Simtel MSDOS 1992 December
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lstcput (ld_int value_exp)
Lstcput sets the value of the current list node to value_exp.
It does not create a new node. The current location is not changed
by this function.
See also: lsthead, lsttail, lstprev, lstnext, lstsub
lstcre ([init_exp...])
Lstcre creates a list and returns a list descriptor. The list
may be initialized by specifying an optional list of init_exp...
Lists are collections of nodes. Each node can contain one value
and can be connected to other nodes. Possible connections are:
to a previous node
to a subsequent (or next) node
to an alternate (or sub) node
New nodes are added to a list by push operations. These are
identified by a "psh" suffix. Existing nodes are removed
from a list by pop operations. These are identified by a "pop"
suffix. The value of a node may be retrieved using list functions
with a "get" suffix and updated using list functions with a
"put" suffix.
A current location, initially undefined, may be associated with
each list. The current location may be set to the head or tail
and moved to a previous, next or sub node. The current location
may then be used to add or remove nodes and get or put the value
of nodes.
Each list is identified by its list descriptor and all list
builtin functions require that the list descriptor be specified
as the first argument.
See also: lstfre
lstcval (ld_int)
Lstcval returns TRUE if the current location is set for the
specified list descriptor and FALSE otherwise.
See also: lsthead, lsttail, lstprev, lstnext, lstsub
lstfre (ld_int)
Lstfre frees the list specified by the list descriptor. Once a
list is freed its storage is reused and it can no longer by
See also: lstcre
lsthead (ld_int)
Lsthead moves the current location to the head of the list
specified by ld_int. If the list is empty the current location
remains undefined.
See also: lstcget, lstcput, lstcpsh, lstcpop
lsthget (ld_int)
Lsthget returns the value of the head node of the list. The
node is not removed.
lsthpsh (ld_int value_exp)
Lsthpsh creates a new node at the head of the list specified by
ld_int and initializes it to value_exp. Used with lsttpop, which
removes a node from the tail of the list, it forms a simple
FIFO queue.
lsthput (ld_int value_exp)
Lsthput sets the value of the head node of the list specified
by ld_int to value_exp. It does not create a new node.
lstnext (ld_int)
Lstnext moves the current location to the next node in the list
specified by ld_int. If no current location has been set or the list
is empty then the current location remains undefined.
See also: lstcget, lstcput, lstcpsh, lstcpop
lstnval (ld_int)
Lstnval returns TRUE if there is a node following the current
location and FALSE otherwise.
lstprev (ld_int)
Lstprev moves the current location to the previous node in the list
specified by ld_int. If no current location has been set or the list
is empty then current location remains undefined.
See also: lstcget, lstcput, lstcpsh, lstcpop
lstpval (ld_int)
Lstpval returns TRUE if there is a node preceding the current
location and FALSE otherwise.
lstread (fd_int)
Lstread reads a list from the file specified by the file
descriptor fd_int and returns a list descriptor for the new
list. The file must be in the format created by lstwrite. Each
list or sublist must be surrounded by parentheses and each
element must be surrounded by quotes. Embedded quotes must
be escaped using the \" notation. White space and text
outside quotes is ignored.
lstsget (ld_int)
Lstsget returns the value of the sub node of the current
node of the list specified by ld_int. The node is not removed.
The current location must have been defined previously.
lstsize (ld_int)
Lstsize returns the total number of nodes, including sub lists,
in the list specified by ld_int.
lstsort (ld_int [compare_udf])
Lstsort sorts the list specified by ld_int. A user defined
compare function may be specified that will be invoked for each
comparison required by the sort. The function will be passed two
values and should return -1, 0 or 1 as the first value is less
than, equal to or greater than the second value. Lstsort sorts
sub lists if any exist.
lstspop (ld_int)
Lstspop removes the sub node of the current node from the
list specifed by ld_int and returns its value. Once a node is
removed it is no longer accessible. If the sub node is the
head of a sublist then the entire sublist is freed.
lstspsh (ld_int value_exp)
Lstspsh creates a sub list from the current location. A sub list
has all the attributes of a list except that it is referenced from
a node rather than a list descriptor. This may be used to implement
trees. A sub list node is created at the current location and
initialized to value_exp. If there was previously a sub list then
the new node is inserted between the current node and the sub
list. The new node becomes the new current location.
lstsput (ld_int value_exp)
Lstsput sets the value of the sub node of the current node
of the list specified by ld_int to value_exp. It does not create
a new node. The current location must have been defined previously.
lstsub (ld_int)
Lstsub moves the current location to the sub node in the list
specified by ld_int. If no current location has been set or the list
is empty then the current location remains undefined.
