Simtel MSDOS 1992 December
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RCOM═ ¡ Residen⌠ Communications« Versioε 2.░ Pagσ 1
Copyrigh⌠ (C⌐ 1988 b∙ Thoma≤ Duller« Al∞ right≤ reserved.
Let'≤ ge⌠ thσ lega∞ stufµ ove≥ witΦ righ⌠ away.
RCOM═ i≤ provideΣ oε aε "a≤ isó basi≤ withou⌠ warrant∙ oµ any
(hereafte≥ referreΣ t∩ a≤ thσ Author)¼ bσ liablσ t∩ yo⌡ fo≥ an∙
damages¼ includinτ an∙ los⌠ profits¼ los⌠ saving≤ o≥ othe≥
incidenta∞ o≥ consequentia∞ damage≤ arisinτ ou⌠ oµ thσ usσ oµ o≥
inabilit∙ t∩ usσ RCOMM¼ eveε iµ thσ Autho≥ ha≤ beeε adviseΣ oµ
thσ possibilit∙ oµ sucΦ damages¼ o≥ fo≥ an∙ claiφ b∙ an∙ othe≥
RCOM═ i≤ copyrighteΣ b∙ thσ Author« Yo⌡ arσ encourageΣ t∩ give
copie≤ t∩ you≥ friend≤ anΣ uploaΣ i⌠ t∩ bulletiε boards¼ however
salσ oµ RCOM═ fo≥ profi⌠ b∙ anyonσ excep⌠ thσ Autho≥ i≤ strictly
Iµ yo⌡ usσ thi≤ prograφ anΣ finΣ i⌠ t∩ bσ oµ value¼ you≥
contributioε woulΣ bσ greatl∙ appreciated« I have put together
a formula to determine the contribution amount.
First, set a figure how much you think your time is worth per hour.
Second, keep track of how much time you save (or gain) by using
RCOMM for two weeks.
Third, multiply your $ per hour by the number of hours saved and
send me a check for that amount. The rest of your life is free of
If that sounds too much like work, just send me $25.00. (a steal)
I'd like that a lot.
SenΣ contribution≤ to:
Thoma≤ Duller
P.O« Bo° 27095
Milwaukee¼ WI« 53227
anΣ iµ yo⌡ thinδ oµ it¼ le⌠ mσ kno≈ wherσ yo⌡ receiveΣ RCOM═ and
wha⌠ yo⌡ woulΣ likσ t∩ seσ iε futurσ releases.
Contributors will receive notification when new releases become
available. The Author reserves the right to charge a reasonable
amount (probably around $5.00) to cover postage, handling etc.
for distrubution.
Site licenses and/or customized versions may be available. Send
me a letter detailing your requirements and we can probably work
something out.
RCOM═ ¡ Residen⌠ Communications« Versioε 2.░ Pagσ 2
Copyrigh⌠ (C⌐ 1988 b∙ Thoma≤ Duller« Al∞ right≤ reserved.
Ok¼ s∩ wha⌠ i≤ RCOM═ anΣ wh∙ shoulΣ you usσ it┐ GlaΣ yo⌡ asked.
Chance≤ arσ tha⌠ yo⌡ downloadeΣ thi≤ filσ froφ ß BB╙ sincσ that's
m∙ primar∙ distributioε channel« Le⌠ mσ asδ yo⌡ ß question« What
werσ yo⌡ doinτ whilσ yo⌡ werσ downloadinτ it?
Iµ yo⌡ arσ likσ mos⌠ people¼ yo⌡ sa⌠ therσ watchinτ ß buncΦ oµ
meaningles≤ number≤ flasΦ oε thσ screen« Don'⌠ yo⌡ havσ better
thing≤ t∩ d∩ witΦ you≥ time┐ Likσ balancσ you≥ checkbook¼ or
writσ ß lette≥ t∩ you≥ Mom¼ o≥ updatσ you≥ resume┐ Wel∞ witΦ
RCOM═ yo⌡ caε d∩ botΦ a⌠ thσ samσ timeí That'≤ right¼ RCOM═ will
handlσ al∞ oµ you≥ filσ transfer≤ iε thσ backgrounΣ whilσ yo⌡ do
bette≥ thing≤ witΦ you≥ valuablσ time«
Feature≤ include:
¬ Memor∙ residen⌠ uploaΣ anΣ downloaΣ witΦ XMODEM¼ YMODE═ anΣ
variation≤ oµ thosσ protocol≤ includinτ autodownload.
¬ Po≡-u≡ termina∞ mode.
¬ PC-TAL╦ compatiblσ dialinτ directory.
¬ Filσ transfe≥ monito≥ mode.
¬ Termina∞ capturσ mode.
