Simtel MSDOS 1992 December
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Assembly Source File
1,836 lines
page 60,132
title DISPLAY I/O ROUTINES for CGA in 320x200 graphics mode
font1 equ 0
; for this entire module, the origin (0,0) is at the bottom-left of the screen.
; Everett Kaser 11-03-86
; for C 06-24-87
_text segment byte public 'code'
_text ends
_data segment word public 'data'
_data ends
const segment word public 'const'
const ends
_bss segment word public 'bss'
_bss ends
public _setmode
public _setcolors
public _plotxy
public _bplotxy
public _line
public _horline
public _verline
public _clrscreen
public _setrand
public _rand
public _beepon
public _beepoff
public _flabel
public _iskey
public _key
public _movebytes
public _newbplotxy
public _machine
dgroup group const, _bss, _data
assume cs:_text, ds:dgroup, ss:dgroup, es:dgroup
_data segment word public 'data'
_machine dw ?
seed dw 4
color db ?
rule db ?
backclr db ?
string dw ?
rowcnt db ?
colcnt db ?
x1 dw ?
y1 dw ?
x2 dw ?
y2 dw ?
stepx dw ?
stepy dw ?
difx dw ?
dify dw ?
halfdifx dw ?
halfdify dw ?
vidseg dw ?
widtht dw ?
height dw ?
wcount dw ?
hcount dw ?
pcount db ?
maskbyte db ?
masks db 256 dup (0)
if font1
chartab db 00h,00h,00h,00h,00h,00h,00h,00h ; 0
db 0Eh,10h,0Ch,02h,1Ch,05h,07h,05h
db 0Eh,10h,0Ch,02h,1Ch,05h,02h,05h
db 1Ch,10h,1Ch,10h,1Ch,05h,02h,05h
db 1Ch,10h,1Ch,10h,1Ch,07h,02h,02h
db 1Ch,10h,1Ch,10h,1Ch,0Ah,0Ah,07h
db 0Ch,12h,1Eh,12h,04h,05h,06h,05h
db 1Ch,12h,1Ch,12h,1Ch,04h,04h,07h
db 1Ch,12h,1Ch,12h,1Fh,04h,02h,0Ch
db 14h,14h,1Ch,14h,14h,07h,02h,02h
db 10h,10h,10h,1Ch,07h,04h,06h,04h ; 10
db 11h,0Ah,04h,00h,07h,02h,02h,02h
db 1Eh,10h,1Ch,10h,17h,04h,06h,04h
db 0Ch,12h,10h,10h,0Eh,09h,0Eh,09h
db 0Eh,10h,0Ch,02h,1Eh,09h,09h,06h
db 0Eh,10h,0Ch,02h,1Ch,07h,02h,07h
db 1Ch,12h,12h,1Ch,00h,04h,04h,07h
db 1Ch,12h,12h,1Ch,01h,01h,01h,01h
db 1Ch,12h,12h,1Ch,06h,01h,02h,07h
db 1Ch,12h,12h,1Fh,01h,03h,01h,07h
db 1Ch,12h,12h,1Ch,05h,05h,07h,01h ; 20
db 12h,1Ah,16h,12h,04h,05h,06h,05h
db 0Eh,10h,0Ch,02h,1Dh,0Dh,0Bh,09h
db 1Ch,10h,18h,16h,1Dh,06h,05h,06h
db 0Ch,12h,10h,0Ch,09h,0Dh,0Bh,09h
db 1Ch,10h,1Ch,10h,1Dh,1Bh,15h,11h
db 07h,08h,04h,1Eh,05h,06h,05h,06h
db 1Ch,10h,1Ch,10h,1Fh,04h,04h,03h
db 1Eh,10h,1Ch,10h,13h,04h,02h,0Ch
db 0Eh,10h,16h,12h,0Fh,04h,02h,0Ch
db 1Ch,12h,1Ch,12h,13h,04h,02h,0Ch ; 30
db 12h,12h,12h,0Ch,03h,04h,02h,0Ch
db 00h,00h,00h,00h,00h,00h,00h,00h
db 06h,06h,06h,06h,06h,00h,06h,00h
db 1Bh,1Bh,09h,12h,00h,00h,00h,00h
db 00h,0Ah,1Fh,0Ah,1Fh,0Ah,00h,00h
db 04h,0Fh,14h,0Eh,05h,1Eh,04h,00h
db 18h,19h,02h,04h,08h,13h,03h,00h
db 0Ch,1Ah,1Ah,0Dh,1Ah,1Ah,0Dh,00h
db 06h,06h,02h,04h,00h,00h,00h,00h
db 06h,0Ch,18h,18h,18h,0Ch,06h,00h ; 40
db 0Ch,06h,03h,03h,03h,06h,0Ch,00h
db 00h,0Ah,04h,1Fh,04h,0Ah,00h,00h
db 00h,04h,04h,1Fh,04h,04h,00h,00h
db 00h,00h,00h,00h,06h,06h,02h,04h
db 00h,00h,00h,1Fh,00h,00h,00h,00h
db 00h,00h,00h,00h,00h,06h,06h,00h
db 00h,01h,03h,06h,0Ch,18h,10h,00h
db 0Eh,19h,19h,1Bh,1Dh,19h,0Eh,00h
db 06h,0Eh,06h,06h,06h,06h,0Fh,00h
db 0Eh,13h,03h,06h,0Ch,18h,1Fh,00h ; 50
db 0Eh,13h,03h,0Eh,03h,13h,0Eh,00h
db 16h,16h,16h,16h,1Fh,06h,06h,00h
db 1Fh,18h,1Eh,03h,03h,13h,0Eh,00h
db 0Eh,19h,18h,1Eh,19h,19h,0Eh,00h
db 1Fh,03h,06h,0Ch,0Ch,0Ch,0Ch,00h
db 0Eh,19h,19h,0Eh,19h,19h,0Eh,00h
db 0Eh,13h,13h,0Fh,03h,13h,0Eh,00h
db 00h,06h,06h,00h,06h,06h,00h,00h