See also: lstcget, lstcput, lstcpsh, lstcpop
lstsval (ld_int)
Lstsval returns TRUE if there is a sub node at the current
location and FALSE otherwise.
lsttail (ld_int)
Lsttail sets the current location of the list specified by
ld_int to the tail of the list.
See also: lstcget, lstcput, lstcpsh, lstcpop
lsttget (ld_int)
Lsttget returns the value of the tail node of the list. The
node is not removed.
lsttpop (ld_int)
Lstpop removes a node from the tail of the list specified by
ld_int and returns its value. Once a node is removed from a list
it is no longer accessible. Used with lsthpsh, which pushes a
node on the head of the list, it forms a simple FIFO queue.
If the node that was removed was the current location then
the current location becomes undefined.
lsttpsh (ld_int value_exp)
Lsttpsh creates and inserts a new list node at the tail of
the list specified by ld_init. The new node becomes the new
tail of the list.
lsttput (ld_int value_exp)
Lsttput sets the value of the tail node of the list specified
by ld_int to value_exp. It does not create a new node.
lstwrite (ld_int fd_int)
Lstwrite writes the list specified by the list descriptor
ld_int to the file specified by the file descriptor fd_int.
Each list or sublist is surrounded by parenthesis and each
list element is surrounded by quotes. The list is indented
using tabs for readability.
lt (value_num...)
Lt performs a less than comparison of its
arguments from left to right and returns true if each argument
passes the comparison, otherwise false. If only one argument is
specified it compares it to zero and returns the result.
memcre (len_int)
Memcre allocates a len_int bytes (characters) of memory directly
from the system and returns the address.
Note: the address is returned in hexadecimal.
memfre (address_hex)
Memfre frees a block of memory previously allocated by memcre. This
function should be used with extreme care because no check is
performed to validate the address prior to freeing it.
Note: the address must be specified in hexadecimal.
memget (address_hex len_int)
Memget returns len_int bytes of data read directly from the
memory address specified by address_hex.
Note: the address must be specified in hexadecimal.
memput (address_hex value_exp len_int)
Memput stores len_int bytes of value_exp directly into the
memory addressed by address_hex.
Note: the address must be specified in hexadecimal.
mkdir (path_str)
Mkdir creates a new directory specified by path_str. Each
component of the pathname (if any) must exist except the last one.
mod (dividend_exp divisor_exp)
Mod returns the remainder of dividend_exp divided by divisor_exp.
mul (value_exp value_exp...)
Mul returns the product of its arguments.
ne (value_num value_num...)
Ne returns TRUE if none of its arguments are equal to the
leftmost argument. Otherwise it returns FALSE.
not (value_int)
Not returns the logical negation of its arguments. A zero is
returned for any non zero argument and a one is returned for a
an argument that evaluates to zero.
open (path_str mode_str)
Open opens the file specified by path_str with a mode specified
by mode_str. Possible values of mode_str are:
a - append to end of file
b - binary, do not map crlf to lf
c - create file if it does not exist
r - open file for reading
t - truncate file
u - update, open for reading and writing
w - open file for writing
Modes can be combined by specifying both letters. To open
an existing file for writing and truncate it at the beginning
you would specify "tw".
Note: the "\" character is the Max escape character. If you wish
to use it in a literal pathname be sure to specify it as "\\".
Open returns a file descriptor that is used in subsequent calls
to read and write. Operating system specific devices can be opened
with the open function. The standard input, standard output and
standard error devices are available as file descriptors 0, 1
and 2 and do not need to be opened.
The return code is negative if an error occurred:
-2 Cannot access file
-3 Too many open files
-4 File not found (specify "c" to create)
See also: close, write, seek, tell
or (value_exp value_exp)
Or performs a logical OR of its arguments. It returns TRUE if
any of its arguments are non-zero and it returns FALSE if all of
its arguments are zero.
out (port_int value_int)
Out sends value_int to the hardware port specified by port_int.
patalt (pat_bif pat_bif...)
Patalt specifies a list of possible primitives to match the
input text. Each primitive is invoked from left to right until a
match occurs. If no primitive matches the input text then patalt
Example: To match either either "abc" or "xyz" use:
... patalt ("abc" "xyz") ...
patarb ([min_int [max_int]])
Patarb matches an arbitrary number of characters. To be useful it
should be followed by something specific to search for, such as a
literal, group or range. Used in this matter it will match everything
up to the specified pattern (provided the specified pattern can be
patcre (pat_bif...)
