Simtel MSDOS 1992 December
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BYE-PC Resident Modem Driver
DOS Interface
Manual Version 1.0 - February, 1987
This document describes the operation of BYE-PC and the
application interfaces required to access functions that control
modem operations. It is not intended as a reference to 8086
assembly language or the 'C' programming language, but serves to
provide a description of the operation and uses of BYE-PC.
MCODE Software
3444 Dresden Drive
Montgomery, Alabama, 36111
Copyright (C) 1986, 1987 MCODE Software
All of the source code is copyrighted material by MCODE
Software. The author retains all rights to the source code
provided in this package. This code may not be distributed in any
modified form without written or verbal consent from the author.
Any form of sale other than MCODE Software is prohibited. This
software may not be offered for sale by any means or form to
others without written permission from MCODE Software.
The author has taken great care to insure that this manual
and associated software provide accurate information in regards
to the documentation and source code provided. Any references to
particular compilers, linkers or other development tools are
believed to be true by the author. No warranty is made regarding
the fitness or validity of such material for any circumstance.
Hardware and software compatibility is not guaranteed for any
particular types of machines other than those mentioned in this
manual. This software has been tested extensively under specific
operating environments and is believed to operate as described
within this manual. In no event will MCODE software or the
authors be held liable for damages of any kind, in regard to or
arising from the use of accompanying software or and documenta
tion. No representation to the suitablity for this product for
any use is made by the author.
BYE-PC is a Tradmark of MCODE Software. IBM, IBM PC, PC XT,
PC AT, DOS and PCDOS are Tradmarks of International Business
Machines Corp. Microsoft C, MSDOS, ASM, and MASM are Tradmarks
of Microsoft Corp. Hayes, Smartmodem, Smartmodem 300, Smartmodem
1200 are trademarks of Hayes Microcomputer Products Inc. CP/M is
a tradmark of the Digital Research Corp.
Compiler Information.................................
Configuring BYE-PC for your system...................
BYE-PC Program Structure.............................
Interface to application programs....................
Caller status word...................................
Getting Started......................................
Program Operating structure..........................
Interface functions..................................
Compiling BYE.ASM Source Code........................
Telebit Trailblazer(tm) 9600bps high speed modem.....
Welcome to BYE-PC! Your support is greatly appreciated and
we sincerely thank you for using our product. It is our hope
that you will benifit and learn from the provided source code. If
you are an accomplished programmer and already understand the
operations of interrupt driven software, please send us your
comments, advice or any other suggestions concerning this
package. We hope that you will enjoy using this package as much
as we have in providing it. Contact us if you are having any
problems setting up the system and we will try to provide you
with an answer or solution. It is recommended that a $30.00
donation be made to the author if you use this program on a
regular basis. Registered users will receive technical support
MCODE Software will provide all registered users with
updates for an unlimited period of time. Users that request
updates will have to provide for any shipping and disk cost at a
very minimal fee. Also, we plan to keep the latest copies of BYE-
PC and related programs available for downloads at any time.
Please keep in touch with us via the Board Walk RBBS distribution
point in Montgomery, Alabama at (205)277-3882 or write to us at
MCODE Software. There are still many new features in the making
and we want you to receive the latest versions as soon as re
BYE-PC is a memory resident modem driver that is interrupt
driven to provide fast reliable serial communications with phone
modems. BYE-PC is a complete implementation of the BYE CP/M
version offered in the public domain for use on eight bit
systems. The CP/M implementation does not support rs232 driven
interrupts and is much slower than BYE-PC. BYE-PC allows for full
keyboard type ahead from the remote station. Characters may be
received during other processes without polling the receive port
for a data ready signal.
Please be sure and read the supplementary documentation
files that exsists. These files contain important information on
recent updates that may have occured:
READ.ME ---- Latest modifications
Any recent modifications that occur since the last manual publi
cation, are contained in the file READ.ME. Please read the copy
right notice and license agreement in the file COPYRGHT.BYE.
An IBM PC, PC XT, or PC AT host computer running BYE-PC
allows a remote callers access to DOS. A series of interrupts are
overtaken and/or chained that patch the modem i/o signals into
the BIOS. Since DOS makes calls through the BIOS, almost any
program that does not access the serial port or screen directly
will run under BYE-PC. Although the large majority of programs do
not adhere to these rules, most programs that are well behaved
and write to 'stdin' and 'stdout' will run properly under BYE-PC.
For instance, DEBUG may run remotely to allow viewing the system
internally, or file archive utilities such as ARC, ZOO, etc...,
may be used.
