Simtel MSDOS 1992 December
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Assembly Source File
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title COMM - Device drivers for COM1 and COM2.
subttl Parameter definitions:
; COMM.ASM - Installable device drivers for COM1 and COM2.
; All of this code originated at my dainty fingertips, and I won't be mad
; at anybody who wants to help himself to it. - Peter Pearson.
; Version of 20 June 1985.
; Revision history:
; 852005 - Send ^S when input buffer approaches fullness, ^Q when it
; is nearly empty again.
cseg segment para public 'code'
org 0
; Equates:
CTRLS equ 19
CTRLQ equ 17
primary equ 3f8h ;Base address for primary asynch.
secondary equ 2f8h ;Base address for secondary asynch.
prim_int equ 0ch ;Hardware interrupt vector number.
sec_int equ 0bh ;Hardware interrupt vector number.
; Description of the Serial Port:
; I/O I/O
; addr addr
; ---- ----
; 3F8 2F8 TX data, RX data, Div Latch LSB.
; 3F9 2F9 Interrupt Enable, Div Latch MSB.
; 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
; | | | | | | | \_ Data Available.
; | | | | | | \___ Xmit Holding Reg Empty.
; | | | | | \_____ Receiver Line Status.
; | | | | \_______ Modem Status.
; | | | \_________ = 0.
; | | \___________ = 0.
; | \_____________ = 0.
; \_______________ = 0.
; 3FA 2FA Interrupt Identification.
; 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
; | | | | | \_\_\___________ 001 = no interrupt.
; | | | | | 110 = rcvr status.
; | | | | | 100 = rcvd data.
; | | | | | 010 = THR empty.
; | | | | | 000 = Modem status.
; | | | | \_______ = 0.
; | | | \_________ = 0.
; | | \___________ = 0.
; | \_____________ = 0.
; \_______________ = 0.
; 3FB 2FB Line Control.
; 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
; | | | | | | | \_ Word Length Select Bit 0.
; | | | | | | \___ Word Length Select Bit 1.
; | | | | | \_____ Number Stop Bits.
; | | | | \_______ Parity Enable.
; | | | \_________ Even Parity Select.
; | | \___________ Stick Parity.
; | \_____________ Set Break.
; \_______________ Divisor Latch Access Bit.
; 3FC 2FC Modem Control.
; 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
; | | | | | | | \_ Data Terminal Ready.
; | | | | | | \___ Request to Send.
; | | | | | \_____ Out 1.
; | | | | \_______ Out 2. (= 1 to enable ints.)
; | | | \_________ Loop.
; | | \___________ = 0.
; | \_____________ = 0.
; \_______________ = 0.
; 3FD 2FD Line Status.
; 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
; | | | | | | | \_ Data Ready.
; | | | | | | \___ Overrun Error.
; | | | | | \_____ Parity Error.
; | | | | \_______ Framing Error.
; | | | \_________ Break interrupt.
; | | \___________ Transmitter Holding Reg Empty.
; | \_____________ Transmitter Shift Reg Empty.
; \_______________ = 0.
; 3FE 2FE Modem Status.
; 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
; | | | | | | | \_ Delta Clear to Send.
; | | | | | | \___ Delta Data Set Ready.
; | | | | | \_____ Trailing Edge Ring Indicator.
; | | | | \_______ Delta Rx Line Signal Detect.
; | | | \_________ Clear to Send.
; | | \___________ Data Set Ready.
; | \_____________ Ring Indicator.
; \_______________ Receive Line Signal Detect.
R_tx equ 0 ;UART data-to-transmit register.
R_rx equ 0 ;UART received-data register.
R_ie equ 1 ;UART interrupt-enable register.
R_ii equ 2 ;UART interrupt-identification register.
R_lc equ 3 ;UART Line-Control register.
R_mc equ 4 ;UART Modem-Control register.
R_ls equ 5 ;UART line-status register.
LC_dlab equ 80h ;UART LC reg. DLAB bit.
