Simtel MSDOS 1992 December
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Copyright (c) 1989 by Bill Neidert all rights reserved.
Bill Neidert
1225 Via Balboa
Mesquite, TX 75150
Disclaimer ....................................................... 2
Copyright ........................................................ 3
Registration ..................................................... 3
Distribution ..................................................... 3
User Supported Software .......................................... 3
Trademark ........................................................ 4
General Description ............................................. 5
Concepts ........................................................ 5
Current Window ................................................ 6
Command Line .................................................. 6
Function keys ................................................. 6
Window File Data .............................................. 6
Statistical Information ....................................... 7
Moving Within A Window ........................................ 7
Group Command.................................................. 7
Function Key Command Description ................................ 7
F1 ............................................................ 7
F2 ............................................................ 8
F3 ............................................................ 8
F4 ............................................................ 8
F5 ............................................................ 8
F6 ............................................................ 8
F7 ............................................................ 9
F8 ............................................................ 9
F9 & SPACE BAR ................................................ 9
F10 ........................................................... 9
SF3 ........................................................... 9
SF4 ........................................................... 9
SF5 ........................................................... 9
SF6 ........................................................... 9
SF7 ........................................................... 10
SF8 ........................................................... 10
SF9 - SF10 .................................................... 10
Command Line Commands ............................................ 10
cLear_marks ................................................... 10
Edit .......................................................... 10
Copy .......................................................... 11
Backup ........................................................ 11
Delete ........................................................ 11
Move .......................................................... 11
Rename ........................................................ 11
Execute ....................................................... 11
Shell ......................................................... 12
View .......................................................... 12
Quit .......................................................... 12
Program Execution ................................................ 12
Appendix A ....................................................... 14
Appendix B ....................................................... 15
Appendix C ....................................................... 16
Copyright (C) 1989 by Bill Neidert 1
This program is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind,
either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to the
implied warranties of merchantibility or fitness for a particular
purpose. The entire risk as to the results and performance of the
program is assumed by the user. Should the program prove
defective, the user assumes the entire cost of all necessary
servicing, repair or correction.
Copyright (C) 1989 by Bill Neidert 2
This program is copyright (C) 1988, 1989 by Bill Neidert. All
rights reserved. Non-registered users are granted a limited
license to use this product on a trial basis.
If you intend to use F.EXE on a regular basis please support the
author through your registration. Commercial or business use of
this program is prohibited by non-registered users.
If you need an invoice for registration, one is provided in
appendix A.
If you are interested in use of multiple copies of this program or
a corporate site license, fill out the information request form in
appendix B.
User feedback has been very instrumental in changes that have been
made to this program. If you have suggestions and are a registered
user, please send your request for changes or enhancements. They
will be considered for future releases.
PC DOS Filer is distributed under the file name F405.ARC. This
file contains the following archived files:
F405.EXE - the PC DOS Filer program (rename to F.EXE)
F405.DOC - the document file you are reading (rename to F.DOC)
F.MNU - Microsoft mouse driver
F.DEF - Source for Microsoft mouse driver
The primary means of distribution is through Bulletin Boards.
User Supported Software
User supported software is a concept started by Andrew Fluegleman.
Software is distributed to the user with out cost. You are allowed
to evaluate this product on your own system on a trial basis. If
the you find the product of value and continue to use it, you are
asked to send $35 to:
Bill Neidert
1225 Via Balboa
Mesquite, Tx 75150
This consideration provides you with a license for continued use of
the product. You will also be notified of major new releases of
the product. Major releases will be distributed to registered
users for a fee of $10.00. This covers the cost of diskettes,
mailers, stamps and time to produce the diskettes.
Copyright (C) 1989 by Bill Neidert 3
Your use of this product has the following limitations:
o This program must be distributed in an unmodified form.
o No fee, charge or consideration may be received for distribution
of copies of this program.
o This product is not to be distributed as part of any other
software without the author's consent.
IBM PC DOS and PC DOS are registered trademarks of the IBM
corporation. Hewlett Packard and HP Portable Plus are registered
trademarks of the Hewlett Packard corporation.
Copyright (C) 1989 by Bill Neidert 4
General Description
F405.EXE is a program written to simplify file management in
a multi directory environment. The program accomplishes its
objectives with windows. The program allows the user to visually
follow actions that take place on disk. As file additions or
deletions are performed on a directory, they are displayed in a
window. This keeps the user aware of changes as they effect the
F405.EXE is compatible with IBM DOS 2.1 and above. The program
has been tested with IBM Topview and with Microsoft Windows.
