Simtel MSDOS 1992 December
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-- Help options have been added to all programs. Try -?. The same usage
message is printed whenever a bad option is found.
-- INTELLIGENT WILDCARD EXPANSION! (Well, almost). You can give any
of the programs a fancy filespec now. For example, *O*A*I*A.GIF will match
MONALISA.GIF and not FOO.GIF. The matching isn't case sensitive, either. Still
has an occasional problem with pathological filenames containing lots of
repeated letters. *LL* will match DOLLAR.GIF and not DOLAR.GIF, as expected,
but L*L.GIF won't match LLLOOLLL.GIF. This is an unfortunate result of the
way the matcher handles multiple letters and can't be corrected easily.
It doesn't seem worth implementing a pattern-matching-DFA generator nearly
as big as the main program just to fix this little problem...
-- GIFLS: The awkward >= and <= options for searches have been
replaced by > and <, respectively.
-- GIFCOLOR: The "Press any key..." prompt is automatically suppressed
when the standard output is redirected. Redirection is not supported with any
display (-d) option, however. After all, you can't redirect a graphics screen.
-- Error display has been generally cleaned up in all programs.
-- GIFSTRIP: The weird error haunting the -t option has been eliminted.
The failure of the fopen() call was caused by allocating ALL free memory as a
buffer before trying to open the file.
-- GIFSTRIP: Free-space checker added. Won't even attempt to process
a file if there isn't enough free space for the temporary file.
-- GIFSTRIP: Handles paths in targets correctly now, putting temporary
file in same disk and directory as original file unless told otherwise with
-t option.
-- GIFSTRIP: Prints message "Recopying..." when recopying a file.
Just for your info.
-- GIFCOLOR: Added control-break handler for display (-d) option.
If you hit control-break while in a graphics screen, video mode and palette
are reset before program exits. Formerly, you were stuck with a very odd
palette, since the program turns off automatic palette loading by the BIOS.
-- Modified GIFLS to serve as front end for GIFSTRIP and GIFCOLOR.
GIFLS has the searches based on image height, width, and colors; the other
two have their own special abilities. The -f option makes GIFLS print out
(on stdout) a list of filenames which match any specified searches; the
rest of its output is sent to NUL:. GIFSTRIP and GIFCOLOR detect when
their stdin has been redirected (for example, a pipe from GIFLS) and
automatically read a list of targets from stdin. Command line options are
used, but any targets on the command line are discarded. Furthermore, GIFSTRIP
and GIFCOLOR can also accept files of targets (targets separated by newlines)
via this facility.