MC_dtr equ 1 ;UART MC reg. DTR bit.
MC_rts equ 2 ;UART MC reg. RTS bit.
MC_out2 equ 8 ;UART MC reg. "OUT2" bit.
LS_dr equ 1 ;UART LS reg. "data ready" bit.
LS_or equ 2 ;UART LS reg. "overrun error" bit.
LS_pe equ 4 ;UART LS reg. "parity error" bit.
LS_fe equ 8 ;UART LS reg. "framing error" bit.
LS_bi equ 10h ;UART LS reg. "Break Interrupt" bit.
LS_thre equ 20h ;UART LS reg. "Xmit Hold Reg empty" bit.
LS_tsre equ 40h ;UART LS reg. "Xmit Shift Reg Empty" bit.
IE_da equ 1 ;UART IE reg. "Data Available" bit.
IE_thre equ 2 ;UART IE reg. "Xmit Hold Reg Empty" bit.
IE_rls equ 4 ;UART IE reg. "Receive Line Status" bit.
IE_ms equ 8 ;UART IE reg. "Modem Status" bit.
II_never equ 0f8h ;UART II reg: these bits never on.
; Definitions for the Interrupt Controller Chip:
ICC_msk equ 21h ;I/O address of ICC's "mask" register.
ICC_ctl equ 20h ;I/O address of ICC's "control" reg.
ICC_eoi equ 20h ;Non-specific end-of-interrupt.
MSK_d1 equ 10h ;Bit in MSK: disable IRQ4 (COM1).
MSK_d2 equ 08h ;Bit in MSK: disable IRQ3 (COM2).
org 0 ;Define layout of Request Header:
RH_rhlen db ? ;Length of Request Header (bytes).
RH_unit db ? ;Unit code. (No meaning for char dev.)
RH_command db ? ;Command code.
RH_status dw ? ;Status.
RH_reserved db 8 dup(?) ;Reserved for DOS.
RH_char db ? ;Character of data.
RH_end_addr label word ;Ending address for INIT call.
RH_buf_addr dd ? ;Buffer address for INPUT or OUTPUT.
RH_count dw ? ;Byte count for INPUT or OUTPUT.
org 0
STAT_err equ 8000h ;Req Hdr, status reg., "error" bit.
STAT_busy equ 200h ;Req Hdr, status reg., "busy" bit.
STAT_done equ 100h ;Req Hdr, status reg., "done" bit.
S_E_unkunit equ 01h ;Req Hdr, status reg., "unknown unit" error code.
S_E_not_rdy equ 02h ;Req Hdr, status reg., "not ready" error code.
S_E_unkcom equ 03h ;Req Hdr, status reg., "unknown command" error code.
S_E_write equ 0ah ;Req Hdr, status reg., "write fault" error code.
S_E_read equ 0bh ;Req Hdr, status reg., "read fault" error code.
S_E_general equ 0ch ;Req Hdr, status reg., "general failure" error code.
; Equates relating to data structures:
; Buffers:
; --------
; When we talk about a "buffer" in this program, we're talking not
; just about the area of data storage, but about the pointers to that
; data area as well. Four pointers are expected to precede the first
; byte of data storage:
; BEGINNING - Offset of the first byte of data storage.
; END - Offset of the first byte AFTER data storage.
; IN - Offset at which next byte is to be put into buffer.
; OUT - Offset from which next byte is to be taken out
; of buffer.
; IN and OUT may range from BEGINNING to END-1. If IN = OUT, the
; buffer is empty.
; These definitions must be coordinated with the storage-allocation
; statements for the buffers near the end of this program (just before
; the INIT handler.)
B_beg equ 0
B_end equ 2
B_in equ 4
B_out equ 6
B_data equ 8
in_buf_len equ 2000 ;Length of input buffers.
out_buf_len equ 100 ;Length of output buffers.
near_full equ 1200 ;Input buffer is nearly full when it
; has more than this number of data
; bytes.
near_empty equ 200 ;Input buffer is nearly empty when it
; has fewer than this number of data
; bytes.