¬ Eas∙ installation
¬ No⌠ cop∙ protected
* Not "crippleware". What you've got is what there is.
¬ Shareware« Tr∙ i⌠ ou⌠ beforσ yo⌡ pa∙ fo≥ it.
* Can be used in conjunction with your current comm program.
RCOM═ ¡ Residen⌠ Communications« Versioε 2.░ Pagσ 3
Copyrigh⌠ (C⌐ 1988 b∙ Thoma≤ Duller« Al∞ right≤ reserved.
Systeφ requirements:
IB═ XT¼ A╘ o≥ truσ compatible.
DO╙ 2.░ o≥ higher«
Tw∩ flopp∙ drive≤ o≥ preferabl∙ ß harΣ disk.
┴ Haye≤ (o≥ compatiblσ) modem.
notσ ¡ carrie≥ detec⌠ shoulΣ *not¬ bσ forceΣ high« On
haye≤ modem≤ yo⌡ wan⌠ switcΦ ╢ iε thσ u≡ position.
CONFIG.SY╙ filσ oε boo⌠ disδ shoulΣ contaiε extrß FILE╙ and
BUFFERS« 2╡ oµ eacΦ i≤ suggested« Consul⌠ you≥ DO╙ manua∞ on
ho≈ t∩ se⌠ u≡ you≥ owε CONFIG.SY╙ file«
Thσ firs⌠ thinτ yo⌡ shoulΣ d∩ i≤ makσ ß backu≡ cop∙ oµ thσ
origina∞ RCOM═ disk« It'≤ no⌠ cop∙ protected¼ s∩ yo⌡ caε use
diskcop∙ o≥ jus⌠ d∩ ß cop∙ *.*.
HarΣ disδ installation:
Therσ i≤ ßε instal∞ batcΦ filσ yo⌡ caε ruε anΣ RCOM═ wil∞ install
itself« I⌠ i≤ nameΣ "INSTALLH.BATó anΣ i⌠ caε ruε froφ eithe≥ a
flopp∙ o≥ ß harΣ disδ subdirectory« Jus⌠ se⌠ thσ curren⌠
director∙ t∩ wherσ thσ file≤ arσ anΣ ente≥ "INSTALLH"« Iµ you
usσ thσ instal∞ batcΦ filσ i⌠ wil∞ d∩ thσ following:
1« Creatσ ß director∙ calleΣ C:\RCOM═ anΣ instal∞ itselµ into
2« Creatσ ß director∙ calleΣ C:\DOWNLOA─ wherσ batcΦ anΣ auto-
downloadeΣ file≤ wil∞ go.
When the install is completed check your config.sys file and make
sure you have the "files" and "buffers" commands in it. If you
don't, RCOMM will probably still work ok but other programs may
find themselves unable to open files.
Thσ followinτ screeε dum≡ illustrate≤ thσ default≤ se⌠ u≡ b∙ the
install« Iµ yo⌡ wan⌠ t∩ changσ an∙ oµ them¼ ruε RCONFIG.CO═.
Baud rate : 1200
Parity : none
Data bits : 8
Comm port : COM1
Modem type : Hayes
Sound : off
Batch file transfer drive : C:
Batch file transfer path : \DOWNLOAD
Modem dialing prefix : ATDT
Modem init string : ATL1 Q1
Dialing directory pathname : C:\RCOMM\PC-TALK.DIR
Dialing directory type : PC-Talk Compatible
RCOM═ ¡ Residen⌠ Communications« Versioε 2.░ Pagσ 4
Copyrigh⌠ (C⌐ 1988 b∙ Thoma≤ Duller« Al∞ right≤ reserved.
Iµ you'rσ likσ mσ anΣ don'⌠ trus⌠ instal∞ file≤ yo⌡ caε instal∞
RCOM═ manuall∙ followinτ thesσ steps:
Firs⌠ I'l∞ assumσ tha⌠ thσ origina∞ file≤ arσ oε drivσ a:« If
the∙ arσ somewherσ else¼ adjus⌠ accordingly.
1« Creatσ ß director∙ wherσ yo⌡ wan⌠ thσ program≤ t∩ go.
2« cop∙ a:*.coφ t∩ tha⌠ directory.
3« cop∙ a:*.exe t∩ tha⌠ directory.
4« cop∙ a:rcomm.daΦ a≤ rcomm.da⌠ t∩ tha⌠ directory.
5« cop∙ a:pc-talk.dir t∩ tha⌠ directory.
6« Cop∙ thσ .doπ file≤ too¼ iµ yo⌡ wish.
7« Checδ you≥ \config.sy≤ file« Makσ surσ yo⌡ havσ the
followinτ entries║ FILES=2╡ anΣ BUFFERS=25.