The program provides the following functions:
o Selective file copy from directory to directory
o Selective file or directory deletion
o Subdirectory creation or deletion
o Rename a file
o Rename a directory (DOS 3.2 and higher)
o Move a group of files from one directory to another
o File protection
o File backup
o Display a directory sorted by file name
o Display a directory sorted by file extension
o Display a directory sorted by creation/update date
o Display a directory sorted by file size
o Hide/Unhide files
o Execute a program or a batch file
o Start a DOS Shell (COMMAND.COM)
o Envoke user specified editor to edit the current file
o Show a file's contents in Hex or Display mode
The fundamental concepts used in the design of F405.exe are
described in the following sections. A good understanding of these
concepts make the utility more functional for the user.
Copyright (C) 1989 by Bill Neidert 5
Current Window
The screen is composed of two windows that contain either the
initial User Supported Software notice, a help screen, or a disk
directory. One of the two windows is the current window.
When the program starts, a small right pointing triangle or arrow
is in the upper left corner of the left window. This symbol is
always in the current window. The arrow points to the file within
the directory that is affected by commands when executed.
When the program starts, the current window ( the left window )
contains the current directory in effect at the time the
program was executed. The left window shows the DOS file
path to the current directory. If you want to display another
directory in the right window, press function key 6 (F6) and when
the program prompts for 'NEW PATH ?' enter the path of the
directory desired.
If you are not familiar with directory paths, refer to the DOS 2 or
DOS 3 documentation.
Command Line
The command line is located at the bottom of the screen. It
contains the names of some of the commands that can be performed.
To change selection from one command to another, simply press the
space bar on the keyboard. You can also use the TAB key on the
upper left of the keyboard. The TAB key is to the left of the 'Q'
key. If you use the TAB key, the directions will reverse when the
shift key is depressed at the same time. Commands can also be
selected by entering the capital letter in their names.
Function keys
The function keys are the keys labeled F1 to F10 on the left end of
the keyboard. The function keys perform program commands. Some
commands performed by the function keys affect one window only. If
this is the case, the function key on the left affects the left
window and the corresponding function key on the right affects the
right window.
Several of the function keys perform different functions when the
shift key is pressed at the same time as the function key.
Window File Data
Information within a window is displayed for a file entry as
o File name
o File extension
Copyright (C) 1989 by Bill Neidert 6
o File size in K (1024 character) bytes
o Date the file was created or last modified
o Time the file was created or last modified
o File attributes (S - system file, H - hidden file, R - read
only file)
Statistical Information
At the bottom of each window, the panel contains "disk left -
XXXXK" and "dir size - XXXXK". "Disk left" gives the amount of
disk space left in K bytes. "Dir size" specifies the number of K
bytes the directory in the window occupies on disk.
After a file within a window has been marked, "marked - XXXXK"
replaces "disk left" in the panel. "Marked" gives the K bytes of
disk space that the marked files occupy on disk.
If a group of files are moved from a hard disk to a floppy, the
disk space required for the file will be slightly different. This
is caused by the different cluster size native to each disk type.
Moving Within A Window
To move within a window, the UP ARROW and DOWN ARROW keys on the
numeric keyboard are used to move the window up and down 1 entry.
The PGUP and PGDN keys are used to move through a directory one
page at a time. The HOME key will move the current window file
pointer to the first entry of the window. The END key moves the
current file pointer to the last entry in the window. CTRL and
HOME will redisplay the directory from the beginning. CTRL and END
will display the end of the directory.
Group Commands
Function key F9 marks files for group commands. Most commands
perform their function on the file pointed to by the current window
file pointer or all files that are marked within the current
Marked files are displayed in reverse video.
Function Key Command Description
The F1 command displays help information about the function
commands in the left window. If the left window is the only window
that contains a directory, F1 will not display help. At this time
you should use F2.
Copyright (C) 1989 by Bill Neidert 7
The F2 command displays help information about the function
commands in the right window.
The F3 command is effective only if the current window file pointer
is pointing at a directory entry. The directory entries have a
'<DIR>' in place of the file extension.
When the current window file pointer is pointing at a directory,
the directory will be displayed in the left window. If the left
window is the current window, its contents are replaced by the new
directory. If the right window is the current window, it remains
unchanged and the left window is replaced by the new directory.