db 00h,06h,06h,00h,06h,06h,02h,04h
db 03h,06h,0Ch,18h,0Ch,06h,03h,00h ; 60
db 00h,00h,1Fh,00h,1Fh,00h,00h,00h
db 18h,0Ch,06h,03h,06h,0Ch,18h,00h
db 0Eh,13h,03h,06h,04h,00h,04h,00h
db 0Eh,11h,17h,15h,17h,10h,0Fh,00h
db 0Eh,19h,19h,1Fh,19h,19h,19h,00h
db 1Eh,19h,19h,1Eh,19h,19h,1Eh,00h
db 0Eh,19h,18h,18h,18h,19h,0Eh,00h
db 1Eh,19h,19h,19h,19h,19h,1Eh,00h
db 1Fh,18h,18h,1Eh,18h,18h,1Fh,00h
db 1Fh,18h,18h,1Eh,18h,18h,18h,00h ; 70
db 0Eh,19h,18h,1Bh,19h,19h,0Fh,00h
db 19h,19h,19h,1Fh,19h,19h,19h,00h
db 0Fh,06h,06h,06h,06h,06h,0Fh,00h
db 1Fh,06h,06h,06h,16h,16h,0Ch,00h
db 19h,1Ah,1Ch,18h,1Ch,1Ah,19h,00h
db 18h,18h,18h,18h,18h,18h,1Fh,00h
db 11h,1Bh,1Fh,15h,15h,11h,11h,00h
db 19h,19h,1Dh,1Fh,1Bh,19h,19h,00h
db 0Eh,19h,19h,19h,19h,19h,0Eh,00h
db 1Eh,19h,19h,1Eh,18h,18h,18h,00h ; 80
db 0Eh,19h,19h,19h,1Dh,1Ah,0Dh,00h
db 1Eh,19h,19h,1Eh,1Bh,19h,19h,00h
db 0Eh,19h,18h,0Eh,03h,13h,0Eh,00h
db 1Fh,0Ch,0Ch,0Ch,0Ch,0Ch,0Ch,00h
db 19h,19h,19h,19h,19h,19h,0Eh,00h
db 19h,19h,19h,19h,19h,0Ah,04h,00h
db 11h,11h,15h,15h,1Fh,1Bh,11h,00h
db 19h,1Bh,0Eh,04h,0Eh,1Bh,13h,00h
db 19h,19h,0Bh,0Eh,06h,06h,06h,00h
db 1Fh,03h,07h,0Eh,1Ch,18h,1Fh,00h ; 90
db 1Eh,18h,18h,18h,18h,18h,1Eh,00h
db 00h,10h,18h,0Ch,06h,03h,01h,00h
db 0Fh,03h,03h,03h,03h,03h,0Fh,00h
db 04h,0Eh,1Bh,11h,00h,00h,00h,00h
db 00h,00h,00h,00h,00h,00h,3Fh,00h
db 04h,08h,0Ch,0Ch,00h,00h,00h,00h
db 00h,00h,0Eh,03h,0Fh,13h,0Fh,00h
db 18h,18h,1Eh,19h,19h,19h,1Eh,00h
db 00h,00h,0Eh,19h,18h,18h,0Fh,00h
db 03h,03h,0Fh,13h,13h,13h,0Fh,00h ; 100
db 00h,00h,0Eh,19h,1Fh,18h,0Fh,00h
db 07h,0Ch,1Fh,0Ch,0Ch,0Ch,1Eh,00h
db 00h,00h,0Fh,13h,13h,0Fh,03h,1Eh
db 18h,18h,1Eh,19h,19h,19h,19h,00h
db 06h,00h,0Eh,06h,06h,06h,0Fh,00h
db 03h,00h,07h,03h,03h,03h,13h,0Eh
db 18h,18h,19h,1Ah,1Ch,1Ah,19h,00h
db 0Eh,06h,06h,06h,06h,06h,0Fh,00h
db 00h,00h,11h,1Bh,1Fh,15h,11h,00h
db 00h,00h,1Eh,19h,19h,19h,19h,00h ; 110
db 00h,00h,0Eh,19h,19h,19h,0Eh,00h
db 00h,00h,1Eh,19h,19h,1Eh,18h,18h
db 00h,00h,0Fh,13h,13h,0Fh,03h,03h
db 00h,00h,1Eh,19h,18h,18h,18h,00h
db 00h,00h,0Fh,18h,1Fh,03h,1Eh,00h
db 0Ch,0Ch,1Fh,0Ch,0Ch,0Dh,06h,00h
db 00h,00h,13h,13h,13h,13h,0Fh,00h
db 00h,00h,19h,19h,19h,0Ah,04h,00h
db 00h,00h,11h,15h,1Fh,1Bh,11h,00h
db 00h,00h,19h,0Eh,04h,0Eh,13h,00h ; 120
db 00h,00h,13h,13h,13h,0Fh,03h,1Eh
db 00h,00h,1Fh,06h,0Ch,18h,1Fh,00h
db 07h,0Ch,0Ch,18h,0Ch,0Ch,07h,00h
db 06h,06h,06h,06h,06h,06h,06h,00h
db 1Ch,06h,06h,03h,06h,06h,1Ch,00h
db 00h,08h,1Dh,17h,02h,00h,00h,00h
db 15h,0Ah,15h,0Ah,15h,0Ah,15h,00h
chartab db 4,12,28,60,28,12,4,0 ; 0
db 8,0,8,16,34,34,28,0
db 124,0,68,40,16,40,68,0
db 124,0,68,100,84,76,68,0
db 0,0,52,72,72,72,52,0
db 56,68,68,120,68,68,120,0
db 124,68,32,16,32,68,124,0
db 0,16,8,124,8,16,0,0
db 0,16,32,124,32,16,0,0
db 16,16,16,16,84,56,16,0
db 16,56,84,16,16,16,16,0 ; 10
db 64,32,16,40,68,68,68,0
db 0,0,36,36,36,56,64,0
db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
db 0,4,56,80,16,16,16,0
db 0,4,56,104,40,40,40,0
db 56,68,68,124,68,68,56,0
db 60,80,80,120,80,80,124,0
db 0,0,40,84,92,80,60,0
db 16,56,68,68,124,68,68,0
db 16,0,56,72,72,72,52,0 ; 20
db 40,56,68,68,124,68,68,0
db 40,0,56,72,72,72,52,0
db 40,56,68,68,68,68,56,0
db 40,0,56,68,68,68,56,0
db 40,68,68,68,68,68,56,0
db 40,0,68,68,68,68,56,0
db 64,64,64,124,64,64,64,0
db 24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24
db 0,0,0,255,255,0,0,0
