Simtel MSDOS 1992 December
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Assembly Source File
4,248 lines
TITLE Main Work Loop for Modular Sequencer
; MusicBox Modular Sequencer, Version 2
; main module
; author: John Dunn
; date: 03/07/86
; update: 03/20/88
; COPYRIGHT (C) 1986 John Dunn, All Rights Reserved
; Entered into the Public Domain, March 20, 1988
; Use and copying of this software and preparation of derivative works
; based upon this software are permitted. Any distribution of this
; software or derivative works must comply with all applicable United
; States export control laws.
; This software is made available AS IS, and the author makes no warranty
; about the software, its performance, or its conformity to any specification.
; Any person obtaining a copy of this software is requested to send their
; name and address address to:
; John Dunn, Senior Research Fellow
; Time Arts Inc.
; 3436 Mendocino Ave.
; Santa Rosa, CA 95401
include order.asm
include equates.asm
clkadr equ 146+(23*160) ; addr of page 0 clock
include macros.asm
; convert character x,y to an address
; call with al = video y, bx = video x
; (x= 0-79, y= 0=24)
; returns with bx = offset, ax trashed
vxyadr macro
mov ah,160
mul ah
add bx,bx
add bx,ax
; display priority number
showp macro
and ah,1 ;; do ms byte
xor ah,1
add ah,0f8h
mov byte ptr es:158[bx],ah ;; set high byte
tohex ;; binary to hex
mov byte ptr es:160[bx],ah ;; set the priority
mov byte ptr es:162[bx],al ;; /
if not withc
db 512 dup (?)
db 0
db 4094 dup (?) ; video "foo" buffer
db 0
extrn mute:word,mutef:byte,midisf:byte,midixsf:byte
extrn vartbl:near,modscr:near
extrn _chrtbl:near
extrn _exetbl:near
extrn @dummy:near
extrn _modsrc:near
extrn $menu:near ; page #'s and menu
extrn $dummy:near ; 25 line dummy for module text buffer
extrn _modtxt:near,?modtxt:near
extrn @zero:near
extrn mmreset:byte,mmstart:byte
extrn mmtick:word,mmcount:word,mclocks:word
extrn mvlsav:near,mvlnum:abs
extrn mprstf:byte
extrn midip:byte
public varsav,cmdflg,special,cmdloc,vpage,locsav,curadr,noop
public ticka,tickis,cmdcnt,valflg,usrflg,magflg,holdv,colr,doesc
public _tmpfn,_savfn,_lodfn,_bakfn,_mpab,_header,fastflg,modnum
public lodflg,clrchf,midiok,curonf,asensf
_bases dw 0 ; base seg is saved here
clrchf db 0 ; clear channel flag, used by chanl
tickis db 0 ; timer value after modules
lodflg db 0 ; nz for 2 clocks after loading
fastflg db 0 ; nz = fast as possible loops
savtime dw 0 ; place to save time of day
timecnt db 8 ; time count for colon flash
midiss db 0 ; place to save last midi xtrn sync
waiting db 0 ; nz if waiting on timer
pdf db 0 ; pd values set by interrupt
pdx db 39 ; /
pdy db 12 ; /
curonf db 0 ; nz = don't restore screen char
curflg db 0 ; z to display normal cursor
curcol db 017h ; 0 = cursor not being displayed
curdata dw 0 ; data under the cursor
savcol db 0 ; /
colr db blue ; current number readout color
vpage dw 0B800H ; current video page seg
vpagen db 0 ; current video page number
vpagep db 0 ; previous video page number
curadr dw 1998 ; cursor address offset
execur dw 0 ; z = don't do it
modchar dw offset dgroup:$dummy; current module char list
cmdcol db 0 ; command color
cmdcnt db 0 ; command count
cmdptr dw offset dgroup:@dummy; command pointer
cmdloc dw 0 ; command location offset
cmdtag dw 0 ; command label offset
shosav dw 0 ; place to save it
shoflg db 0 ; nz = showing output-inputs
cmdflg db 0 ; nz = a command is pending
magflg db 0 ; 0=no-value, 1=channel #, 2=input value
errflg db 0 ; 1 = write, 2 = non-fatal read
errwrd dw 0 ; dos error word
byemsg dw 0 ; addr of exit msg, or 0
room db 0 ; disk room, in save files
tmpsav dw offset dgroup:vartbl; place to hold a variable ptr (move)
; or modsrc addr (reincarnate)
locsav dw 0 ; place to hold cmdloc, to remember hilights
modnum db 0 ; module number *2 of last new module
special dw noop ; place to hold exe addr of special routine
usrflg db 0 ; nz when special magenta input is happening
valflg db 0 ; nz when blue value input is happening
mickx dw 0 ; current mickey horiz count
lastx db 0 ; place to save last pdx for no-button cmds
lasty db 0 ; place to save last pdy for no-button cmds
holdv dw 0 ; place to hold last value offset
doesc dw noop ; do this when ESC is selected
cscale db 'C:C#D:D#E:F:F#G:G#A:A#B:'
diradr dw 0 ; temp storage for screen directory
dirptr dw 0 ; last directory file name pointer
_mpab db 8Fh ; file load flags
asensf db 1 ; active sensing send flag
; the following are constants that may be changed either before
; assembley or with debug after MB.EXE is built. Actual number of
; bytes must remain the same, or previously saved files will be
; incompatable, causing upredictable results when loaded.
usesf db 1 ; 1 = use _scrfn file if found
midiok db 1 ; 0= off, 1= 1 MPU, 3= 2 MPU's
_numpg dw 3 ; number of video pages -1 (1/3/7)
; should be 3 for CGA, 7 for EGA/VGA
_scrfn db 'tutor.scr',0,0,0,0 ; screen file name
; if not found, uses screen image
; from MODSCR, last section of MBV.ASM
_tmpfn db '\undo.mb$',0,0,0,0 ; file name for set/undo
; 0 in 1st byte disables
_bakfn db 'previous.mb ',0 ; file name for backup
; 0 in 1st byte disables
_lodfn db 'temp.mb ',0,0,0,0,0; file name for dir loading
_dirfn db '*.mb ',0 ; directory file name
_inbuf db 128 dup (?) ; kbd input buffer
_err_wp db 7,'Write Protect: Retry Ignore Quit$'
_err_dx db 7,'Disk Error: Retry Ignore Quit? $'
_errwx db 7,'Write Error: Retry Escape Quit? $'
_errwr db 7,'Write Error: Retry Ignore Quit? $'
_errver db 7,'Wrong Vers: M disabled. Escape? $'
_noundo db 7,'Error in writing to Undo File.$'
_opundo db 7,'Error in opening Undo File.$'
_errmod db 7,'Error in reading modules. $'
roomis db "Room= 20$"
; header format (only first 128 bytes are actually used)
; byte 0 = revision
; byte 1 = version
; byte 2 = encoding (0 = no encoding in this version)
; byte 3 = 0
; byte 4-43 = copyright notice
; other bytes unused
_header db version,release ; version/release word
db 0,0 ; encoding = 0 = none
db 'MusicBox Copyright (c) 1986, 1987 John Dunn'
db 100 dup (0) ; more stuff
_foo db 128 dup (?) ; scratch area
; the following are saved/loaded
valsav equ $ ; start of values to save
_savfn db 'temp.mb ',0,0,0,0,0; file name for saving
ticka db 0CH ; timer tick (1456/mtempo)
varptr dw offset dgroup:vartbl; addr of next free variable space
varnow dw offset dgroup:vartbl; current variable table addr
varsav dw offset dgroup:vartbl; saved variable table addr
last dw 0 ; index of last module in exetbl
; also next module's priority
valend equ $ ; end of values to save
public loops
loops dw 0 ; module loop count
extrn _dummy:near
extrn ticks:word,timer:word,midixs:byte
extrn startm:near,stopm:near,startt:near,stopt:near
extrn sendm:near,alloff:near,tomidi:near
extrn allclr:near,allmidi:near
extrn secondf:byte,seconds:word
; main body of program
; initialization
public _doit
if withc ; if compiled with C
push es ; save C regs
push bp ; /
push si ; /
push di ; /
else ; else if assembly
mov ax,seg dgroup ; set data seg
mov dx,ds ; save initial data seg
mov ds,ax ; /
mov _bases,dx ; /
mov ah,25H ; set int vect
mov al,24H ; int 24h for MS crit error
push ds ; save data seg
mov dx,cs ; get code ds
mov ds,dx ; point to cerror
mov dx,offset cerror; vector to mine
int 21H ; set new int vect
pop ds ; restore data seg
mov cx,_numpg ; get number of pages
inc cx ; +1 for loop
if debug ; if debug mode, don't clr page 7
dec cx ; /
endif ; /
mov al,0 ; /
start0: push cx ; /
push ax ; /
call page ; /
call clx ; /
pop ax ; /
inc al ; /
pop cx ; /
loop start0 ; /
mov al,0 ; set page 0 active
call page ; /
call shoall ; show all modules
call modloc ; set module location addresses
call savmod ; save undo modules
call getfn ; get file name from cmd line
jnc start1 ; branch if no input filename
mov ah,3dh ; dos open file command
mov al,0 ; read only
mov dx,offset dgroup:_savfn; point to file name
int 21H ; open the file
jc start1 ; branch if open error
call lodmod0 ; else load modules
call showfn ; show the save filename
call getdir ; show directory enterys
call dopath ; show current path
call dompab ; show mpad status
call menus ; draw menus
mov vpagen,0 ; set up for swaps
mov al,1 ; show page 1
call page ; /
jmp short start2 ; /
start1: call showfn ; show the save filename
call getdir ; show directory enterys
call dopath ; show current path
call dompab ; show mpad status
call menus ; draw menus
mov vpagen,1 ; set up for swaps
mov al,0 ; show page 0
call page ; /
start2: call startt ; start system timer
call initpd ; initialize pointing device
test midiok,-1 ; was MIDI on?
jz start3 ; no, branch
call startm ; yes, turn it on
start3: mov curonf,1 ; no old cursor
call curon ; activate cursor
mov pdf,80h ; /
call fixhlt ; fix halt status
; registers that must be preserved: DS, SI
; main work loop
public work
if debug ; if true compile this stuff
mov al,really ; if really, really do it
or al,al ; /
jz really1 ; /
mov bx,varnow ; ...display the variable list
sub bx,8 ; back up a little
; use this stuff to show MIDI data stream
comment |
mov bx, offset dgroup:mobuf;; get next byte
add bx,mobiix ;; get midi in buffer index
sub bx,36 ; back up a little
mov ax,mobiix
mov show2,ax
sub ax,moboix
mov show3,ax
comment ends |
; use this stuff to show mouse location & screen address
mov ax,curadr ; cursor screen address
mov show0,ax ; show it
mov al,pdx ; cursor x
mov ah,pdy ; cursor y
mov show1,ax ; show it
mov show2,sp
call showw ; /
call show ; /
really1: ; /
endif ; /
; display time if on page 0
mov es,vpage ; set up for video page
cmp vpagen,0 ; on page 0?
jnz work0 ; no, branch
mov ah,2ch ; dos get time function
int 21h ; call dos
test lodflg,-1 ; did a load happen
jnz workt ; yes, set new time
cmp cx,savtime ; has time changed?
jz worktz ; no, branch
workt: mov colr,cyan ; set color to cyan
test lodflg,-1 ; did a load happen
jnz workt2 ; yes, don't check hrs
cmp ch,byte ptr savtime+1 ; hrs changed?
jz workt1 ; no, branch
workt2: mov al,ch ; setup for ascii
mov bx,clkadr ; address of decimal readout
call todec ; show it in decimal
mov bx,clkadr ; zip ms zero
mov byte ptr es:[bx],0b3h ; /
workt1: mov al,cl ; setup for ascii
mov bx,clkadr+6 ; address of decimal readout
call todec ; show it in decimal
mov bx,clkadr+6 ; zip ms zero
mov byte ptr es:[bx],':' ; /
worktx: mov savtime,cx ; save time
mov colr,blue ; fix color
worktz: dec timecnt ; seconds changed?
jnz work0 ; no, exit
; mov timecnt,64 ; yes, set new count
mov bx,clkadr+7 ; flip colon color
xor byte ptr es:[bx],green ; /
; test to see if a request to change pages has been asserted
work0: cmp pdf,82H ; change page if pdf=2
jnz work0a ; else, go on
and pdf,07fh ; clear pen-down flag
call curoff ; no cursor while changing pages
mov al,vpagep ; get previous page number
call page ; swap with current
mov curonf,1 ; don't restore screen data
call curon ; do turn on the cursor
work0x: jmp workx ; back to the work loop
; test to see if a command request has been asserted
work0a: cmp pdf,81h ; do command if pdf = 1
jnz work02 ; else check for user input
and pdf,07fh ; clear pen-down flag
cmp pdx,2 ; in vertical menu area?
jbe workm0 ; yes, go do it
cmp vpagen,0 ; on page 0?
jnz work01 ; no, branch
cmp pdy,10h ; horiz menu?
jz workh ; yes, go do it
cmp pdy,15h ; below file area
ja work0x ; yes, not interested
cmp pdy,11h ; in file area?
ja workf ; yes, go process
work01: jmp work00 ; no, go process screen commands
workf: jmp workf0 ; branch to file area processing
workh: jmp workh0 ; branch to horiz menu processing
; no putton push, if user input was requested (cmdflg =7 ), and
; if x,y position has changed, process user input
work02: mov ax,11 ; check for mouse movement
int 33H ; /
cmp mickx,cx ; has x changed?
jnz work02a ; yes, go do it
mov ah,pdy ; has y changed
cmp lasty,ah ; /
jz work02x ; no, then back to work loop
work02a:mov mickx,cx ; save x,y mickeys
mov al,pdx ; save last pdx,pdy
mov lastx,al ; yes, save pdx,pdy
mov ah,pdy ; /
mov lasty,ah ; /
cmp cmdflg,7 ; blue input?
jnz work02b ; no, branch
jmp work72 ; yes, process blue user input
work02b:cmp cmdflg,10 ; magenta input?
jnz work02c ; no, branch
jmp work92 ; yes, process magenta special input
work02x:jmp workx ; no, back to the work loop
; Process Menu command.
workm0: cmp pdy,7 ; page change command
ja workm1 ; no, go fish
call curoff ; yes, set page
mov al,pdy ; /
call page ; /
mov curonf,1 ; don't restore screen data
call curon ; cursor back on
jmp workx ; back to the work loop
; menu commands other than page change
workm1: cmp pdy,8 ; ESC?
jnz workm4 ; no, branch
jmp workm1a ; yes, go do it
workm4: cmp pdy,10 ; SET?
jnz workm5 ; no, branch
jmp workm4a ; yes, go do it
workm2: cmp cmdflg,0 ; something pending?
jnz workmz ; yes, split
cmp pdy,9 ; delete?
jnz workm3 ; no, branch
jmp workm2a ; yes, branch to delete
workm3: cmp pdy,11 ; HLT?
jnz workm7 ; no, branch
jmp workm3a ; yes, go do it
workm7: cmp pdy,12 ; OFF?
jnz workm8 ; no, branch
jmp workm7a ; yes, go do it
workm8: cmp pdy,17 ; mute/solo command
jb workmz ; no, exit
jmp workm8a ; yes, go do it
workmz: jmp workx ; none of the above, exit
; Delete command given, turn on highlite, set cmdflg to 4
workm2a:mov bx,5a0h ; address of DEL
call turnon ; turn on
mov cmdflg,4 ; set command flag = 4
mov word ptr doesc,offset workm2d; set up for ESC
jmp workx ; exit
; escape from delete
workm2d:mov bx,5a0h ; turn off hilight
jmp turnoff
; process HLT command (on/off)
workm3a:mov bx,6E0H ; text offset
test mprstf,2 ; stopped already?
jz workm3b ; no, branch
call turnoff ; yes, turn off highlight
mov al,0fah ; send MIDI START command
call allmidi ; send to all midi ports
mov mmtick,1 ; reset to 1st note in measure
and mprstf,0FDH ; clear halt flag
jmp workx ; exit
workm3b:call turnon ; turn on highlight
or mprstf,2 ; set master halt the flag
mov al,0fch ; send MIDI STOP command
call allmidi ; /
jmp workx ; exit
; SET command given, save current system to temp file
test _tmpfn,-1 ; want to do it?
jz workm4e ; no, branch
cmp cmdflg,0 ; was it clear?
jz workm4d ; yes, branch
jmp workx ; no, ignore
workm4d:mov bx,160*10 ; address of menu text
call turnon ; turn on highlight
call curoff ; zip cursor
call allclr ; clear all midi channels
call savmod ; save modules
mov pdf,80h ; reset mouse flag
call curon ; cursor back on
mov bx,160*10 ; address of menu text
call turnoff ; turn off highlight
mov clrchf,1 ; setup to clear chanl
workm4e:jmp workx ; exit
; process OFF command (all notes off)
call alloff ; process all notes off
jmp workx ; exit
; ESC command given.
