Simtel MSDOS 1992 December
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Text File
144 lines
F ... Enter the FILES SECTION
B ... Read the Bulletins
S ... Statistics (Time Left, etc)
C ... Change Personal Info., Help Level, etc.
P ... Page the SYStem OPerator
L ... List-Callers to Fido
A ... Answer Questionnaire
V ... Fido Version
G ... Goodbye (Log-off)
The MAIN SECTION is the menu you see what you complete the log¡
in. From here you can go into the MESSAGE SECTION (M command)ì
-or- the FILE SECTION (F command).
* Enter "C?" for help with the C)hange command
* Enter "M?" for help with the M)essage-Section command
* And so on for all the commands you see in the menu.
(Don't enter the quotes, just the command letter
and the questionmark.)
And ALWAYS ...
- Control-C Aborts Commands/text display
- Control-K Aborts Commands/text display
- Control-S Pauses Commands/text display -
press any key to continue.
M)sg-Section. Go to the MESSAGE SECTION to read or reply toì
existing messages, or enter new messages. Further help isì
available there.
- Control-C Aborts Commands/text display
- Control-K Aborts Commands/text display
- Control-S Pauses Commands/text display -
press any key to continue.
F)ile-Section. Go to the FILE SECTION to download, upload, orì
list files. Further help is available there.
- Control-C Aborts Commands/text display
- Control-K Aborts Commands/text display
- Control-S Pauses Commands/text display -
press any key to continue.
B)ulletins are important and useful notices and information; youì
are presented a selection of the bulletins, from which you pickì
one by number (1 to 99). The bulletin you select is displayed;ì
enter [CR] to quit.
- Control-C Aborts Commands/text display
- Control-K Aborts Commands/text display
- Control-S Pauses Commands/text display -
press any key to continue.
S)tatistics. Displays various statistics; most of the ì
information is self-explantory. As initially set by the SYStemì
OPerator, "Credit" is the amount of credit, that you currentlyì
When you enter FidoNet messages, your "Credit" is charged forì
each message you enter. Further help is available within theì
- Control-C Aborts Commands/text display
- Control-K Aborts Commands/text display
- Control-S Pauses Commands/text display -
press any key to continue.
C)hange. Provides a menu of commands with which you can changeì
your Name, Address, Password, and terminal settings.
When you log on, Fido assumes that your screen has 24 lines andì
80 columns.
P)age. Alerts the SYStem OPerator (SYSOP), who could possibly beì
within "earshot" of the computer on which Fido is running, thatì
you desire attention. If the operator is available, he or she canì
"chat" via the local keyboard with you, and even operate Fido asì
if you were typing.
Paging is usually restricted to certain hours; if the SYSOP ì
isn't available, you should get a listing of the hours when he orì
she is available.
L)ist-Callers. Displays the database of callers who have logged ì
into this Fido system. The callers are displayed, by default, inì
the chronological order of their first log-in.
However, the SYStem OPerator may choose to change the order inì
which callers are displayed.
Instead of listing all names in the system, you can specify a ì
partial match; for example entering "TON" at the List-Callers ì
prompt will cause only names like "Anthony", "Anton", etc. to beì
- Control-C Aborts Commands/text display
- Control-K Aborts Commands/text display
- Control-S Pauses Commands/text display -
press any key to continue.
A)ns-Questionnaire. Displays a questionnaire if it exists; youì
then fill it out line by line. Each questionnaire is unique andì
created by the SYStem OPerator.
V)ersion. Displays the Fido/FidoNet program version.
O)utside. Access to this command is "System Dependent", usuallyì
based upon the caller's privilege level. Prior to being providedì
with access to this command, the caller must be instructed in theì
capabilities of this command and the responsibilities which areì
associated with this command.
E)xit-to-DOS. Access to this command is "System Dependent", ì
usually based upon the caller's privilege level. Prior to beingì
provided with access to this command, the caller must beì
instructed in the capabilities of this command and the ì
responsibilities which are associated with this command.
G)oodbye: Log-off of Fido. Depending upon the implementation ofì
Fido on this system, you may be prompted to optionally enter aì
Private message to the SYSOP before you are logged off. Afterì
log-off, you will be disconnected.
It is safe to "Hang Up" on Fido; it is never harmful.