db 24,36,32,112,32,32,124,0 ; 30
db 24,24,24,255,255,24,24,24
db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
db 8,8,8,8,8,0,8,0
db 40,40,40,0,0,0,0,0
db 40,40,124,40,124,40,40,0
db 16,60,80,56,20,120,16,0
db 96,100,8,16,32,76,12,0
db 32,80,80,32,84,72,52,0
db 8,8,8,0,0,0,0,0
db 16,32,64,64,64,32,16,0 ; 40
db 16,8,4,4,4,8,16,0
db 16,84,56,16,56,84,16,0
db 0,16,16,124,16,16,0,0
db 0,0,0,0,8,8,16,0
db 0,0,0,124,0,0,0,0
db 0,0,0,0,0,8,0,0
db 0,4,8,16,32,64,0,0
db 56,68,76,84,100,68,56,0
db 16,48,16,16,16,16,56,0
db 56,68,4,24,32,64,124,0 ; 50
db 124,4,8,24,4,68,56,0
db 8,24,40,72,124,8,8,0
db 124,64,120,4,4,68,56,0
db 28,32,64,120,68,68,56,0
db 124,4,8,16,32,32,32,0
db 56,68,68,56,68,68,56,0
db 56,68,68,60,4,8,112,0
db 0,0,16,0,16,0,0,0
db 0,0,16,0,16,16,32,0
db 4,8,16,32,16,8,4,0 ; 60
db 0,0,124,0,124,0,0,0
db 64,32,16,8,16,32,64,0
db 56,68,68,8,16,0,16,0
db 56,68,84,88,88,64,60,0
db 56,68,68,124,68,68,68,0 ; 65 A
db 120,68,68,120,68,68,120,0
db 56,68,64,64,64,68,56,0
db 120,68,68,68,68,68,120,0
db 124,64,64,120,64,64,124,0
db 124,64,64,120,64,64,64,0 ; 70
db 60,64,64,64,76,68,60,0
db 68,68,68,124,68,68,68,0
db 56,16,16,16,16,16,56,0
db 4,4,4,4,4,68,56,0
db 68,72,80,96,80,72,68,0
db 64,64,64,64,64,64,124,0
db 68,108,84,84,68,68,68,0
db 68,68,100,84,76,68,68,0
db 56,68,68,68,68,68,56,0
db 120,68,68,120,64,64,64,0 ; 80
db 56,68,68,68,84,72,52,0
db 120,68,68,120,80,72,68,0
db 56,68,64,56,4,68,56,0
db 124,16,16,16,16,16,16,0
db 68,68,68,68,68,68,56,0
db 68,68,68,68,40,40,16,0
db 68,68,68,84,84,108,68,0
db 68,68,40,16,40,68,68,0
db 68,68,40,16,16,16,16,0
db 124,4,8,16,32,64,124,0 ; 90
db 124,96,96,96,96,96,124,0
db 0,64,32,16,8,4,0,0
db 124,12,12,12,12,12,124,0
db 16,40,68,0,0,0,0,0
db 0,0,0,0,0,0,124,0
db 64,32,16,8,0,0,0,0
db 0,0,56,4,60,68,60,0
db 64,64,88,100,68,68,120,0
db 0,0,0,60,64,64,60,0
db 4,4,52,76,68,68,60,0 ; 100
db 0,0,56,68,124,64,56,0
db 8,16,16,56,16,16,16,0
db 0,0,60,68,60,4,24,0
db 64,64,88,100,68,68,68,0
db 0,8,0,24,8,8,28,0
db 0,4,0,4,4,36,24,0
db 32,32,36,40,48,40,36,0
db 24,8,8,8,8,8,28,0
db 0,0,104,84,84,84,84,0
db 0,0,88,100,68,68,68,0 ; 110
db 0,0,56,68,68,68,56,0
db 0,0,120,68,120,64,64,0
db 0,0,56,72,56,8,4,0
db 0,0,44,48,32,32,32,0
db 0,0,60,64,56,4,120,0
db 0,16,56,16,16,16,8,0
db 0,0,68,68,68,72,52,0
db 0,0,68,68,40,40,16,0
db 0,0,68,68,84,84,40,0
db 0,0,68,40,16,40,68,0 ; 120
db 0,0,68,40,16,32,64,0
db 0,0,124,8,16,32,124,0
db 16,32,32,64,32,32,16,0
db 16,16,16,0,16,16,16,0
db 16,8,8,4,8,8,16,0
db 0,0,32,84,8,0,0,0
db 84,40,84,40,84,40,84,0 ; 127
_data ends
_text segment
; setmode(mode);
; SETMODE --- change the display mode
; at entry: AL = 0 40x25 BW
; 1 40x25 COLOR
; 2 80x25 BW
; 3 80x25 COLOR
; 4 320x200 COLOR
; 5 320x200 BW
; 6 640x200 BW
; 7 80x25 BW (monochrome)
; 10h 640x350 COLOR (ega)
push bp
mov bp,sp
mov ax,[bp+4] ; get mode
cmp al,4 ; 320x200 CGA graphics?
jb smode ; jif no
; the following sets up the byte mask table for the bplotxy 'collision' function
; (currently is supported only by 320x200 CGA graphics mode 4).
push ax ; save mode
push es
push ds
pop es
lea di,masks ; load offset of mask bytes
xor ah,ah ; there are four pixels per byte of
smloop: xor al,al ; CGA 320x200 color video RAM. Each
test ah,3 ; pixel has 2 bits, selecting one of
jz sml1 ; four colors. 00 = background color.