; Turn cursor off, execute DOESC, then zip DOSEC.
; If cursor is a module image, turn it off.
; Clear cmdflg.
public _cancel,cancel
workm1a:call curoff ; cursor off
cancel: mov ax,doesc ; get the esc exe addr
call ax ; go do it
mov doesc,offset noop ; put it to sleep
call curon ; cursor back on
test curflg,1 ; dragging a module around?
jz workm1d ; no, branch
call setcur ; yes, set cursor
workm1d:mov cmdflg,0 ; clear command flag
jmp workx ; exit
; mute/solo commands
workm8a:test mutef,1 ; action mute or solo?
jnz workm8e ; branch if mute
mov dx,-1 ; set up solo mask
mov cl,pdy ; point to the screen location
sub cl,17 ; cl = 0-7
add cl,cl ; *2 for 0-14
cmp pdx,2 ; do odd?
jz workm8b ; yes, branch
mov ax,1 ; set flag bit
shl ax,cl ; ax = bit flag for mute
xor dx,ax ; set the bit
cmp pdx,0 ; was this just even?
jz workm8c ; yes, branch
workm8b:inc cl ; +1 for 1-15
mov ax,1 ; set flag bit
shl ax,cl ; ax = bit flag for mute
xor dx,ax ; set the bit
workm8c:cmp dx,mute ; same as last time?
jnz workm8d ; no, branch
mov dx,0 ; yes, clear solo flags
workm8d:mov mute,dx ; set new solo
jmp workx ; back to the work loop
workm8e:mov cl,pdy ; point to the screen location
sub cl,17 ; cl = 0-7
add cl,cl ; *2 for 0-14
cmp pdx,2 ; do odd?
jz workm8f ; yes, branch
mov ax,1 ; set flag bit
shl ax,cl ; ax = bit flag for mute
xor mute,ax ; flip the bit
cmp pdx,0 ; was this just even?
jz workm8g ; yes, branch
workm8f:inc cl ; +1 for 1-15
mov ax,1 ; set flag bit
shl ax,cl ; ax = bit flag for mute
xor mute,ax ; flip the bit
workm8g:jmp workx ; back to work loop
; Process horiz page 0 menu
workh0: cmp pdx,8 ; QUIT @ workh0a
jnb workh01 ; /
jmp workh0a ; /
workh01:cmp pdx,0DH ; EXIT @ workh1a
jnb workh02 ; /
test room,-1 ; room to save?
jz workhx ; no, ignore the command
jmp workh1a ; /
workh02:cmp pdx,12H ; MPAD @ workh2a
jnb workh03 ; /
jmp workh2a ; /
workh03:cmp pdx,17H ; UNDO @ workh3a
jnb workh05 ; /
jmp workh3a ; /
workh05:cmp pdx,1CH ; REDO @ workh5a
jnb workh04 ; /
jmp workh5a ; else go do it
workh04:cmp pdx,21H ; SAVE @ workh4a
jnb workh06 ; /
test room,-1 ; room to save?
jz workhx ; no, ignore the command
jmp workh4a ; else go do it
workh06:cmp pdx,2bh ; NAME @ workh6a
jnb workh07 ; /
jmp workh6a ; /
workh07:jmp workh7a ; PATH @ workh7a
workhx: jmp workx ; back to the work loop
; Turn on horiz menu command highlight.
; call with cursor on, bx = menu text offset
public horzon
horzon: push bx ; save text addr
call curoff ; zip cursor
pop bx ; get text addr
add bx,16*160 ; offset for line
mov dx,0b800h ; do page 0 only
mov es,dx ;
or byte ptr es:1[bx],8 ; make bright
or byte ptr es:3[bx],8 ; /
or byte ptr es:5[bx],8 ; /
or byte ptr es:7[bx],8 ; /
mov curonf,1 ; don't restore
jmp curon ; cursor normal
; Turn off menu command highlight.
; call with cursor on, bx = menu text offset
public horzoff
horzoff:push bx ; save text addr
call curoff ; zip cursor
pop bx ; get text addr
add bx,16*160 ; offset for line
mov dx,0b800h ; do page 0 only
mov es,dx ;
and byte ptr es:1[bx],0f7h ; make dark
and byte ptr es:3[bx],0f7h ; /
and byte ptr es:5[bx],0f7h ; /
and byte ptr es:7[bx],0f7h ; /
mov curonf,1 ; don't restore
jmp curon ; keep it right
; show mapb status
dompab: mov bx,1cH+(16*160) ; offset for line
mov dx,0b800h ; do page 0 only
mov es,dx ; /
mov al,_mpab ; get it
mov ah,1 ; set bit test flag
mov cl,4 ; 4 bits to do
dompab0:test al,ah ; look at the bit
jz dompab1 ; branch if off
mov byte ptr es:1[bx],cyan; else make bright
jmp short dompab2 ; branch
dompab1:mov byte ptr es:1[bx],grey; make dark
dompab2:inc bl ; bump pointers
inc bl ; /
shl ah,1 ; /
loop dompab0 ; loop
; QUIT command given, turn on highlite, set cmdflg to 6
workh0a:mov bx,8 ; address of QUIT
cmp cmdflg,6 ; already set?
jnz workh0b ; no, branch
mov dx,ds ; yes, fix es = ds
mov es,dx ; /
test _mpab,80H ; has there been a save?
jz workh0e ; no, branch
call delmod ; delete temp file
workh0e:jmp split ; exit
workh0b:cmp cmdflg,0 ; was it clear?
jz workh0d ; yes, branch
jmp workx ; no, ignore
workh0d:call horzon ; was clear, so turn on
call tmphlt ; set temp hlt
mov cmdflg,6 ; set command flag = 6
mov doesc,offset workh0c ; set up ESC
jmp workx ; exit
; escape from QUIT
; also define "noop" as a dummy return
workh0c:mov bx,8 ; turn off highlight
call horzoff ; /
call clrhlt ; clear hlt
noop: ret ; "noop" is dummy return
; EXIT command given, turn on highlite, set cmdflg to 18
workh1a:mov bx,12h ; address of EXIT
cmp cmdflg,16 ; already set?
jnz workh1b ; no, branch
mov cmdflg,0 ; clear the command
call horzoff ; yes, turn off highlight
mov bx,3ah ; zip save highlight
call horzoff ; /
call curoff ; zip cursor
call delmod ; delete temp file
mov dx,ds ; fix es = ds
mov es,dx ; /
test _bakfn,-1 ; doing backups?
jz workh1e ; no, branch
mov dx,offset dgroup:_savfn; file already exists?
mov cx,0 ; /
mov ah,4eh ; dos search for first
int 21h ; /
jc workh1e ; branch if not already existing
mov dx,offset dgroup:_bakfn; delete old bakfn
mov ah,41h ; dos delete function call
int 21h ; /
mov dx,offset dgroup:_savfn; rename savfn to bakfn
mov di,offset dgroup:_bakfn
mov ah,56h ; dos rename function call
int 21h ; /
workh1e:mov dx,offset dgroup:_savfn; point to file name
call savmods ; save modules
test errflg,-1 ; any errors?
jz workh1f ; no, branch
mov dx,offset dgroup:_errwx; yes, setup message
call errmsg ; do msg, get response
cmp al,'Q' ; want to ignore?
jz workh1f ; /
cmp al,'R' ; Retry
jz workh1e ; /
; ; else Escape
mov pdf,80h ; reset mouse flag
call curon ; cursor back on
call workh1c ; fix menu & HLT status
call getdir ; show directory
jmp workx ; exit
workh1f:jmp split ; exit
workh1b:cmp cmdflg,0 ; was it clear?
jz workh1d ; yes, branch
jmp workx ; no, ignore
workh1d:call horzon ; was clear, so turn on
mov bx,3ah ; set save highlight
call horzon ; /
call tmphlt ; set temp hlt
mov cmdflg,16 ; set command flag = 18
mov doesc,offset workh1c ; set up ESC
jmp workx ; exit
; escape from EXIT
workh1c:mov bx,12h ; turn off highlight
call horzoff ; /
mov bx,3ah ; zip save highlight
call horzoff ; /
call clrhlt ; clear temp hlt
; set MPAB bit & display status
workh2a:mov ah,1 ; set bit flag
mov dh,pdx ; get cursor x-loc
mov dl,0EH ; first match position
mov cx,4 ; 4 to do
workh2b:cmp dl,dh ; match?
jz workh2c ; yes, branch out
shl ah,1 ; bump bit flag
inc dl ; bump x-loc
loop workh2b ; do them all
workh2c:xor _mpab,ah ; flip the mpab bit
call curoff ; zip cursor
call dompab ; show it
mov curonf,1 ; don't restore
call curon ; keep it right
jmp workx ; exit
; UNDO command given, turn on highlite, set cmdflg to 16
test _tmpfn,-1 ; want to do it?
jz workh3e ; no, branch
mov bx,26h ; address of UNDO
cmp cmdflg,17 ; already set?
jnz workh3b ; no, branch
mov cmdflg,0 ; clear the command
call curoff ; zip cursor
xor _tmpfn+4,1 ; switch file name
call savmod ; save modules
xor _tmpfn+4,1 ; switch file name
call lodmod ; load modules
call delmod ; delete just loaded file
xor _tmpfn+4,1 ; switch file name
call showfn ; show the save filename
call getdir ; show directory enterys
call dopath ; show current path
call dompab ; show mpad status
call menus ; draw menus
mov pdf,80h ; reset mouse flag
mov curonf,1 ; don't restore
call curon ; cursor back on
mov bx,26h ; turn off highlight
call horzoff ; /
mov bx,160*10 ; address of menu text
call turnoff ; turn off highlight
call showfn ; show exit file name
call fixhlt ; clear temp HLT
mov lodflg,2 ; flag that a load happened
workh3e:jmp workx ; exit
workh3b:cmp cmdflg,0 ; was it clear?
jz workh3d ; yes, branch
jmp workx ; no, ignore
workh3d:mov bx,26h ; point menu text
call horzon ; turn on
call tmphlt ; set temp HLT
mov cmdflg,17 ; set command flag = 19
mov doesc,offset workh3c ; set up ESC
jmp workx ; exit
; escape from UNDO
workh3c:mov bx,26h ; turn off highlight
call horzoff ; /
call clrhlt ; clear temp hlt
; SAVE command given, turn on highlite, set cmdflg to 19
workh4a:cmp cmdflg,19 ; already set?
jnz workh4b ; no, branch
mov cmdflg,0 ; clear the command
mov bx,3ah ; point to text
call horzoff ; turn off highlight
call curoff ; zip cursor
mov dx,ds ; fix es = ds
mov es,dx ; /
test _bakfn,-1 ; doing backups?
jz workh4e ; no, branch
mov dx,offset dgroup:_savfn; file already exists?
mov cx,0 ; /
mov ah,4eh ; dos search for first
int 21h ; /
jc workh4e ; branch if not already existing
mov dx,offset dgroup:_bakfn; delete old bakfn
mov ah,41h ; dos delete function call
int 21h ; /
mov dx,offset dgroup:_savfn; rename savfn to bakfn
mov di,offset dgroup:_bakfn
mov ah,56h ; dos rename function call
int 21h ; /
workh4e:mov dx,offset dgroup:_savfn; point to file name
call savmods ; save modules
test errflg,-1 ; any errors?
jz workh4f ; no, branch
mov dx,offset dgroup:_errwr; yes, setup message
call errmsg ; do msg, get response
cmp al,'I' ; want to ignore?
jz workh4f ; /
cmp al,'R' ; Retry
jz workh4e ; /
jmp split ; must be split
mov pdf,80h ; reset mouse flag
call curon ; cursor back on
call workh4c ; fix menu & HLT status
call getdir ; show directory
jmp workx ; exit
workh4b:cmp cmdflg,0 ; was it clear?
jz workh4d ; yes, branch
jmp workx ; no, ignore
workh4d:mov bx,3ah ; point menu text
call horzon ; turn on
call tmphlt ; set temp HLT
mov cmdflg,19 ; set command flag = 19
mov doesc,offset workh4c ; set up ESC
jmp workx ; exit
; escape from SAVE
workh4c:mov bx,3ah ; turn off highlight
call horzoff ; /
call clrhlt ; fix hlt status
; REDO command given, turn on highlite, set cmdflg to 18
test _tmpfn,-1 ; want to do it?
jz workh5e ; no, branch
mov bx,30h ; address of UNDO
cmp cmdflg,18 ; already set?
jnz workh5b ; no, branch
mov cmdflg,0 ; clear the command
call curoff ; zip cursor
call lodmod ; load modules
call showfn ; show the save filename
call getdir ; show directory enterys
call dopath ; show current path
call dompab ; show mpad status
call menus ; draw menus
mov pdf,80h ; reset mouse flag
mov curonf,1 ; don't restore
call curon ; cursor back on
mov bx,26h ; turn off highlight
call horzoff ; /
mov bx,160*10 ; address of menu text
call turnoff ; turn off highlight
call showfn ; show exit file name
call fixhlt ; clear temp HLT
mov lodflg,2 ; flag that a load happened
workh5e:jmp workx ; exit
workh5b:cmp cmdflg,0 ; was it clear?