When a subdirectory is displayed, at the top of the subdirectory
window, "." and ".." appear as directory names. ".." is the path
back to the previous directory level.
The F4 command is effective only if the current window file pointer
is pointing at a directory entry. The directory entries have
'<DIR>' in place of the file extension.
When the current window file pointer is pointing at a directory,
the directory will be displayed in the right window. If the right
window is the current window, its contents are replaced by the new
directory. If the left window is the current window, it remains
unchanged and the right window is replaced by the new directory.
When a subdirectory is displayed, at the top of the subdirectory
window, "." and ".." appear as directory names. ".." is the path
back to the previous directory level.
The F5 command changes the path of the left window. The path is
the list of directories that the directory is part of. The path of
the root directory of drive C is "C:\". Directories within the
root directory have "C:\path-name" path where path-name is the name
of the directory. If one of these directories contains a
directory, the path would look like this "C:\path-name\path-name".
This continues to whatever depth the directory in question resides.
The F6 command changes the path of the right window. The path is
the list of directories that the directory is part of. The path of
the root directory of drive C is "C:\". Directories within the
root directory have "C:\path-name" path where path-name is the name
Copyright (C) 1989 by Bill Neidert 8
of the directory. If one of these directories contains a
directory, the path would look like this "C:\path-name\path-name".
This continues to whatever depth the directory in question resides.
The F7 command sorts the contents of the current window by file
name. This command just affects the window display and does not
sort the files on disk.
The F8 command sorts the contents of the current window by file
The F9 command marks the file pointed to by the current window
file pointer. Marked files are used in group commands. If the file
pointed to by the current window file pointer is a marked file,
pressing F9 will remove the mark.
The F10 command is used to create a directory. The command prompts
for a file path and a directory name. If the directory does not
exist in the path given, it is added. If a path is not entered,
the current directory path is used. The current path is the path
of the directory in the current window.
The shifted F3 command is used to set the hidden file attribute.
This causes the file to become invisible to DOS.
The shifted F4 command is used to remove the hidden file attribute
from a file and make it visible to DOS.
The shifted F5 command is used to set the read only file attribute.
This can be used to protect files from accidental deletion. Do not
protect files that are to be written to unless they are unprotected
before they are used.
The shifted F6 command is used to remove the read only file
attribute. This unprotects a protected file.
Copyright (C) 1989 by Bill Neidert 9
The shifted F7 command is used to sort the current window by file
The shifted F8 command is used to sort the current window by
creation/update date.
SF9 - SF10
These two function keys will cause the screen to be rebuilt. If
the screen display becomes corrupted by the DOS error "abort,
retry, ignore" message that occurs when the floppy disk is not
ready, press the shifted F9 for shifted F10 function keys to
rebuild the screen.
Command Line Commands
The command line commands are selected by pressing the space or the
tab key. The command displayed in reverse video is the command
selected. When the desired command is selected then press the
Enter key. You may also press the capital letter in the desired
command's name to simultaneously select and execute that command.
The cLear_marks command clears marks placed on any file in the
current window.
The Edit command is used to envoke a user supplied editor to edit
the current file. This command will work only if the user enters
a command line parameter when execution F405.EXE as follows:
F405 /E{path and name of editor}
The "/E" parameter must be the last parameter on the command line
when executing F405.EXE.
For the Edit command to function properly, the editor being used
must take the name of the file to be edited as a DOS command
line parameter. This allows F405.EXE to start the editor and give
it the name of the file to be edited.
Copyright (C) 1989 by Bill Neidert 10
The Copy command copies the file pointed to by the current window
file pointer or all files marked within the current window.
The Copy command will prompt for the copy destination. If a
directory is displayed in the other window, the command will ask if
the file or files are to be copied to that window. At this point
enter 'N' for no or 'Y' for yes. If the answer is 'N' the program
will prompt 'Destination ?'. At this point, enter the path to the
desired disk and directory.
The Backup command backs up a directory. The command uses the
Archive flag within the DOS directory to determine if the file has
been modified since the last backup. If you are backing up and the
disk becomes full, the command will prompt for a disk change if
files are being backed up onto a floppy disk. The destination is
selected in the same manner as with the copy command.
The Delete command deletes the file pointed to by the current
window file pointer or all files that are marked within the current
The Move command is used to move files from one directory to
another on the same disk. The move command does not copy the file;
it removes the file from one directory and places it in another.
The source directory and the destination directory must be on the
same disk.