; Unit Control Blocks:
; --------------------
; (I just made up that name. Any conflict with any other usage is
; unfortunate.)
; A UCB is assigned to each asynchronous communications device
; (COM) we handle. (E.g., one for COM1, another for COM2.) The
; UCB contains
; BASE - The base I/O address for the hardware device.
; HOLD - XON/XOFF flag.
; HOLD & 1 nonzero means we have received a CTRLS.
; HOLD & 2 nonzero means we have sent a CTRLS.
; INBUF - An input buffer (as described above).
; OUTBUF - An output buffer (as described above).
; Take care to keep these definitions compatible with the actual
; allocation of these data areas near the end of this program (just
; before label "init:").
U_base equ 0
U_stat equ 2 ;Status bits, defined below.
U_inbuf equ 4
U_outbuf equ U_inbuf+B_data+in_buf_len
U_totlen equ U_outbuf+B_data+out_buf_len
; Bits in U_stat:
US_outhold equ 1 ;Host has sent us a "hold it".
US_inhold equ 2 ;We have sent the host a "hold it".
US_saywait equ 4 ;We need to send a "hold it".
US_saygo equ 8 ;We need to send an "OK to send" (un-holdit).
subttl Device Headers:
; Here are the Device Headers:
coms proc far
assume cs:cseg,ds:cseg
next_dev1 dw DevHdr2 ;Pointer to next device.
dw -1
attribute1 dw 0c000h ;Attributes.
strategy1 dw Com1Strat ;Pointer to "device strategy" entry.
interrupt1 dw Com1Int ;Pointer to software "interrupt" entry.
dev_name1 db 'COM1 '
next_dev2 dw -1 ;Pointer to next device.
dw -1
attribute2 dw 0c000h ;Attributes.
strategy2 dw Com2Strat ;Pointer to "device strategy" entry.
interrupt2 dw Com2Int ;Pointer to software "interrupt" entry.
dev_name2 db 'COM2 '
subttl Dispatch Table:
; Here is the dispatch table:
dispatch label byte
dw init ;Initialization.
dw MediaCheck ;Media check (block devices only).
dw BuildBPB ;Build BPB (block devices only).
dw IoctlIn ;IOCTL input.
dw input ;input (read).
dw NDInput ;Non-destructive input, no wait.
dw InStat ;Status for input.
dw InFlush ;Input flush.
dw output ;Output (write).
dw OutVerify ;Output with verify.
dw OutStat ;Status for output.
dw OutFlush ;Output flush.
dw IoctlOut ;IOCTL output.
subttl Entry points:
; Device "Strategy" entry points:
mov cs:ReqHdrSeg,es ;Segment of Request Header Pointer.
mov cs:ReqHdrOff,bx ;Offset of Request Header Pointer.
; Device "Interrupt" entry points:
Com1Int: push ax
push bx
xor al,al ;Unit # for COM1 is 0.
mov bx,offset UCB1
jmp JointInt
Com2Int: push ax
push bx
mov al,1 ;Unit # for COM2 is 1.
mov bx,offset UCB2
push cx
push dx
push di
push si
push ds
push es
push cs
pop ds ;DS = CS.
mov unit,al ;Save unit number.
mov dx,[bx] ;DX = base address for appropriate card.
les bx,ReqHdr ;Load ES and BX pointers to Request Hdr.
; Dispatch through the Dispatch Table:
mov al,es:[bx]+RH_command ;Get function byte.
rol al,1
lea di,dispatch
xor ah,ah
add di,ax ;Jump through dispatch table +
jmp word ptr[di] ; 2 * function code.
subttl Return paths:
; Return "Unknown Unit" error code.
BadUnit: mov ax,STAT_err+STAT_done+S_E_unkunit
jmp SetStat
; Return "done" status.
NormalDone: mov ax,STAT_done
; Store AX in the STATUS word of the Request Header, then restore registers
; and return.
