Simtel MSDOS 1992 December
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From: hslrswi!naz@mcvax.cwi.nl (Norman H. Azadian)
Newsgroups: comp.binaries.ibm.pc
Subject: v01i144: chksum, 32-bit file checksumming program
Date: 16 Feb 89 18:12:05 GMT
Summary: chksum.arc, 32-bit file checksumming program
Approved: dhesi@bsu-cs.UUCP
Posting-number: Volume 01 Issue 144
Originally-from: Norman H. Azadian <hslrswi!naz@mcvax.cwi.nl>
Submitted-by: Norman H. Azadian <hslrswi!naz@mcvax.cwi.nl>
Archive-name: chksum/chksum.uue
Chksum is a little program that I've developed and used a lot over the
years. The prime difference between it and the ones that it copies, is
that it can read a list of pathnames from stdin. This turns out to be
very handy indeed. Also, it uses a 32-bit CRC, which means that a false
match is 2**16 times less likely than with the 16-bit brands. It
produces identical results on both PCs and VAXen.
Performance on an AT-03 with disk caching is just over 1 MByte/minute.
The maximum rate at which I can read the disk, with DOS calls, is about
1.5 MByte/minute.
The 32-bit CRC routine was donated by kind souls on the net. I have
tweaked it for my use, principally by adding inline optimized assembly
code for my PC. I don't pretend to know what is going on inside, and I
regard it as a minor miracle that it actually produces the same numbers
on PCs as on VAXen. Perhaps somebody will tell me if it produces the
"right" numbers.
I hereby donate this program to the Public Domain for any and all
purposes. Enjoy.
PAPER: Norman Azadian; Hasler AG; Belpstrasse 23; 3000 Berne 14; Switzerland
X.400: naz@hslrswi.hasler
UUCP: ...{uunet,ukc,mcvax,...}!cernvax!hslrswi!azadian
VOICE: +41 31 63 2178 BITNET: naz%hslrswi.UUCP@cernvax.BITNET
Will also give byte counts, and total checksum for all files. Doesn't
take wildcards on command line, but "stuff . | chksum -v --" worked
well for me.
-- R.D.