Once a caller has established a connection, BYE-PC allows the
option to execute a .COM or .EXE file. This allows any number of
programs, such as bulletin boards, to receive control before
allowing users to enter DOS. Since any DOS commands may be exe
cuted while running BYE-PC, users have complete control. A
security shell is provided that parses all DOS commands prior to
execution by COMMAND.COM. This allows selective commands to check
internal status before execution to eliminate unwanted commands,
paths, drives or DOS functions.
Currently all application programs that provide access to
BYE-PC such as XMODEM, CHAT, STAT, and RBBS, are created using
the Microsoft C compiler. A standard interface is provided that
allows C programs direct control over the host system. An
application may disconnect, check status, or change values
within BYE-PC through an additional software interrupt. Assembly
language routines may call BYE-PC functions as easily as C
applications through the system control interrupt (SCI).
Since all data is received from hardware interrupts,
characters are stored in a buffer within BYE-PC as each interrupt
occurs. All requests for data are made through the SCI and the
provided C interface BYEXFACE.C. These topics are covered in
greater detail in the following sections of this manual. Hardware
interrupts occur with changes of state in the rs-232 serial
port card. In the event of a carrier loss, an interrupt is
generated that warm boots the system to prepare for the next
Currently, all of our assembly and C source code modules are
compiled using Microsoft Compilers. We feel that these compilers
are amoung some of the best available for the PC market and
strongly recommend their use with our packge. We have not used
any other C compilers or assemblers available on the market to
compile our code with. Since the C language for 8086 based
machines varies so widely in its library extensions, it would be
very difficult to adapt the code to all versions.
Either MASM or ASM may be used to compile BYE-PC directly.
Once the .OBJ file is created, LINK and EXE2BIN are then used to
create the resulting .COM file. Version 3.0 or 4.0 of the C
compiler will compile all C modules in any of the available
memory models with without difficulties. MASM is required on all
of the assembly modules used in conjuntion with C programs. The
file MODEL.H contains the macros used to setup the C environment
needed for all assembly language files. If you develop any
assembly source code, we strongly recommend using MODEL.H in all
of the modules to set up the segments and pointers argument list.
Any C compiler that suports access to software interrupts
should work with BYE-PC. All modem i/o, modem control, modem
status, and line control are performed through software interrupt
66h. If your compiler supports this feature, only the interface
functions should require changes. All application programs
provided in this package are device independant. All of the modem
functions are dependant upon BYEXLIBx.LIB to provide the necces
sary interface functions. These libraries contain all of the
functions needed to access BYE-PC functions within C programs.
How to compile BYEx.xx.ASM:
1) Compile .ASM source code using ASM
2) Link using LINK to generate and .EXE file
3) use EXE2BIN to convert to a .COM file
4) delete the .EXE extension file
Using MAKE:
C>make bye {return}
A MAKE file 'BYE' is provided to automatically link the
object code and produce the .COM file. This will also delete the
copy of the .EXE file since it is of no use. Once the BYExxx.COM
file is generated, rename it to BYE.COM and place it in the root
directory of the RBBS system disk.
In order to run BYE-PC on your system you will need the
appropriate modem and serial port for you system. A standard DCE
configuration port is required to the modem. This port must be
configured for COM1 using IRQ4 or, COM2 using IRQ3 respectivly.
Almost all serial cards availble for PC's will be configured in
this fashion at purchase and should not require altering. If you
are not sure of you boards configuration, consult you serial port
manual and check the jumper locations on you board.
A Hayes Smartmodem(tm) with AT command sets is required to
work with BYE-PC or a manual modem such as a Universal Data
Systems 212B. If a manual modem is used, BYE-PC will monitor the
data carrier detect (DCD) to determine when a call occurs. Once
carrier is acknowledged, BYE-PC will begin switching baud rates
of the port and looking for a sycronization character (carriage
return or Ctrl-C). Smart modems return a result code that informs
BYE-PC of the baud rate currently on line.
Configuring BYE-PC is basically a matter of setting the
various equates in the source code file BYExx.x.ASM. All of these
equates are found after the title 'program configuration section'
of the source code file. If you choose to execute a .COM or .EXE
file upon receiving a valid carrier, you will need to edit the
path/file name at the end of the source code listing at the label
'child name'. You may enter a full path/drive name if needed
here, however, make sure it not over 63 characters in length. The
following sections expains the various equate settings.
Selecting a COM port
BYExx.x is configured to use COM1 on the distribution disk.