jz workh5d ; yes, branch
jmp workx ; no, ignore
workh5d:mov bx,30h ; point menu text
call horzon ; turn on
call tmphlt ; set temp HLT
mov cmdflg,18 ; set command flag = 19
mov doesc,offset workh5c ; set up ESC
jmp workx ; exit
; escape from REDO
workh5c:mov bx,30h ; turn off highlight
call horzoff ; /
call clrhlt ; clear temp hlt
; NAME command, put new name in _savfn
workh6a:call curoff ; zip cursor
mov ah,2 ; bios set cursor position
mov bh,0 ; page 0
mov dx,1023H ; x,y of cursor
int 10H ; do bios int
mov _savfn,'.' ; clear the name area
call showfn ; /
mov _inbuf,9 ; 8 chars max
call getkey ; get them
mov cx,8 ; put them in savfn
mov bx,offset dgroup:_inbuf+2; /
mov di,offset dgroup:_savfn ; /
workh6b:mov al,[bx] ; get the char
cmp al,21h ; /
jb workh6d ; /
mov [di],al ; put char in savfn buffer
inc di ; bump fn pointer
inc bx ; bump cmd line pointer
loop workh6b ; loop to max of input chars
workh6d:mov byte ptr [di],'.' ; set up save extension
mov byte ptr 1[di],'M' ; /
mov byte ptr 2[di],'B' ; /
mov byte ptr 3[di],' ' ; /
mov byte ptr 4[di],0 ; /
call showfn ; show it
mov curadr,0a44h ; set cursor to 0th char
mov curonf,1 ; don't restore
call curon ; but turn it on
mov pdf,80h ; /
mov clrchf,1 ; setup to clear chanl
jmp workx ; exit
; PATH command, set new directory path
workh7a:call curoff ; zip cursor
mov ax,0b800h ; set up video seg
mov es,ax ; /
mov bx,58H+(16*160) ; offset for line
mov ax,whi ; set color
mov cx,35 ; words in line
workh7b:mov es:[bx],ax ; set the word
inc bx ; bump
inc bx ; /
loop workh7b ; do the line
mov ah,2 ; bios set cursor position
mov bh,0 ; page 0
mov dx,102CH ; x,y of cursor
int 10H ; do bios int
mov _inbuf,36 ; 36 chars max
call getkey ; get them
mov al,_inbuf+1 ; get number of chars
mov ah,0 ; /
mov bx,offset dgroup:_inbuf+2;/
mov dx,bx ; save for path
add bx,ax ; point to end of string
mov byte ptr [bx],0 ; null terminate
mov ah,19h ; get current disk drive
int 21h ; dos call
mov _inbuf,al ; put it away
cmp byte ptr _inbuf+2,'\' ; directory or drive?
jz workh7c ; branch if directory
mov al,_inbuf+2 ; get the new drive
call touc ; make uppercase
sub al,'A' ; make A=0, B=1, etc.
mov dl,al ; set up for dos call
mov ah,0eh ; set default drive
int 21h ; dos call
cmp byte ptr _inbuf+4,'\' ; drive change only
jnz workh7d ; yes, don't change path
workh7c:mov ah,3bh ; set new path
mov dx,offset dgroup:_inbuf+2;/
int 21h ; dos call
jnc workh7d ; branch if ok
mov dl,_inbuf ; else get old drive
mov ah,0eh ; set default drive
int 21h ; dos call
workh7d:call dopath ; show it
call getdir ; show new directory
mov curadr,0a56h ; set cursor to 0th char
mov curonf,1 ; don't restore
call curon ; but turn it on
mov pdf,80h ; /
jmp workx ; exit
; Process file area loads, set cmdflg = 20
workf0: call curoff ; zip cursor
mov bx,0b800H ; setup video seg
mov es,bx ; /
mov bx,curadr ; get cursor address
mov al,es:1[bx] ; get attribute byte
and al,lo ; strip highlight
cmp al,yellow ; got anything?
jz workf0a ; yes, branch
jmp workfq ; no, cancel the command
workf0a:cmp byte ptr es:[bx],' ' ; is it a letter
ja workf1 ; yes, go on
jmp workfq ; no, cancel
workf1: dec bx ; no, back up
dec bx ; /
cmp byte ptr es:[bx],' ' ; look for 1st non-letter
ja workf1 ; /
inc bx ; point to start
inc bx ; /
cmp cmdflg,20 ; ready to do it
jz workf1a ; yes, branch
cmp cmdflg,4 ; DEL
jz workf1b ; yes, branch
jmp workf8 ; no, exit
workf1a:test byte ptr es:1[bx],hi ; hi bit set
jnz workf1b ; yes, go on
jmp workfq ; no, cancel
workf1b:mov di,offset dgroup:_lodfn ; point to file text area
mov cx,8 ; 8 maximum to do
workf3: mov al,es:[bx] ; get first char
cmp al,' ' ; ignore spaces
jna workf2 ; /
mov [di],al ; put char in save file name buffer
inc bx ; bump screen pointer
inc bx ; /
inc di ; bump text pointer
loop workf3 ; loop to max
workf2: mov byte ptr [di],'.' ; set up extension
mov byte ptr 1[di],'M' ; /
mov byte ptr 2[di],'B' ; /
mov byte ptr 3[di],' ' ; /
mov byte ptr 4[di],0 ; /
cmp cmdflg,20 ; want to load?
jz workf2a ; yes, go do it
mov ah,41H ; else DEL file
mov dx,offset dgroup:_lodfn ; point to file name
int 21H ; zap it
mov cmdflg,0 ; clear the cmd
call getdir ; show directory enterys
mov pdf,80h ; reset mouse flag
mov curonf,1 ; don't restore
call curon ; but turn it on
mov bx,5a0h ; turn off DEL hilight
call turnoff ; /
jmp workx ; split
mov ah,3dh ; dos open file command
mov al,0 ; read only
mov dx,offset dgroup:_lodfn ; point to file name
int 21H ; open the file
jc workf6 ; exit if error
call lodmod0 ; load modules
workf6: call showfn ; show the save filename
call getdir ; show directory enterys
call dopath ; show current path
call dompab ; show mpad status
call menus ; draw menus
workfx: mov cmdflg,0 ; reset
mov pdf,80h ; fix mouse flag
workfz: mov curonf,1 ; don't restore
call curon ; but turn it on
call fixhlt ; fix hlt status
mov lodflg,2 ; flag that a load happened
jmp workx ; exit
workfq: mov pdf,80h ; /
jmp cancel ; so forget it
; cmdflg was not alreay 20, setup new one
workf8: cmp cmdflg,0 ; was it clear?
jz workf9 ; yes, branch
jmp cancel ; no, cancel
workf9: mov dirptr,bx ; text location
call dirnon ; highlight
call tmphlt ; set temp HLT
mov cmdflg,20 ; set command flag = 20
mov doesc,offset workf10 ; set up ESC
mov curonf,1 ; don't restore
call curon ; but turn it on
jmp workx ; exit
; escape from DIR load
workf10:call clrhlt ; fix hlt status
call dirnoff ; lowlight
; highlight a directory file name
; call with cursor OFF
dirnon: mov cx,8 ; 8 chars to do
mov bx,0b800h ; do page 0 only
mov es,bx ;
mov bx,dirptr ; get last picked name
or byte ptr es:1[bx],hi ; make bright
inc bx ; bump pointer
inc bx ; /
loop dirnon1 ; do all 8
; loghlight a directory file name
; call with cursor ON
dirnoff:call curoff ; cursor on
mov cx,8 ; 8 chars to do
mov bx,0b800h ; do page 0 only
mov es,bx ;
mov bx,dirptr ; get last picked name
and byte ptr es:1[bx],lo ; make dark
inc bx ; bump pointer
inc bx ; /
loop dirnoff1 ; do all 8
mov curonf,1 ; don't restore
jmp curon ; keep it right
; Process Screen command.
work0bx:jmp workx ; split
call curoff ; cursor off while reading screen
call cmdchk ; get new cmdloc, ptr, tag, cnt, & col
cmp vpagen,0 ; on page 0?
jz work0b ; yes, branch
cmp cmdflg,3 ; reincarnate?
jz work0b ; yes, branch
call varlst ; else find the variable list
or di,di ; is it good
jz work0b ; no, branch
mov varnow,di ; save it
work0b: call curon ; cursor back on
cmp cmdflg,3 ; move, copy, or reincarnate?
ja workp0 ; no, process other stuff
jmp work20a ; yes, branch
; process pending commands > 3
; 4 = delete module
; 5 = priority swap
; 6 = bye
; 7 = user variable input
; 8 = flagged output to variable input
; 9 = special user input (magenta inputs )
workp0: cmp cmdflg,4 ; delete?
jnz workp1 ; /
jmp workpa ; yes, go do the delete
workp1: cmp cmdflg,5 ; priority?
jnz workp2 ; /
jmp work6 ; yes, go do the priority swap
workp2: cmp cmdflg,6 ; trying to QUIT
jnz workp3 ; /
jmp _cancel ; yes, kill it
workp3: cmp cmdflg,7 ; user input value?
jnz workp4 ; /
jmp _cancel ; yes, set it
workp4: cmp cmdflg,8 ; flagged output value?
jnz workp5 ; /
jmp work8 ; yes, go set the value
workp5: cmp cmdflg,9 ; special user input?
jnz workp6 ; /
jmp work9 ; yes, go process magenta stuff
workp6: cmp cmdflg,10 ; special user input?
jnz workp7 ; /
jmp work9 ; yes, go process magenta stuff
workp7: cmp cmdflg,16 ; EXIT?
jnz workp8 ; /
jmp _cancel ; yes, kill it
workp8: cmp cmdflg,17 ; UNDO?
jnz workp9 ; /
jmp _cancel ; yes, kill it
workp9: cmp cmdflg,18 ; REDO?
jnz workp10 ; /
jmp _cancel ; yes, kill it
workp10:cmp cmdflg,19 ; was SAVE set?
jnz workp11 ; /
jmp _cancel ; yes, kill it
workp11:cmp cmdflg,20 ; was directory load pending
jnz workp12 ; /
jmp _cancel ; yes, kill it
workpq: mov cmdflg,0 ; no, clear the flag
jmp workx ; back to the work loop
; no command pending above 3, check if cursor is a module,
; if it is branch to work2a to do the pending create or move.
; Otherwise, check color under cursor.
; If white branch to work2e to set up a pending move/create.
; If color is not white branch to work1 for further processing.
work20a:test curflg,1 ; already dragging something around?
jz work20c ; yes, go do something with it
jmp work2a ; /
work20c:cmp cmdcol,7 ; is this a module pickup?
jz work2e ; yes, go do it
jmp work1 ; no, go do something else
; Module pickup requested: don't do anything except set the module
; to be the cursor (so it can be dragged around), and set cmdflg
; to indicate a pending module create or move. If currently on
; page 0, a new module will be created, if on any other page, the
; existing module will be moved. Nothing is done, however, until
; the next command request. Modules with "*" for the module number
; are not allowed to be picked up.
; Modules with "X" will be reincarnated.
work2e: cmp vpagen,0 ; is this page 0?
jnz work2d ; no, branch
mov bx,cmdloc ; get the module number
mov es,vpage ; /
cmp byte ptr es:2[bx],'*'; out of gas?
jnz work2e1 ; no, go on
jmp workx ; yes, exit
work2e1:cmp byte ptr es:2[bx],'X'; a deleted module?
jnz work2e2 ; no, go on
jmp workr ; yes, go reincarnate it.
work2e2:mov bx,cmdptr ; set up the cursor
mov ax,2[bx] ; ... to be the module
mov modchar,ax ; the module source text
call setmod ; ... is now the cursor
mov cmdflg,1 ; set the command flag
jmp workx ; back to the work loop
; It's not on page 0, so setup a copy of the existing module
work2d: call curoff ; turn cursor off
mov ax,varnow ; get variable table address
mov tmpsav,ax ; save it
mov bx,cmdptr ; set up the cursor
mov ax,2[bx] ; ... to be the module
mov bx,ax ; point to module source text
mov di,offset dgroup:$dummy; gonna put it in the dummy
mov cx,[bx] ; get number of lines in module
mov [di],cx ; store in dummy buffer
add di,4 ; bump index
mov bx,cmdloc ; point to current screen text
mov es,vpage ; get current screen seg
work2d1:mov ax,es:-2[bx] ; get left word
mov [di],ax ; put in dummy
or byte ptr es:-1[bx],80h ; blink
inc di ; bump index
inc di ; /
mov ax,es:[bx] ; get center word
mov [di],ax ; put in dummy
or byte ptr es:1[bx],80h ; blink
inc di ; bump index
inc di ; /
mov ax,es:2[bx] ; get right word
mov [di],ax ; put in dummy
or byte ptr es:3[bx],80h ; blink
inc di ; bump index
inc di ; /
add bx,160 ; next line
loop work2d1 ; loop til done
mov modchar,offset dgroup:$dummy ; set dummy as cursor source
mov curonf,1 ; don't replace blinking label
call curon ; keep it even
call setmod ; dummy copy is now the cursor
mov cmdflg,2 ; set the command flag
mov doesc, offset work2dx; setup for ESC
jmp workx ; back to the work loop
; escape from move
; fixes blinking module
work2dx:mov di,tmpsav ; find variable list
mov es,4[di] ; get screen seg
mov bx,6[di] ; get screen addr
mov di,[di] ; get number of lines
mov di,2[di] ; /
mov cx,[di] ; /
jmp unblink ; zip blinking
; Set up to drag around a gost module (module # = "X")
workr: call curoff ; zip old cursor
mov bx,cmdptr ; set up new cursor...
mov tmpsav,bx ; (save MODSRC for later)
mov ax,2[bx] ; ... to be the module
mov bx,ax ; point to module source text
mov di,offset dgroup:$dummy; gonna put it in the dummy
mov cx,[bx] ; get number of lines in module
mov [di],cx ; store in dummy buffer
add di,4 ; bump index
add bx,4 ;
workr1: mov ax,[bx] ; get left word
mov [di],ax ; put in dummy
inc di ; bump index
inc di ; /
inc bx ; /
inc bx ; /
mov ax,[bx] ; get center word
mov [di],ax ; put in dummy
inc di ; bump index
inc di ; /
inc bx ; /
inc bx ; /
mov ax,[bx] ; get right word
cmp ah,white ; this a label?
jnz workr2 ; no, branch
mov al,'X' ; yes, change number to 'X'
workr2: mov [di],ax ; put in dummy
inc di ; bump index
inc di ; /
inc bx ; /
inc bx ; /
loop workr1 ; loop til done
mov modchar,offset dgroup:$dummy ; set dummy as cursor source
mov curonf,1 ; don't replace blinking label
call curon ; keep it even
call setmod ; dummy copy is now the cursor
mov cmdflg,3 ; set the command flag for reincarnate
jmp workx ; back to the work loop
; case of not currently dragging something, color <> white
; possible commands (all not page 0):
; grey: priority swap
; cyan: flag output for value input from cmdflg = 7
; blue: value input from user
; green: value input from user
; magenta: user input
work1: cmp vpagen,0 ; in page 0
jz work1x ; yes, go back to the work loop
; ; no, ( process other commands)
cmp cmdcol,grey ; priority swap?
