Simtel MSDOS 1992 December
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F D S e c u r e D o c u m e n t a t i o n
FDSecure v1.99
by Kelly Drown
Laser Publishers
Tulsa, Oklahoma
FidoNet 1:170/403
│░░░░░░ Purpose and Overview ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░│
I have been running FrontDoor v1.99, the fine Front End
Mailer, by Joaquim Homrighausen & Peter Stewart for many
months. I have found that I wanted to provide a certain level
of security which was not provided by this Mailer, or any
other that I have used.
│░░░░░░ Operation ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░│
You call FDSecure after receiving mail but before calling
your mail processor. (Qecho, TosScan, ConfMail, Etc.)
FdSecure will search your inbound mail directory for a target
file which you specify in the config file. If a target file
is found, FDSecure will read your FrontDoor Log, and
determine who sent you the file. It will then determine if
the sender appeared in your "OK TO SEND" list. If it came
from an AUTHORIZED person, FDSecure will then exit. If it
came from an UN-authorized node, FDSecure will, 1. Move the
file to a directory of your choice, 2. Log its activity to
the FrontDoor Log in the standard format, and 3. Send YOU a
NetMail message, causing your 'Mail Waiting' flag to flash,
informing you of the offending filename, who sent it, its
size, and time.
│░░░░░░ Command Line Switches ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░│
There is only one command line switch. By default, FDSecure
will search for it's config file named 'FDSecure.Cfg'. If
you choose to specify a different config file for some
reason, (maybe subsequent running of the program), you may
use the switch, /C. ie:
FDSecure /Cmyconfig.Cfg
(no space between switch and filename)
│░░░░░░ Log Verbosity ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░│
You must have enabled the "Brief Messages" option (+), and
the "Sent/Rcvd files" option (*) enabled in the FrontDoor
Setup, log section. Here is the recommended log verbosity:
╒════════════════════════════ Log ╕
│ │
│ ! Fatal errors Yes │
│ ? Other errors Yes │
│ $ Accounting info Yes │
│ * Sent/Rcvd files Yes │ <-- Required
│ : Forwarding of mail Yes │
│ + Brief messages Yes │ <-- Required
│ - Trivial messages No │
│ % Transfer throughput Yes │
│ ~ Session information Yes │ <-- Suggested
│ = Modem responses No │
│ DEBUG: All of the above No │
│ │
The levels marked above as "Required" are required in order
for FDSecure to operate. The option marked "Suggested" will
give FDSecure additional information, but is not required.
│░░░░░░ The Config File ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░│
All Config file entries preceeded by a semi-colon are ignored
by the program.
INBOUND - Full Path to your Inbound Mail Directory
LOGFILE - Full Path and Filename of your FrontDoor Log
BAD_DIR - Where you want FDSecure to move unauthorized files.
NETPATH - Full Drive and Path to your FrontDoor Netmail
SYSOP - Your First and Last Name, ie: Kelly Drown
NET - Your NET number (primary)
NODE - Your NODE number (primary)
NETMESSAGE - As described above, FDSecure will write YOU a
NetMail message providing you with information pertaining to
an offending file. If this keyword is commented out
(; NetMessage), this feature will be disabled. In creating
this file, FDSecure will provide you with the name of system
that sent you an un-authorized file, what time it was re-
cieved, it's size, and where it was placed.
MOVE_UNLISTED - Normally, FDSecure will move a file which it
can't find in the log file (Unlisted File). These are usually
partial transfers. Commenting this function out will cause
FDSecure to NOT move an unlisted file. This will lower your
security a bit. Therefore, it is not recommended that you
comment this function out. However, if you have a noisy line
and often are not able to complete transfers in one call, you
may wish to have FDSecure ignore any files not listed in your
log by commenting this option out.
EXTERNMOVE - FDSecure has it's own internal code to move and
verify files. If, for some reason, you choose to use a
different MOVE program, this is where you do that. If the
keyword, ExternMove is commented out, the internal code will
be used.
........For those using an EXTERNAL Move program, these
additional options are available. If you elect to use the
internal move code, you can skip this part and go on to the
next option labeled "SAFELIST".
We have experimented with several different Move and Copy
programs and have found that some will accept a full Pathname
to the Target file, and others wouldn't. For that reason, I
have decided to provide these switches.