or al,3 ; these mask bytes are used during
sml1: test ah,0ch ; BPLOTXY to determine if a non-backgnd
jz sml2 ; color is being bplotted onto a
or al,0ch ; non-background color, resulting in a
sml2: test ah,30h ; 'collision'. There are 256 masks, 1
jz sml3 ; for each possible bplot byte. For
or al,30h ; each pixel (pair of bits), if either
sml3: test ah,0c0h ; bit is set, then both bits of the
jz sml4 ; mask are set, so by ANDing the masks
or al,0c0h ; with the bplot bytes and the video
sml4: stosb ; bytes, we can tell if any of the four
inc ah ; pixels in the current byte collide.
jnz smloop
pop es
pop ax
mov ah,0 ; bios int 10 function setmode
cmp al,10h ; EGA graphics?
jz isega ; jif yes
mov vidseg,0b800h ; default video ram segment to CGA
mov _machine,CGA ; default machine type to CGA
int 10h
mov ax,1
pop bp
mov vidseg,0a000h ; set video ram segment to EGA
mov _machine,EGA ; set disptype to EGA
push ax
mov ah,12h ; return ega information
mov bx,0ff10h ; set bh = ff to see if it changes
int 10h ; if bh changes, it's ega
pop ax
cmp bh,0ffh ; ega?
jnz successful ; jif yes
xor ax,ax
pop bp
; setcolors(colorset, color);
push bp
mov bp,sp
mov bx,[bp+4] ; get colorset
mov ax,[bp+6] ; get color
call setcolor
pop bp
cmp _machine,0
jnz egasetcolors
; cgasetcolors --- sets colorset, background color
; at entry: AL = background color (0-15)
; 0 black 6 brown 12 light red
; 1 blue 7 white 13 light magenta
; 2 green 8 gray 14 yellow
; 3 cyan 9 light blue 15 white bright
; 4 red 10 light green
; 5 magenta 11 light cyan
; BL = color set (1=cyan/magenta/white 0=green/red/brown)
push ax ; save background color
mov bh,1 ; set color id 1 (select palette)
mov ah,11 ; set color palette function of int 10h
int 10h
pop bx ; recover background color
mov bh,0 ; set color id 0 (background color)
mov ah,11 ; set color palette function of int 10h
int 10h
; sets ega palette registers
; on entry:
; AL = color value
; BL = palette number
mov bh,al ; copy color value
mov ah,10h ; set palette call
mov al,0 ; set palette color sub-function number
cmp bl,16 ; overscan?
jnz egasc ; jif no
inc al ; change sub-function
int 10h
; plotxy(x,y,color,rule);
push bp
mov bp,sp
push si
push di
mov cx,[bp+4] ; get x
mov bx,[bp+6] ; get y
mov dx,[bp+8] ; get color
mov ax,[bp+10] ; get rule
mov dh,al
call pixel
pop di
pop si
pop bp
; xxxPIXEL --- color a pixel on the display
; at entry: BX = y-coordinate
; CX = x-coordinate
; DL = color
; DH = replacement rule (0=force, 1=and, 2=or, 3=xor)
cmp _machine,0
jnz egapixel
call cgamapxy
push ds
mov ds,vidseg
or dh,dh ; force pixel?
jz pxyforce
cmp dh,3 ; xor pixel?
jz pxyxor
cmp dh,2 ; or pixel?
jz pxyor
or al,dl ; put and-mask into color byte
and [di],al ; and color into display
jmp short plotexit
xor [di],dl ; xor color into display
pop ds
or [di],dl ; or color into display
jmp plotexit
and [di],al ; clear pixel in display
or [di],dl ; force new bits into display
jmp plotexit
call egamapxy
push es
mov es,vidseg
push dx ; save bit mask
shl cl,1
shl cl,1 ; set logical operation in ega controller
shl cl,1
mov dx,3ceh
mov al,3
out dx,al
inc dx
mov al,cl
out dx,al
dec dx
mov al,8
out dx,al ; set bit mask
inc dx
pop ax ; recover bit mask
out dx,al
mov dx,3c4h
mov al,2
out dx,al ; set plane mask (to set 1 bits of color)
inc dx
mov al,ch ; get color
out dx,al
mov ah,es:[di] ; latch current data first
mov byte ptr es:[di],0ffh ; blend in new bits
mov dx,3c4h
mov al,2
out dx,al ; set plane mask (to zero 0 bits of color)
inc dx
mov al,ch ; get color
not al ; invert
out dx,al
mov ah,es:[di] ; latch current data first
mov byte ptr es:[di],0 ; logic-force new off bits
pop es
mov ax,199
sub ax,bx ; invert y coord
and ax,0fffeh ; trash lower bit for odd/even
shl ax,1
shl ax,1
shl ax,1
mov di,ax ; si = 16*y
shl ax,1
shl ax,1 ; ax = 64*y
add di,ax ; si = 16*y + 64*y = 80*y
test bl,1 ; odd or even scan line?
