»<=«is57»))»«glLoadNow»«ei»«if«is70»==«is29»»«sx10,0»«glErnv»«ei»«pr (&)Letter, (&)number or PrtSc only! »«glPickKey»
«lbAmpersand»«sx71,«rc»»«sx71,@UPR(«is71»)»«if((«is71»>=«is65»)&(«is71»<=«is90»))»«sx70,«is70»+«is71»»«glLoadNow»«ei»«if((«is71»>=«is49»)&(«is71»<=«is57»))»«sx70,«is70»+«is71»»«glLoadNow»«ei»«pr(&)Letter or (&)number only!»«glPickKey»
«lbLoadNow» üA üldpm «pv50»,«pv70» ü ü ü? Çm ÇWDo you wish to record this program to disk for future use (Y/N)? «glReadChar»
«lbErnv» üA üernv «pv50» ü «glRestore»«ei»«if«is99»==«is89»»«glRename»«ei» ü? üYes (y) or No (n): «glReadChar»
;User wishes to save keystroke file to disk; prompt for filename, make sure
;it doesn't already exist, then rename file 0.SAV («pv50») to
;desired name.
«lbRename» ü? ües 1 ü üType the filename (press enter/F10 to end): «pr PrtSc to Quit »«glFilename»
«lbFilename»«prPrtSc to Quit»«sx98,«rc»»«if«is98»==«is29»»«sx10,0»«glErnv»«ei»«pv98»«glFilename2»
«lbFilename2»«prPrtSc to Quit»«sx99,«rc»»«if«is99»==«is29»»«sx10,0»«glErnv»«ei»«if((«is99»ε«is13»==0)!(«is99»==«is16»))»«glStore2»«ei»«pv99»«sx98,«is98»+«is99»»«glFilename2»
«lbStore2» üexist «pv98» ü «if«ER»==It does NOT exist»«glRename2»«ei» üIt already exists! Choose another name: «glFilename»
«lbRename2» üA üren «pv50» «pv98» ü «if«ER»==TRUE» ü ü? üInvalid filename. Choose another name: «glFilename»«ei»«glRestoreVals»f
«lbRestore» üremove 0 ü ües 0 ü ü ü? Ç}«if«pv10»==1»«prDone»«ex»«ei»«if«pv10»==0»«prKeystrokes discarded»«ex»«ei»«ex1»
MASTERPM.RN creates macros (simple programs) on the fly. The program, once run, records (captures) all your operations, whether keyboard assignments or any combination of these with text. It then lets you assign it immediately to phrase key as well as save as permanent program. Program was initially written by Ernie Wallengren for (and with) XyWrite 3.1, uploaded in April 1986 to CompuServe and BIX (under the name "CAPTURE.PM"), adapted to Nota Bene, altered and augmented by Itamar Even-Zohar.
MASTERPM.RN was modified again October 28, 1989 with the help of an undocumented feature, reported by Jonathan Zuck (JZ_UFI@JHUVMS.BITNET). This feature is the command 'SAVE %phrase key number/letter' (1-9/A-Z). It writes to disk the contents of an indicated phrase. This has made it possible to eliminate the complex procedure of opening an alternative window, where the concatenated key-capture is written down, saved and then loaded on a key. The procedure is much simpler now: the concatenated phrase is saved on 0 when concatenation is terminated (with PrtSc, as before), then 'SAVE %0' writes on disk a file called 0.SAV, which is then loaded (with LDPM command) on the key indicated by the user. It is then renamed, if user wishes to use it as a future program under a different name, or discarded, if user does not need it.