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- From: Fido Software
- To: All
- On: 1:125/111
- Option: Private
- Subj: automail.exe automail.doc
- You just got a copy of FidoMail (previously namedì
- "AutoMail"), an automatic way to enter FidoNet messages. FidoMailì
- generates one or more FidoNet messages from text files youì
- generate yourself, using your favorite (or least favorite, I dontì
- care) text editor or word processor.
- The FidoMail documentation, FIDOMAIL.DOC, is itself aì
- script FidoMail can use to generate Fidonet messages. The formatì
- of an FidoMail script is quite simple; four lines of messageì
- header, followed by text of any length or format.
- Run FidoMail from the default Fido directory. MAIL.SYS isì
- read to determine the Fidonet message area, and the node numberì
- of the originating system. The nodelist (NODELIST.SYS andì
- NODELIST.IDX) is used to enter the messages.
- FIDOMAIL [script-file-name(s)]
- The script file name can be a single file, many filesì
- using wild cards, or a directory name. Each file found isì
- processed as described below. Each script file can generate oneì
- or more FidoNet messages.
- FidoMail displays status information on the localì
- console, and also appends it to the MAILER.LOG file, where Fidoì
- keeps FidoNet status.
- FidoMail returns ERRORLEVEL 1 if there is no script fileì
- or the disk is full. No error is returned if a system specifiedì
- to mail to is not in the node list.
- The lines in the header are what defines the FidoNetì
- message.
- from:
- to:
- on: one or more FidoNet nodes to send to
- (only one of the following)
- subj: message subject
- file: one or more files for file attach
- files: same as file:
- (optionally one or more of the following)
- option: (list of options)
- options: (list of options)
- These four lines can appear in any order, and may haveì
- blank lines between them, and may have leading spaces. They canì
- be in upper or lower case (FROM:, from: and From: are all OK) butì
- the colon: MUST be there.
- Put at least one space (tab, comma, etc) after eachì
- keyword, so FidoMail can find them.
- The From: and To: fields are what you think they are.ì
- Lines too long will be truncated to fit the FidoNet messageì
- format.
- The On: line is the list of FidoNet systems to send thisì
- message to. You can specify any number of nodes here, as long asì
- it fits on a line. The usual kinds of numbers can be entered:
- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ... 99 nodes in your net
- 125/2 77/88 1/0 specific net/node
- 3:1/345 a node in Australia
- Only one Subj:, File: and Files: line can be used in oneì
- message. Use Subj: for most ordinary messages. File: and Files:ì
- are used to do FidoNet File Attaches. FidoMail will not stop youì
- from entering a Subj: line followed by a File: line, or viceì
- versa, but please realize that things may not work as you plan.ì
- You cannot have both. File: following Subj: will be as if Subj:ì
- was never entered, but Subj: following File: will replace theì
- list of attached filenames with the contents of the Subj: line.
- The Option: line is how certain FidoNet message optionsì
- are entered. There can be any number of option lines, and eachì
- can contain one or more option words:
- Kill means (KILL/SENT)
- Private means (PRIVATE)
- These can be abbreviated to their first letter.