SetStat: lds bx,cs:ReqHdr
mov [bx]+RH_status,ax
; Restore the original registers and return.
pop es
pop ds
pop si
pop di
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
subttl Command processors:
; IOCTL input.
; Do the requested function.
; Set the actual number of bytes transferred.
; Set the status word in the Request header.
call CheckUnit
jc BadUnit
jmp NormalDone
; Input.
; Do the requested function.
; Set the actual number of bytes transferred.
; Set the status word in the Request header.
mov cx,es:[bx]+RH_count ;CX = # bytes to transfer.
jcxz NormalDone
les di,es:[bx]+RH_buf_addr ;ES:DI points to destination.
call GetBase
jc BadUnit
call EnabInt
add bx,U_inbuf ;BX -> appropriate input buffer.
input1: call TakeByte ;Get byte in AL.
jnc input6 ;Jump if no more chars avail.
stosb ;Store in es:[di++].
loop input1 ;Continue.
mov ax,[bx]+U_stat-U_inbuf
test ax,US_inhold
jz input8 ;If the "I've sent CTRLS" flag
call UsedBuff ; is set and there are fewer
cmp ax,near_empty ; than near_empty data bytes
jns input8 ; in the buffer, make a note
; to send a CTRLQ.
or word ptr [bx]+U_stat-U_inbuf,US_saygo
or cx,cx ;If we didn't transfer the
jz NormalD2 ; requested number of chars,
les bx,ReqHdr ; calculate the number of
mov ax,es:[bx]+RH_count ; characters moved and store
sub ax,cx ; it in the Request Header.
mov es:[bx]+RH_count,ax ;
mov ax,STAT_done+STAT_busy ;Return BUSY.
jmp SetStat
; Non-Destructive Input, No Wait.
; Return a byte from the device.
; Set the status word in the Request Header.
call GetBase
jc BadUnit
call EnabInt
add bx,U_inbuf ;BX -> appropriate input buff.
mov ax,[bx]+B_in ;Examine buffer's pointers.
cmp ax,[bx]+B_out
jz ndin1 ;Jump if buffer empty.
mov si,ax
mov al,[si] ;Fetch a character.
mov cx,STAT_done
jmp ndin2
ndin1: xor al,al ;No character available.
mov cx,STAT_done+STAT_busy
ndin2: les bx,ReqHdr
mov es:[bx]+RH_char,al
mov ax,cx
jmp SetStat
; Status for Input.
; Perform the operation.
; Set the status word in the Request Header.
call GetBase
jc BadUnit2
add bx,U_inbuf ;BX -> appropriate input buff.
mov ax,STAT_done
mov cx,[bx]+B_in ;Examine buffer's pointers.
cmp cx,[bx]+B_out
jnz inst1 ;Jump if buffer not empty.
or ax,STAT_busy ;If empty, say "busy".
inst1: jmp SetStat
; Input Flush.
; Perform the operation.
; Set the status word in the Request Header.
call GetBase ;BX -> appropriate input buff.
jc BadUnit2
add bx,U_inbuf
mov ax,[bx]+B_in ;Set the "out" pointer equal to
mov [bx]+B_out,ax ; the "in" pointer.
NormalD2: jmp NormalDone
; Output (write) and Output with Verify.
; Do the requested function.
; Set the actual number of bytes transferred.
; Set the status word in the Request header.
mov cx,es:[bx]+RH_count ;CX = # bytes to transfer.
jcxz NormalD2
les si,es:[bx]+RH_buf_addr ;ES:SI points to source.
call GetBase
jc BadUnit2
add bx,U_outbuf ;BX -> appropriate output buf.
output1: lods es:byte ptr [si] ;Get 1 char in AL.
call PutByte ;Put character in output buff.
jnc output8 ;Jump if no room in output buffer.
loop output1
output8: sub bx,U_outbuf ;BX -> appropriate UCB.
call EnabInt ;Enable interrupts, if approp.
or cx,cx ;If we didn't transfer the
jz NormalD2 ; requested number of chars,
les bx,ReqHdr ; calculate the number of
mov ax,es:[bx]+RH_count ; characters moved and store
sub ax,cx ; it in the Request Header.
mov es:[bx]+RH_count,ax ;
mov ax,STAT_done+STAT_busy ;Return BUSY.
jmp SetStat
BadUnit2: jmp BadUnit
; Status for Output.