jnz work1b ; no, branch
jmp work60 ; yes, go do the priority swap
work1b: cmp cmdcol,blue ; value input from user?
jnz work1bb ; no, branch
jmp work70 ; yes, go do user input
work1bb:cmp cmdcol,green ; value input from user?
jnz work1c ; no, branch
jmp work70 ; yes, go do user input
work1c: cmp cmdcol,cyan ; output value flagged?
jnz work1d ; no, branch
jmp work80 ; yes, process output value flag
work1d: cmp cmdcol,magenta ; want special user input
jnz work1x ; no, branch
jmp work90 ; yes set up for special input
work1x: jmp workx ; and back to the work loop
; Priority selected, set cmdflg = 5
work60: mov cmdflg,5 ; set the flag
call curoff ; turn cursor off
mov ax,varnow ; get variable table address
mov tmpsav,ax ; save it
mov bx,cmdtag ; highlight the command
mov es,vpage ; /
or byte ptr es:161[bx],7; /
or byte ptr es:163[bx],7; /
mov curonf,1 ; don't restore
call curon ; normal cursor
mov doesc,offset work61 ; set up for ESC
jmp workx ; back to the work loop
; escape from priority swap
work61: mov di,tmpsav ; turn off highlight
mov es,4[di] ; get seg
mov bx,6[di] ; get addr
mov byte ptr es:161[bx],grey; zip hilight
mov byte ptr es:163[bx],grey; /
mov curonf,1 ; don't restore cursor
; Output flag selected, set cmdflg = 8
work80: mov cmdflg,8 ; set the flag
call curoff ; turn cursor off
mov ax,varnow ; get variable table address
mov tmpsav,ax ; save it
mov bx,cmdloc ; highlight the command
mov locsav,bx ; (save hilight addr)
mov es,vpage ; /
or byte ptr es:1[bx],hi; /
or byte ptr es:3[bx],hi; /
mov bx,cmdtag ; get icon tag
mov al,es:[bx] ; /
mov ah,es:2[bx] ; /
mov shosav,ax ; save it
mov curonf,1 ; don't restore
call curon ; normal cursor
mov doesc,offset work81 ; set up for ESC
jmp workx ; back to the work loop
; escape from flag output command
work81: mov di,tmpsav ; turn off highlight
mov es,4[di] ; get seg
mov bx,locsav ; get addr
and byte ptr es:1[bx],lo; zip hilight
and byte ptr es:3[bx],lo; /
; lowlight all inputs currently associated with output
; if shoflg = 1
test shoflg,1 ; wanna show inputs?
jz work81d ; no, branch
mov shoflg,0 ; yes, zip flag
mov ax,shosav ; get icon tag
push ds ; save data seg
mov cx,0b800H ; point to color screen
mov ds,cx ; /
mov cx,4000H ; 16K words to look at
mov bx,0 ; set up index
work81c:cmp al,[bx] ; got an icon match?
jz work81e ; yes, go look
work81b:inc bx ; no, bump address
inc bx ; /
loop work81c ; loop
pop ds ; restore data seg
mov pdf,80h ; reset mouse flag
work81d:mov curonf,1 ; don't restore cursor
ret ; exit
work81e:cmp ah,2[bx] ; got a module match
jnz work81b ; no, go loop
cmp byte ptr 1[bx],green OR hi; is it a green label?
jnz work81b ; no, go loop
and byte ptr 1[bx],lo; zip hilight
and byte ptr 3[bx],lo; /
jmp short work81b ; go to loop
; process flagged output to become an input variable
work8: call curoff
cmp cmdcol,blue ; was an input variable selected?
jz work8y ; yes, do it
cmp cmdcol,green ; was an input variable selected?
jz work8y ; yes, go doit
cmp cmdcol,cyan OR hi; wanna show exitsting connections
jnz work8x ; no, exit
; highlight all inputs currently associated with output
mov shoflg,1 ; set the show flag
call curoff ; turn cursor off
mov ax,shosav ; get module icon
push ds ; save data seg
mov cx,0b800H ; point to color screen
mov ds,cx ; /
mov cx,4000H ; 16K words to look at
mov bx,0 ; set up index
work80c:cmp al,[bx] ; got an icon match?
jz work80e ; yes, go look
work80b:inc bx ; no, bump address
inc bx ; /
loop work80c ; loop
pop ds ; restore data seg
mov curonf,1 ; don't restore
mov pdf,80h ; reset mouse flag
work8x: call curon ; normal cursor
jmp workx ; exit
work80e:cmp ah,2[bx] ; got a module match
jnz work80b ; no, go loop
cmp byte ptr 1[bx],green; is it a green label
jnz work80b ; no, go loop
or byte ptr 1[bx],hi;yes, set the highlight
or byte ptr 3[bx],hi; /
jmp short work80b ; go to loop
; connect flagged output to input
work8y: mov cmdflg,0 ; yes, clear cmdflg
call work81 ; clear the highlight
mov bx,6[di] ; get the screen addr of source module
mov es,4[di] ; get screen seg of module
mov dl,es:[bx] ; dl = tag character
mov dh,es:2[bx] ; dh = module number tag
mov cx,di ; calculate the output address
add cx,8 ; cx = address of output value
mov es,vpage ; get current screen seg
mov bx,cmdloc ; get current variable pointer
mov es:[bx],dl ; set the label to input module
mov es:2[bx],dh ; /
mov al,green ; set the color to green
mov es:1[bx],al ; /
mov es:3[bx],al ; /
mov ax,0 ; find out which value it is
work80a:sub bx,160 ; /
add ax,2 ; /
cmp byte ptr es:1[bx],blue
jz work80a ; /
cmp byte ptr es:1[bx],green
jz work80a ; /
mov bx,ax ; bx = word offset to variables
mov di,varnow ; get current variable table
mov 10[bx+di],cx ; set address of new variable
call curon
jmp workx
; User value input selected, set cmdflg = 7
work70: mov cmdflg,7 ; set the flag
call curoff ; turn cursor off
mov ax,varnow ; get variable table address
mov tmpsav,ax ; save it
mov bx,cmdloc ; highlight the command
mov locsav,bx ; (save hilight addr)
mov es,vpage ; /
or byte ptr es:1[bx],hi; /
or byte ptr es:3[bx],hi; /
mov ax,0 ; find out which value it is
work70a:sub bx,160 ; /
add ax,2 ; /
cmp byte ptr es:1[bx],blue;/
jz work70a ; /
cmp byte ptr es:1[bx],green
jz work70a ; /
mov holdv,ax ; save the offset
mov bx,holdv ; read current value
mov di,tmpsav ; get value table for module
mov bx,10[bx+di] ; bx = address of value
mov dl,[bx] ; dl = binary value
mov dh,0 ; make into a word
add dx,dx ; make into a word
add dx,offset dgroup:@zero; dx = address pointer into number table
mov bx,holdv ; get offset to the value
mov 10[bx+di],dx ; store the new value
mov bx,dx ; convert number addr to number
mov al,[bx] ; /
tohex ; convert it to ascii hex
mov es,4[di] ; get seg
mov bx,locsav ; get addr
mov es:[bx],ah ; display number
mov es:2[bx],al ; /
mov al,blue+hi ; set color to blue (may have been green)
mov es:1[bx],al ; /
mov es:3[bx],al ; /
mov curonf,1 ; don't restore
call curon ; normal cursor
mov doesc,offset work71; set up for ESC
mov al,curcol ; save cursor color
mov savcol,al ; /
mov ax,3 ; get current position
int 33h ; /
mov ax,7 ; don't move cursor
push dx ; /
mov dx,cx ; /
int 33h ; /
pop dx ; /
mov cx,dx ; /
mov ax,8 ; /
int 33h ; /
mov curcol,0 ; hide the cursor
mov valflg,1 ; flag value input is happening
jmp workx ; back to the work loop
; escape from value input command
work71: mov di,tmpsav ; turn off highlight
mov es,4[di] ; get seg
mov bx,locsav ; get addr
and byte ptr es:1[bx],lo; zip hilight
and byte ptr es:3[bx],lo; /
mov al,savcol ; restore cursor color
mov curcol,al ; /
mov dx,199 ; maximum y
mov cx,0 ; minimum y
mov ax,8 ; set min, max allowable pdy values
int 33h ; /
mov ax,7 ; set min, max allowable pdx values
mov dx,639 ; maximum x
mov cx,0 ; minimum x
int 33h ; set it
mov es,vpage ; lowlight the menu readout
mov bx,960H ; addr of decimal readout
mov byte ptr es:1[bx],blue ; make dark
mov byte ptr es:3[bx],blue ; /
mov byte ptr es:5[bx],blue ; /
mov byte ptr es:7[bx],blue ; /
mov bx,0A00H ; addr of note readout
mov byte ptr es:1[bx],blue ; make dark
mov byte ptr es:3[bx],blue ; /
mov byte ptr es:5[bx],blue ; /
mov byte ptr es:7[bx],blue ; /
mov curonf,1 ; don't restore under cursor
mov valflg,0 ; finished with value input
; case of pdf = 0, cmdflg = 7, and change in pdx,pdy
; process value input from user
work72: call curoff ; cursor off
mov bx,holdv ; get offset to the value
mov di,tmpsav ; get value table for module
mov bx,10[bx+di] ; get adr of current value
mov dx,mickx ; get mickey count
add dx,[bx] ; add value to mickeys
jz work72b ; if = 0, go on
cmp dx,255 ; if = 255, go on
jz work72b ; /
test dh,128 ; if neg, make it 0
jz work72a ; /
mov dx,0 ; /
work72a:test dh,1 ; if > 255, make it 255
jz work72b ; /
mov dx,255 ; /
work72b:add dx,dx ; make into a word
mov di,tmpsav ; get value table for module
add dx,offset dgroup:@zero; dx = address pointer into number table
mov bx,holdv ; get offset to the value
mov 10[bx+di],dx ; store the new value
mov bx,dx ; convert number addr to number
mov al,[bx] ; /
push ax ; save for decimal conversion
tohex ; convert it to ascii hex
mov es,4[di] ; get seg
mov bx,locsav ; get addr
mov es:[bx],ah ; display number
mov es:2[bx],al ; /
mov al,blue+hi ; set color to blue (may have been green)
mov es:1[bx],al ; /
mov es:3[bx],al ; /
mov bx,960H ; address of decimal readout
mov colr,blue+hi ; set highlight blue
pop ax ; get the number again
call todec ; show it in decimal
mov bx,0A00h ; address of note readout
call tonote ; show it as CM scale
mov curonf,1 ; don't restore cursor
call curon ; turn it back on
work72x:jmp workx ; exit
; Special User input selected, set cmdflg = 9
; magflg gets set here:
; no-value--> 0
; up/down --> 1
; channel --> 2
; value --> 3
work90: mov cmdflg,9 ; else set the flag for channel value
call curoff ; turn cursor off
mov di,varnow ; get variable table address
mov tmpsav,di ; save it
mov varsav,di ; save it
mov bx,[di] ; get exe addr of special routine
mov ax,40[bx] ; ax = exec addr of special
mov special,ax ; save it
mov bx,cmdloc ; highlight the command
mov locsav,bx ; (save hilight addr)
mov es,vpage ; /
mov magflg,0 ; set flag for no-value
cmp byte ptr es:[bx],'#'; is this a no-value cmd
jz work90b ; yes, set up for no-value
inc magflg ; no, set flag for up/down
cmp byte ptr es:[bx],1eh; branch if up/down
jz work90b ; /
or byte ptr es:1[bx],hi; highlight single for channel
inc magflg ; set magenta flag for channel
cmp byte ptr es:3[bx],white; is this a channel cmd
jz work90b ; yes, branch
inc magflg ; no, set up for value change
or byte ptr es:3[bx],hi; highlight double for value
work90b:mov ax,0 ; find out which value it is
work90a:sub bx,160 ; /
add ax,2 ; /
cmp byte ptr es:1[bx],magenta
jz work90a ; /
mov holdv,ax ; save the offset
mov curonf,1 ; don't restore
call curon ; normal cursor
cmp magflg,3 ; want value input?
jnz work90x ; no, exit
mov al,curcol ; save cursor color
mov savcol,al ; /
mov ax,3 ; get current position
int 33h ; /
mov ax,7 ; don't move cursor
push dx ; /
mov dx,cx ; /
int 33h ; /
pop dx ; /
mov cx,dx ; /
mov ax,8 ; /
int 33h ; /
mov curcol,0 ; hide the cursor
work90x:mov doesc,offset work91 ; set up for ESC
mov usrflg,1 ; flag user input is happening
mov ax,special ; get the special routine
call ax ; do it
jmp workx ; back to the work loop
; escape from special user command
work91: mov usrflg,0 ; clear happening flag
cmp magflg,3 ; data input
jnz work91a ; no, branch
jmp work71 ; yes, same as blue
work91a:mov di,varsav ; turn off highlight
mov es,4[di] ; get seg
mov bx,locsav ; get addr
and byte ptr es:1[bx],lo; zip hilight
mov ax,offset noop ; reset special
mov special,ax ; /
mov curonf,1 ; don't restore cursor
ret ; return from call
; process special user input routine
work9: mov cmdflg,0
mov usrflg,0
mov ax,special
jmp ax
; special user input routines
; case of pdf = 0, cmdflg = 9, and change in pdx,pdy
; process value input from user
work92: cmp magflg,2 ; want channel?
jz work92a ; yes, branch
cmp magflg,3 ; want data?
jz work92e ; yes, branch
jmp workx ; no, exit
work92a:mov dl,pdx ; get x value
sub dl,8 ; offset by 8
jnb work92d ; branch if ok
mov dl,0 ; else set to 0
work92d:cmp dl,63 ; max is 63
jna work92b ; branch if ok
mov dl,63 ; else max out
work92b:shr dl,1 ; /4
shr dl,1 ; /
and dl,0fH ; only use low nybble
mov al,dl ; load with x value
mov di,varsav ; get value table for module
mov byte ptr 8[di],dl; save in the output location
tohex ; convert it to ascii hex
mov es,4[di] ; get seg
mov bx,locsav ; get addr
mov es:[bx],al ; display number
jmp workx ; exit
call curoff ; cursor off
mov bx,holdv ; get offset to the value
mov di,varsav ; get value table for module
mov dl,10[bx+di] ; get current value
mov dh,0 ; /
add dx,mickx ; get mickey count
jz work92g ; if = 0, go on
cmp dx,255 ; if = 255, go on
jz work92g ; /
test dh,128 ; if neg, make it 0
jz work92f ; /
mov dx,0 ; /
work92f:test dh,1 ; if > 255, make it 255
jz work92g ; /
mov dx,255 ; /
work92g:mov di,varsav ; get value table for module
mov bx,holdv ; get offset to the value
mov 10[bx+di],dl ; store the new value
mov ax,dx ; get value to ax
push ax ; save for decimal conversion
tohex ; convert it to ascii hex
mov es,4[di] ; get seg
mov bx,locsav ; get addr
mov es:[bx],ah ; display number
mov es:2[bx],al ; /
mov colr,magenta+hi ; set hilighted magenta
pop ax ; get the number again
mov bx,960H ; address of decimal readout
call todec ; show it in decimal
mov bx,0A00h ; address of note readout
call tonote ; show it as CM scale
mov curonf,1 ; don't restore cursor
call curon ; turn it back on
jmp workx ; exit
; have been dragging a module around, now want to do something with it
work2a: call setcur ; set normal cursor again
call curoff ; and then turn it off
work2b: cmp vpagen,0 ; now in page 0 ?