However, may alter this to COM2 by changing the following
three equates:
RS232_INT - This is used to select the interrupt vector
location. COM1 uses interrupt vector 0Ch, while
COM2 requires interrupt location 0Bh.
IRQ_BASE - This is the interrupt request register base port
address. COM1 (IRQ4) uses i/o address 10h, while
COM2 (IRQ3) uses i/o port 08h.
PORT_BASE - This is the 8255 serial i/o port base address.
COM1 is at 03F8h, and COM2 is at address 02F8h
Selecting Modem Type
If you are using a smart modem, you will need to make sure
the equate SMART_MDM is set to YES. The next three equates are
used to describe the highest baud rate your modem supports.
Select ONE of the equates labeled BPS_300, BPS_1200, or BPS_2400
and set it to YES. If you wish to use BYE-PC with a high speed
modem, the Telebit Trailblazer(tm) modem will support
transmission speed in excess of 18k bps with a maximum throughput
of 9600 baud. If you have a Trailblazer, set the TELEBIT and
USE_RTS equates to YES.
The Trailblazer(tm) requires handshaking via RTS and CTS to
provide flow control. Since the possiblity exists for data to
overflow the receive queue, handshaking is required for reliable
operation. If the receive data queue becomes full, RTS is
asserted low until the receive data queue is 1/4th full of the
total queue size. This allows BYE-PC to catch up with the modem
receive data until it can accept more data.
Sending 'nulls' to Remote
If you do not have a 2400bps modem, you may want to disable
this feature. If enabled, this will send the requested number of
nulls (0 to 9) after a line feed is recevied. This feature is
mainly a leftover from the teletype days, but it is still used by
high speed callers. This allows the remote end to settle after a
line feed before sending any other data on a new line.
Executing a Program on Carrier Detect
If you wish to execute a program, such as a bulletin board
service, upon carrier detect, set the LOGON_EXE equate to YES.
You will have to set the drive/path/file name at the end very end
of the source code. The default value is "A:SYSTEM\XBBS\XBBS.EXE"
for the source code mailed out. If LOGON_EXE is set to YES, BYE-
PC will attempt to execute this program from drive A:. If it is
not found, an error message is displayed and control is
transferred to DOS.
Warm Booting After Local Execute
The equate NBOOT is used mainly for debugging applications
that run under BYE-PC such as bulleting board system. If this
equate is set to YES, BYE-PC will re-boot after pressing Ctrl-C
and running the LOGON_EXE file locally. If NO, BYE-PC will not
re-boot but cut off data sent to and from the modem and allow
entry into DOS. This allows BYE-PC to remain resident, but not
send or receive any data from the modem. This is a very useful
feature for debugging application programs that run under XBBS
such as XBBS. You may perform any operations in DOS, except
loading other resident programs, that you normally use while
creating applications to run under BYE-PC (i.e. editing,
compiling, etc..).
Setting the Default Time Limit
The default time limit for callers initially is set for 60
minutes. This is usually set to by XBBS or other programs,
however, before allowing entry into DOS or upon logging on the
system. The equate TIME, allows setting the initial time allowed
on the system per caller. You may set this value to 0 if you wish
unlimited time per call.
Special Function Keys
BYE-PC has several special ALT function keys. These keys
allow direct control over all programs operating under BYE-PC.
These keys are mapped as follows:
ALT-B Toggles the remote caller on/off while in
DOS. If off, no data is sent or received
from the remote.
ALT-C Displays Caller online when using XBBS.
ALT-O Send 'system going down in 2 min(s)' msg.
This is used to tell the caller to log off.
ALT-H Hangup on the caller and re-boot system.
ALT-Q Enter 'message from sys/op' mode. This dis-
ables data from the remote, and allows the
sys/op to type a message to the remote. To
exit, press ESC or the [End] key.
ALT-Z Clear the screen locally.
ALT-U Gives the caller online unlimited time for
session active.
ALT-S Temporarily gives a caller sys/op privledges
by setting the CSW to ffffh.
These keys may be re-mapped if you wish by setting the
K_{function} keys to different ALT_c keys. Simply change the
equates to reflect the new ALT_c keys. Be careful not to cause
any conficts in changing these keys if you must change them.
Normally you should not have to change any of these values.
BYE-PC interface via INT 66
BYE-PC provides all functions needed to support modem
control and i/o functions used by application programs that run
under BYE-PC. The most common program to run under BYE-PC is
XMODEM. XMODEM requires many interface functions for modem
control and data i/o transfer. The accompanying source code on
disk 1, BYEXFACE.C, contains all of the funcions needed to
support C applications under BYE-PC. Make a listing of all of the
source code and study the functions carefully. This is used by
all C programs for modem control and i/o.
