Simtel MSDOS 1992 December
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│QVT Release Notes│
Version 3.4x
Characters in Phone Numbers
QVT will now accept in phone numbers any of the alpha characters which
are meaningful to Hayes-standard modems. Most importantly, this includes
the comma, which is needed for dialing out on PBX lines.
Custom COM Ports
QVT now supports user-defined COM ports by means of the "ioport=" and
"irq=" configuration directives. This allows the use of modems on
non-standard ports, thereby freeing up COM1 and COM2 for other uses.
To use this feature, include the lines:
in your .VT file. 'XXXX' should be the hex address of your serial I/O
port; 'Y' will be the hardware interrupt line number. Both of these should
be available from the manufacturer of your modem or serial card.
132-column Support
Some popular after-market video cards include a built-in 132-column mode.
QVT now allows users who have such cards to make use of this mode to
achieve a 132-column VT100/200 display.
To activate QVT's 132-column support, include the directive "bios_132=xx"
in your .VT files, where 'xx' is the hex value which should be placed in
the AL register to invoke 132-column mode on your video card. For example,
"bios_132=55" would be the correct setup for Paradise EGA and VGA cards.
Support for DEC User-defined keys has been added to version 3.41 of QVT
for MS-DOS. The first 5 user-defined keys are accessed by pressing
<Ctrl-F6> through <Ctrl-F10>; the last 10 are accessed by pressing
<Ctrl-Shift-F1> through <Ctrl-Shift-F10>.
Note that DEC user-defined keys are programmed via download from the host.
DOWNLOAD_DIR Environment Variable
The environment variable 'KERMIT_DIR' has been dropped. Instead, QVT
will use the environment variable 'DOWNLOAD_DIR' as the destination
directory for all three batch file-transfer protocols (i.e., Kermit,
Ymodem, and Zmodem).
Selective Erase
Support for the DEC Selective Erase feature has been implemented.
VT200 7-bit and 8-bit modes
The 'Setup Terminal' screen now allows the selection of VT200
mode with 7-bit ('VT200-7') or 8-bit ('VT200-8') controls. This
does not affect the processing of received 8-bit control codes,
only the transmission of control codes in 7-bit or 8-bit form.
Bug Fixes
The escape sequence parser has been rewritten to handle mixed ANSI
and DEC Private control sequences.
The 'underlined' attribute will now be retained across shifts in and
out of 132-column mode (where supported by hardware).
The 'Print Cursor Line' function should now work correctly.
Zmodem uploads will now use the correct block size (not always 128).
Processing of DECSCL sequences has been fixed.
Kermit 8-bit quoting on downloads has been fixed.
The 'dialprefix' and 'answerback' strings may now contain control characters.
Version 3.5x
Kermit Server Support
Support has been added for the Kermit 'Get' and 'Finish' functions.
These are used when interacting with a Kermit server.
Answerback Bug Fix
The 'answerback' implementation has been fixed. QVT will now transmit
the answerback string upon receipt of an ENQ character from the host.
New Signon Screen
The signon screen has been redesigned.
User-selectable Colors
Support for user-selectable colors has been enhanced substantially.
These enhancements are in two areas: first the entire range of IBM PC
colors is now available to be selected; second, the background color
as well as the foreground color may be modified. This may be done
either from the 'Terminal Settings' screen, or in the config file,
using the 'backcolor=' directive.
The set of available colors is: BLACK, DARKBLUE, GREEN, BLUE, RED,
Status Line in 132-column Mode
A bug has been fixed which caused the status line to disappear when
switching in and out of 132-column mode (Note: this bug would occur
only if the 'bios_132' config directive was in effect).
The overall behavior of the program while in 132-column mode has been
improved. For example, the status line will extend all the way across
the screen. Also, window paints and erasures are cleaner.
ANSI Colors
Support has been added for the ANSI color-selection sequences. These
are used by many BBS's and other software that communicates remotely
with IBM PC's.