jnz work2b1 ; no, continue
jmp work3 ; yes, go get a new module
work2b1:cmp cmdflg,1 ; was last command "create module"?
jz work2c ; yes, go do it
cmp cmdflg,2 ; no, was it "copy module"?
jz work2b2 ; yes, go do it
jmp work5 ; no, go do "reincarnate module"
work2b2:jmp work4 ; go do "copy module"
; Want to create a new module. Check that there is enough empty
; space on the screen, and if ok, draw the module.
work2c: mov es,vpage ; pick up video page segment
mov bx,curadr ; current cursor offset
mov di,modchar ; point to module char source
mov cx,[di] ; get the line count
mov ax,0 ; clear register
work2f: or al,es:1[bx] ; look to see that there is space
or al,es:-1[bx] ; /
or al,es:3[bx] ; /
add bx,160 ; /
loop work2f ; /
or al,al ; was there?
jz work2g ; yes, branch
call setmod ; no, continue dragging the module around
jmp workx ; back to work
; There is enough space on the screen, show the module
work2g: mov cmdflg,0 ; clear the command flag
mov cx,[di] ; get module line count again
add di,4 ; point to 1st char
mov bx,curadr ; cursor address
dec bx ; shift for module
dec bx ; /
call shomod$ ; show the module
mov bx,curadr ; cursor address
mov ax,last ; get priority
showp ; show priority
; set up exetbl enteries, variable space, and pointers thereto
mov bx,offset dgroup:_exetbl; calc addr of last module
mov ax,last ; /
add ax,ax ; /
add ax,ax ; /
add bx,ax ; /
mov di,cmdptr ; get address of modsrc table
mov ax,[di] ; get module exe addr
mov [bx],ax ; put it in exetbl
mov ax,varptr ; get end of variable table
mov 2[bx],ax ; put it in exetbl
mov ax,offset work ; get exe addr of work
mov 4[bx],ax ; put it at the end of the exetbl
mov ax,4[di] ; get variable allocation for module
mov dx,ax ; (dx=variable allocation)
add ax,ax ; *2 for word
add ax,14 ; plus static allocation
mov bx,varptr ; get current variable address
add ax,bx ; ax = next one, bx = this one
mov varptr,ax ; set varptr to new end of list
; build the variable list
mov [bx],di ; first word is modsrc addr
mov ax,last ; get priority
mov 2[bx],ax ; second word is priority
push bx ; save variable list pointer for later
inc ax ; bump index
and ax,maxmods ; limit to 512 active modules
mov last,ax ; store it
mov ax,vpage ; current display seg addr
mov 4[bx],ax ; third word is vpage seg address
mov ax,curadr ; current head of module text
mov 6[bx],ax ; forth word is addr of module label
mov word ptr 8[bx],0; fifth word is module output
mov 10[bx],dx ; sixth word is variable alloc count
add bx,12 ; point to start of variables
mov cx,4[di] ; get number of variables allocated
or cx,cx ; got at least one?
jnz work2h ; yes, branch
inc cx ; always make at least one
work2h: mov word ptr [bx], offset dgroup:@zero; set variables to zero
inc bx ; point to next
inc bx ; /
loop work2h ; loop til done
mov bx,-2 ; find out the module number
work2i: add bx,2 ; /
cmp word ptr 6[bx+di],0; /
jnz work2i ; bx = module number *2
mov ax,bx ; get actual number
shr ax,1 ; /
mov modnum,al ; save it for the other guys
pop ax ; get variable list ptr from stack
mov 6[bx+di],ax ; put it in modsrc
mov di,2[di] ; get source text for the module
; mov bx,2[di] ; get page 0 address
mov bx,cmdtag ; get page 0 address
mov ax,0b800H ; page 0 segment
mov es,ax ; set up seg reg for page 0
mov al,byte ptr es:2[bx]; get the current module number
mov ah,al ; copy it
inc ah ; bump
cmp al,'$' ; system module?
jnz work2j ; no, branch
mov ah,'*' ; yes, show "in use"
work2j: cmp ah,':' ; did it go from 9->10?
jnz work2k ; no, branch
mov ah,'A' ; yes, funky hex conversion
work2k: cmp ah,'G' ; >16?
jnz work2l ; no, branch
mov ah,'*' ; yes, show "in use"
work2l: mov byte ptr es:2[bx],ah; set new module number
mov byte ptr 8[di],ah; set it in the source
; finish up by turning on the regular cursor, going back to work
mov curonf,1 ; don't restore old cursor
call curon ; normal cursor
jmp workx ; back to the grind
; command was "create", now another page 0 module is selected,
; zip pending command, kill module cursor
work3: cmp cmdflg,2 ; stray move?
jnz work3a ; no, branch
jmp cancel ; yes, cancel the command
work3a: mov cmdflg,0 ; zip pending command
mov curonf,1 ; don't restore old cursor
call curon ; drop module and exit
jmp workx ; ...back to the work loop
; Want to move an existing module. Check that there is enough empty
; space on the screen, and if ok, draw the module.
work4: mov es,vpage ; pick up video page segment
mov bx,curadr ; current cursor offset
mov di,modchar ; point to module char source
mov cx,[di] ; get the line count
mov al,0 ; clear register
work4a: test byte ptr es:1[bx],80h ; look to see that there is space
jnz work4aa ; blinking counts as 0
or al,es:1[bx] ; /
work4aa:test byte ptr es:-1[bx],80h; /
jnz work4ab ; /
or ax,es:-1[bx] ; /
work4ab:test byte ptr es:3[bx],80h; /
jnz work4ac ; /
or ax,es:3[bx] ; /
work4ac:add bx,160 ; /
loop work4a ; /
or al,al ; the final test
jz work4b ; nothing there, branch to the move
call setmod ; else continue dragging the module around
jmp workx ; back to work
; There is enough space, erase the old module,
; then display it in its new location.
; First find old module's location page.
work4b: mov di,tmpsav ; get varlist of source module
mov es,4[di] ; get seg of source module display
mov bx,6[di] ; get offset of tag
; Now erase the old module.
mov di,[di] ; di = modsrc(old_varlist)
mov di,2[di] ; di = txtadr(modsrc(old_varlist))
mov cx,[di] ; cx = line count
call eramod$ ; erase the old module
; Show the module in its new location
mov cmdflg,0 ; clear the command flag
mov di,modchar ; point to module char source
mov cx,[di] ; get module line count again
add di,4 ; point to 1st char
mov bx,curadr ; cursor address
dec bx ; shift for module
dec bx ; /
mov es,vpage ; get current screen seg addr
call shomod$ ; show the module
; set new screen location in the variable list
mov di,tmpsav ; get varlist of source module
mov ax,vpage ; get current seg
mov 4[di],ax ; put it in the list
mov ax,curadr ; get cursor addr
mov 6[di],ax ; in the list
; finish up by turning on the regular cursor, going back to work
work4x: mov curonf,1 ; don't restore old cursor
call curon ; normal cursor
jmp workx ; back to the grind
; Have been dragging a gost around, now it's time to reincarnate.
; Check that there is enough empty space on the screen.
work5: mov es,vpage ; pick up video page segment
mov bx,curadr ; current cursor offset
mov di,modchar ; point to module char source
mov cx,[di] ; get the line count
mov ax,0 ; clear register
work5a: or al,es:1[bx] ; look to see that there is space
or al,es:-1[bx] ; /
or al,es:3[bx] ; /
add bx,160 ; /
loop work5a ; /
or al,al ; was there?
jz work5b ; yes, branch
call setmod ; no, continue dragging the module around
jmp workx ; back to work
; There is enough space. Get a delete flag from MODSRC,
; Use it as a pointer to the variable list.
work5b: mov di,tmpsav ; get last modsrc
mov ax,38[di] ; get the bit flags
call frombit ; convert to a number
push ax ; save a copy for later
mov bx,ax ; convert to an address offset
add bx,bx ; /
mov bx,6[bx+di] ; bx = address of the variable table
call tobit ; mask out the reincarnated bit
xor ax,-1 ; /
and 38[di],ax ; /
jnz work5c ; branch if there are more delete flags
; no more delete flags, fix 'X'
push bx ; save variable table pointer
mov bx,-2 ; find out the module number
work5d: add bx,2 ; /
cmp word ptr 6[bx+di],0; /
jnz work5d ; bx = module number *2
shr bx,1 ; /2
mov al,'*' ; load
cmp bl,16 ; last module?
jz work5e ; yes, branch using '*'
mov al,bl ; no, use the module number
tohex ; convert to ascii hex
work5e: mov bx,2[di] ; find text address
mov bx,2[bx] ; bx = page0 screen offset
mov dx,0b800h ; set page0 seg
mov es,dx ; /
cmp word ptr 36[di],-1; system module?
jnz work5e0 ; no, branch
mov al,'*' ; yes, use * instead of number
work5e0:mov es:4[bx],al ; set the module number
pop bx ; restore the variable table addr
; restore the original module number and priority number
work5c: mov dx,2[bx] ; get priority number
pop ax ; get the module number
tohex ; convert to ascii hex
push bx ; save the variable table addr
mov bx,modchar ; point to $dummy
cmp word ptr 36[di],-1; system module?
jnz work5c0 ; no, branch
mov al,'$' ; yes, use $ instead of number
work5c0:mov 8[bx],al ; set the current module number
mov ax,dx ; get lsb of priority number
and ah,1 ; do ms byte
xor ah,1 ; /
add ah,0f8h ; /
mov 10[bx],ah ; /
tohex ; convert to ascii hex
mov 12[bx],ah ; set the priority number
mov 14[bx],al ; /
pop bx ; restore variable table addr
; update the variable table
mov ax,vpage ; get current seg addr
mov 4[bx],ax ; put in seg slot of var table
mov ax,curadr ; current cursor offset
mov 6[bx],ax ; put in addr slot of var table
mov cx,10[bx] ; get number of variables allocated
or cx,cx ; don't do it if 0 variables
jz work5f ; /
push bx ; save variable pointer
work5g: mov word ptr 12[bx], offset dgroup:@zero; set variables to zero
inc bx ; point to next
inc bx ; /
loop work5g ; loop til done
pop bx ; restore variable pointer
work5f: mov word ptr 8[bx],0; set output to 0
; reactivate by inserting the module exe addr in the exe table
mov di,[bx] ; get modsrc addr
mov di,[di] ; di = exe addr of module
mov bx,2[bx] ; get priority
add bx,bx ; *4
add bx,bx ; /
add bx,offset dgroup:_exetbl;bx = addr position in exetbl
mov [bx],di ; replace dummy with the real one
; Show the module in its new location
mov cmdflg,0 ; clear the command flag
mov di,modchar ; point to module char source
mov cx,[di] ; get module line count again
add di,4 ; point to 1st char
mov bx,curadr ; cursor address
dec bx ; shift for module
dec bx ; /
mov es,vpage ; get current screen seg addr
call shomod$ ; show the module
; finish up by turning on the regular cursor, going back to work
work5x: mov curonf,1 ; don't restore old cursor
call curon ; normal cursor
jmp workx ; back to the grind
; Priority swap was pending, now do it.
work6: call curoff ; turn cursor off
mov bx,tmpsav ; get saved variable table
mov es,4[bx] ; get seg of last screen
mov bx,6[bx] ; get offset of last screen
mov byte ptr es:161[bx],grey; turn off hilight
mov byte ptr es:163[bx],grey; /
mov di,tmpsav ; old variable table
mov si,varnow ; new variable table
mov ax,2[di] ; get old priority #
mov dx,ax ; dx = old priority #
xchg ax,2[si] ; swap with new
mov 2[di],ax ; /
add ax,ax ; convert to exetbl addr
add ax,ax ; /
add ax,offset dgroup:_exetbl; ax = new exetbl addr
mov bx,ax ; bx = new exetbl addr
mov ax,[bx] ; ax = new exe addr
mov cx,2[bx] ; cx = new vartbl addr
add dx,dx ; convert old # to exetbl addr
add dx,dx ; /
add dx,offset dgroup:_exetbl; dx = old exetbl addr
mov bp,dx ; bp = old exetbl addr
xchg ax,ds:[bp] ; swap exe addrs
mov [bx],ax ; /
xchg cx,ds:2[bp] ; swap vartbl addrs
mov 2[bx],cx ; /
mov es,4[si] ; get screen seg of new
mov bx,6[si] ; get screen addr of new
mov ax,2[si] ; get priority #
showp ; show priority
mov es,4[di] ; get screen seg of old
mov bx,6[di] ; get screen addr of old
mov ax,2[di] ; get priority #
showp ; show priority
mov cmdflg,0 ; clear the command
mov curonf,1 ; don't restore
call curon ; normal cursor
jmp workx ; back to the work loop
; Delete Module was pending, now it's time to do it.
workpa: cmp vpage,0 ; page 0 ?
jnz workpa0 ; no, branch
jmp workpz ; yes, exit
workpa0:test cmdcol,80H ; valid color
jnz workpz ; no, exit
mov bx,5a0h ; offset for DEL
call turnoff ; turn off highlight
call curoff ; turn off cursor
mov di,cmdptr ; find out which module #
mov bx,0 ; counter offset
mov ax,varnow ; get current variable list
workpb: cmp 6[di+bx],ax ; look for a match
jz workpc ; branch if found
add bx,2 ; else bump index
cmp bx,32 ; split if not found
jz workpx ; /
jmp short workpb ; loop
; ; bx = module # *2
workpc: mov al,bl ; al = module # *2
shr al,1 ; al = module #
call tobit ; ax = bit pattern
or 38[di],ax ; flag module as deleted
mov di,varnow ; get variable list
mov bx,2[di] ; get priority
add bx,bx ; *4
add bx,bx ; /
add bx,offset dgroup:_exetbl; point to position in exetable
mov word ptr [bx],offset _dummy ; insert dummy
; ; set up to erase the module from screen
mov es,4[di] ; get seg of module display
mov bx,6[di] ; get offset of tag
mov word ptr 4[di],0b000H; set illegal display seg
mov word ptr 6[di],-1; set illegal display offset
mov di,[di] ; di = modsrc(varlist)
mov di,2[di] ; di = txtadr(modsrc(varlist))
mov cx,[di] ; cx = line count
call eramod$ ; erase the old module
; ; mark source as erased
mov di,cmdptr ; get source text
mov di,2[di] ; di = txtadr(modsrc(cmdptr)))
mov bx,2[di] ; bx = screen address of source text
mov ax,0b800h ; set page0 seg
mov es,ax ; /
mov byte ptr es:4[bx],'X' ; mark source as deleted
; ; finish up and exit
workpx: mov curonf,1 ; don't restore under cursor
call curon ; cursor back on
mov cmdflg,0 ; clear command flag
workpz: jmp workx ; exit
; End of WORK. If not HLT'd or module cursor, reset SI to the head
; of the module list, and run through the modules again.