; Perform the operation.
; Set the status word in the Request Header.
call GetBase
jc BadUnit2
add bx,U_outbuf ;BX -> appropriate output buf.
call IsRoom ;Is there room in the buffer?
mov ax,STAT_done
jc outst1 ;Jump if buffer not full.
or ax,STAT_busy ;If full, say "busy".
outst1: jmp SetStat
; Output Flush.
; Perform the operation.
; Set the status word in the Request Header.
call CheckUnit
jc BadUnit2
jmp NormalDone
; IOCTL output.
; Do the requested function.
; Set the actual number of bytes transferred.
; Set the status word in the Request header.
call CheckUnit
jc BadUnit2
jmp NormalDone
; Entry points for functions not implemented:
mov ax,STAT_err+STAT_done+S_E_unkcom
jmp SetStat
subttl Interrupt handlers:
; Hardware interrupt handlers.
; We run with two interrupts enabled:
; Data Available
; Transmit Holding Register Empty.
; If Data Available is set
; If there's room in the IN buffer, put the byte there.
; If there are data in the OUT buffer,
; If the Transmit Holding Register is empty, output a byte.
push ax
mov ax,offset UCB1
jmp HdwInt
push ax
mov ax,offset UCB2
push bx
push ds
push cx
push dx
push di
push si
push es
push cs
pop ds
mov bx,ax
mov di,[bx] ;DI = base I/O address.
lea dx,R_lc[di]
in al,dx ; the Line Control Register.
and al,255-LC_dlab
out dx,al
lea dx,R_ls[di]
in al,dx ;Read the Line Status Reg.
test al,LS_dr ;"Data Ready" set?
jz HdwI2
push ax
call ReadByte ;Process the incoming byte.
pop ax
HdwI2: test al,LS_thre ;"Xmit Holding Reg Empty" set?
jz HdwI3
;If we want to send a CTRLS or
; CTRLQ to the host, this is our
; chance to do it.
;Note that, if both are set, the
; CTRLS is not sent.
test word ptr [bx]+U_stat,US_saywait+US_saygo
jz HdwI5
test word ptr [bx]+U_stat,US_saygo
jz HdwI6
mov al,CTRLQ
and word ptr [bx]+U_stat,0ffffh-(US_saywait+US_saygo+US_inhold)
jmp HdwI7
HdwI6: ;else
mov al,CTRLS
and word ptr [bx]+U_stat,0ffffh-(US_saywait+US_saygo)
or word ptr [bx]+U_stat,US_inhold
HdwI7: mov dx,di
out dx,al
jmp HdwI3
; If we get here, we didn't want to
; send a CTRLS or CTLRQ.
test word ptr [bx]+U_stat,US_outhold
jnz HdwI3 ;Jump if output held by CTRL-S.
add bx,U_outbuf
call TakeByte
jnc HdwI4 ;Jump if nothing to output.
mov dx,di
out dx,al ;Output another character.
HdwI4: sub bx,U_outbuf
HdwI3: ;;;
pop es
pop si
pop di
pop dx
pop cx
mov al,ICC_eoi ;Issue "end-of-interrupt" command
out ICC_ctl,al ; to the interrupt-controller chip.
call EnabInt ;Re-enable interrupts at the UART.
pop ds
pop bx
pop ax
; Process an incoming character.
; Pick up the character in the device.
; If it's a CTRLS or CTRLQ,
; set or clear the "he said hold" flag for this device;
; otherwise
; put it into the buffer.
; Enter with:
; BX pointing to the UCB.