Status Line Color
It is now possible to select a color for the menu bar other than the
default blue. This is done by adding a line to the config file such
The colors available are DARKBLUE, GREEN, BLUE, MAGENTA, BROWN, and WHITE.
Default Protocol
QVT now allows the user to specify a protocol as the 'default'
protocol for use with a host. To do this, add a line of the form:
to the config file. The four protocols available are Kermit, XMODEM,
YMODEM, and ZMODEM. The default protocol is activated by pressing
<Ctrl-PgUp> for upload, and <Ctrl-PgDn> for download. You must always
use the <PgUp> and <PgDn> keys which are located on the numeric keypad,
not those which are located in the set of 6 'editing' keys to the left
of the numeric keypad (on the 101-key keyboards).
43-line and 50-line Modes
Support has been added for the EGA 43-line mode and VGA 50-line mode.
These modes may be invoked only at the point of loading a config file.
To use these modes, include the directive 'scrnlines=42' in your .VT
file. Conversely, 'scrnlines=24' will specify a normal display.
Note: 'scrnlines=42' will produce 42 available lines on an EGA, or 49
on a VGA. The top line is always reserved for the status line. Note
also that the use of this mode may conflict with 132-column text mode.
New Script Language Command
The script language has been expanded to include the 'capture' command.
This command should be followed by the argument 'on' to open a capture
file, or 'off' to close the capture file. You need not specify a file-
name, since QVT will create a filename by taking the root part of the
current config file and appending the extension '.LGF'. The capture file
provides a way to monitor the success or failure of unattended sessions.
Text Mode for Kermit Transfers in Scripts
The Kermit file transfer script commands may now be used with a 't' appended
to specify that the file transfer should be performed in text mode, rather
then binary mode. Previously, all transfers were done in binary mode.
Version 3.6x
Dropped Characters
A bug has been fixed which causes the 3.5x versions of QVT to occasionally
drop characters on some systems equipped with EGA display cards. This
bug did not appear with all EGA's, nor with most VGA's. The bug occurs
most often when running host software that frequently changes the video
ANSI Colors
A bug has been fixed that sometimes caused a flickering effect when
processing certain ANSI color control sequences.
Version 3.7x
Multiple Phone Number Support
QVT's handling of phone number lists has been improved (a phone number
list is a set of phone numbers in a config file). Previous versions
have supported two ways of using these lists: first, as a way of
storing alternate numbers for reaching the same host; second, as a
way of reducing the proliferation of config files, by storing the
numbers for several identically-configured systems in one config file.
Previous versions of QVT have assumed that, if multiple numbers are
present, that they are alternate numbers for the same host. When
dialing is initiated, QVT would dial the first number, and, if no
connection is made, try the next number, and so on.
The way to override this logic has been to use the 'Number' menu option
to select a single number from the list. The selected number would then
be repeat-dialed until a connection is made.
With version 3.63, these capabilities have been expanded and clarified
in two ways. First, the 'Number' menu option now allows the selection
of more than one number. Using this feature, a group of BBS numbers
can be selected, and QVT will dial each in turn until a connection is
made with one of them.
A number is selected by moving the pointer to the number, then pressing
the space bar. Pressing the space bar again will 'unselect' the number.
Pressing the <Del> key will unselect all selected numbers, and move the
pointer to the top of the list. When you have selected the numbers
you want, press the <Return> key. The 'Numbers' window can be erased
without making any changes by pressing <Esc>.
The second feature, the new 'dial_on_load' config directive, controls
whether or not QVT should begin dialing immediately after loading a
config file. In cases where there is only a single phone number, or
where all numbers are for the same host, 'dial_on_load' should be set
to 'yes'. For cases where there are multiple numbers, and each number
is for a different host, 'dial_on_load' can be set to 'no', so that
there is an opportunity to select numbers before dialing.
The default value of 'dial_on_load' is 'yes'.