The Rename command is used to change the name of the file or
directory pointed to by the current window file pointer.
If a file is pointed to and the same path with a new file name is
used, the files name will be changed. If a new path is entered,
the file will be moved to the new directory given in the path. The
file will have the name given in the command.
If a directory is pointed to, its name is changed to the value
given (DOS 3.2 and higher).
The Execute command is used to run the current file if it is a
"COM", "EXE" or "BAT" file. IF BASIC programs are to be executed
run BASIC or BASICA, then enter the program name as a command
line parameter.
Copyright (C) 1989 by Bill Neidert 11
Once a file has been selected, the following message appears at the
bottom of the screen "Enter command line information - ". Enter
any parameters required by the program being run.
When the program executes, PATH is set to contain the current path
of each of the windows; the environment is set to correctly contain
the path.
The Shell command is used to start a DOS command interpreter
(COMMAND.COM). Once the command is invoked, the DOS version
message is displayed and the usual DOS prompt is displayed. To
return to F405, enter EXIT at the DOS prompt.
The View command is used to look at the current file's contents in
one of two formats. The hex formats displays the file contents in
hexadecimal notation on the left of the screen and the equivalent
ASCII character data on the right side of the screen. The text
format displays text files in their normal display format.
If the text format file does not terminate with a carriage return,
the last page may not stay on the screen long enough for you to see
it. If this occurs, look at the data in hex format.
The Quit command terminates the program.
Program Execution
F405.EXE is executed by typing:
at the DOS prompt (C>). If you are using a monochrome screen with
a color adapter, you may need to turn color off to get better
screen contrast. This is done by typing:
F405 /M
The /M parameter tells the program to remove color from the
display. When using a color monitor, F405 displays white
characters on a blue background. The windows are bordered in white
with black text.
To enable the Edit command, enter the following command line
F405 /E{path and name of the editor being used}
Copyright (C) 1989 by Bill Neidert 12
F405 supports the Hewlett Packard HP Portable Plus. If you are
using the HP Portable Plus use the /H parameter which causes
F405 to change the display mode of the portable to the IBM
display mode and the cursor to block mode. This is done by
F405 /H
F405 supports a parameter that allows the user to determine
what the current path will be when F405 terminates. When F405
is started, the program saves the path to the directory that
was current when it started. If the /R parameter is used of
the command line, F405 will return the user to this directory.
When using this parameter looks like:
F405 /R
When the /R parameter is not used, when the program terminates,
the directory in the active window becomes the current directory
directory when the user exits F405.
If multible parameters are required, the E parameter must be the
last on the command line. This would look like:
F405 /M /H /R /E{path and name of the editor being used}
The /E parameter "Edit parameter" must be the last parameter
used on the command line.
When originally generated from the archive file F405.ARC, F.EXE
will be named F405.EXE, and F.DOC will be named F405.DOC. You will
probably want to rename these files to F.EXE and F.DOC, since the
"404" portion of the filename is simply the current version number
of the program.
Copyright (C) 1989 by Bill Neidert 13
Appendix A
To: Bill Neidert
1225 Via Balboa
Mesquite, Tx 75150
( ) Registration 35.00
( ) Registration + Updated copy of F.exe 45.00
Texas residents add 5.25% sales tax
Total ______
Copyright (C) 1989 by Bill Neidert 14
Appendix B
To: Bill Neidert
1225 Via Balboa
Mesquite, Tx 75150
214 681-0702
Name and title
of person
negotiating license _________________________________________
Company Name _________________________________________
Company Address _________________________________________
Telephone No. ____________________________
Number of copies
of F.EXE required ___________
Planned use of
program: _________________________________________
Questions: _________________________________________
Copyright (C) 1989 by Bill Neidert 15
Appendix C
I included two files for those of you that have a Microsoft mouse that
provides popup menus to control the actions of F.EXE. The popup menus
are easy to understand. To use them, you must use the menu program
that comes with the Microsoft mouse.
C>menu f.mnu
This loads the menu. Following this, execute F.EXE.
At this point, the mouse should be active. Side to side motion
controls command line selection. Up and down movement of the mouse
controls scrolling within the window. Button 1 provides a popup menu.
Button 2 marks files.
The two files included are:
F.MNU - To be used with the Microsoft MENU program.
F.DEF - This is the source of the popup menu so that you can
change its operation. You will have to follow the
mouse documentation to accomplish this.
Copyright (C) 1989 by Bill Neidert 16