; DI containing the base address for the device.
; Clobbers: AX, DX.
; Side effects:
; May set or clear the low-order bit of the "hold" word
; for this device.
ReadByte proc near
lea dx,R_rx[di]
in al,dx ;Read the data byte.
cmp al,CTRLS ;Watch for XOFF and XON (CTRLS and
jnz ReadB1 ; CTRLQ).
mov ax,US_outhold
or word ptr [bx]+U_stat,ax
ReadB1: cmp al,CTRLQ
jnz ReadB3
and word ptr [bx]+U_stat,0ffffh-US_outhold
ReadB3: add bx,U_inbuf
call PutByte ;Put it into the buffer.
call UsedBuff
cmp ax,near_full ;If the buffer is getting full,
js ReadB4 ; and we haven't already asked the
; host to wait, do that.
test word ptr [bx]+U_stat-U_inbuf,US_inhold
jnz ReadB4
or word ptr [bx]+U_stat-U_inbuf,US_saywait
sub bx,U_inbuf
ReadByte endp
subttl General-Purpose Subroutines:
; General-purpose subroutines.
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
; Return a pointer to the "base" of the data block for this unit.
; Enter with: unit number (0 or 1) in the variable "unit".
; DS = CS.
; Returns: BX containing the offset of either UCB1 or UCB2.
GetBase proc near
call CheckUnit
jnc gb0
gb0: test al,0ffh
jz gb1
mov bx,offset UCB2
gb1: mov bx,offset UCB1
GetBase endp
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
; Check the unit number to make sure it's valid.
; Enter with:
; the variable "unit" set to the unit number to be checked;
; the variable "maxunit" set to the maximum unit number allowed.
; Returns with:
; "carry" condition set if "unit" < 0 or "unit" > "maxunit".
; AL = contents of the variable "unit".
CheckUnit proc near
mov al,unit
or al,al
js RetCarry
test maxunit,080h
jnz RetCarry
cmp al,maxunit
jg RetCarry
RetCarry: stc
CheckUnit endp
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
; Take a byte out of a buffer and return it in AL.
; Enter with:
; BX pointing to the buffer from which a byte is to be taken.
; Returns:
; Carry condition and a byte in AL if the buffer was not empty,
; NoCarry condition if the buffer was empty.
; Side effect: The "output" pointer for the buffer is advanced to reflect
; the used-upness of the character taken.
; Note:
; Since this subroutine may be interrupted, it is important that
; the character be taken out of the buffer before the OUT pointer
; is advanced to reflect its absence.
TakeByte proc near
mov ax,[bx]+B_out ;Output pointer.
cmp ax,[bx]+B_in ; = input pointer?
jz tb9 ;If equal, buffer is empty.
push si
push cx
mov si,ax
mov cl,[si] ;Fetch the character.
call advance ;Advance the "out" pointer.
mov [bx]+B_out,ax ;Store updated ptr.
mov al,cl
pop cx
pop si
stc ;Set carry flag.
tb9: ret
TakeByte endp
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
; Put a character into a buffer.
; Enter with:
; BX pointing to the beginning of a buffer,
; AL holding the character to be put into the buffer.
; Returns:
; NoCarry condition if the buffer is full (character couldn't be put).
; Carry condition if the character is successfully put into the buffer.
; Note:
; Since this subroutine may be interrupted, it is important that
; the character be put into the buffer before the IN pointer is
; adjusted to reflect its availablility.
PutByte proc near
push cx
push di
mov cl,al ;CL = the character.
mov ax,[bx]+B_in
mov di,ax ;DI = original IN pointer.
call advance ;AX = updated IN pointer.
cmp ax,[bx]+B_out
jz pb9 ;Jump if buffer is full.
mov [di],cl ;Store the character.
mov [bx]+B_in,ax ;Update the pointer.
pb9: pop di
pop cx
PutByte endp
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
; Is there room in this buffer?
; Enter with BX pointing to the beginning of a buffer.