New 'exitconfirm' Directive
The new 'exitconfirm' directive may be used to control QVT's exit
behavior. By default, if the 'Exit' menu option is selected, and a
live modem connection is detected, QVT will ask you to confirm that you
really want to exit. The directive 'exitconfirm=no' may be used to
suppress this prompt.
Download Drive/Directory
Before beginning a batch download (i.e., Kermit, Ymodem, or Zmodem),
you now have the opportunity to specify the drive and directory where the
incoming files will be placed. This is done by typing the appropriate
value into the 'File Name' field when the popup window is brought up.
If you have a default download directory already specified (by using
the DOWNLOAD_DIR environment variable), it will be displayed in the
'File Name' field when the file transfer window pops up. If you don't
have a DOWNLOAD_DIR variable set, then the current drive and directory
will be displayed.
If you want to accept the displayed value as is, press the <Tab> key.
Note: it is recommended that directory paths be entered without a
trailing slash.
Automatic Disconnect After File Transfer
When a file transfer is complete, QVT requests that you press a key
to clear the popup window and return to your interactive session. If
one minute passes without a key press, QVT will automatically break
any live modem connection. This is to prevent excessive charges from
accumulating if you happen to be out of the room when a long file
transfer finishes.
Improved Editing for Input Fields
When using some of the options on the 'Settings' menu, input fields
are presented for various data items, such as phone numbers. Previous
versions of QVT have supported only primitive methods of editing these
input fields.
With version 3.63, these editing capabilities have been enhanced.
Specifically, the left and right arrow keys, the <Home> and <End> keys,
and the <Del> key will now operate according to their standard usage.
Session Clock
A session clock has been added, so that you can keep track of how
long a dialup session has been going on. The clock is started when
the modem connects, and stopped when the connection is broken. The
session clock is displayed only if the status line is enabled.
In order for this feature to work properly, it is CRITICAL that your
modem be configured with the CD line NOT forced ON. For Hayes-
compatible 2400-baud modems, the command to do this is 'AT&C1'. 1200
baud modems may require setting the appropriate DIP switch.
If your modem is not Hayes-compatible, consult your owner's manual
for this procedure. What you must do is set the modem up so that the CD
line is on only when there is live connection over the phone line.
CD should come up when a connection is first established, and should
drop when the connection is broken.
Video Modes
QVT will no longer force the video mode to '3' when it detects an EGA
or VGA display card. This will give better results for laptop users
who don't have color screens.
To take advantage of this, issue the DOS command 'MODE BW80' before
starting QVT. If you have a color display, and QVT doesn't come up
in color, issue the DOS command 'MODE CO80'.
QVT now supports 'mark' and 'space' parity.
Terminal & Comm Config Screens
The 'Terminal' and 'Communications' config screens now have two exit
modes instead of one. These are 'exit and save', and 'exit without
save', mapped to the <Return> key and <Esc> key, respectively. This
change is not transparent, since previous versions of QVT performed
an 'exit and save' when <Esc> was pressed; there was no 'exit without
save' option.
Note that by 'save' what is meant is that the changes 'go into effect'
during the current session, NOT that they are saved permanently. To
save changes permanently you must use the 'Save Configuration' menu
Keyboard Auto-sense
The top-line version of QVT now adapts automatically to the installed
keyboard. This version is available to registered users for $45.
Separate versions for the three standard IBM keyboards will continue
to be made available at the original price of $30.
Microcom Result Codes
The QVT dialer now supports Microcom's extended result codes (20, 22,
and 23). If you are using a Microcom modem (or one that emulates Microcom),
and you have extended result codes enabled, QVT will report a 'reliable'
connection when such a connection is established.
New 'Load Configuration' Menu
The procedure for selecting a QVT config file has been changed. The new
procedure is as follows: You may either move the pointer so that it
points to the file that you want to use, or you may press the key which
corresponds to the first letter of the filename. When you have the
pointer properly positioned, press <Return> to load the file.
As before, you may cancel the 'Load Config' operation by pressing the
<Esc> key.