jnz cgamapodd
add di,2000h ; offset to odd bank
mov ax,cx ; get x-coord
shr ax,1
shr ax,1 ; ax = x/4 (cga320x200 = 4 pixels/byte)
add di,ax ; si = offset of byte containing pixel
and cl,3 ; keep bit address
shl cl,1
ror dl,1 ; get color info in msbits
ror dl,1
ror dl,cl ; put color info in right place for pixel
mov al,3fh ; get pixel mask
ror al,cl
mov ax,349
sub ax,bx ; invert y coord
shl ax,1
shl ax,1
shl ax,1
shl ax,1
mov di,ax ; di = 16*y
shl ax,1
shl ax,1 ; ax = 64*y
add di,ax ; di = 16*y + 64*y = 80*y
mov ax,cx ; get x-coord
shr ax,1
shr ax,1 ; ax = x/8 (ega650x350 = 8 pixels/byte)
shr ax,1
add di,ax ; di = offset of byte containing pixel
and cx,7 ; keep bit address
mov ch,dl ; save color
mov dl,80h
ror dl,cl ; put color info in right place for pixel
mov cl,dh ; save rule
; bplotxy(x, y, height, width, picture, rule);
; BPLOTXY --- plot a raster picture
; at entry: BX = y-coordinate
; CX = x-coordinate
; DL = height (# of rows in picture)
; DH = width (# of bytes in picture)
; SI = ptr to picture
; BP = 0 for force, 8000h for xor
; at exit: AL = 0 if no collision, #0 if collision
push bp
mov bp,sp
push si
push di
mov bx,[bp+6]
mov cx,[bp+4]
mov dx,[bp+8]
mov ax,[bp+10]
mov dh,al
mov si,[bp+12]
mov bp,[bp+14]
cmp _machine,0
jz cgabplot
jmp egabplot
push dx ; save high,wide
call cgamapxy
pop dx ; recover
and bx,1
and bp,8000h
or bp,bx ; bp = even/odd row flag
lea bx,masks
mov maskbyte,0
push es
mov es,vidseg
mov ch,dh ; copy bytes/row
xor ah,ah ; zero upper byte
mov al,[si] ; get first byte of data
shr ax,cl ; shift to correct bit alignment
push ax
and al,es:[di] ; check for collisions
or maskbyte,al
pop ax
test bp,8000h ; force?
jz bpxyf1 ; jif yes
xor es:[di],al ; xor in the byte
jmp short bpxyfcom
mov es:[di],al ; force it
inc di ; move to next byte of display
lodsb ; refetch byte for upper this time
mov ah,al ; copy it
dec ch ; decrement bytes/row count
jnz bpxydoline ; jif til line is done
or cl,cl ; byte aligned?
jz bpxyaligned ; jif yes, we're done with row
xor al,al ; zero lower byte (last byte on row)
shr ax,cl ; shift to correct bit alignment
push ax
and al,es:[di] ; check for collisions
or maskbyte,al
pop ax
test bp,8000h ; force?
jz bpxyf2 ; jif yes
xor es:[di],al ; xor last bits into display
jmp short bpxyaligned
mov es:[di],al
mov al,dh ; get bytes/row
xor ah,ah
sub di,ax ; move back to start of display box
xor bp,1 ; toggle odd/even flag
test bp,1 ; even next?
jnz bpxyeven ; jif yes
add di,2000h ; move to odd bank
jmp short bpxynext
sub di,1fb0h ; move back to even bank, next row
dec dl ; decrement row counter
jnz bpxybeglin ; jif til done
pop es
mov al,maskbyte
pop di
pop si
pop bp
push dx
call egamapxy
mov bl,dl ; save bit mask
pop dx ; recover high/wide
mov ah,dh ; copy width
mov bh,dl ; copy height
push es
mov es,vidseg
mov cl,0
test bp,8000h ; force?
jz egab2 ; jif yes
jmp segab2
mov dx,3ceh
mov al,3
out dx,al ; set logical operation in ega controller
inc dx
mov al,cl
out dx,al
mov cl,ah ; get width of picture
xor ch,ch
push di ; save screen pointer
push bx ; save bit mask
mov dx,3ceh
mov al,8
out dx,al ; set bit mask
inc dx
mov al,bl
out dx,al
mov dx,3c4h
mov al,2
out dx,al ; set plane mask (to set 1 bits of color)
inc dx
mov al,[si] ; get next pixel color
out dx,al
mov al,es:[di] ; latch current data first
mov byte ptr es:[di],0ffh ; blend in new color bits
dec dx
mov al,2
out dx,al ; set plane mask (to zero 0 bits of color)
inc dx
lodsb ; get color
not al ; invert
out dx,al
mov al,es:[di] ; latch current data first
mov byte ptr es:[di],0 ; logic-force new off bits
ror bl,1
or bl,bl
jns egabok
inc di
loop egab3
pop bx
pop di
add di,80 ; move to next row
dec bh
jnz egab1
mov ax,0
pop es
pop di
pop si
pop bp
mov cl,18h ; xor
mov dx,3ceh
mov al,3
out dx,al ; set logical operation in ega controller
inc dx
mov al,cl
out dx,al
mov cl,ah ; get width of picture
xor ch,ch
push di ; save screen pointer
push bx ; save bit mask
cmp byte ptr [si],0
jz egasnarf
mov dx,3ceh
mov al,8
out dx,al ; set bit mask
inc dx
mov al,bl
out dx,al
mov dx,3c4h
mov al,2
out dx,al ; set plane mask (to set 1 bits of color)
inc dx
mov al,[si] ; get next pixel color
out dx,al
mov al,es:[di] ; latch current data first
mov byte ptr es:[di],0ffh ; blend in new color bits
dec dx
mov al,2
out dx,al ; set plane mask (to zero 0 bits of color)
inc dx
mov al,[si] ; get color
not al ; invert
out dx,al
mov al,es:[di] ; latch current data first
mov byte ptr es:[di],0 ; logic-force new off bits
inc si
ror bl,1
or bl,bl
jns segabok
inc di
loop segab3
pop bx
pop di
add di,80 ; move to next row
dec bh
jnz segab1
mov ax,0
pop es
pop di
pop si
pop bp
; line(x1, y1, x2, y2, color, rule);
push bp
mov bp,sp
mov word ptr stepx,1 ; init x step value
mov word ptr stepy,1 ; init y step value
mov bx,[bp+4] ; get x-coords of endpoints
mov x1,bx
mov ax,[bp+8]
mov x2,ax
sub ax,bx ; get difx
jnb gotdifx ; jif x2 >= x1
neg ax ; else get x1-x2
neg word ptr stepx ; make stepx = -1
mov difx,ax ; save difx away
mov dx,[bp+6] ; get y-coords of endpoints
mov y1,dx
mov cx,[bp+10]
mov y2,cx
sub cx,dx ; get dify
jnb gotdify ; jif y2 >= y1
neg cx ; else get y1-y2
neg word ptr stepy ; make stepy = -1
mov dify,cx ; save dify away
mov ax,[bp+12] ; get color
mov color,al
mov al,[bp+14] ; get replacement rule
mov rule,al
; register usage:
; bp=incflag
; ds=data segment
; si=counter
; ax=scratch
; bx=row
; cx=scratch
; dx=row
xor bp,bp ; init flag
mov si,bp ; init counter
; if difx >= dify then stepx else stepy
mov ax,difx ; get difx
cmp ax,cx ; is difx >= dify ?