8« Ruε RCONFIG.CO═ anΣ ge⌠ everythinτ se⌠ u≡ thσ wa∙ you
wan⌠ it.
RCOM═ ¡ Residen⌠ Communications« Versioε 2.░ Pagσ 5
Copyrigh⌠ (C⌐ 1988 b∙ Thoma≤ Duller« Al∞ right≤ reserved.
Floppy disδ installation:
Therσ i≤ ßε instal∞ batcΦ filσ yo⌡ caε ruε anΣ RCOM═ wil∞ install
itself« I⌠ i≤ nameΣ "INSTALLF.BATó. Jus⌠ se⌠ thσ curren⌠
drive t∩ wherσ thσ file≤ arσ¼ pu⌠ ß blanδ¼ bootable flopp∙ iε
drivσ b║ anΣ ente≥ "INSTALLF"« Thi≤ i≤ ß cop∙ oµ thσ batcΦ filσ
s∩ yo⌡ caε seσ wha⌠ i⌠ does.
copy a:rcomm.com
copy a:rconfig.com
copy a:rmaint.exe
copy a:rcomm.daf rcomm.dat
copy a:pc-talk.dir
copy a:rcomm.doc
Thσ followinτ screeε dum≡ illustrate≤ thσ default≤ se⌠ u≡ b∙ the
install« Iµ yo⌡ wan⌠ t∩ changσ an∙ oµ them¼ ruε RCONFIG.CO═.
Baud rate : 1200
Parity : none
Data bits : 8
Comm port : COM1
Modem type : Hayes
Sound : off
Batch file transfer drive : B:
Batch file transfer path :
Modem dialing prefix : ATDT
Modem init string : ATL1 Q1
Dialing directory pathname : A:PC-TALK.DIR
Dialing directory type : PC-Talk Compatible
Note║ oε tw∩ flopp∙ system≤ ╔ highl∙ recommenΣ usinτ ß RAM
disδ fo≥ downloading¼ otherwisσ yo⌡ arσ liablσ t∩ forge⌠ and
floppie≤ whilσ downloadinτ arσ unpredictable¼ bu⌠ ╔ promise¼ i⌠
won'⌠ bσ nice.
RCOM═ ¡ Residen⌠ Communications« Versioε 2.░ Pagσ 6
Copyrigh⌠ (C⌐ 1988 b∙ Thoma≤ Duller« Al∞ right≤ reserved.
OK¼ no≈ it'≤ installed.
Yo⌡ migh⌠ wan⌠ t∩ ruε RMAINT.EX┼ no≈ t∩ checδ ou⌠ thσ dialinτ
directory« ╔ havσ includeΣ onσ witΦ thσ phonσ numbe≥ oµ my
favoritσ BBS« Iµ yo⌡ havσ you≥ owε PC-TALK.DIR¼ yo⌡ caε cop∙ it
ove≥ thi≤ one« Otherwisσ ruε RMAINT.EX┼ anΣ pokσ you≥ phonσ
number≤ etc« in« ╔ admi⌠ it'≤ no⌠ thσ pretties⌠ prograφ ╔ ever
wrote¼ bu⌠ it'≤ selµ explanator∙ anΣ yo⌡ don'⌠ havσ t∩ ruε it
ver∙ ofteε anyway.
Thσ nex⌠ thinτ t∩ looδ a⌠ i≤ thσ RCOM═ configuratioε file« Iµ
yo⌡ useΣ thσ instal∞ batcΦ anΣ havσ ß 120░ bauΣ (o≥ better⌐ modem
oε COM1:¼ yo⌡ arσ read∙ t∩ go« Iµ yo⌡ neeΣ t∩ changσ anything¼
ruε RCONFIG.COM« ╔ won'⌠ g∩ int∩ ß lo⌠ oµ borinτ detai∞ abou⌠ it
here« EacΦ screeε ha≤ it'≤ owε hel≡ anΣ hint≤ anΣ iµ yo⌡ usσ the
defaul⌠ configuratioε file≤ a≤ ß startinτ poin⌠ you'l∞ havσ no
problem≤ witΦ it.
RCOM═ ¡ Residen⌠ Communications« Versioε 2.░ Pagσ 7
Copyrigh⌠ (C⌐ 1988 b∙ Thoma≤ Duller« Al∞ right≤ reserved.
Havinτ reaΣ anΣ followeΣ thσ direction≤ s∩ far¼ yo⌡ arσ no≈ ready
t∩ ruε RCOMM« ╔ assumσ yo⌡ havσ thσ curren⌠ drivσ o≥ patΦ se⌠ to
wherσ thσ RCOM═ file≤ are¼ s∩ jus⌠ ente≥ RCOMM.
Yo⌡ wil∞ bσ treateΣ t∩ anothe≥ disclaime≥ anΣ pleß fo≥ money
anΣ theε yo⌡ wil∞ seσ thσ content≤ oµ thσ configuratioε file.