Dedicated Edit Key Mapping
You may now specify whether the six dedicated 'editing' keys (101-key
keyboards) should be mapped to their physical equivalents on the DEC
keyboard (the default), or to their closest logical equivalents on the
IBM keyboard. Under this scheme, <PageUp> and <PageDown> map to <PrevScrn>
and <NextScrn> respectively; <Insert> maps to <InsertHere>; and <Delete>
maps to <Remove>. This mapping may be more convenient for users who
never have to switch back and forth between IBM PC's and actual DEC
VT terminals.
Direct-connect vs. Modem
Some previous versions of QVT have run into problems when used to connect
a PC directly to a DEC terminal server. This problem has been solved
by means of the new 'connection=' config directive. The value of this
directive should be 'modem' when a dialup modem is used, and 'direct'
otherwise. The connection type may also be modified interactively
from the 'Communications' configuration window.
Dialing with No Pre-defined Number
If the 'Dial' menu option is invoked when there are no phone numbers
defined in the current configuration, a popup window will come up that
can be used to enter a phone number. This number will be remembered,
and can be stored with the current configuration by using the 'Save
Configuration' menu option.
Ymodem-G Protocol
Beginning with version 3.72, support has been added for the Ymodem-G
file transfer protocol.
Improved Keyboard Interface
The keyboard interface for the 'Phone Number', 'Function Key', and
'General' configuration dialogs has been improved.
The changes are as follows:
* All ten phone numbers, and all ten function key definitions, are
displayed on the screen at once.
* You can now use the <Up-Arrow> and <Down-Arrow> keys to move from
item to item. The last item will wrap back to the first, and vice
* The <Tab> and <Return> keys behave identically; i.e., they perform
a non-destructive exit from the current input field.
* The popup window will remain on the screen until the <Esc> key is
hit; you can re-visit a field that you want to change.
On the 'General' configuration screen, the 'Default Protocol' is now
selected by pressing the <GreyPlus> key to step through the available
options. This is the same method used to select values on the 'Terminal
and 'Communication' configuration screens.
<Alt-D> to Dial
You can now access the 'Dial' menu option without going through the
menu by pressing <Alt-D>. Caution is advised, since the dialer will
break any existing modem connection before it starts to dial.
Bug Fix
A bug has been fixed in the processing of DEC 8-bit 'C1' characters.
This bug, which appeared only in versions 3.61 through 3.71, caused
8-bit software - such as DEC's 'WPS-PLUS' - to fail spectacularly.
Script Files Bound to Function Keys
Version 3.72 offers the ability to bind script files to function
keys. The script will be executed when the key is pressed. See the
user manual for instructions on how to use this feature.
Support for External Protocols
You may now use external protocol drivers with QVT. See the user manual
for instructions on how to use this facility.
In order to merge external protocol support into the existing set of
built-in protocols, the 'File' menu has been reorganized. The main menu
now contains only 'Upload' and 'Download' options. When one of these
is selected, a menu of protocols will be presented. As with all QVT
menus, you can select a protocol simply by typing the first letter.
To select 'Kermit Get', press 'G'; to select 'Kermit Finish', press 'F'.
New Keyboard Commands During Dialing
QVT now supports the following new keyboard functions to be used
during the dialing process. Both of them are useful only if you
have multiple phone numbers selected for the current dialing session.
<PgDn> Stop dialing the current number, and
begin dialing the next number immediately.
<Delete> Same as <PgDn>, except that the number is
also removed from the list of selected numbers.
Screen Image Filenames
QVT will now generate filenames automatically when you select the
'Screen Image' menu option. The screen files will use the same root
name as the current config file, with the extension '.Snn', where
'nn' is a number from 0 to 99.
The 'Screen Image' option has also been bound to the key combination
<Alt-I>; you can select 'Screen Image' by pressing <Alt-I> without
having to go through the 'File' menu.
QVT's menus have been modified slightly. In the new version, the word
whose first letter is bound to a letter key will always be capitalized;
other words, if any, will be all lowercase.