Simtel MSDOS 1992 December
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This is the key to MSKERMIT.INI, the initialization file for Kermit Version
2.31 and later on the IBM-PC for use at Columbia University with the CUCCA
systems. Before using it, you should look at it, and make any customizations
to suit your situation. The file is kept in the Kermit distribution as
MSIIBM.INI, so if you have a copy of it under that name, you should rename to
MSKERMIT.INI and store on your PC somewhere in your DOS PATH, or on your
current disk and directory. And be sure you have a copy of the latest version
of the MS-DOS Kermit User Guide for reference.
This initialization file defines several classes of useful macros:
1. Logging into CUCCA systems through direct IBM/Rolm CBX connections.
2. Dialing up the CBX.
3. Setting up the PC's function keys for use with the CUCCA 3270 emulators.
4. Setting screen foreground and background colors (if you have color).
Here is an explanation of each:
1. For logging in to the various systems through the PACX:
To log in to: Through: Type: Remarks:
CUNIXA CBX do xcunixa
CUNIXB CBX do xcunixb
CUNIXC CBX do xcunixc
CUNIXD CBX do xcunixd
CUVMB (linemode) CBX do xcuvmb through COMTEN.
CUVMB (fullscreen) CBX do xsimb 3270 protocol emulator.
CLIO (fullscreen) CBX do xclio
In order to use these macros, you should edit the MSKERMIT.INI file to contain
your actual user IDs on these systems:
1. Replace "XYZCU" in the line "def \%c XYZCU" with your actual CMS ID, if any.
2. Replace "xyz" in the line "def \%u xyz" with your actual UNIX ID, if any.
When you use these macros, they will get you through the PACX or CBX, through
any other front ends (COMTEN or 7171), and give the appropriate login command
for the selected system, and then connect you to that system, at which point
you should type your password to complete the login process. You should not
put your password in the MSKERMIT.INI file, since someone might discover it
there and get access to your files.
2. A sample macro is also given for dialing up the CBX from a Hayes modem,
and then logging into CUNIXC, "do hxc". You can adapt this one to
other systems as well.
3. Macros are defined for various color combinations you can use if you have
a color monitor and adapter on your PC. The colors are only effective
during CONNECT mode. You can experiment with them and create others too:
"do sky" - blue on white
"do ocean" - white on blue
"do sea" - green on blue
"do bw" - black on white
"do gb" - green on black
"do amy" - pink on purple (Amy's favorite colors)
4. If you are accessing the IBM mainframes in full-screen (3270) mode, i.e.
you are using CLIO, SIMB, etc, a special macro, "do simk", is automatically
invoked to set up your PC's function keys for use with Columbia's 3270
simulators, as shown below. To restore the keys to their default VT100
definitions, give the Kermit command "do nosimk", or equivalently "set key
3270 Function Keystrokes on IBMPC Control Sequence
Backspace Delete (Rubout) Control-H, Control-B
PF1-PF10 F1-F10 Escape 1-Escape 0
PF11-PF20 Shift F1 - Shift F10 Escape Q,W,E,R,T,Y,U,I,O.P
PF21-PF24 Alt F1 - Alt F4 Escape A,S,D,I
Insert Insert (under 0) Control-X
Cursor Up Up Cursor (under 8) Control-P
Cursor Left Left Cursor (under 4) Control-H
Cursor Right Right Cursor (under 6) Control-E
Cursor Down Down Cursor (under 2) Control-N
Delete Char Delete (under point) Control-D
Other 3270 Functions: Type:
Newline Control-A
Tab Tab or Control-I
BackTab Escape-Tab or Escape-Control-I
Clear Control-L
Erase Input Control-U
Erase EOF Control-K
Reset Control-Z
Enter Return or Control-M
PA1 Control-C
PA2 Control-W
PA3 Control-O
Redisplay Screen Control-T
Simulator Reset Control-R
Suspend Output (XOFF) Control-S
Resume Output (XON) Control-Q
Input Buffer Flush Control-E
If you are interested in writing MS-DOS Kermit scripts or macros, you should
look at the MSKERMIT.INI file for examples, in conjunction with the MS-DOS
Kermit User Guide.
Send suggestions, improvements, fixes, to kermit@CUNIXC.
- C. Gianone, CUCCA, October 1988