(┴ quicδ asidσ here« Iµ yo⌡ wan⌠ t∩ pu⌠ RCOM═ iε you≥
autoexec.ba⌠ file¼ yo⌡ caε ge⌠ b∙ thesσ tw∩ screen≤ b∙ pipinτ in
ß filσ containinτ tw∩ spacσ character≤ :
RCOM═ <spsp.txt).
S∩ anyway¼ yo⌡ seσ thosσ tw∩ screen≤ anΣ then...huh?...╔ go⌠ ß
C╛ápromp⌠ back« Ye≤ that'≤ thσ wa∙ RCOM═ works« Iµ yo⌡áwan⌠ t∩
usσ i⌠ now¼ holΣ thσ *right¬ shif⌠ anΣ contro∞ key≤ simultaneously«
Thi≤ ke∙ combinatioε wil∞ causσ RCOM═ t∩ activate« Whateve≥ is
currentl∙ runninτ wil∞ bσ saveΣ anΣ RCOM═ wil∞ takσ over« Don't
worry¼ wheε yo⌡ exi⌠ RCOMM¼ yo⌡ wil∞ bσ righ⌠ bacδ wherσ yo⌡ left
Iµ yo⌡ don'⌠ kno≈ wha⌠ t∩ d∩ next¼ yo⌡ caε pres≤ thσ <home╛ ke∙
anΣ ge⌠ ß functioε ke∙ summary« ╔ wil∞ detai∞ thσ functioε keys
herσ iε alphabetica∞ order.
<Al⌠-C╛ ¡ Clear≤ thσ screen« Iµ up/downloadinτ thσ transfe≥
statu≤ informatioε wil∞ bσ refreshed.
<Alt-D╛ ¡ Dialinτ directory.
Yo⌡ caε eithe≥ selec⌠ aε entr∙ froφ thσ director∙ or
manuall∙ ente≥ ß number.
Iµ yo⌡ selec⌠ froφ thσ directory¼ thσ coφ por⌠ wil∞ be
se⌠ u≡ usinτ thσ informatioε froφ thσ director∙ entry.
Iµ yo⌡ wan⌠ t∩ ente≥ ß numbe≥ b∙ hanΣ yo⌡ wil∞ first
g∩ througΦ ß screeε whicΦ looδ≤ suspiciousl∙ likσ one
oµ thσ RCONFI╟ screen≤ t∩ ente≥ thσ coφ por⌠ setup.
Iµ i⌠ al∞ look≤ ok¼ jus⌠ banτ oε thσ returε ke∙ until
yo⌡ ge⌠ out¼ otherwisσ yo⌡ caε changσ an∙ oµ thσ fields
Wheε dialing¼ yo⌡ wil∞ alway≤ bσ askeΣ iµ yo⌡ wan⌠ call
waitinτ disabled« Iµ yo⌡ sa∙ yes¼ ß "1170,ó wil∞ be
addeΣ t∩ thσ fron⌠ oµ thσ dia∞ string« Thi≤ seem≤ to
bσ thσ standarΣ wa∙ oµ disablinτ cal∞ waiting.
<Alt-H╛ ¡ Hang≤ u≡ thσ phone« Now« N∩ question≤ asked.
<Alt-K╛ ¡ Togglσ fo≥ termina∞ "kaptureó mode.
Iµ kapturσ i≤ currentl∙ off¼ yo⌡ wil∞ bσ prompteΣ for
ß filσ name« Iµ thσ namσ yo⌡ ente≥ alread∙ exists¼ the
olΣ filσ wil∞ bσ overwritten« ┴ <kap╛ indicato≥ wil∞
appea≥ oε thσ statu≤ linσ wheneve≥ kapturσ i≤ iε use.
Iµ kapturσ i≤ currentl∙ on¼ hittinτ <Alt-K╛ wil∞ close
thσ kapturσ filσ anΣ sto≡ kapturing.è
RCOM═ ¡ Residen⌠ Communications« Versioε 2.░ Pagσ 8
Copyrigh⌠ (C⌐ 1988 b∙ Thoma≤ Duller« Al∞ right≤ reserved.
Iε addition¼ thσ kapturσ filσ wil∞ bσ closeΣ whenever
yo⌡ star⌠ aε up/downloaΣ automatically.
Fo≥ thσ timσ being¼ kapturinτ caε onl∙ bσ donσ iε the
foreground« Onσ oµ thesσ days¼ I'l∞ allo≈ i⌠ iε the
backgrounΣ a≤ well.
<Alt-M╛ ¡ Filσ transfe≥ monito≥ mode.