These functions can be called from most any language that
allows access to software interrupts. Assembly language allows
the most direct control of software interrupts. BYE-PC currently
uses software interrupt 66h for all modem control and i/o
functions. The following is a complete list of all INT 66h
functions currently provided by BYE-PC:
modem i/o for applications which need direct control of the modem.
Altered registers : AX, BX, CX, DX
ES (only when funct 21 called)
Preserved registers: CS, DS, SS, DI, SI, SP, BP
Functions Provided:
AH=0 Get character from modem in AL.
AL=character returned
AH=0 null (no keybd scan codes)
AX = EOF if no data.
AH=1 Put character in AL to modem.
AL=character to send.
AH=2 Hang up the modem (DTR off):
AL=0 turn off dtr
AL=1 turn on dtr
AH=3 Get carrier detect status in AX:
AX=0 no carrier detect found
AX=1 carrier detect found
AH=4 Set carrier detect check status:
AX=0 ignore carrier detect status
AX=1 check carrier detect status
AH=5 Flush the rx queue of all data.
AH=6 Get # of chars in rx queue:
AX=0 rx queue size
AH=7 Get Baud rate of this call in AX:
(0=300bps, 1=1200bps, 3=2400bps)
AH=8 Set Control Break/Pause (CTRL-C/CTRL-S) flag state:
AL=0 CTRL_NOBRK - disable remote ^C & ^S breaks
AL=1 CTRL_BRK - enable remote breaks
AL=2 CTRL_NOTOUT - disable ^S pause timeout
AL=3 CTRL_TOUT - enable ^S timeout
AL=4 CTRL_NOTRAP - dont trap ^C & ^S characters
AL=5 CTRL_TRAP - allow ^C & ^S to be trapped out
AH=9 Set <stdout> merged with modem:
AL=0 disable output modem
AL=1 enable output to modem
AH=10 Set <stdin> merged with modem:
AL=0 disable input from modem (rx-queue active)
AL=1 enable input from modem (rx-queue active)
AH=11 Get BYE-PC version/revison level in AX:
AL=Current Revision level
AH=Current Version level
AH=12 Get number of nulls requested in AX:
AX=Number of nulls requested
AH=13 Set number of nulls to AX:
AL=Number of nulls to send
AH=14 Warm Boot the system through bios Ctrl-Alt-Del.
AH=15 Get the user caller status
AX=Status level (0-FFFFh).
AH=16 Set the user caller status
CX=Status level (0-FFFFh).
AH=17 Set the time limit caller is allowed on line.
AL=number of minutes (0-255, 0=Unlimited).
AH=18 Get the time caller has been on line
AX=number of minutes online (0-255).
AH=19 Set the receive data interrupt mode
AL=Mode (0=Off, 1=On)
AH=20 Get the time limit caller is allowed on line.
AX=number of minutes allowed online (0-255).
AH=21 Get far pointer to caller name buffer.
ES:BX -> far ptr to name buffer
AH=22 Get far pointer to terminal configuration buffer
ES:BX -> far ptr to terminal config buffer
The caller status word is a sixteen bit word used by SHELL, XMDM,
and other application programs to check for command priorities which
are set by an RBBS program before the user can enter DOS. The MSW of
the status word bits have been reserved for any applications that
may be developed in the future. The LSW bits have the followine
CSW (Caller status word):
{LSW (least significant word)}
----MSB---- ----LSB----
D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
| | | | | | |---|--- {reserved for future use}
| | | | | |---------- PATH restriction disable.
| | | | |------------- CD command allowed enable.
| | | |----------------- XMDM S {file} allowed.
| | |-------------------- XMDM R {file} allowed.
| |----------------------- Shell DOS command allowed.
|-------------------------- Shell EXIT command allowed.
{MSW (most significant word)}
----MSB---- ----LSB----
D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
{unused} | | | |
|--|--|--|--- Max Drive allowed (0-15).
The settings of the CSW has no effect upon BYE-PC
operations, it is intended for use as a global flag word which
various applications may refer to. This allows any number of
applications running under BYE-PC to check status levels set by
other programs before performing an operation. Its main purpose
is to inform XMODEM and SHELL if a user has sufficient status to
perform file transfers or change directories/paths.