public workx
test midixsf,1 ; external sync input?
jz workxa ; no, branch
mov al,midixs ; yes, get xtrn sync
cmp al,midiss ; same as before?
jz workxx ; yes, back to loop
mov midiss,al ; no, reset saved count
mov tickis,al ; set alpha display
jmp short workx2 ; go to work
test asensf,-1 ; want active sensing?
jz workxas ; no, branch
test byte ptr ticks,7fh; time for active sensing?
jnz workxas ; branch if not needed yet
mov al,0feh ; send MIDI active sensing
call allmidi ; /
test fastflg,-1 ; fast flag set
jnz workx4 ; yes, branch
test byte ptr cs:timer,255; timer zeroed out?
jz workx4 ; yes, branch
test waiting,-1 ; have been waiting?
jnz workxx ; yes, do housekeeping again
mov waiting,1 ; no, set flag
mov al,byte ptr cs:timer; get current timer value
mov tickis,al ; save it
workxx: sendmb ; send midi byte, if any
jmp work ; go do housekeeping
workx4: mov al,ticka ; get new timer value
mov byte ptr cs:timer,al; put it in the timer
test waiting,-1 ; was waiting?
jnz workx2 ; yes, branch
mov tickis,0 ; no, zip tick readout
workx2: mov waiting,0 ; not waiting now
workx0: cmp mmreset,0 ; want to reset measures?
jnz workx5 ; no, branch
mov mmcount,0 ; yes, reset measure count
mov mmreset,0 ; clear flag on sync
jmp short workx6 ; set new measure
workx5: mov mmstart,0 ; flag not end of measure
dec mmtick ; kick measure timer
jnz workx3 ; branch if really not eom
workx6: mov ax,mclocks ; else reload timer
mov mmtick,ax ; /
mov mmstart,1 ; flag start of measure
inc mmcount ; bump measure count
mov ax,mmcount ; else display measure count
mov bx,vpage ; current video page
mov es,bx ; /
mov bx,160*13 ; address of decimal readout
call toddec ; display
workx3: ;
test secondf,-1 ; new seconds count?
jz workx9 ; no, branch
mov secondf,0 ; yes, clear the flag
mov ax,seconds ; display seconds count
mov bx,vpage ; current video page
mov es,bx ; /
mov bx,160*14 ; address of decimal readout
call toddec ; display
workx9: test lodflg,-1 ; lodflg aready 0
jz workx9a ; yes, do nothing
dec lodflg ; else dec the flag
workx9a:test clrchf,2 ; channel cleared?
jz workx7 ; no, branch
mov clrchf,0 ; yes, clear flag
workx7: cmp pdx,3 ; in menu area
jnb workx7e ; no, branch
cmp pdy,17 ; in mute area
jb workx7e ; no, branch
workx7e:mov bx,vpage ; get video page
mov es,bx ; es = current video page
mov bx,160*17 ; point to menu area
inc bx ; point to highlight byte
mov dx,mute ; get mute flags
mov al,hi ; hi if not mute
mov ah,lo ; lo if mute
mov cx,8 ; 8 * 2 mute flags
workx7l:ror dx,1 ; pop even flag
jc workx7a ; branch if mute
or es:[bx],al ; set hi if not mute
jmp short workx7b ; branch
workx7a:and es:[bx],ah ; set lo if mute
workx7b:ror dx,1 ; pop odd flag
jc workx7c ; branch if mute
or es:4[bx],al ; set hi if not mute
jmp short workx7d ; branch
workx7c:and es:4[bx],ah ; set lo if mute
workx7d:add bx,160 ; next line
loop workx7l ; do 8 pairs
test midisf,1 ; midi sync flag on?
jz workx8a ; no, branch
mov al,0f8h ; yes, send one
mov midip,0 ; ... only to port 0
call tomidi ; /
workx8a:inc cs:loops ; inc loop counter
mov si,offset dgroup:_exetbl; point to start of table
mov di,2[si] ; set di pointing to variable list
jmp [si] ; go for it
; cleanup & exit
public split
split: call curoff ; turn pd cursor off
split1: mov dx,seg dgroup ; set up ds
mov ds,dx ; /
mov al,0 ; set vpage0
call page ;
call cls ; clear screen
mov ah,2 ; set cursor to top of screen
mov dx,0 ; /
mov bh,dh ; /
int 10H ; /
mov ah,1 ; turn dos cursor on
mov ch,6 ; /
mov cl,7 ; /
int 10H ; /
call stopt ; stop system timer
call stopm ; stop mpu ints
mov dx,byemsg ; get exit message
or dx,dx ; anything there
jz split2 ; no, branch
mov ah,9 ; dos print string
int 21h ; dos call
split2: ;
if withc ; if compiled with C
pop di ; restore C regs
pop si ; /
pop bp ; /
pop es ; /
ret ; back to C
else ; if assembley
mov ax,4c00h ; then do assembly exit
int 21h ; split
; routines used by WORK
; Return to di the varlist for the currently selected module.
; Assumes the current module tag address is in CMDTAG, and
; the current page address is in VPAGE. Error if DI = 0 on return.
varlst: mov bp,offset dgroup:_exetbl ; point to start of table
mov dx,vpage ; dx = current seg
mov cx,cmdtag ; cx = current module addr
varlst0:mov di,0 ; err if 0 returned
cmp word ptr ds:[bp],offset work; exit when list is exausted
jz varlstx ; /
mov di,ds:2[bp] ; get the variable list
cmp 4[di],dx ; right seg?
jnz varlst2 ; /
cmp 6[di],cx ; right address?
jz varlstx ; yes, exit
varlst2:add bp,4 ; bump to next module
jmp short varlst0 ; loop
varlstx:ret ; exit with di=varlist addr
; look at color at the cursor (CURADR), if it is one of the
; command colors, set up CMDCOL, CMDCNT, CMDLOC, CMDTAG & CMDPTR,
; otherwise clear CMDCOL and exit with no further action.
; Normally, this routine will be called only if pdf = 1.
cmdchk proc near
mov es,vpage ; get screen segment
mov bx,curadr ; get cursor offset
mov dl,es:1[bx] ; get the color
cmp dl,white ; compare against command color list
jz cmdchk1 ; branch out if good
cmp dl,grey ; /
jz cmdchk1 ; /
cmp dl,cyan ; /
jz cmdchk1 ; /
cmp dl,cyan OR hi ; /
jz cmdchk1 ; /
cmp dl,blue ; /
jz cmdchk1 ; /
cmp dl,green ; /
jz cmdchk1 ; /
cmp dl,magenta ; /
jz cmdchk1 ; /
or dl,80H ; not on list, flag ng color
mov cmdcol,dl ; /
ret ; exit
cmdchk1:mov cmdcol,dl ; is good, set the color
cmp dl,es:-1[bx] ; look left
jnz cmdchk2 ; branch if not same color
dec bx ; else bump address left
dec bx ; /
cmdchk2:mov cmdloc,bx ; save the location
mov cmdcnt,0 ; default count is 0
cmp dl,blue ; check for blue or green
jz cmdchk3 ; /
cmp dl,green ; /
jz cmdchk3 ; /
cmp dl,magenta ; check for magenta
jnz cmdchk3 ; no, go on
cmp curadr,0f9ch ; test for lower left
jnb cmdchk4 ; /
cmp byte ptr es:5[bx],white ; left of top label?
jnz cmdchk4 ; no, branch
add bx,2 ; yes, bump to label
jmp short cmdchk4 ; branch around count
cmdchk3:mov dh,-1 ; blue or green needs count
cmdchk5:inc dh ; dh = count
sub bx,160 ; up one line
cmp byte ptr es:1[bx],blue; look for blue or green
jz cmdchk5 ; /
cmp byte ptr es:1[bx],green;/
jz cmdchk5 ; look until color not blue or green
cmp byte ptr es:1[bx],magenta
jz cmdchk5 ; look until color not magenta
mov cmdcnt,dh ; set the count
mov bx,cmdloc ; restore bx
cmdchk4:cmp byte ptr es:1[bx],white; look for white
jz cmdchk6 ; exit loop when found
sub bx,160 ; back one line
jmp short cmdchk4 ; /
cmdchk6:mov cmdtag,bx ; save the tag address
mov al,byte ptr es:[bx] ; get the character
mov ah,0 ; make it into an address
add ax,ax ; /
mov di,offset dgroup:_chrtbl; find the ptr for that char
add di,ax ; /
mov ax,[di] ; /
mov cmdptr,ax ; /
ret ; exit
cmdchk endp
; use module text for cursor
setmod proc near
call curoff ; turn off regular cursor
mov di,modchar ; get line size
mov ax,[di] ; /
add ax,ax ; convert to pixel addr
add ax,ax ; /
add ax,ax ; /
mov dx,200 ; subtract from max
sub dx,ax ; dx = maximum pdy for this char
mov cx,0 ; 0 = minimum pdy
mov ax,8 ; set min, max allowable pdy values
int 33h ; /
mov ax,7 ; set min, max allowable pdx values
mov dx,631 ; maximum x
mov cx,8 ; minimum x
int 33h ; set it
mov execur,offset modcur; do show-modules
mov curflg,1 ; flag special cursor
call curon ; continue
setmod endp
; use module text for cursor
setcur proc near
call curoff ; stop pd interupts
mov dx,199 ; maximum y
mov cx,0 ; minimum y
mov ax,8 ; set min, max allowable pdy values
int 33h ; /
mov ax,7 ; set min, max allowable pdx values
mov dx,639 ; maximum x
mov cx,0 ; minimum x
int 33h ; set it
mov execur,0 ; no special cursors
mov curflg,0 ; /
call curon ; continue
setcur endp
; Turn on menu command highlight.
; call with cursor on, bx = menu text offset
public turnon
turnon: push bx ; save text addr
call curoff ; zip cursor
pop bx ; get text addr
mov dx,0b800h ; do all 8 pages
mov cx,8 ; /
turnon1:mov es,dx ; set the page seg
or byte ptr es:1[bx],8 ; make bright
or byte ptr es:3[bx],8 ; /
or byte ptr es:5[bx],8 ; /
inc dh ; next page
loop turnon1 ; loop til done
mov curonf,1 ; don't restore
jmp curon ; cursor normal
; Turn off menu command highlight.
; call with cursor on, bx = menu text offset
public turnoff
turnoff:push bx ; save text addr
call curoff ; zip cursor
pop bx ; get text addr
mov dx,0b800h ; do all 8 pages
mov cx,8 ; /
turnoff1:mov es,dx ; set the page seg
and byte ptr es:1[bx],0f7h ; make dark
and byte ptr es:3[bx],0f7h ; /
and byte ptr es:5[bx],0f7h ; /
inc dh ; next page
loop turnoff1 ; loop til done
mov curonf,1 ; don't restore
jmp curon ; keep it right
; convert binary in al to decimal in in screen location es:bx
; all registers preserved
public todec
todec: push dx ; save registers
mov dl,al ; /
push ax ; /
push bx ; /
push cx ; /
add bx,4 ; start at ls digit
mov cx,3 ; initialize counter
todec1: cmp dl,0 ; if 0, do shortcut
jnz todec0 ; /
mov al,30H ; ascii bias if 0
jmp short todec2 ; /
todec0: push cx ; save outer loop
mov al,dl ; ax = numerator
mov ah,0 ; /
mov cl,10 ; divisor of 10
div cl ; divide
mov dl,al ; get quotient
mov al,ah ; get remainder
add al,30h ; add ASCII bias
pop cx ; get loop counter
todec2: mov es:[bx],al ; put to the screen
dec bx ; bump count address
dec bx ; /
loop todec1 ; do 3 digits
mov al,valflg ; mouse input?
or al,usrflg ; /
jz todec3 ; no, branch
mov al,colr ; yes, set color
mov es:3[bx],al ; /
mov es:5[bx],al ; /
mov es:7[bx],al ; /
todec3: pop cx ; restore registers
pop bx ; /
pop ax ; /
pop dx ; /
ret ; exit
; convert binary in ax to decimal in in screen location es:bx
; all registers preserved
public toddec
toddec: push dx ; save registers
mov dx,ax ; /
push ax ; /
push bx ; /
push cx ; /
add bx,4 ; start at ls digit
mov cx,3 ; initialize counter
toddec1:mov ax,dx ; ax = numerator
mov dx,0 ; clear upper half
cmp ax,0 ; if 0, do shortcut
jnz toddec0 ; /
mov al,30H ; ascii bias if 0
jmp short toddec2 ; /
toddec0:push cx ; save outer loop
mov cx,10 ; divisor of 10
div cx ; divide
xchg ax,dx ; get quotent
add al,30h ; add ASCII bias
pop cx ; get loop counter
toddec2:mov es:[bx],al ; put to the screen
mov byte ptr es:1[bx],grey
dec bx ; bump count address
dec bx ; /
loop toddec1 ; do 3 digits
pop cx ; restore registers
pop bx ; /
pop ax ; /
pop dx ; /
ret ; exit
; convert binary in al to CM scale in screen location es:bx
; all registers preserved
public tonote
tonote: push di ; save registers
push ax ; /
push cx ; /
and al,127 ; 0-127 allowed
mov ah,0 ; ax = midi key value
mov cl,12 ; 12 notes per octave
div cl ; al = octave, ah = scale
mov cl,ah ; save remainder in cl
tohex ; convert octave to ascii
mov es:4[bx],al ; put to the screen
mov ch,0 ; get address of note char
add cx,cx ; /
add cx,offset dgroup:cscale
mov di,cx ; di = address of note char
mov ax,[di] ; get the chars
mov es:2[bx],al ; send to the screen
mov es:[bx],ah ; /
mov al,valflg ; mouse input?