Thi≤ als∩ act≤ a≤ aε on/ofµ toggle« Wheε ß filσ
transfe≥ i≤ iε progress¼ yo⌡ caε watcΦ thσ characters
g∩ by« I⌠ usuall∙ look≤ likσ garbage« Actuall∙ thi≤ is
jus⌠ somσ tes⌠ codσ ╔ lef⌠ iε becausσ fo≥ somσ reason
peoplσ though⌠ i≤ wa≤ nea⌠ t∩ watch« ╔ don'⌠ know....
<Alt-P╛ ¡ Changσ coφ por⌠ setup.
Usσ thi≤ t∩ se⌠ bauΣ rate¼ etc« wheε yo⌡ don'⌠ usσ the
director∙ fo≥ dialing.
<Alt-Q╛ ¡ Quicδ dia∞ phone.
Thi≤ i≤ thσ samσ a≤ usinτ <Al⌠-D╛ t∩ dia∞ froφ thσ
director∙ excep⌠ tha⌠ thσ director∙ displa∙ i≤ bypassed
anΣ yo⌡ jus⌠ ge⌠ ß promp⌠ fo≥ wha⌠ entr∙ t∩ dial« Use
thi≤ iµ yo⌡ kno≈ wha⌠ entr∙ yo⌡ wan⌠ t∩ dia∞ already.
<Alt-R╛ ¡ Receivσ (download⌐ ß file.
Yo⌡ wil∞ firs⌠ bσ askeΣ wha⌠ protoco∞ t∩ use« Available
protocol≤ include:
Xmodem¼ Xmodeφ CRC¼ Ymodeφ (singlσ anΣ batch)¼ Ymodem-G
(singlσ anΣ batch).
Fo≥ Xmodeφ anΣ singlσ filσ Ymodem¼ yo⌡ wil∞ bσ askeΣ
fo≥ ß filσ name.
ENTE╥ TH┼ FUL╠ PAT╚ NAME!!!!í Includσ drive¼ patΦ and
filename« Iµ yo⌡ jus⌠ ente≥ ß filσ namσ anΣ theε change
t∩ anothe≥ directory¼ halµ oµ you≥ filσ wil∞ enΣ u≡ in
thσ wronτ directory if you are lucky. If you are not
the lucky type, your PC will probably lock up real tight.
Fo≥ thσ batcΦ protocol≤ anΣ autodownload¼ thσ filσ name
froφ thσ sende≥ wil∞ bσ combineΣ witΦ thσ downloaΣ path
froφ thσ RCOM═ confiτ filσ t∩ makσ u≡ thσ ful∞ patΦ
<Alt-T╛ ¡ Transmi⌠ (upload⌐ ß file.
Yo⌡ wil∞ firs⌠ bσ askeΣ wha⌠ protoco∞ t∩ use« Available
protocol≤ include:
Xmodem¼ Xmodeφ CRC¼ Ymodeφ (singlσ anΣ batch)¼ Ymodem-G
(singlσ anΣ batch).
Yo⌡ wil∞ theε bσ askeΣ fo≥ ß filσ name« Seσ abovσ fo≥
thσ importancσ oµ enterinτ thσ ful∞ patΦ name« Iµ you
usσ onσ oµ thσ Ymodeφ batcΦ protocols¼ yo⌡ ma∙ enter
wildcard≤ iε thσ filename.è
RCOM═ ¡ Residen⌠ Communications« Versioε 2.░ Pagσ 9
Copyrigh⌠ (C⌐ 1988 b∙ Thoma≤ Duller« Al∞ right≤ reserved.
<Alt-X╛ ¡ Return≤ yo⌡ t∩ whateve≥ yo⌡ werσ doinτ wheε yo⌡ popped
RCOM═ in« Iµ yo⌡ arσ up/downloading¼ i⌠ wil∞ continue
iε thσ background« Yo⌡ ma∙ po≡ bacδ u≡ a⌠ an∙ timσ to
checδ oε i⌠ iµ yo⌡ wish. If you are dialing it will
continue to dial in the background. When you get a
connect, RCOMM will start beeping. You may then pop
RCOMM up using the <right shift>/<cntl> combination
and begin your terminal session.
Tha⌠ wrap≤ u≡ thσ functioε keys« A≤ yo⌡ caε seσ it'≤ ß fairl∙
simplσ straightforwarΣ program« I⌠ ha≤ t∩ bσ« Nobod∙ want≤ a
200δ TS╥ sittinτ around.
Genera∞ information:
RCOM═ hook≤ thσ followinτ interrup⌠ vectors:
08Φ ¡ timer
21Φ ¡ DO╙ function
28Φ ¡ DO╙ idle
63Φ ¡ General¼ use≥ defined.