BYEXLIXs.C Interface Functions
The following pages describe each function provided in
BYEXLIBx.C and how to use each one. This is provided as a quick
reference when developing code that use BYE-PC control or i/o
functions. Do not attempt to address the serial port either
directly or through the BIOS in any application program. This
will cause severe problems with the interrupts and very likly
crash the system. The following libraries contain the modules for
all memory models supported by MSC:
BYEXLIBS.LIB {small memory model}
BYEXLIBM.LIB {medium memory model}
BYEXLIBC.LIB {compact memory model}
BYEXLIBL.LIB {large memory model}
All of the source code in these library files requires MASM 5.0
to create. This version contatins macros which allow easy
creation of assembly modules for use with MSC.
All applicactions must use INT66 for all modem control and
i/o for data transfer. XMDM.C provided with the development
package shows how to use BYE-PC interrupt functions in detail.
You may wish to develop your own interface in Pascal or other
language however. If you develop an interface module for another
lauguage than C, please contact us if you wish to make it
available to other programers of BYE-PC applications.
FOR MSC 3.0, 4.0, & 5.0
NOTE: These functions describe BYEXLIBx.LIB version 2.00. Any
previous versions released are no longer in use.
FUNCTION: int _bye_check(lver, hver, lrev, hrev)
PARAMETERS: int lver, hver; lowest/highest version
int lrev, hrev; lowest/highest revision
PURPOSE: Allows checking to ensure that BYE-PC is loaded
and resident in memory and of the correct version
and revision level. This function must be called
before any '_bye' functions are called or, a hard
system crash will result and require power down to
reload the system.
RETURN: 0 = BYE-PC loaded and is an acceptable version
1 = BYE-PC is not loaded yet
2 = BYE-PC is loaded but, invalid version#
3 = BYE-PC is loaded but, invalid revision#
#include <stdio.h>
#include "byexface.h"
#define MIN_VER 1 /* minimum BYE-PC version# required */
#define MIN_REV 2 /* minimum BYE-PC revision# required */
#define MAX_VER 9 /* maximum BYE-PC version# allowed */
#define MAX_REV 99 /* maximum BYE-PC revision# allowed */
main() /* must at least be version 1.02 */
{ /* but, any version after and up */
int rtn; /* to 9.99 will work. */
if ((rtn = _bye_check(MIN_VER, MAX_VER, MIN_REV, MAX_REV)) != 0)
printf("\nERROR: BYE-PC ");
case 1:
printf("is not loaded!\n");
case 2:
printf("loaded is the wrong Version!\n");
case 3:
printf("loaded is the wrong Revision!\n");
printf("returned invalid error code!\n");
FUNCTION: int _bye_getc()
PURPOSE: Returns a character from the receive data queue if
avilable. This is for directly reading a a stream
of data from the modem. Make sure that data sent
and received from the screen/keyboard is off
before using _bye_getc() and _bye_putc().
RETURN: Returns an 8 bit character from the receive data
queue. If no data is available an EOF value is
#include <stdio.h>
#include "byexface.h"
** Collect a 128 bytes of binary data from the receive queue.
** This function will not return until all data has been
** received. Before we can receve the data we must disable
** data sent to the screen and key presses from going to
** the modem. We must also disable trapping of ^S and ^C
** so that they may pass a valid binary data characters.
char buf[140];
int i;
_bye_setbreak(CTRL_NOTRAP); /* dont trap/filter ^C & ^S data */
_bye_stdout(0); /* turn on console Rx & Tx */
for(i = 0; i < 128; i++) /* read 128 bytes of data */
while(!_bye_rxsize()) /* wait for data to appear */
buf[i] = _bye_getc(); /* place data in buffer */
_bye_stdin(1); /* turn on console Rx & Tx */
_bye_setbreak(CTRL_TRAP); /* enable trap ^C & ^S data */
exit(0); /* exit back to DOS */
FUNCTION: int _bye_putc(c)
PARAMETERS: int c; character to transmit to modem
PURPOSE: Transmit the character 'c' to the modem . A return
return value of EOF indicates a serious error.
Either the serial port is defective, the modem is
no longer functioning or a cable problem exists.
RETURN: EOF = Transmit timeout error
0 = Character transmitted.