jb dostepy ; jif no
shr ax,1 ; get difx / 2
mov halfdifx,ax ; save away
mov bx,dx ; get y1
mov cx,x1 ; get x1
jmp short forcolloop
add cx,stepx
call linedot
add si,dify ; add it to counter
cmp halfdifx,si ; if halfdifx >= counter
jnb notx ; then don't do it
or bp,bp ; if incflag
jnz notx ; then don't do it
inc bp ; set flag
add bx,stepy ; move to next row
cmp si,difx ; if counter < difx
jb colwhile ; then don't reset flag
sub si,difx ; dock counter by proper count
xor bp,bp ; reset flag
cmp cx,x2
jnz fcl
pop bp
mov ax,dify ; get dify
shr ax,1 ; get dify / 2
mov halfdify,ax ; save away
mov cx,bx ; get x1
mov bx,y1 ; get y1
jmp short forrowloop
add bx,stepy
call linedot
add si,difx ; add it to counter
cmp halfdify,si ; if halfdifx >= counter
jnb noty ; then don't do it
or bp,bp ; if incflag
jnz noty ; then don't do it
inc bp ; set flag
add cx,stepx ; move to next col
cmp si,dify ; if counter < dify
jb rowwhile ; then don't reset flag
sub si,dify ; dock counter by proper count
xor bp,bp ; reset flag
cmp bx,y2
jnz frl
jmp done
; bx=row
; cx=col
; bp, si, bx, cx should not be destroyed
push cx
push bx
push si
push bp
mov dl,color
mov dh,rule
call pixel
pop bp
pop si
pop bx
pop cx
; horline(x1, y1, x2, color, rule);
push bp
mov bp,sp
mov bx,[bp+4] ; get x1
mov x1,bx
mov cx,[bp+6] ; get y1
mov y1,cx
mov ax,[bp+8] ; get x2
mov x2,ax
mov dx,[bp+10] ; get color
mov color,dl
mov dx,[bp+12] ; get rule
mov rule,dl
sub ax,bx ; get difx
jnb hgotdifx ; jif x2 >= x1
neg ax ; else get x1-x2
mov dx,x2
mov x1,dx
mov x2,bx
inc ax ; # of dots to write
mov difx,ax ; save difx away
mov bx,cx ; get start y
mov cx,x1 ; get start x
mov dl,color
cmp _machine,0
jz cgahorline
jmp egahorline
call cgamapxy
mov cx,difx
mov dh,rule
push ds
mov ds,vidseg
or dh,dh
jz hpxyforce
cmp dh,3
jz hpxyxor
cmp dh,2
jz hpxyor
or dl,al ; force all other bits on for anding
and [di],dl ; and in color
ror dl,1
ror dl,1
ror al,1
ror al,1
or al,al
js hxandok
inc di
loop hpxya
jmp short hlexit
xor [di],dl ; xor color into display
ror dl,1
ror dl,1
ror al,1
ror al,1
or al,al
js hxorok
inc di
loop hpxyxor
pop ds
pop bp
or [di],dl ; or color into display
ror dl,1
ror dl,1
ror al,1
ror al,1
or al,al
js horok
inc di
loop hpxyor
jmp hlexit
and [di],al ; clear pixel in display
or [di],dl ; force new bits into display
ror dl,1
ror dl,1
ror al,1
ror al,1
or al,al
js hforceok
inc di
loop hpxyforce
jmp hlexit
call egamapxy
mov bl,dl ; save bit mask
mov bh,ch ; save color
mov cx,difx
mov ah,rule
push ds
mov ds,vidseg
shl ah,1
shl ah,1 ; set logical operation in ega controller
shl ah,1
mov dx,3ceh
mov al,3
out dx,al
inc dx
mov al,ah
out dx,al
mov dx,3ceh
mov al,8
out dx,al ; set bit mask
inc dx
mov al,bl ; recover bit mask
test al,80h ; at start of byte?
jz eganot80 ; jif no
cmp cx,8 ; full byte to do?
jb eganot80 ; jif no
call egahlbytes ; do full bytes
or cx,cx ; any odd bits left?
jz egahlexit ; jif no
jmp egahl
out dx,al ; set bit mask
mov dx,3c4h
mov al,2
out dx,al ; set plane mask (to set 1 bits of color)
inc dx
mov al,bh ; get color
out dx,al
mov al,[di] ; latch current data first
mov byte ptr [di],0ffh ; blend in new color bits
dec dx
mov al,2
out dx,al ; set plane mask (to zero 0 bits of color)
inc dx
mov al,bh ; get color
not al ; invert
out dx,al
mov al,[di] ; latch current data first
mov byte ptr [di],0 ; logic-force new off bits
ror bl,1
or bl,bl
jns egahlok
inc di
loop egahl
pop ds
pop bp
mov al,0ffh ; write all bits of byte at once
out dx,al ; set bit mask
mov dx,3c4h
mov al,2
out dx,al ; set plane mask (to set 1 bits of color)
inc dx
mov al,bh ; get color
out dx,al
mov al,[di] ; latch current data first
mov byte ptr [di],0ffh ; blend in new color bits
dec dx
mov al,2
out dx,al ; set plane mask (to zero 0 bits of color)
inc dx
mov al,bh ; get color
not al ; invert
out dx,al
mov al,[di] ; latch current data first
mov byte ptr [di],0 ; logic-force new off bits
inc di
sub cx,8 ; decrement dot count by one bytes worth
cmp cx,8 ; another full byte left?