RCOM═ i≤ ß "wel∞ behavedó TSR« Thi≤ mean≤ tha⌠ i⌠ neve≥ does
anythinτ tha⌠ i≤ no⌠ safσ anΣ pu⌠ thing≤ bacδ thσ wa∙ the∙ were
wheε i⌠ get≤ donσ (iε layman'≤ terms).
RCOM═ ¡ Residen⌠ Communications« Versioε 2.░ Pagσ 10
Copyrigh⌠ (C⌐ 1988 b∙ Thoma≤ Duller« Al∞ right≤ reserved.
New features/bug fixes.
- Ymodem-G is now reliable enough to be among the supported
- A monitor function has been added. If you want to, you can
watch the characters being sent/received while a file transfer
is in progress. Binary files look like garbage, but it's there
if you want it.
- Terminal session capture has been added.
- A status line has been added to the bottom of the terminal
screen. It displays the date, time and status of the capture
and monitor toggles.
- Most screens have been re-designed to make them, hopefully,
more user friendly.
- The RCONFIG program has been re-written and is now nearly
- There were times when RCOMM would appear to lock up. As it
turns out it was usually just waiting for something to happen
with interrupts disabled. Most notably while waiting for the
first block of a download. I have enabled the keyboard whenever
it is safe to do so. There may still be times (although it
hasn't happened to me in a while now) where it may appear to
lock up. If it does, give it a few seconds before issuing a
"three fingered salute". If a character is lost while popping
u≡ (a≤ sometime≤ happens⌐ RCOM═ wil∞ timσ ou⌠ iε teε second≤
and nak the sender. This should get you going again. RCOMM
makes every effort to stay in control as long as it does not
interfere with any other programs that may be running. It has
occasionally been known to drop dead, especially when Framework
is running in thσ foreground. The machine keeps running and
Framework is OK, but RCOMM won't pop up anymore. I have spent
many hours trying to figure out why and finally decided not
to run Framework while on-line. I suggest you avoid it too.
- There was a bug reported that was connected with CED and several
other DOS shell type programs. RCOMM would pop up ok, but as
soon as you popped back out (sometimes before) the machine
would lock up. It turned out to be a conflict over the DOS
critical keyboard stack, so I rewrote all of my keyboard
handling routines to stay out of the way.
- There were reports of problems with dialing. I never had any
problems with my Hayes at work, so I pretty much ignored them.
When I purchased a "no⌠ quite hayes compatible" for home, I
found out what all of the griping was about. The dialing
routines are now infinitely more reliable.è
RCOM═ ¡ Residen⌠ Communications« Versioε 2.░ Pagσ 11
Copyrigh⌠ (C⌐ 1988 b∙ Thoma≤ Duller« Al∞ right≤ reserved.
- As a side effect of my new modem I dropped the old Autocat
dialing routines. If you have one (doubtful) let me know. I
have a standalone dialing program for it.
- Just as this release was completed, another bug was reported
just in time! If you hit the <escape> key in terminal mode,
the whole machine would lock up. This was caused by the code
which supports autodownload. When an escape is received, RCOMM
goes off to look at the characters which follow it. It's usually
some handshaking before starting a download. When you hit
escape and it was echoed back to the terminal, RCOMM would go
off looking for the rest of the command and never come back!
I⌠ wa≤ ß quicδ fi° anΣ I'φ surpriseΣ tha⌠ nobod∙ elsσ (myselµ
included) noticed it before. Thanks to Bruce Wilson of Des
Moines, Iowa for reporting it.
¡ ╔ als∩ rewrotσ thσ documentatioε froφ scratch« Thσ releasσ 1
.doπ filσ wa≤ reall∙ bad« ╔ thinδ thi≤ onσ i≤ onl∙ pretty
bad« OΦ well¼ documentatioε wa≤ neve≥ m∙ stronτ suit.
RCOM═ ¡ Residen⌠ Communications« Versioε 2.░ Pagσ 12
Copyrigh⌠ (C⌐ 1988 b∙ Thoma≤ Duller« Al∞ right≤ reserved.
Wha⌠ if.......
Everybod∙ run≤ int∩ problem≤ no≈ anΣ then« That'≤ thσ way
computer≤ are« Thσ IB═ P├ wa≤ no⌠ designeΣ t∩ ruε morσ than
onσ tasδ a⌠ ß time« Oncσ peoplσ figureΣ ou⌠ tha⌠ therσ wa≤ a
wa∙ t∩ d∩ i⌠¼ everybod∙ camσ u≡ witΦ thei≥ owε method≤ and
somσ jus⌠ aren'⌠ compatiblσ witΦ others.