Patcre creates a pattern and returns a pattern descriptor. The
pattern descriptor may be used in subsequent calls to patmatch to
match text. When the pattern is no longer needed it should be
freed with patfre.
A pattern is composed of a series of pattern primitives specified
by the argument list to patcre. Each primitive supports a particular
type of pattern matching. There are primitives to match an arbitrary
number of characters (patarb) up to some literal text (patlit),
primitives to match any character from a set of characters (patgrp)
or within a range of characters (patrng). There are also primitives
that allow a choice of possible matches (patalt) or use a previously
defined pattern (patuse).
The patcre, patmatch and patfre builtin functions are standalone
functions that may be used like any other builtin function. They
reference the pattern via a pattern descriptor. All the other
pattern functions are primitives and may only be used to define
a pattern, i.e. inside the argument list of patcre.
For primitives that accept a minimum and maximum number of times
to apply the match the default is once. If minimum is specified
as -1 the current length of the input text is used.
Example: A simple pattern to isolate the text that precedes a comma
could be specified as follows:
set (pd patcre (patset (text_var patarb ()) ","))
The call to patcre would return a pattern descriptor, pd, that would
then be used in a call to patmatch:
patmatch ("abcdef,ghijkl" pd)
The call to patmatch would return TRUE to indicate that match
succeeded and text_var would be set to the string "abcdef". The
patmatch could be done any number of times on different input
strings. When the pattern is no longer needed it is freed:
patfre (pd)
See also: patmatch, patfre
pateol ()
Pateol matches the end of line (ascii linefeed).
patfre (pd_int)
Patfre frees a pattern. Once a pattern is freed its storage
is reused and the pattern is no longer accessable.
patgrp (group_str [min_int [max_int]])
Patgrp matches any character that appears in group_str.
patlit (literal_str [min_int [max_int]])
Patlit matches the sequence of (one or more) characters specified
by literal_str, optionally a minimum or minimum and maximum number
of times as specified by min_int and max_int. Because this function
is used so frequently a shorthand form of it may be specified just
by specifying the literal string in quotes.
patmatch (input_str pd_int)
Patmatch attempts to match the input text specified by input_str
using the pattern specified by pd_int. Each primitive in the pattern
is applied to the input text until one fails to match or until all
the primitives in the pattern have been matched. If each of the
primitives matches then patmatch returns TRUE, otherwise it returns
patneg (pat_bif...)
Patneg negates the status of the pattern specified by its
arguments. If the arguments matched the input text then patneg
fails, otherwise it succeeds.
patpat (pat_buf...)
Patpat groups a block of pattern primitives together, possibly
for use in a patalt call.
patrem ()
Patrem matches the remainder of the input string.
patrng (range_str [minimum_int [maximum_int]])
Patrng matches characters in the range specified by range_str
using the ascii collating sequence. The range_str is a two
character string. The first character specifies the low end of
the range and the second character specifies the high end of the
range. A string of "gm" would match any character between "g"
and "m" inclusive.
patset (match_var pat_bif...)
Patset sets the variable specified by match_var to the text
matched by the list of builtin functions, pat_bif... The assignment
is performed during a successful match by patmatch.
patuse (pd_int)
Patuse attempts to match the pattern specified by pd_int against
the remainder of the input string. It is similar to invoking
patmatch within a pattern.
pow (x_num y_num)
Pow returns x_num raised to the power y_num.
put ([value_exp...])
Put displays the values specified by value_exp... Each value
is output without additional spaces and the list is terminated
with a carriage return and linefeed.
See also: format, get (input)
putx ([value_exp...])
Putx displays the values specified by value_exp... Each value
is output without additional spaces and the cursor is left one
space to the right of the last character displayed.
Note: when prompting for information in the integrated
environment a prompt character must be used to distinguish
the prompt from the response. See the Prompt form of the
window function.
quit (exitcode_int)
Quit terminates the Max interpreter and returns exitcode_int
to the operating system.
See also: do, exit, for, goto, if, label, leave, loop,
return, select, quit, until, while
rand (seed_int)
Rand returns a pseudo-random number. Seed_int may be used to seed
the pseudo-random number generator.
read (fd_int buf_var [len_int])
Read reads the file specified by fd_int into the buffer specifed
by buf_var. An optional length parameter, len_int, may be used to
specify the number of bytes (characters) to read. If the length
parameter is not specified then one line is read from the file.