jnb egahlb ; jif yess
; verline(x1, y1, y2, color, rule);
push bp
mov bp,sp
push di
mov bx,[bp+4] ; get x1
mov x1,bx
mov cx,[bp+6] ; get y1
mov y1,cx
mov ax,[bp+8] ; get y2
mov y2,ax
mov dx,[bp+10] ; get color
mov color,dl
mov dx,[bp+12] ; get rule
mov rule,dl
sub ax,cx ; get difx
jnb vgotdify ; jif y2 >= y1
neg ax ; else get y1-y2
mov dx,y2
mov y1,dx
mov y2,cx
inc ax ; # of dots to write
mov dify,ax ; save difx away
mov cx,bx
mov bx,y2
mov dl,color
cmp _machine,0
jz cgaverline
jmp egaverline
call cgamapxy
mov cx,dify
mov dh,rule
push ds
mov ds,vidseg
or dh,dh
jz vpxyforce
cmp dh,3
jz vpxyxor
cmp dh,2
jz vpxyor
or dl,al
test byte ptr es:y2,1 ; in upper 2000h bytes?
jz vaupper ; jif yes
and [di],dl ; xor color into display
add di,2000h
dec cx
jz vpdone
and [di],dl
sub di,1fb0h
loop vpand
jmp short vpdone
test byte ptr es:y2,1 ; in upper 2000h bytes?
jz vupper ; jif yes
xor [di],dl ; xor color into display
add di,2000h
dec cx
jz vpdone
xor [di],dl
sub di,1fb0h
loop vpxor
pop ds
pop di
pop bp
test byte ptr es:y2,1 ; in upper 2000h bytes?
jz voupper ; jif yes
or [di],dl ; force new bits into display
add di,2000h
dec cx
jz vpdone
or [di],dl
sub di,1fb0h
loop vpor
jmp vpdone
test byte ptr es:y2,1 ; in upper 2000h bytes?
jz vfupper ; jif yes
and [di],al ; clear pixel in display
or [di],dl ; force new bits into display
add di,2000h
dec cx
jz vpdone
and [di],al
or [di],dl
sub di,1fb0h
loop vpforce
jmp vpdone
call egamapxy
mov bl,dl ; save bit mask
mov bh,ch ; save color
mov cx,dify
mov ah,rule
push ds
mov ds,vidseg
shl ah,1
shl ah,1 ; set logical operation in ega controller
shl ah,1
mov dx,3ceh
mov al,3
out dx,al
inc dx
mov al,ah
out dx,al
mov dx,3ceh
mov al,8
out dx,al ; set bit mask
inc dx
mov al,bl ; recover bit mask
out dx,al
mov dx,3c4h
mov al,2
out dx,al ; set plane mask (to set 1 bits of color)
inc dx
mov al,bh ; get color
out dx,al
mov al,[di] ; latch current data first
mov byte ptr [di],0ffh ; blend in new color bits
dec dx
mov al,2
out dx,al ; set plane mask (to zero 0 bits of color)
inc dx
mov al,bh ; get color
not al ; invert
out dx,al
mov al,[di] ; latch current data first
mov byte ptr [di],0 ; logic-force new off bits
add di,80 ; move to next line
loop egavl
pop ds
pop di
pop bp
; clrscreen(color);
push bp
mov bp,sp
push di
mov ax,[bp+4] ; get color
push es
mov es,vidseg
xor di,di
cmp _machine,0
jnz egaclear
mov bx,ax
shl bx,1
shl bx,1
or ax,bx
shl bx,1
shl bx,1
or ax,bx ; build entire byte of color
shl bx,1
shl bx,1
or ax,bx
mov cx,8192
rep stosw
pop es
pop di
pop bp
mov bl,al ; save color
mov dx,3ceh
mov al,3
out dx,al
inc dx
mov al,0 ; no rotate and no logical operation on data
out dx,al
mov dx,3ceh
mov al,8
out dx,al ; set bit mask
inc dx
mov al,0ffh ; all bits
out dx,al
mov dx,3c4h
mov al,2
out dx,al ; set plane mask (to set 1 bits of color)
inc dx
mov al,bl ; get color
out dx,al
push di
mov cx,28000 ; number of bytes on ega display
mov al,0ffh ; blend in new color bits
rep stosb
pop di
dec dx
mov al,2
out dx,al ; set plane mask (to zero 0 bits of color)
inc dx
mov al,bl ; get color
not al ; invert
out dx,al
mov al,0 ; logic-force new off bits
mov cx,28000
rep stosb
pop es
pop di
pop bp
; setrand(seed);
; setrand - set random # seed
push bp
mov bp,sp
mov ax,[bp+4]
or ax,ax ; if seed specified
jnz setit ; use it
mov ah,2ch ; else
int 21h ; use system time (secs &
mov ax,dx ; 1/100's) to get rand seed
mov seed,ax ; save seed
pop bp
ret ; that's all folks
; rand();
; rand - fetch a new random number; at entry, cx=limit
; at exit, ax=random number
; formula: rand(i+1)=261*rand(i) mod 65521
push bp
mov bp,sp
mov cx,[bp+4] ; fetch limit
mov ax,seed ; get last rand
mov bx,261 ; multiplier
mul bx ;
mov bx,65521
div bx
cmp dx,0 ; new seed=0?
jnz seedok ; jif no
inc word ptr seed ; change seed
jmp rand2 ; try again
mov seed,dx
mov ax,dx
mov dx,0
div cx
mov ax,dx
pop bp
ret ; that's all
in al,61h
and al,0fch
out 61h,al
; BEEPON --- turns beeper on with timer 2 gate to value in AX at entry.
push bp
mov bp,sp
mov al,0b6h
out 43h,al
mov ax,[bp+4]
out 42h,al
mov al,ah
out 42h,al
in al,61h
or al,3
out 61h,al
pop bp
; flabel (x, y, string, fore_color, back_color, rule);
push bp
mov bp,sp
push si
push di
push es
mov cx,[bp+4]
mov dx,[bp+6]
mov si,[bp+8]
mov ax,[bp+10]
mov color,al
mov ax,[bp+12]
mov backclr,al
mov ax,[bp+14]
mov rule,al
mov x1,cx
mov y1,dx
mov string,si
mov si,string ; get ptr to string
lodsb ; get next char
mov string,si ; save new ptr
cmp al,0 ; done?