or al,usrflg ; /
jz tonot0 ; no, branch
mov al,colr ; yes, set color
mov es:1[bx],al ; /
mov es:3[bx],al ; /
mov es:5[bx],al ; /
tonot0: pop cx ; restore registers
pop ax ; /
pop di ; /
ret ; exit
; convert binary in al to hex in ax
; no regs but ax used
tohexx: rol al,1
rol al,1
rol al,1
rol al,1
mov ah,al
and al,0FH
add al,0F0H
adc al,040H
xchg al,ah
rol al,1
rol al,1
rol al,1
rol al,1
and al,00FH
add al,0F0H
adc al,040H
; convert hex in al to binary in al
; only al is used
fromhex:sub al,30H ; for 0-9
cmp al,9 ; if 0-9
jle fromhxx ; ... go
and al,5fh ; for lower case
sub al,7 ; adjust for A-F
; convert bit set in ax to nybble in al
; first bit seen is taken
frombit:mov cl,0
frombi1:inc cl
rcr ax,1
jnc frombi1
dec cl
mov al,cl
and ax,15
; convert nybble in al to bit set in ax
tobit: mov cl,al ; for shift
mov ax,1
shl ax,cl
; convert al to upper case
touc: cmp al,'a' ; below lower case chars
jb toucx ; yes, branch
cmp al,'z' ; above lower case chars
ja toucx ; yes, branch
and al,5fh ; mask out bit 5
toucx: ret
; Temp HLT set
; Set clrchf to send out channel module settings
; reset to 1st note in measure
tmphlt: or mprstf,4 ; turn tmp hlt on
; Temp HLT clear
; Set HLT highlight according to HLT flag
; Set clrchf to send out channel module settings
; reset to 1st note in measure
mov bx,6E0H ; text offset
test mprstf,2 ; was previously halted?
jnz fixhlt1 ; yes, turn on highlight
call turnoff ; turn off highlight
jmp clrhlt ; finish up
call turnon ; turn on highlight
clrhlt: and mprstf,0FBH ; turn tmp hlt off
mov clrchf,1 ; set for chanl module
mov mmtick,1 ; reset to 1st note in measure
; find module text address on screen 0, and insert them into the
; module source table (_modtxt). Called once only, on startup.
modloc: mov ax,0b800H ; set page 0 seg
mov es,ax ; /
mov di,0 ; start at offset 0
modlo1: inc di ; point to next screen location
inc di ; /
cmp di,4090 ; do all of screen 0
jnz modlo2 ; branch if not done
ret ; else exit loop
modlo2: mov bx,es:[di] ; get it
cmp bh,white ; look for label color
jnz modlo1 ; not interested if not label color
cmp bl,'0' ; not interested if label number
jz modlo1 ; /
cmp bl,'$' ; not interested if system module
jz modlo1 ; /
mov bh,0 ; bx = label char (0-255)
add bx,bx ; bx = _chrtbl offset
add bx,offset dgroup:_chrtbl; add the _chrtbl base address
mov bx,[bx] ; bx = _modsrc address for the label
mov bx,2[bx] ; bx = _modtxt address for the label
mov ax,di ; ax = screen address of the label
dec ax ; drop back two for module address
dec ax ; ax = module address
mov 2[bx],ax ; insert module address into table
jmp short modlo1 ; loop
; DOS & BIOS Utilities
; print string
; call with DX = string addr, terminated with $
print$: push ds
mov ax,cs
mov ds,ax
mov ah,9
int 21H
pop ds
; clear current display screen
; cls0 can be called with bh=atrribute
cls: mov bh,7 ; normal blank
jmp short cls0 ; /
clx: mov bh,0 ; blank w 0's
cls0: mov al,0 ; blank entire page
mov ah,7 ; scroll down bios call
mov cx,0 ; start at 0,0
mov dx,184fH ; 24, 79
int 10H ; do bios thing
ret ; exit
; set video page
; call with al = video page to be set
; cursor must be off!
page: and ax,_numpg ; 0-7 for EGA, 0-3 for CGA
push ax ; save it
mov al,vpagep ; get previous page
mov ah,160 ; convert to a screen address
mul ah ; /
mov bx,ax ; /
mov es,vpage ; get seg of current page
and byte ptr es:1[bx],0F7H; return to low yellow
and byte ptr es:3[bx],0F7H; /
mov al,vpagen ; get current page
mov vpagep,al ; remember it
pop ax ; get new page
mov vpagen,al ; store it
push ax ; save page number
mov ah,5 ; bios call to change vpage
int 10H ; /
pop ax ; get page back
mov bx,0b800H ; base page address
add bh,al ; set new base page seg
mov vpage,bx ; /
mov al,vpagep ; get previous page number
mov ah,160 ; convert to a screen address
mul ah ; /
mov bx,ax ; /
mov es,vpage ; get seg of current page
or byte ptr es:1[bx],8; highlight
or byte ptr es:3[bx],8; /
ret ; exit
; copy menus in all pages
menus: mov dx,0b800H ; address of page0
mov di,offset dgroup:$menu ; point to the menu text
mov bp,[di] ; get number of lines
add di,4 ; point to start of text
mov cx,_numpg ; 8/4 pages to do
inc cx ; /
menus1: push cx ; save outer count
push di ; save orig index
mov cx,bp ; get count of lines
mov es,dx ; set target seg
mov bx,0 ; screen offset is 0
menus2: mov ax,[di] ; get character
mov es:[bx],ax ; put it to the screen
mov ax,2[di] ; get 2nd of three
mov es:2[bx],ax ; put it away
mov ax,4[di] ; get third
mov es:4[bx],ax ; put it away
add di,6 ; bump indexes
add bx,160 ; next line for video
loop menus2 ; do all text lines
mov al,dh ; get page #
and al,byte ptr _numpg; 0-7
mov ah,160 ; convert to line number
mul ah ; /
mov bx,ax ; now it's an address
or byte ptr es:5[bx],8; make it brite
pop di ; get orig index back
add dh,1 ; bump to next page
pop cx ; get page count
loop menus1 ; do all pages
ret ; exit
; display modules names
shoall: test usesf,1 ; want to use screen file?
jz shoall0 ; no, then use internal data
mov ah,3dh ; dos open file command
mov al,0 ; read only
mov dx,offset dgroup:_scrfn; point to file name
int 21H ; open the file
jc shoall0 ; internal data if no file
push ax ; save file handle
mov bx,ax ; set up file handle
mov ah,3fh ; dos read file command
push ds ; save data seg
mov dx,vpage ; set page seg
mov ds,dx ; /
mov dx,0 ; page offset is 0
mov cx,4096 ; screen is 4K bytes
int 21h ; read the file
pop ds ; restore data seg
jc errexit ; bomb if error
pop bx ; get file handle
mov ah,3eh ; dos close file
int 21h ; close the file
ret ; exit
errexit:pop ax ; discard return address
jmp split1 ; exit
shoall0:cld ; direction forward
mov ax,0b800h ; set up for block copy
mov es,ax ; /
mov si,offset dgroup:modscr
mov di,0 ; /
mov cx,2048 ;/
rep movsw ; move from vartbl to screen
ret ; exit
; save modules
savmod: test _tmpfn,-1 ; want to do it?
jnz savmodt ; yes, branch
ret ; no, just return
savmodt:mov dx,offset dgroup:_tmpfn; point to file name
call savmods ; save the stuff
test errflg,-1 ; was there an error
jz savmodu ; no, go on
mov ax,offset dgroup:_noundo; yes, give parting shot
mov byemsg,ax ; /
jmp split ; exit
; save modules & sequencers
; call with dx pointing to filename
savmods:mov ah,3ch ; dos create file command
mov cx,0 ; regular file
int 21H ; create the file
call erropw ; check for disk error
push ax ; save file handle
mov bx,ax ; set up file handle
mov ah,40h ; dos write file command
mov dx,offset dgroup:_header; point to header
mov cx,128 ; 128 byte header
int 21h ; save it
mov cx,128 ; 128 byte header
call errwrt ; check for disk error
pop bx ; get handle
push bx ; save it again
mov ah,40h ; dos write file command
push ds ; save data seg
mov dx,seg bufsp ; set small seq seg
mov ds,dx ; /
mov dx,0 ; page offset is 0
mov cx,4096 ; 16 seq's of 256 bytes each
int 21h ; save them
pop ds ; restore data seg
mov cx,4096 ; 16 seq's of 256 bytes each
call errwrt ; check for disk error
pop bx ; get handle
push bx ; save it again
mov ah,40h ; dos write file command
push ds ; save data seg
mov dx,seg buffs ; set large seq seg
mov ds,dx ; /
mov dx,0 ; page offset is 0
mov cx,8000H ; save half at a time
int 21h ; save first half
pop ds ; restore data seg
mov cx,8000H ; save half at a time
call errwrt ; check for disk error
pop bx ; get handle
push bx ; save it again
mov ah,40h ; dos write file command
push ds ; save data seg
mov dx,seg buffs ; set large seq seg
mov ds,dx ; /
mov dx,8000h ; page offset for 2nd half
mov cx,8000H ; save half at a time
int 21h ; save second half
pop ds ; restore data seg
mov cx,8000H ; save half at a time
call errwrt ; check for disk error
pop bx ; get handle
push bx ; save it again
mov ah,40h ; dos write file command
push ds ; save data seg
mov dx,seg bufpa ; set large seq seg
mov ds,dx ; /
mov dx,0 ; page offset is 0
mov cx,8000h ; save half at a time
int 21h ; save first half
pop ds ; restore data seg
mov cx,8000h ; save half at a time
call errwrt ; check for disk error
pop bx ; get handle
push bx ; save it again
mov ah,40h ; dos write file command
push ds ; save data seg
mov dx,seg bufpa ; set large seq seg
mov ds,dx ; /
mov dx,8000h ; page offset for 2nd half
mov cx,8000h ; save half at a time
int 21h ; save second half
pop ds ; restore data seg
mov cx,8000h ; save half at a time
call errwrt ; check for disk error
pop bx ; get handle
push bx ; save it again
mov ah,40h ; dos write file command
push ds ; save data seg
mov dx,0bc00h ; set page 4 seg
mov ds,dx ; /
mov dx,0 ; page offset is 0
mov cx,4000H ; 4 screens of 4K bytes
int 21h ; save the video screens
pop ds ; restore data seg
mov cx,4000H ; 4 screens of 4K bytes
call errwrt ; check for disk error
pop bx ; get handle
push bx ; save it again
mov ah,40h ; dos write file command
push ds ; save data seg
mov dx,0b800h ; set page 0 seg
mov ds,dx ; /
mov dx,0 ; page offset is 0
mov cx,4000H ; 4 screens of 4K bytes
int 21h ; save the video screens
pop ds ; restore data seg
mov cx,4000H ; 4 screens of 4K bytes
call errwrt ; check for disk error
pop bx ; get handle
push bx ; save it again
mov ah,40h ; dos write file command
mov dx,offset dgroup:valsav; point to values
mov cx,valend-valsav; cx = bytes to save
int 21h ; save the values
mov cx,valend-valsav; cx = bytes to save
call errwrt ; check for disk error
pop bx ; get handle
push bx ; save it again
mov ah,40h ; dos write file command
mov dx,offset dgroup:mvlsav; point to values
mov cx,mvlnum ; cx = bytes to save
int 21h ; save the values
mov cx,mvlnum ; cx = bytes to save
call errwrt ; check for disk error
pop bx ; get handle
push bx ; save it again
mov ah,40h ; dos write file command
mov dx,offset dgroup:_modsrc; point to module source table
mov cx,offset dgroup:_chrtbl; calc number of bytes
sub cx,dx ; cx = bytes in modsrc table
push cx
int 21h ; save the modsrc table
pop cx
call errwrt ; check for disk error
pop bx ; get handle
push bx ; save it again
mov ah,40h ; dos write file command
mov dx,offset dgroup:_exetbl; module exec table
mov cx,2048 ; 512 modules @ 4 bytes each
int 21h ; save the table
mov cx,2048 ; 512 modules @ 4 bytes each
call errwrt ; check for disk error
pop bx ; get handle
push bx ; save it again
mov ah,40h ; dos write file command
mov dx,offset dgroup:vartbl; variable table
mov cx,varsiz ; var table
int 21h ; save the table
mov cx,varsiz ; var table
call errwrt ; check for disk error
pop bx ; get handle
push bx ; save it again
mov ah,40h ; dos write file command
mov dx,offset dgroup:_modtxt; module text
mov cx,offset dgroup:?modtxt; end of module text
sub cx,dx ; cx = bytes in module text
push cx
int 21h ; save the table
pop cx
call errwrt ; check for disk error
pop bx ; get file handle
mov ah,3eh ; dos close file
int 21h ; close the file
call errclw ; check for disk error
ret ; exit
; load modules from _tmpfn
lodmod: test _tmpfn,-1 ; want to do it?
jz lodmodq ; no, just return
mov ah,3dh ; dos open file command
mov al,0 ; read only
mov dx,offset dgroup:_tmpfn; point to file name
int 21H ; open the file
call errundo ; check for undo error
mov dl,_mpab ; get current mpab status
push dx ; save on stack
or _mpab,15 ; force all
call lodmod0 ; do the rest
pop dx ; get mpab status
mov _mpab,dl ; restore
lodmodq:ret ; exit
; load modules with filename already setup (as lodmod, above)
push ax ; save file handle
mov bx,ax ; set up file handle
mov ah,3fh ; dos read file command
mov dx,offset dgroup:_header; point to header
mov cx,128 ; 128 byte header
int 21h ; load it
call erropr ; check for disk error
cmp _header,version; right version?
jnz lodmodz ; no, exit
cmp _header+1,release; right release
jz lodmod1 ; yes, go on
lodmodz:test _mpab,1 ; want to load MODS
jz lodmod1 ; no, then it's ok
and _mpab,0feh ; zip the MOD bit
call dompab ; show new mpab
mov dx,offset dgroup:_errver; else give message
call errmsg ; /
lodmod1:test _mpab,8 ; want to do this?
jz lodmod2 ; no, branch
pop bx ; get handle
push bx ; save it again
mov ah,3fh ; dos read file command
push ds ; save data seg
mov dx,seg bufsp ; set small seq seg
mov ds,dx ; /
mov dx,0 ; page offset is 0
mov cx,4096 ; 16 seq's of 256 bytes each
push cx ; save number of read bytes
int 21h ; load them
pop cx ; get number of read bytes
pop ds ; restore data seg
call errqrd ; check for disk error
lodmod2:test _mpab,4 ; want to do this?
jz lodmod3 ; no, branch
pop bx ; yes, set file pointer
push bx ; handle
mov cx,0 ; ms word of pointer
mov dx,4096+128 ; ls word of pointer
mov al,0 ; offset from start of file
mov ah,42H ; Move File Pointer
int 21H ; dos call
pop bx ; get handle
push bx ; save it again
mov ah,3fh ; dos read file command
push ds ; save data seg
mov dx,seg buffs ; set large seq seg
mov ds,dx ; /
mov dx,0 ; page offset is 0
mov cx,8000H ; load half at a time
push cx ; save read bytes
int 21h ; load first half
pop cx ; restore read bytes
pop ds ; restore data seg
call errqrd ; check for disk error
pop bx ; get handle
push bx ; save it again
mov ah,3fh ; dos read file command
push ds ; save data seg
mov dx,seg buffs ; set large seq seg
mov ds,dx ; /
mov dx,8000h ; page offset for 2nd half
mov cx,8000H ; load half at a time
push cx ; save read bytes
int 21h ; load first half
pop cx ; restore read bytes
pop ds ; restore data seg
call errqrd ; check for disk error
lodmod3:test _mpab,2 ; want to do this?