#include <stdio.h>
#include "byexface.h"
** Disable the remote callers ^S and ^C keys and send a string
** to the remote caller. This will prevent the caller from
** being able to pause or break the program from running. Note,
** however, that the local console can still press Ctrl-Break
** and stop the program. Carefully coded applications should
** trap for Ctrl-Break on the local keyboard as well.
char buf[64];
int i;
_bye_setbreak(CTRL_NOTRAP); /* dont trap/filter ^C & ^S data */
strcpy(buf, "This a string from BYEXFACE ....\n");
for(i = 0; i < strlen(buf); i++) /* send for string len */
_bye_putc((int)buf[i]); /* send a byte of data */
_bye_setbreak(CTRL_TRAP); /* enable trap ^C & ^S data */
exit(0); /* exit back to DOS */
FUNCTION: int _bye_dtr(f)
PARAMETERS: int f; toggle dtr line (0=inactive, 1=active)
PURPOSE: This function is used to hangup the modem by
toggling the DTR/CTS line to the modem.
RETURN: void
FUNCTION: int _bye_warmboot()
PURPOSE: Hangup on the caller and warm boot the system
via Alt-Ctrl-Del bios routine. This causes
BYE-PC to turn execution over to the BIOS for
a system re-boot. Note that this function calls
_bye_dtr() before warm booting to ensure that
the modem is hung up.
RETURN: void
#include <stdio.h>
#include "byexface.h"
printf("\n\nGoodbye...Please Call Again...\n\n");
FUNCTION: int _bye_getcd()
PURPOSE: This function is used to hangup return the stat-
us of the carrier detect (CD) line to the modem.
This is used to test for carrier detect while
carrier check is disabled. This allows checking
for carrier while writing to disk files with
carrier check disabled via _bye_setcd().
NOTE: This use rs-232 pin 20 to check from the
modem and it must be connected for this function
to operate properly.
RETURN: 0 = no carrier detect found
1 = carrier detect found (CD).
#include <stdio.h>
#include "byexface.h"
** display the current status of the carrier detect line
rtn = _bye_getcd(); /* read CD status line */
if (rtn)
printf("Carrier Found...\n");
printf("No Carrier Found...\n");
FUNCTION: void _bye_setcd(f)
PARAMETERS: int f; (0=ingnore CD, 1=re-boot if CD false)
PURPOSE: This function is used to disable carrier checking
from the modem. It's main purpose is to prevent
the system from re-booting while writing to a file
on disk. Carrier checking should be disabled and
checked via '_bye_getcd()' while writing to disk.
RETURN: void
#include <stdio.h>
#include "byexface.h"
/* Open file 'temp.dat' and fill it with 1k of binary data.
** Make sure that the system does not re-boot if carrier is
** lost while writing to disk.
int i, c;
FILE *fp;
if ((fp = fopen("TEST.DAT", "wb")) == NULL)
_bye_setcd(0); /* disable carrier checking */
for (i = 0; i < 1024; i++) /* write 1k of data */
while(!_bye_rxsize() && _bye_getcd());
if (!_bye_getcd()) /* check for carrier good */
printf("\n** CARRIER LOST - CLOSING FILE **\n");
c = _bye_getc(); /* get a character */
fprintf(fp, "%c", c); /* write to disk */
fclose(fp); /* now close the file */
_bye_setcd(1); /* re-enable carrier checking */
FUNCTION: void _bye_rxflush()
PURPOSE: This function clears all data from the rx-queue
and resets the count to zero.
RETURN: void
FUNCTION: int _bye_rxsize()
RETURN: Size of receive data queue.
PURPOSE: Returns the size of the receive data queue in
bytes. The maximum size of the receive data queue
depends on the configuration BYE-PC.
#include <stdio.h>
#include "byexface.h"
/* Allow a 128 bytes of data to collect in the receive data
** queue and move it to a local buffer for checksum calculation.
int i;
unsigned checksum;
char buf[130];
_bye_rxflush(); /* make sure rx-queue is empty */
_bye_stdin(0); /* disable screen & keybd patch */
while(_bye_rxsize() < 128); /* let 128 bytes collect */
for (i = 0; i < 128; i++) /* move it to buffer */
buf[i++] = _bye_getc();
checksum = 0; /* compute checksum */
for (i = 0; i < 128; i++)
checksum += buf[i];
_bye_stdin(1); /* re-enable screen & keybd merge */
FUNCTION: int _bye_baud()
PURPOSE: Returns the baud rate of the call on line. When
BYE-PC logs on a caller, the baud rate is de-
termined and stored for access by '_bye_baud()'.
This is mainly used for calculating file trans-
mission times for file transfer protocols.