RCOM═ i≤ ß combinatioε oµ al∞ oµ thσ bes⌠ TS╥ methodology
availablσ today« Releasσ ▒ wa≤ reliablσ unde≥ mos⌠ circum-
stance≤ anΣ releasσ ▓ i≤ nearl∙ airtight« Bu⌠ jus⌠ thσ same
onσ oµ yo⌡ i≤ goinτ t∩ firσ u≡ Turbo-thi≤ alonτ witΦ that-Calc
alonτ witΦ RCOM═ alonτ with.......anΣ thσ P├ wil∞ locδ up.
Iµ thi≤ happen≤ t∩ yo⌡¼ therσ i≤ somσ debugginτ yo⌡ caε d∩ on
you≥ own« Wha⌠ yo⌡ havσ t∩ i≤ tr∙ differen⌠ combination≤ oµ TSR's
and/o≥ differen⌠ foregrounΣ application≤ anΣ TSR's« Iµ yo⌡ can
comσ u≡ witΦ ß situatioε wherσ yo⌡ caε sa∙ "╔ d∩ thi≤ anΣ the
systeφ lock≤ upó ever∙ time« Theε yo⌡ havσ isolateΣ thσ problem.
Oncσ yo⌡ havσ i⌠ isolateΣ thσ solutioε i≤ u≡ t∩ you« Eithe≥ don't
ruε thσ offendinτ prograφ o≥ clea≥ al∞ othe≥ TSR'≤ wheε yo⌡ need
t∩ ruε thσ offender« It'≤ likσ thσ olΣ jokσ abou⌠ thσ gu∙ wh∩
goe≤ t∩ seσ hi≤ docto≥ anΣ say≤ "Doπ ever∙ timσ ╔ d∩ this¼ i⌠
hurtsó anΣ thσ docto≥ say≤ "wel∞ don'⌠ d∩ i⌠ then"«
Bu⌠ seriousl∙ folks¼ iµ yo⌡ finΣ ß casσ wherσ RCOM═ i≤
incompatiblσ witΦ something¼ dro≡ mσ ß linσ anΣ le⌠ mσ know.
Oncσ agaiε thσ addres≤ is:
Thoma≤ Duller
P.O« Bo° 27095
Milwaukee¼ WI« 53227
Bσ a≤ specifiπ a≤ yo⌡ can« Thi≤ lead≤ u≤ t∩ thσ question
oµ support« Pleasσ reaΣ on.
RCOM═ ¡ Residen⌠ Communications« Versioε 2.░ Pagσ 13
Copyrigh⌠ (C⌐ 1988 b∙ Thoma≤ Duller« Al∞ right≤ reserved.
RCOM═ suppor⌠ policy.
WitΦ releasσ 1¼ therσ reall∙ wasn'⌠ an∙ specifiπ suppor⌠ policy«
╔ jus⌠ saiΣ "le⌠ mσ kno≈ wha⌠ yo⌡ think"« Thi≤ workeΣ ou⌠ pretty
wel∞ iε mos⌠ case≤ becausσ releasσ ▒ wa≤ morσ oµ ß "tria∞
balloonó thaε anything« Thσ contributioε ratσ wa≤ horrible¼ well
actuall∙ nonσ a⌠ all¼ bu⌠ ╔ diΣ hea≥ froφ ß lo⌠ oµ nicσ people
froφ al∞ ove≥ witΦ ß lo⌠ oµ gooΣ idea≤ anΣ ß lo⌠ oµ nast∙ bugs
t∩ bσ fixed« I'Σ likσ t∩ thanδ everybod∙ now« Thanδ you« Yo⌡ know
wh∩ yo⌡ are.
O╦ thσ bug≤ havσ al∞ beeε fixeΣ anΣ mos⌠ oµ thσ ne≈ idea≤ have
beeε implemented. So now it's time to come up with a formal policy.
It's not that I don't want to be bothered any more. Quite the
contrary, some of my best ideas have come from people I don't
eveε know. However, a lot of people have been getting my home
phone numbe≥ froφ director∙ assistancσ anΣ callinτ meí Pleasσ
don'⌠ d∩ that« That'≤ wh∙ ╔ go⌠ thσ P.O« box« Writσ t∩ me« I'd
lovσ t∩ hea≥ froφ yo⌡ anΣ I'l∞ writσ yo⌡ back« Promise.
S∩ anywa∙ here'≤ thσ suppor⌠ policy:
Iµ yo⌡ havσ an∙ problem≤ writσ mσ at:
Thoma≤ Duller
P.O« Bo° 27095
Milwaukee¼ WI« 53227
That'≤ it« Wha⌠ d∩ yo⌡ wan⌠ fo≥ $25.00┐ 2┤ hou≥ oε site support?
Contributor≤ wil∞, of course, receivσ priority.
RCOM═ ¡ Residen⌠ Communications« Versioε 2.░ Pagσ 13
Copyrigh⌠ (C⌐ 1988 b∙ Thoma≤ Duller« Al∞ right≤ reserved.