This function return the number of bytes read, which may be less
than that requested at the end of the file.
See also: open, close, write, seek, tell
rename (oldpath_str newpath_str)
Rename renames the file specified by oldpath_str to the new name
specified by newpath_str.
return ([retval_exp])
Return is a flow of control construct. It returns from the
currently executing builtin function. A value may be returned
to the caller using retval_exp.
Example: if a user defined function called greet is defined:
define (
greet (
return ("hello")
Then executing "print (greet ())" causes greet to be invoked,
it returns "hello" and so hello is printed.
See also: case, do, exit, for, goto, if, label, leave, loop,
select, quit, until, while
rmdir (dirpath_str)
Rmdir removes the directory specified by dirpath_str. The
directory must be empty.
seconds ()
Seconds returns the number of seconds since some fixed time in
the past, such as January 1, 1980. This can be used for timing
events by subtracting the difference between two times in seconds.
It can also be formatted using day.
See also: day, date, time
seek (fd_int offset_int origin_str)
Seek positions to a specific byte (character) in a file. The next
read or write occurs from that location. The location is specified
by the combination of offset_int and origin_str. Offset_int is the
location relative to the specified origin_str. Possible values for
origin_str are:
b - beginning of file
c - current position
e - end of file
select (
when (test_exp
default (
Select is a flow of control construct. It is similar to the
case and if ... then ... else builtin functions. There is no
global condition as there is in case. Instead the first argument
of each "when" block is evaluated. If it returns TRUE the remainder
of the functions in the block are executed and control is transferred
to the function that follows the argument list terminator of the
select function. If none of the when blocks are executed the default
block is executed.
See also: do, exit, for, goto, if, label, leave, loop,
return, quit, until, while
set (target_var... source_exp)
Set assigns source_exp to each variable in the list of target
variables. It returns source_exp as well so that set can be used
as an assignment within another reference in the style of C.
Variables are usually defined the first time a value is stored
in them. A good way to define a variable and initialize it is to
use set it at the beginning of the user defined function that
references it.
sin (value_num)
Sin returns the sine of its argument, value_num. The argument
should be expressed in radians. The result is in the range -1
to 1.
sqrt (value_num)
Sqrt returns the square root of its argument.
static (new_var [size_int])
Static allocates static storage for new_var. An optional size_int
argument may be used to specify the number of bytes (characters) to
allocate. If it is not specified then the current default data
storage unit (ds_unit) is allocated. Static storage can be used
for variables that must retain their values between calls to a
function. When the storage is no longer needed it should be freed
using the free builtin function so that it may be reused.
See also: free, sys
strasc (value_str)
Strasc returns the ascii code of the first character of its
argument, value_str.
See also: strchr
strcat (arg_str arg_str...)
Strcat returns the concatenation of its arguments. In other words,
a string is returned that is composed of each argument joined from
left to right without spaces.
strchr (ascii_int)
Strchr returns a one character string which is the ascii
representation of its argument.
strcpy (copy_str count_int)
Strcpy returns a string composed of count_int instances of
copy_str, i.e. copy_str is copied count_int times.
strfnd (source_str search_str)
Strfnd returns the character position in source_str of the first
character in source_str that matches any of the characters in
search_str. This is the reverse of strver.
strfnd ("abc+def*ghi" "*+")
Returns 4 because the first character in the first string that
matches any of the characters in the second string was 4, which
matched the "+" from the second string.
strind (source_str search_str)
Strind returns the character position of the first occurence of
search_str in source_str.
strind ("a,an,the" "an")
Returns 3 because the first occurence of the second argument in
the first is immediately following the first comma, at position 3.
strlc (arg_str)
Strlc converts any uppercase (A-Z) characters in arg_str to
lowercase (a-z). Other characters are not changed.
strlen (arg_str)
Strlen returns the number of characters in arg_str.
strsub (arg_str start_int [length_int])
Strsub returns a substring of arg_str starting at the character
position specified by start_int for a length of length_int. If
length_int is not specified the remainder of the string is returned.
strtrn (source_str inputmap_str outputmap_str)
Strtrn returns a string in which every occurence of a character
from inputmap_str in source_str has been translated to the
corresponding character from outputmap_str. It returns null if
inputmap_str and outputmap_str are not the same length.
strtrn ("cat" "abc" "xyz")
Returns "zxt" because all a's (character position 1 in inputmap)
are translated to x's (character position 1 in outputmap), all
b's (character position 2 in inputmap) are translated to y's
(character position 2 in outputmap), all c's are translated to
z's etc.
struc (arg_str)
Struc converts any lowercase (a-z) characters in arg_str to
uppercase (A-Z). Other characters are not changed.
strver (source_str valid_str)
Strver returns the position of the first character in source_str
that is not contained in valid_str or zero if all the characters
from source_str are contained in valid_str.
sub (arg_num...)