RETURN: 0 = 300 bps
1 = 1200 bps
2 = 2400 bps
3 = 9600 bps
#include <stdio.h>
#include "byexface.h"
** Display the baud rate of the caller presently on line
int bps;
switch(_bye_baud()) /* get baud rate from BYE */
case 0:
bps = 300;
case 1:
bps = 1200;
case 2:
bps = 2400;
bps = 9600;
printf("\nBaud Rate for this call: %d bps\n", bps);
FUNCTION: void _bye_setbreak(f)
PARAMETERS: int f; (break state flag)
Valid States:
CTRL_NOBRK = 0 -> ignore ^C and ^S keys from remote
CTRL_BRK = 1 -> check for ^C and ^S keys
CTRL_NOTOUT = 2 -> disable 1 min timeout on ^S
CTRL_TOUT = 3 -> enable 1 min timeout on ^S
CTRL_NOTRAP = 4 -> disable all key trapping (^C & ^S).
CTRL_TRAP = 5 -> enable key trapping (^C & ^S).
PURPOSE: This function is used to control ^S & ^C keys from
the remote caller and to disable timeout on ^S.
This function must be disabled before transferring
binary files, to prevent ^S and ^C data from
being interpretted.
RETURN: void
#include <stdio.h>
#include "byexface.h"
int i, c;
FILE *fp;
if ((fp = fopen("TEST.DAT", "wb")) == NULL)
_bye_setbreak(CTRL_NOTRAP); /* dont trap ^C & ^S */
_bye_setcd(0); /* disable carrier checking */
for (i = 0; i < 1024; i++) /* write 1k of data */
while(!_bye_rxsize() && _bye_getcd());
if (!_bye_getcd()) /* check for carrier good */
printf("\n** CARRIER LOST - CLOSING FILE **\n");
c = _bye_getc(); /* get a character */
fprintf(fp, "%c", c); /* write to disk */
fclose(fp); /* now close the file */
_bye_setcd(1); /* re-enable carrier checking */
FUNCTION: void _bye_stdin(f)
PARAMETERS: int f; (bios keyboard rx-data merge flag)
(1=data rx'ed merged to stdin)
(0=data rx'ed is not merged)
PURPOSE: This function is used to control merging data
to the keyboard at the bios level. All modem data
received is treated the same as keys pressed at
the local keyboard. This is provided to disable
the INT16 bios patch so data can be transferred.
RETURN: void
#include <stdio.h>
#include "byexface.h"
/* Allow a 128 bytes of data to collect in the receive data
** queue and move it to a local buffer for checksum calculation.
int i;
unsigned checksum;
char buf[130];
_bye_rxflush(); /* make sure rx-queue is empty */
_bye_stdin(0); /* disable screen & keybd patch */
while(_bye_rxsize() < 128); /* let 128 bytes collect */
for (i = 0; i < 128; i++) /* move it to buffer */
buf[i++] = _bye_getc();
checksum = 0; /* compute checksum */
for (i = 0; i < 128; i++)
checksum += buf[i];
_bye_stdin(1); /* re-enable screen & keybd merge */
FUNCTION: void _bye_stdout(f)
PARAMETERS: int f; (bios screen tx-data merge flag)
(1=data sent to screen tx'ed)
(0=data sent to screen not tx'ed)
PURPOSE: This function is used to control merging data
sent to the screen. If enabled, all characters
printed to the screen via INT10 TTY, are sent
to the modem as well. If disabled, prints to
stdout are sent to screen only.
RETURN: void
#include <stdio.h>
#include "byexface.h"
/* Allow a 128 bytes of data to collect in the receive data
** queue and move it to a local buffer for checksum calculation.
int i;
unsigned checksum;
char buf[130];
_bye_rxflush(); /* make sure rx-queue is empty */
_bye_stdin(0); /* disable screen & keybd patch */
while(_bye_rxsize() < 128); /* let 128 bytes collect */
for (i = 0; i < 128; i++) /* move it to buffer */
buf[i++] = _bye_getc();
checksum = 0; /* compute checksum */
for (i = 0; i < 128; i++)
checksum += buf[i];
_bye_stdin(1); /* re-enable screen & keybd merge */
FUNCTION: unsigned _bye_vers()
PURPOSE: Return the version/revison level of BYE-PC
currently running.
RETURN: lsb = revision number
msb = version number
FUNCTION: void _bye_version(ver, rev)
PARAMETERS: int *ver, *rev; (buffers to place version in)
PURPOSE: Sets the version/revison level of BYE-PC in the
int buffer addresses passed.