; Returns:
; NoCarry condition if the buffer is full,
; Carry condition if there is room in the buffer.
IsRoom proc near
mov ax,[bx]+B_in
call advance
cmp ax,[bx]+B_out
jz ir9
ir9: ret
IsRoom endp
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
; How many data bytes are in this buffer?
; Enter with BX pointing to the beginning of a buffer.
; Returns:
; AX containing the number of bytes used in the buffer.
; Z flag set if AX contains 0.
UsedBuff proc near
mov ax,[bx]+B_in
sub ax,[bx]+B_out
jns ub9
add ax,[bx]+B_end
sub ax,[bx]+B_beg
ub9: ret
UsedBuff endp
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
; Advance a buffer pointer.
; Enter with
; BX pointing to the beginning of the buffer.
; AX containing a pointer into the buffer.
; Returns with
; AX incremented by one, wrapped to the beginning of the buffer
; if necessary.
advance proc near
inc ax
cmp ax,[bx]+B_end
jnz adv9
mov ax,[bx]
adv9: ret
advance endp
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
; Reset the input-buffer pointers for one unit.
; Enter with BX pointing to the Unit Control Block for the unit whose input-
; buffer pointers are to be cleared.
ResInbuf proc near
mov ax,[bx]+U_inbuf+B_beg
mov [bx]+U_inbuf+B_in,ax
mov [bx]+U_inbuf+B_out,ax
ResInbuf endp
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
; Reset the output-buffer pointers for one unit.
; Enter with BX pointing to the Unit Control Block for the unit whose output-
; buffer pointers are to be cleared.
ResOutbuf proc near
mov ax,[bx]+U_outbuf+B_beg
mov [bx]+U_outbuf+B_in,ax
mov [bx]+U_outbuf+B_out,ax
ResOutbuf endp
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
; Enable appropriate interrupts.
; Enter with:
; BX pointing to the Unit Control Block controlling the device
; whose interrupts are to be enabled.
EnabInt proc near
push cx
push dx
push di
xor cx,cx
add bx,U_inbuf
call IsRoom
jnc ei1 ;If there's room in the input buffer,
or cl,IE_da ; enable "data available" interrupt.
ei1: sub bx,U_inbuf
;Enable the "transmit holding register
; empty" interrupt if:
; - there's something in the output
; buffer, and output is not being
; "held"; or
; - we want to send a CTRLS or CTRLQ.
mov ax,[bx]+U_outbuf+B_in
cmp ax,[bx]+U_outbuf+B_out
mov ax,[bx]+U_stat
jz ei2
test ax,US_outhold
jz ei4
ei2: ;;;
test ax,US_saygo+US_saywait
jz ei3
ei4: or cl,IE_thre
mov di,[bx]
lea dx,R_lc[di]
in al,dx ;Turn off DLAB (just in case).
and al,255-LC_dlab
out dx,al
lea dx,R_ie[di]
mov al,0
out dx,al ;Interrupt Enable = 0 (to ensure a
mov al,cl ; transition).
out dx,al ;Set final Interrupt Enable.
lea dx,R_mc[di] ;Turn the enabling "out2" bit
mov al,MC_out2+MC_rts+MC_dtr ; on.
out dx,al
pop di
pop dx
pop cx
EnabInt endp
subttl Storage:
; Storage for both COM1 and COM2.
ReqHdr dd ? ;The Request Header:
ReqHdrOff equ word ptr ReqHdr
ReqHdrSeg equ ReqHdrOff+2
unit db ? ;0 for COM1, 1 for COM2.
;(Set according to which "interrupt"
; entry point is used.)
maxunit db -1 ;Maximum unit number allowed.
;(Set during INIT.)
end0: ;Ending address if no asynch cards found.
; Unit Control Block for COM1:
; Keep this space allocation consistent with the definitions of U_inbuf,
; B_end, etc.
base_1: dw ? ;Base address for COM1.