Sub returns the difference of its arguments. Each argument is
subtracted from the one to its left. If only one argument is
specifed then sub returns the argument minus one.
sys (sysvar_str [newval_int])
Sys returns the value of the specified Max internal variable. If
newval_int is specified then the system variable is set to the
new value. Possible values for sysvar_str are:
sysalloc action when a variable requires more storage
0 - truncate
1 - print message and allocate
2 - allocate (default)
3 - error, no assignment
sysbrkchk extended control c handling under dos
0 - disable (for non pc-compatibles)
1 - enable (default)
syshide builtin function name hiding by udf's
0 - do not allow udf's with same name
1 - allow udf's to hide bif's (default)
sysinit uninitialized variable handling
0 - vars return name if not init (default)
1 - vars raise error if not initialized
sysprep input preprocessing
0 - no input preprocessing performed
1 - input preprocessing performed (default)
system (command_str...)
System passes each command in command_str to the shell for
execution. To invoke a DOS command shell use "COMMAND.COM" as
the command_str.
tan (arg_num)
Tan returns the tangent of its argument. The argument
should be expressed in radians.
tclear ()
Tclear clears the current transient level. Any builtin functions
defined since the last tset are cleared.
See also: tset, tpush, tpop, tlevel
tell (fd_int)
Tell returns the position in bytes (characters) of the current
read/write position from the beginning of the file specified by
the file descriptor fd_int.
time ()
Time returns the current time in HH:MM:SS format.
Where: HH Hours (0-23).
MM Minutes (0-59).
SS Seconds (0-59).
See also: day, date, seconds
tlevel ()
Tlevel returns the current transient level. It may be saved and
used later (perhaps after calling functions from a user defined
function library) in a call to tpop to return to the same level.
See also: tset, tclear, tpush, tpop
tpop ([newlevel_int])
Tpop returns to a previous transient level. If no argument is
specified then one level is popped, otherwise the specified level
is selected. No user defined functions are cleared from storage
until a tclear is executed at the new level.
See also: tset, tlcear, tpush, tlevel
tpush ()
Tpush allocates a new transient level. Tset's and Tclear's can
be executed at the new level without affecting user defined
function definitions at previous levels. A user defined function
intended as a general purpose library routine can execute a tpush
and tset just after entry and execute a tpop and tclear just before
returning. This would clear any functions defined by the routine.
See also: tset, tclear, tpop, tlevel
tset ()
Tset saves the current user defined function state. New functions
may then be defined and a subsequent tclear will clear all of the
new functions from memory, back to the state that was present at
the time of the tset.
See also: tclear, tpush, tpop, tlevel
udfbind (arg_udf)
Udfbind binds the user defined function specified by arg_udf to
its internal address. It returns the internal address if the
function is defined, otherwise -1. It may be used to check on
the existence of a user defined function. Functions are normally
bound to their internal address the first time they are referenced.
See also: bind, bifbind
udfdir (arg_udf...)
Udfdir displays information about the user defined functions
specified in arg_udf... or all user defined functions if no
arguments are specified. The information includes the internal
address, the first step number in the function, the last step
number in the function and the maximum amount of storage
required for function return values and variables.
udfid (stepnum_int)
Udfid identifies the user defined function associated with
the step number specified by the argument. It is useful in finding
the function associated with a step number displayed in a debug or
error message.
udflist (arg_udf [begstep_int [endstep_int]])
Udflist lists the user defined function specified by arg_udf. If
only begstep_int is specified then only that step from the function
is listed. If begstep_int and endstep_int are specified then all
steps between them (inclusive) are listed. If no step number
arguments are specified then the entire function is listed.
The user defined function is listed directly from its internal
representation, without comments, and in it a format that can
be derived from its structure.
unbind (arg_fn...)
Unbind unbinds a previously bound function reference. The function
can be either a builtin function or a user defined function. Once
unbound, a function will be bound the next time it is invoked or
by the bind, bifbind or udfbind functions. The unbind function can
be used to switch the binding of a function name between builtin and
user defined functions or to bind to a new function that has just
been defined using eval or feval.