Using RCOMM in conjunction with your current comm program.
Iµ yo⌡ reall∙ likσ you≥ curren⌠ modeφ prograφ anΣ jus⌠ wan⌠ the
addeΣ capabilit∙ oµ backgrounΣ filσ transfers¼ RCOM═ caε do
tha⌠ too« Al∞ yo⌡ havσ t∩ d∩ i≤ loaΣ RCOM═ beforσ you≥ modem
program¼ theε loaΣ you≥ modeφ program.
Usinτ you≥ modeφ program¼ makσ you≥ connectioε anΣ takσ carσ oµ
you≥ termina∞ business« Wheε yo⌡ arσ read∙ t∩ up/download¼ po≡
RCOM═ u≡ ove≥ you≥ modeφ program anΣ star⌠ thσ up/downloaΣ usinτ
RCOMM« Oncσ thσ filσ transfe≥ ha≤ started¼ exi⌠ RCOM═ usinτ the
<Alt>-╪ function« No≈ yo⌡ wil∞ bσ bacδ iε you≥ owε modeφ program.
Exi⌠ you≥ modeφ prograφ WITHOU╘ DROPPIN╟ CARRIE╥ anΣ RCOM═ will
d∩ thσ filσ transfe≥ iε thσ background. If you can't exit your
modem program without dropping carrier (as I am afraid is often
the case), you can "shell out of it" if it has that capability.
If you can't do that then I guess you have a choice to make.
Iµ you≥ modeφ prograφ i≤ reall∙ fuss∙ abou⌠ keepinτ it'≤ com
interrup⌠ yo⌡ ma∙ neeΣ t∩ exi⌠ you≥ modeφ prograφ beforσ pop-
pinτ RCOM═ u≡ t∩ star⌠ thσ filσ transfer« Pla∙ arounΣ witΦ it.
I⌠ shoulΣ worδ onσ wa∙ o≥ thσ other« Sincσ therσ arσ s∩ many
modeφ program≤ arounΣ anΣ sincσ ╔ aφ completel∙ satisfieΣ with
RCOMM'≤ termina∞ function≤ ╔ havσ n∩ intentioε oµ cominτ u≡ with
specifiπ instruction≤ fo≥ specifiπ programs« Iµ enougΦ people
reques⌠ it¼ ╔ migh⌠ bσ convinceΣ t∩ comσ u≡ witΦ jus⌠ ß back-
grounΣ filσ transfe≥ modulσ simila≥ t∩ thσ DS┌ modules« If
thosσ request≤ arσ accompanieΣ b∙ contribution≤ tha⌠ woulΣ be
ver∙ convincing.
Well¼ that'≤ abou⌠ it« I'Σ jus⌠ likσ t∩ adΣ ß persona∞ notσ here
(fo≥ thosσ oµ yo⌡ wh∩ bothereΣ t∩ reaΣ thi≤ far)« RCOM═ go⌠ it's
star⌠ a≤ ß simplσ prograφ fo≥ m∙ owε use« I⌠ seemeΣ t∩ takσ oε a
lifσ oµ it'≤ owε and madσ mσ worδ oε i⌠ unti∞ i⌠ seemeΣ likσ it
wa≤ somethinτ peoplσ woulΣ bσ interesteΣ in« Tha⌠ wa≤ releasσ 1.
Eveε thougΦ ╔ didn'⌠ makσ ß singlσ cen⌠ oε it¼ ╔ haΣ enougΦ input
froφ enougΦ nicσ peoplσ t∩ kee≡ oε anΣ comσ u≡ witΦ thi≤ release.
Yo⌡ see¼ RCOM═ i≤ ß sharewarσ produc⌠ iε thσ trues⌠ sensσ oµ the
word« You see, this isn't some software company. I'm just a guy
with an idea. I'φ sittinτ herσ iε m∙ livinτ rooφ (downloadinτ
somσ files iε thσ background⌐ anΣ writinτ thi≤ documentation« A≤
i≤ thσ case witΦ al∞ gooΣ things¼ to∩ mucΦ i≤ to∩ much« A⌠ thσ
momen⌠ ╔ am sicδ oµ RCOMM« Iµ therσ i≤ eve≥ t∩ bσ ß releasσ 3¼ i⌠
i≤ u≡ to you« ╔ neeΣ you≥ support« KinΣ word≤ arσ nice¼ bu⌠ casΦ
i≤ even better« ╔ don'⌠ expec⌠ t∩ ge⌠ ricΦ ofµ oµ thi≤ dea∞ bu⌠
i⌠ would bσ nicσ t∩ ge⌠ somethinτ ou⌠ oµ it« You≥ move..........