;(Set during INIT.)
hold_1: dw ?
inb1_beg: dw offset inb1
inb1_end: dw offset inb1+in_buf_len
inb1_in: dw ?
inb1_out: dw ?
inb1: db in_buf_len dup(?)
outb1_beg: dw offset outb1
outb1_end dw offset outb1+out_buf_len
outb1_in: dw ?
outb1_out: dw ?
outb1: db out_buf_len dup(?)
end1: ;Ending address if only 1 asynch card found.
; Unit Control Block for COM2.
; Keep this space allocation consistent with the definitions of U_inbuf,
; B_end, etc.
base_2: dw ? ;Base address for COM2.
;(Set during INIT.)
hold_2: dw ?
inb2_beg: dw offset inb2
inb2_end: dw offset inb2+in_buf_len
inb2_in: dw ?
inb2_out: dw ?
inb2: db in_buf_len dup(?)
outb2_beg: dw offset outb2
outb2_end dw offset outb2+out_buf_len
outb2_in: dw ?
outb2_out: dw ?
outb2: db out_buf_len dup(?)
end2: ;Ending address if 2 asynch cards found.
subttl Initialization:
; Initialization:
; Perform any initialization code.
; If COM2, skip this part.
; Fill base_1 and base_2, as appropriate.
; Initialize pointers to input & output buffers.
; Install our hardware interrupt vectors.
; Set up the ending address for resident code.
; Set the status word in the Request Header.
mov ax,endaddr ;Have we been called before?
or ax,ax
jnz initend ;Skip this part if so.
mov dx,primary
mov bx,offset base_1
call InitUCB
call HaveUnit ;Is "primary" card there?
jnz init2
push dx ;Assign our interrupt handler
mov dx,NextHandler ; to its interrupt.
mov al,prim_int
mov ah,25h
int 21h
mov ax,offset Hdw2Int ;Use other interrupt handler
mov NextHandler,ax ; next time.
pop dx
mov [bx],dx ;Use the first UCB
call EnabInt ; for it.
mov bx,offset base_2
call InitUCB
inc maxunit
init2: mov dx,secondary
call HaveUnit ;Is "secondary" card there?
jnz init3
push dx ;Assign our interrupt handler
mov dx,NextHandler ; to its interrupt.
mov al,sec_int
mov ah,25h
int 21h
pop dx
mov [bx],dx ;Use for it whichever
call EnabInt ; UCB is indicated by
inc maxunit ; BX.
init3: mov bl,maxunit
inc bl
xor bh,bh
rol bl,1
mov ax,[bx]+endtable
mov endaddr,ax
initend: mov ax,endaddr ;Store the ending address.
lds bx,cs:ReqHdr
mov [bx]+RH_end_addr,ax
mov [bx]+RH_end_addr+2,cs
in al,ICC_msk ;Tell the interrupt controller chip
and al,255-(MSK_d1+MSK_d2) ; to allow these interrupts.
out ICC_msk,al
jmp NormalDone
; Is there an asynch card answering at this address?
; Enter with:
; DX holding the base I/O address to be interrogated.
; Returns:
; Z condition if there is a card there,
; NZ condition if there is NO card there.
HaveUnit proc near
add dx,R_ii
in al,dx ;Read the Interrupt Identification
sub dx,R_ii ; register.
and al,II_never ;If there's a device there, these bits
ret ; will be zero.
HaveUnit endp
; Initialize a Unit Control Block (UCB).
; Enter with
; BX pointing to the data block for the channel whose input
; and output buffer pointers are to be reset.
InitUCB proc near
mov word ptr [bx]+U_stat,0
call ResInbuf
call ResOutbuf
InitUCB endp
endaddr: dw 0 ;END address returned on INIT call.
endtable: dw offset end0 ;END address if 0 asynch cards found.
dw offset end1 ;END address if 1 asynch cards found.
dw offset end2 ;END address if 2 asynch cards found.
NextHandler: dw offset Hdw1Int ;Successive interrupt-handler addresses.
coms endp
cseg ends
end begin