See also: bind, bifbind, udfbind
until (bool_exp
Until is a flow of control construct. Each function in the list
of block_fn... is executed successively. After the last function is
executed the first argument is evaluated. If it returns FALSE the
list is re-executed. Iteration continues until it returns TRUE.
An until block is always executed at least once.
The difference between until and while is that in until the test
for exiting the loop is at the bottom and based on TRUE whereas in
the while the test is at the top and the loop is not exited if
the value is FALSE.
See also: do, exit, for, goto, if, label, leave, loop,
return, select, quit, while
while (bool_exp
While is a flow of control construct. The first argument is
evaluated. If it returns TRUE then each function in the list
of block_fn... is executed. After the last function is executed
the first argument is evaluated again. Iteration continues until
it returns FALSE. A while block is not executed if the first
argument evaluates to FALSE on the first iteration.
See also: do, exit, for, goto, if, label, leave, loop,
return, select, quit, until
window (cmd_int [args...])
Window provides an interface to the MaxEdit integrated
environment. The first argument is a command. A preprocessor
definition file called windef.max has been created to define
a textual name for each of the commands. Windef.max should be
included (using the preprocessor $include(file) facility) in
any file that performs window operations. The following list
summarizes the window operations that are available and the
arguments that are required for each one.
Command Arguments Description
These commands establish defaults for a subsequent open:
(WLocation top left bot right) ; Specify position for next open
(WBorder style) ; border style (1 through 7)
(WText attributes) ; set text attributes (see below)
(WBuffer buffersize linelength) ; specify max buffer and line length
(WTitle description) ; title window
(WStyle attributes) ; status line/popup window attributes
The following commands access and modify windows:
(WOpen ) ; returns window descriptor
(WClose wd) ; close window
(WLink wd wd) ; links two window descriptors
(WFile fd wd) ; associates file w/window
(WCopy wd var) ; copies contents of wd to var
(WGet wd var) ; gets updateable copy
(WPut wd var) ; restores updateable copy
(WInterpret wd) ; passes window to Max
(WSend wd buf) ; writes buf to wd
(WReceive wd buf) ; reads buf from wd
(WPrompt promptchar) ; sets prompt character
(WPosition wd row col) ; positions to row & col
(WRefresh wd) ; refresh window
(WErase wd) ; erase window
(WClear) ; clear entire screen
(WSetdp page) ; set active display page (0-3)
The remaining operations enable/disable/toggle the specified mode:
(WInsert 1/0/-1) ; insert mode
(WEdit 1/0/-1) ; edit/input mode '
(WOverflow 1/0/-1) ; save/overflow mode
(WVerify 1/0/-1) ; verify mode
(WStatus 1/0/-1) ; status mode
Keep in mind that the names WLocation, etc, are preprocessor
replacements defined in windef.max. If you do not use the names
you may use the numeric codes they represent (in the range 0 to
26) but your functions may need to be changed with the next
release of Max.
Attributes may be specified for WText and WStyle. These attributes
select the foreground and background style for text. The high order
four bits of the attribute specify the background color and the low
order four bits specify the foreground color, as follows:
binary description
0001 blue
0010 green
0100 red
1000 blinking (foreground)/intensity (background)
So to get blue characters on a red background specify four high
order bits of 0100 (0x40) and four low order bits of 0001 (0x01)
for an attribute byte of 0x41. Remember to use the fmhex builtin
function to convert to decimal in the call:
window (WText fmhex (0x41))
Attributes can be combined additively. For example, to get blinking
green characters use green (0010) and blink (1000) for 1010 which
is 0x0a in hex.
Many monochrome monitors only support white on black (0x07) and
black on white (0x70).
There are eight border styles available for the WBorder command:
1: single width
2: double width
3: single left/right, double top/bottom
4: double left/right, single top/bottom
5: single/double shadow
6: bottom half of double sides and single top
7: clear border
8: top half of double sides and single bottom
To select a double wide border for the window, for example,
use "window (WBorder 2)." All subsequent opens will use the new
border style, until it is changed again.
write (fd_int buf_str [len])
Write writes the file specified by fd_int from the buffer specifed
by buf_var. An optional length parameter, len_int, may be used to
specify the number of bytes (characters) to write. If the length
parameter is not specified then one line is written to the file.
This function return the number of bytes written, which may be less
than that requested if the storage media is full.
See also: open, close, read, seek, tell