jz fldone ; jif yes
call fchar ; label the char
add x1,6 ; move to next char space
jmp floop ; do next
pop es
pop di
pop si
pop bp
; cx = x1
; dx = y1
; si = char byte ptr
; al = char byte
lea si,chartab ; address of char data
shl ax,1
shl ax,1
shl ax,1
add si,ax ; point to actual char data
mov cx,x1 ; get top left x address
mov dx,y1 ; get top left y address
mov byte ptr rowcnt,8 ; # of rows of char data
lodsb ; get next byte (row)
mov byte ptr colcnt,6 ; # of cols per row
shl ax,1 ; throw away leading blanks
if font1
shl ax,1
shl ax,1
push si ; save char data ptr
mov ah,backclr ; default background color
shl al,1 ; get the next bit
jnc flbc ; jif bit clear, use background color
mov ah,color ; else load foreground color
push ax ; save rest of byte
push bx
push cx
push dx
mov bx,dx ; move y-coord
mov dl,ah ; move color
mov dh,rule ; get rule
call pixel ; plot it
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
inc cx ; move to right one dot
dec byte ptr colcnt ; done with byte?
jnz bitloop ; jif no
pop si ; recover char data ptr
sub cx,6 ; move back to left of space
dec dx ; move down a row
dec byte ptr rowcnt ; done with char?
jnz bytloop ; jif no
mov ah,1
int 16h
jnz iskeyret
mov ax,0
mov ah,0
int 16h
; movebytes(*to, *from, count);
push bp
mov bp,sp
push si
push di
mov di,[bp+4] ; get destination
mov si,[bp+6] ; get source
mov cx,[bp+8] ; get count
or cx,cx ; any to move?
jz mbdone ; jif no
cmp di,si ; to < from?
ja movrev ; jif no, negative move
rep movsb
pop di
pop si
pop bp
add si,cx ; move to other end
add di,cx
dec si
dec di
jmp movcom
; newbplotxy(x, y, height, width, picture, rule);
; BPLOTXY --- plot a raster picture
; at entry: BX = y-coordinate
; CX = x-coordinate
; DL = height (# of rows in picture)
; DH = width (# of bytes in picture)
; SI = ptr to picture
; BP = 0 for force, 3 for xor
cmp _machine,0
jnz newegabplot
push bp
mov bp,sp
push si
push di
mov bx,[bp+6] ; get y
mov cx,[bp+4] ; get x
mov dx,[bp+8] ; get height
mov ax,[bp+10] ; get width
mov widtht,ax
mov height,dx
mov si,[bp+12] ; get ptr to Images
mov ax,[bp+14] ; get rule
call egamapxy
mov cx,[bp+4] ; init shift count
neg cx
and cl,7
mov ax,0ffh ; init left/right masks
shl ax,cl
mov ch,ah ; lf bit mask
mov bh,al ; rt bit mask
push es
mov es,vidseg
mov ah,0
cmp word ptr [bp+14],0 ; force?
jz newegab2 ; jif yes
mov ah,18h
mov dx,3ceh
mov al,3
out dx,al ; set logical operation in ega controller
inc dx
mov al,ah
out dx,al
mov byte ptr pcount,1 ; init plane counter
or cl,cl ; byte aligned? (no shifts needed?)
jnz newega0 ; jif no
jmp newegabyte
push di ; save start of image screen ptr
mov dx,3c4h ; enable current plane
mov al,2
out dx,al
inc dx
mov al,pcount
out dx,al
mov ax,height
mov hcount,ax ; init height counter
push di ; save start of line screen ptr
mov ax,widtht
mov wcount,ax ; init width counter
mov dx,3ceh ; set lfbmask
mov al,8
out dx,al
inc dx
mov al,ch
out dx,al
xor ah,ah ; init upper bits to zeros
lodsb ; get first byte of image line
shl ax,cl ; rotate it
xchg al,ah ; get ms bits
mov bl,es:[di] ; latch current screen data into ega controller
stosb ; write new data according to rule
dec wcount ; last byte?
jz newega2 ; jif yes
mov dx,3ceh ; set bit mask to all bits
mov al,8
out dx,al
inc dx
mov al,0ffh
out dx,al
lodsb ; get next byte of image data
shr ah,cl ; get leftover bits back in position
shl ax,cl ; mix bits with leftovers
xchg al,ah ; get ms bits
mov bl,es:[di] ; latch previous data
stosb ; update with new data
dec wcount ; last byte?
jnz newega3 ; jif no
mov dx,3ceh ; set bit mask to right side
mov al,8
out dx,al
inc dx
mov al,bh
out dx,al
mov al,ah
mov bl,es:[di] ; latch current data
stosb ; update with new
pop di ; move back to start of screen line
add di,80 ; move to next line
dec hcount ; last line?
jnz newega1 ; jif no, do next line
pop di ; move back to start of screen image
shl pcount,1 ; move to next plane
test pcount,16 ; done?
jz newega0 ; jif no
mov ax,0 ; return 0
pop es
pop di
pop si
pop bp
mov dx,3ceh ; set bit mask
mov al,8
out dx,al
inc dx
mov al,0ffh
out dx,al
push di ; save start of image screen ptr
mov dx,3c4h ; enable current plane
mov al,2
out dx,al
inc dx
mov al,pcount
out dx,al
mov ax,height
mov hcount,ax ; init height counter
push di ; save start of line screen ptr
mov ax,widtht
mov wcount,ax ; init width counter
mov al,es:[di] ; latch current screen data into ega controller
movsb ; copy new data according to rule
dec wcount ; last byte?
jnz newega12 ; jif no
pop di ; move back to start of screen line
add di,80 ; move to next line
dec hcount ; last line?
jnz newega11 ; jif no, do next line
pop di ; move back to start of screen image
shl pcount,1 ; move to next plane
test pcount,16 ; done?
jz newega10 ; jif no
mov ax,0 ; return 0
pop es
pop di
pop si
pop bp
_text ends