D = Drive
P = Path
N = Filename.
Therefore, if you decide to use an external move program
which does not accept full parameters, you can specify this
in the Config File:
ExternMove Move.Exe N DPN
If your Move program is called, "Transfer", for instance, and
if accepts FULL parameters, your config file statement would
look like this:
ExternMove Transfer.Exe DPN DPN
SAFELIST - This keyword begins the list of target filenames
(wild cards, Ok). Any valid DOS filename or wildcard can be
used here. You may specify up to 50 target filenames and 50
acceptable node numbers for each. (Short form node numbers
recommended) MAX 255 characters, or 50 nodes, whichever comes
ARCMAIL - I have incorporated this Keyword to replace a
listing of *.Mo?, *.Tu?, *.We?, etc. If used, this keyword
will be expanded to represent these typical ARCMail
filenames. (Use of this keyword represents 7 filenames.
Therefore, you would have 43 left to list). You may decide
to list your ARCMail filenames individually.
│░░░░░░ Some Additional Information ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░│
If you have any question as how to list a node number, just
look in your FrontDoor log to see how that call was recorded.
If FDSecure does not find the target filename in the log, it
will consider the file to be an offender, and move it.
Therefore, if you are one who closes out their Log file at
midnight, or whenever, you should run FDSecure and your mail
processor just before removing your Log File.
FDSecure can be called from any directory or subdirectory
provided that the executable and the config file are some
where in your Path.
FDSecure can also be used to determine where a file came
from. If, at the DOS prompt, you type the full filename of a
file which appeared in your Inbound Directory, FDSecure will
tell you who sent the the file, and when.
│░░░░░░ Sample Batch File Usage ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░│
TOSSCAN Toss (or QEcho -E -A, etc.)
My thanks go to:
Joaquim Homrighausen and Peter Stewart for writing a GREAT
mailer, and Joaquim for making some valuable suggestions.
Bruce Bodger for writing such confusing docs, and giving
countless hours of beta testing and helpful suggestions.
Mike Janke and Bill Kraski for helping us get the bugs out.
Visine for getting the red out.
-= Credits =-
FrontDoor 2.00 Copyright 1988, 1989 InterZone Software, Inc.
TosScan Copyright 1988, 1989 InterZone Software, Inc.
ConfMail Copyright Bob Hartman
│░░░░░░ Warranty ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░│
There is no warranty with this software, either expressed or
implied. It is only guaranteed to take up disk space. Kelly
Drown, Laser Publishers, or Laser Computing & Publishing
shall not be held responsible for loss of data as a result
of use, or misuse of FDSecure. By using this software, you
agree to these terms and conditions.
│░░░░░░ Sample Config File ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░│
; FDSecure Config File - FDSecure v1.99 by Kelly Drown (c)1989-SWI
; Support Boards: 1:170/403 and 1:170/400
InBound C:\FD\FILE ; Where your Inbound Directory is
LogFile C:\FD\FD.LOG ; Full Path and Name of your FrontDoor Log File
Bad_Dir C:\FD\BADMAIL ; Where you want to place any file declared bad
NetPath C:\FD\MAIL ; Where you store your NetMail in FrontDoor
Sysop Kelly Drown ; Place your FIRST and LAST name here
Net 170 ; Your NET number
Node 403 ; Your NODE number
NetMessage ; Uncomment this if you want a NetMail message
; ; generated when a file is moved.
Move_Unlisted ; Uncomment if you want FDSecure to move files
; ; that it can't determine who sent them
; ; such as partial transfers, New log, etc..
;ExternMove Move.Exe DPN DPN ; External Program to move files
; ; Comment Out if you use internal Move code
; External MOVE Commands:
; D = Drive D = C:
; P = Path P = \FD\FILE\
; N = Name of File N = FILENAME.EXT
SAFELIST ; Start marker for list of safe files & Nodes
ArcMail 1:170/400 500 600 700 1:106/100 8:291/4 1:170/200.1 2:319/1 3 4
Node*.* 1:170/0
FNews*.* 1:170/0
*.FLE 1:170/400 401 405 2:232/129 130 1:160/45 46 47 48.2 48.3 48.4
*.?S? 2:1155/212.1