Simtel MSDOS 1992 December
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Date: Sat, 12 Sep 87 16:57:57 EDT
From: Phil Benchoff <BENCHOFF@VTVM1>
Subject: SCANCHEK program for IBM-PCs
Enclosed is SCANCHEK.C and SCANCHEK.BOO for IBM-PCs. This program displays
BIOS scancodes and MS-Kermit 2.29C key idents. It is useful to determine key
idents while defining MS-Kermit keyboard definitions.
The source will compile with Computer Innovations C-86 or Borland Turbo-C.
Special thanks to JRD for providing details of MS-Kermit keyboard handling and
modifications to the code. Please add it to the distribution if you think it
will be useful.
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 88 09:10:00 EST
From: Frank da Cruz <SY.FDC@CU20B>
Subject: Re: SCANCHEK program for IBM-PCs
This program is stored in the Kermit Distribution as MSUCHK.C and .BOO (MSU is
the prefix for MS-DOS Kermit keyboard-related files).
Note, this program is slightly out of date. Between its creation and the
final release of MS-Kermit 2.30 in January 1988, some additional distinctions
were made among the IBM PC Keys, such as between Tab and Ctrl-I. In those
cases where a distinction is made, but SCANCHEK does not show the difference
in the "Kermit" column, the formula is:
BIOS scan code (decimal) + 256
+ 512 (if Shift held down)
+ 1024 (if Ctrl held down)
+ 2048 (if Alt held down)
+ 4096 (if key is particular to the IBM enhanced keyboard)
E.g. the IBM Tab key returns a BIOS scan code of 15, and Kermit adds 256 to
that to yield a "Kermit SHOW KEY" code of \271. Note that Kermit does not
recognize all combinations of Shift, Ctrl, and Alt, when applied to all keys.
However, all combinations of these shift keys do produce distinct Kermit codes
when applied to the function (F) keys.
Phil indicates that he will release a new version shortly that reflects the
changes, and also works with the IBM Enhanced Keyboard.
Date: Fri, 29 Jan 88 09:06:00 EST
Subject: SCANCHEK 4.0 Available
Keywords: SET KEY, SCANCHEK, Key Definition
Finally. Enclosed is a version of scanchek.c and scanchek.exe that
should match MS-Kermit 2.30. The enhanced keyboard is supported,
and the program will indicate if a particular key is available on
the enhanced keyboard only.
Date: Tue, 31 Jan 1989 10:40 MET
From: RZUW007%DWUUNI21.BITNET@cuvmb.cc.columbia.edu
To: FDC@cunixc.cc.columbia.edu
Subject: SCANCHEK.C 4.0/4.1
I've found a minor error in scanchek 4.0:
The program doesn't match exactly Kermit's SHOW KEY function.
On the numeric keypad (white keys only) NumLock offsets the shift keys
and vice versa (as indicated in MSUIBM.ASM).
In MS-Kermit 2.32 the separation of the comma on German keyboard keypads
from the regular comma was added.
I updated scanchek.c to match Kermit 2.32. Below you find the new version 4.1.
Matthias Reichling