RETURN: void
#include <stdio.h>
#include "byexface.h"
** Ask BYE-PC for the version number currently operating.
int rev, ver;
unsigned x;
/* try the hard way first.... */
x = _bye_vers();
ver = (int)(x >> 8);
rev = (int)(x & 0x00ff);
printf("\nBYE-PC Version %1d.%-2.2d\n", ver, rev);
/* or use '_bye_version()' for easier access */
_bye_version(&ver, &rev);
printf("\nBYE-PC Version %1d.%-2.2d\n", ver, rev);
FUNCTION: int _bye_getnulls()
PURPOSE: Return the number of nulls presently active. This
causes BYE-PC to send 'n' (0-9) to the remote
station after each feed (LF) printed through the
BIOS write to video INT10.
RETURN: Number of nulls active 0 through 9.
FUNCTION: void _bye_setnulls()
PURPOSE: Sets the number of nulls sent to the remote after
each line feed printed.
RETURN: void
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include "byexface.h"
** Ask BYE-PC for the number of nulls active and ask the user
** what to set it too.
int n;
n = _bye_getnulls();
printf("\nCurrent Nulls Setting: d\n", n);
printf("\nEnter new value <RET=0>: ");
n = getch();
if (n >= '0' && n <= '9')
n -= '0'
printf("\nNulls Set to %d\n", _bye_getnulls());
FUNCTION: int _bye_getcsw()
PURPOSE: Return the present caller status word (CSW)
setting. (Refer to CSW section of manual).
RETURN: 16 bit CSW
FUNCTION: void _bye_setcsw(s)
PARAMETERS: int s; (16 bit caller status word)
PURPOSE: Sets the caller status word to a new value.
RETURN: void
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include "byexface.h"
** Read the CSW and display the present status, then enable file
** transmit and receive flags.
#define B_FILE_TX 4
#define B_FILE_RX 8
int s;
s = _bye_getcsw();
printf("\nOld Caller Status Word: %-4.4x\n", s);
/* set transmit and receive flags */
s = s | B_FILE_TX | B_FILE_RX;
printf("\nNew Caller Status Word: %-4.4x\n", s);
printf("\nFILE Transmit/Receive Enabled...\n");
FUNCTION: int _bye_gettimer()
PURPOSE: Return the number of minutes caller has been on
line and since carrier detect was acknowleged.
RETURN: number of minutes online (0-255)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include "byexface.h"
** Tell caller how long he has been online and how much time
** is remaining.
int l, t;
l = _bye_gettimeon(); /* original time limit */
t = _bye_gettimer(); /* time already used */
if (!l)
printf("\nUnlimited Time...\n");
printf("\nMaximum Time Allowsd: %u\n", l);
printf("\nMinutes Since Logon : %u\n", t);
printf("\nTime remaining : %u\n", t - l);
FUNCTION: void _bye_settimeon(mins)
PARAMETERS: int minutes; (0-255 max time limit, 0=unlimited)
PURPOSE: Set the time in minutes that the caller may re-
main on line. The time limit becomes effective
as soon as this function is called. If the time
limit is set to 0, the time limit is unlimited.
RETURN: void
FUNCTION: int _bye_gettimeon()
PARAMETERS: int minutes; (0-255 max time limit, 0=unlimited)
PURPOSE: Return the original time limit value set by
_bye_settimeon(). This value is not decremented
by the system timer, this only allows you to
read what the time limit was set to.
RETURN: void
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include "byexface.h"
** Tell caller how long he has been online and set the limit
** for 5 minutes longer before disconnect.
int s;
printf("\nMinutes Online: %d\n", _bye_gettimer());
printf("\nYou now have five minutes left...\n");
FUNCTION: void _bye_setname(s)
PARAMETERS: char *s; (ptr to string up to 63 characters)
PURPOSE: This function loads the string pointed to by 's'
into the resident portion of BYE.COM. This allows
the ALT-C key to display the caller on line while
in DOS. The string must be null terminated.
RETURN: void
FUNCTION: void _bye_getname(s)
PARAMETERS: char *s; (ptr to string up to 63 characters)
PURPOSE: This function loads the buffer pointed to by 's'
from the resident portion of BYE.COM. This allows
allows reading the users name currently online by
other programs while in DOS.
RETURN: void
#include <stdio.h>
#include "byexface.h"
/* Allow a 128 bytes of data to collect in the receive data
** queue and move it to a local buffer for checksum calculation.
int i;
char buf[65];
_bye_setname("John, Doe"); /* set callers name */
/* now read it back */
printf("Caller on line:%s\n", buf);