jz lodmod4 ; no, branch
pop bx ; yes, set file pointer
push bx ; handle
mov cx,1 ; ms word of pointer
mov dx,4096+128 ; ls word of pointer
mov al,0 ; offset from start of file
mov ah,42H ; Move File Pointer
int 21H ; dos call
pop bx ; get handle
push bx ; save it again
mov ah,3fh ; dos read file command
push ds ; save data seg
mov dx,seg bufpa ; set large seq seg
mov ds,dx ; /
mov dx,0 ; page offset is 0
mov cx,8000h ; load half at a time
push cx ; save read bytes
int 21h ; load first half
pop cx ; restore read bytes
pop ds ; restore data seg
call errqrd ; check for disk error
pop bx ; get handle
push bx ; save it again
mov ah,3fh ; dos read file command
push ds ; save data seg
mov dx,seg bufpa ; set large seq seg
mov ds,dx ; /
mov dx,8000h ; page offset for 2nd half
mov cx,8000h ; load half at a time
push cx ; save read bytes
int 21h ; load first half
pop cx ; restore read bytes
pop ds ; restore data seg
call errqrd ; check for disk error
lodmod4:test _mpab,1 ; want to do this?
jnz lodmod5 ; yes, branch
jmp lodmodx ; no, just go to exit
lodmod5:pop bx ; yes, set file pointer
push bx ; handle
mov cx,2 ; ms word of pointer
mov dx,4096+128 ; ls word of pointer
mov al,0 ; offset from start of file
mov ah,42H ; Move File Pointer
int 21H ; dos call
pop bx ; get handle
push bx ; save it again
mov ah,3fh ; dos read file command
push ds ; save data seg
mov dx,0bc00h ; set page 4 seg
mov ds,dx ; /
mov dx,0 ; page offset is 0
mov cx,4000H ; 4 screens of 4K bytes
push cx ; save read bytes
int 21h ; load first half
pop cx ; restore read bytes
pop ds ; restore data seg
call errxrd ; check for disk error
pop bx ; get handle
push bx ; save it again
mov ah,3fh ; dos read file command
push ds ; save data seg
mov dx,0b800h ; set page 0 seg
mov ds,dx ; /
mov dx,0 ; page offset is 0
mov cx,4000H ; 8 screens of 4K bytes
push cx ; save read bytes
int 21h ; load first half
pop cx ; restore read bytes
pop ds ; restore data seg
call errxrd ; check for disk error
pop bx ; get handle
push bx ; save it again
mov ah,3fh ; dos read file command
mov dx,offset dgroup:valsav; point to values
mov cx,valend-valsav; cx = bytes to load
push cx ; save read bytes
int 21h ; load first half
pop cx ; restore read bytes
call errxrd ; check for disk error
pop bx ; get handle
push bx ; save it again
mov ah,3fh ; dos read file command
mov dx,offset dgroup:mvlsav; point to values
mov cx,mvlnum ; cx = bytes to load
push cx ; save read bytes
int 21h ; load first half
pop cx ; restore read bytes
call errxrd ; check for disk error
pop bx ; get handle
push bx ; save it again
mov ah,3fh ; dos read file command
mov dx,offset dgroup:_modsrc; point to module source table
mov cx,offset dgroup:_chrtbl; calc number of bytes
sub cx,dx ; cx = bytes in modsrc table
push cx ; save read bytes
int 21h ; load first half
pop cx ; restore read bytes
call errxrd ; check for disk error
pop bx ; get handle
push bx ; save it again
mov ah,3fh ; dos read file command
mov dx,offset dgroup:_exetbl; module exec table
mov cx,2048 ; 512 modules @ 4 bytes each
push cx ; save read bytes
int 21h ; load first half
pop cx ; restore read bytes
call errxrd ; check for disk error
pop bx ; get handle
push bx ; save it again
mov ah,3fh ; dos read file command
mov dx,offset dgroup:vartbl; variable table
mov cx,varsiz ; var table
push cx ; save read bytes
int 21h ; load first half
pop cx ; restore read bytes
call errxrd ; check for disk error
pop bx ; get handle
push bx ; save it again
mov ah,3fh ; dos read file command
mov dx,offset dgroup:_modtxt; module text
mov cx,offset dgroup:?modtxt; end of module text
sub cx,dx ; cx = bytes in module text
push cx ; save read bytes
int 21h ; load first half
pop cx ; restore read bytes
call errxrd ; check for disk error
pop bx ; get file handle
mov ah,3eh ; dos close file
int 21h ; close the file
call errclr ; check for disk error
ret ; exit
; delete temp file
delmod: test _tmpfn,-1 ; want to do it
jz delmodq ; no, just exit
mov dx,offset dgroup:_tmpfn; delete the load file
mov ah,41h ; dos delete function call
int 21h ; /
; pointing device interface
; The following pointing device interface assumes an interrupt
; driven microsoft-compatable mouse. When a the mouse position
; changes, or a button is pushed, the interrupt routine sets
; the new x, y and flag, but does no other processing.
; The cursor update and other action is performed by the work
; loop, thus allowing multiple page usage, and control over when
; cursor updating should occur.
; initialize pointing device
mov ax,0 ; test for mouse
mov es,ax ; /
mov bx,0cch ; es:bx = mouse inte vector
cmp es:[bx],ax ; int vector = 0?
jz pdng ; yes, exit
mov ax,es:2[bx] ; no, get the vector addr
mov bx,es:[bx] ; /
mov es,ax ; es:bx = vector addr
cmp byte ptr es:[bx],0cfh; pointing to return?
jnz pdok ; no, go to it
mov dx,offset nopd$ ; no mouse, print message
call print$ ; /
jmp split1 ; exit program
pdok: mov ax,0 ; initialize
int 33H ; mouse driver inte
mov ah,1 ; turn dos cursor off
mov ch,32 ; /
mov cl,0 ; /
int 10H ; /
nopd$ db 'No Pointing Device$',cr,lf
; this routine is called only by interrupt, when
; the pd position or flag changes.
pdupd proc far ; called by interrupt
mov di,seg dgroup ; set local seg
mov ds,di ; /
; test al,1EH ; button change?
; jz pdupd1 ; no, branch
test al,14H ; button released
jz pdupd2 ; no, branch
or bl,80H ; set bit 7 hi
pdupd2: mov al,pdf ; or with prev bit 7
and al,80H ; /
or bl,al ; /
mov pdf,bl ; store flags
pdupd1: mov ax,dx ; convert pixel xy to char xy
mov bx,cx ; /
mov cl,3 ; /
shr ax,cl ; /
shr bx,cl ; /
mov pdx,bl ; save in pdx, pdy
mov pdy,al ; /
vxyadr ; convert vx,vy to offst in bx
mov ax,curadr ; get last cursor address
mov curadr,bx ; save the new one
mov es,vpage ; point to current video page
test curflg,1 ; wanna do the normal cursor
jnz pdupd3 ; no, branch
xchg bx,ax ; get addr of old cursor
mov dx,curdata ; get old cursor data
mov es:[bx],dx ; restore
xchg bx,ax ; get addr of new cursor
mov dx,es:[bx] ; get new data
mov curdata,dx ; save it
mov dh,curcol ; get cursor color
or dh,dh ; doing it?
jz pdupd3 ; no, branch
mov ch,pdf ; yes, get flag info
mov cl,5 ; show it
shl ch,cl ; /
or dh,ch ; /
pdupd4: mov es:[bx],dx ; display cursor
pdupd3: mov cx,execur ; get cursor exe address
or cx,cx ; only do if nz
jz pdupdx ; /
jmp cx ; /
pdupdx: ret ; exit
pdupd endp
; show cursor
public curon
curon proc near
mov es,vpage ; point to current video page
test curflg,1 ; special cursor?
jz curon0 ; no, branch
mov di,modchar ; get char table
mov cx,[di] ; get number of lines
add di,4 ; point to 1st char
mov bx,curadr ; cursor address
dec bx ; shift for module
dec bx ; /
call shomod$ ; show the module
jmp short curon2 ; branch around regular stuff
curon0: mov bx,curadr ; get last cursor address
mov dx,curdata ; get cursor data
test curonf,1 ; want to restore?
jz curon1 ; no, branch
mov curonf,0 ; yes, clear flag
mov dx,es:[bx] ; use screen character
mov curdata,dx ; /
curon1: mov dh,curcol ; get cursor color
or dh,dh ; doing it?
jz curon2 ; no, branch
mov ch,pdf ; yes, get flag info
mov cl,5 ; show it
shl ch,cl ; /
or dh,ch ; /
mov es:[bx],dx ; display cursor
curon2: mov cx,1fh ; inte on any change
mov ax,12 ; "set call mask"
mov dx,cs ; seg of pd update routine
mov es,dx ; /
mov dx,offset pdupd ; address of pd update
int 33H ; set the mask
ret ; exit
curon endp
; hide cursor
; turn off pd interrupts
; must be called upon program exit
public curoff
curoff proc near
mov es,vpage ; point to current video page
test curflg,1 ; special cursor?
jz curoff0 ; no, branch
mov di,modchar ; get char table
mov cx,[di] ; get number of lines
mov bx,curadr ; cursor address
dec bx ; shift for module
dec bx ; /
call fixmod$ ; restore the screen
mov bx,curadr ; save cursor
push ds ; save data seg
mov ax,seg buffv ; get back buffer seg
mov ds,ax ; /
mov ax,es:[bx] ; get current screen info
mov [bx],ax ; put it in back buffer
pop ds ; get data seg back
mov curdata,ax ; update cursor data
jmp short curoff1 ; jump around regular stuff
curoff0:mov bx,curadr ; get last cursor address
mov dx,curdata ; get cursor data
mov es:[bx],dx ; display cursor
curoff1:mov cx,0 ; mask intes
mov ax,12 ; "set call mask"
mov dx,cs ; seg of pd update routine
mov es,dx ; /
mov dx,offset pdupd ; address of pd update
int 33H ; set the mask
ret ; exit
curoff endp
; video display routines
; module cursor
; call with with ax= old curadr, bx:es=current curadr
; addr of character list is in modchar
modcur proc far
push bx ; save new curadr
mov bx,ax ; get old curadr
dec bx ; modules at vx-1
dec bx ; /
mov di,modchar ; point to module char source
mov cx,[di] ; get the line count
push cx ; save for later
add di,4 ; point to first char
push di ; save for later
call fixmod$ ; restore the old stuff
pop di ; it's later
pop cx ; get count
pop bx ; get new curadr
push bx ; save it again
dec bx ; modules at vx-1
dec bx ; /
call shomod$ ; show the modules
pop bx ; get new curadr
or byte ptr es:1[bx],18H ; cursor
ret ; exit
modcur endp
; draw modules to screen
; call with: di=module character array
; cx=count of module char lines
; es:bx=video page:offset of 1st char
shomod$ proc near
push bp ; save bp
mov bp,ds ; bp = data seg
mov dx,seg buffv ; dx = back buffer seg
shomod1:mov ax,[di] ; get first char
xchg ax,es:[bx] ; put it on the screen
mov ds,dx ; set buffer seg
mov ds:[bx],ax ; save the old one
mov ds,bp ; restore data seg
inc di ; point to next
inc di ; /
mov ax,[di] ; get 2nd character
xchg ax,es:2[bx] ; put it on the screen
mov ds,dx ; set buffer seg
mov ds:2[bx],ax ; save the old one
mov ds,bp ; restore data seg
inc di ; point to next
inc di ; /
mov ax,[di] ; get 3rd char
xchg ax,es:4[bx] ; put it on the screen
mov ds,dx ; set buffer seg
mov ds:4[bx],ax ; save the old one
mov ds,bp ; restore data seg
inc di ; point to next
inc di ; /
add bx,160 ; next line
loop shomod1 ; do all of module
pop bp ; restore bp
shomod$ endp
; restore screen from modules previously drawn
; call with: di=module character array
; cx=count of module char lines
; es:bx=video page:offset of 1st char
fixmod$ proc near
push ds ; save data seg
mov ax,seg buffv ; set ds to back buffer
mov ds,ax ; /
fixmod1:mov ax,ds:[bx] ; get the old char
mov es:[bx],ax ; put it back on the screen
mov ax,ds:2[bx] ; get the old char
mov es:2[bx],ax ; put it back on the screen
mov ax,ds:4[bx] ; get the old char
mov es:4[bx],ax ; put it back on the screen
add bx,160 ; next line
loop fixmod1 ; do all of module
pop ds ; restore data seg
fixmod$ endp
; erase module from screen
; call with es:bx = module tag addr
; cx = count of char lines
eramod$ proc near
mov word ptr es:[bx],0 ; erase center char
mov word ptr es:2[bx],0 ; erase right char
mov word ptr es:-2[bx],0; erase left char
add bx,160 ; next line
loop eramod$ ; loop til done
ret ; exit
eramod$ endp
; fix blink bit for a blinking module
; call with es:bx = module tag addr
; cx = count of char lines
unblink proc near
and byte ptr es:1[bx],07fh ; fix center char
and byte ptr es:3[bx],07fh ; fix right char
and byte ptr es:-1[bx],07fh; fix left char
add bx,160 ; next line
loop unblink ; loop til done
ret ; exit
unblink endp
; get file name, if any, from command line
getfn proc near
mov es,_bases ; es = base seg
mov di,80h ; di = offset of cmd line
mov si,offset dgroup:_savfn ; si = save file name buffer
mov cl,es:[di] ; get the number of bytes
cmp cl,9 ; 8 bytes maximum
jbe getfn3 ; /
mov cl,9 ; /
getfn3: mov ch,0 ; /
or cl,cl ; exit if no name given
jnz getfna ; /
clc ; cy clr means no name
ret ; /
getfna: inc di ; point to start of text
getfn0: mov al,es:[di] ; get first char
cmp al,' ' ; ignore spaces
jz getfn1 ; /
cmp al,'.' ; stop on dot or 0
jz getfn2 ; /
cmp al,0 ; /
jz getfn2 ; /
mov [si],al ; put char in save file name buffer
inc si ; bump fn pointer
getfn1: inc di ; bump cmd line pointer
loop getfn0 ; loop to max of input chars
getfn2: mov byte ptr [si],'.' ; set up extension
mov byte ptr 1[si],'M' ; /
mov byte ptr 2[si],'B' ; /
mov byte ptr 3[si],' ' ; /
mov byte ptr 4[si],0 ; /
stc ; cy set means fn given
ret ; exit
getfn endp
; show save file name on screen 0
mov dx,0b800h ; es = page 0
mov es,dx ; /
mov di,0a46h ; di = char addr
mov si,offset dgroup:_savfn ; si = temp file name buffer
mov cx,8 ; 8 chars to do
mov dl,0 ; flag for end of name
showfn1:test dl,1 ; reached end of name?
jnz showfn2 ; yes, branch
mov al,[si] ; get the char
call touc ; convert to upper case
cmp al,'.' ; end of name
jnz showfn3 ; no, branch
mov dl,1 ; yes, set flag
showfn2:mov al,' ' ; set char to blank
showfn3:mov es:[di],al ; write the char
inc di ; bump pointers
inc di ; /
inc si ; /
loop showfn1 ; do 8 chars
; get a string from the keyboard to _inbuf
; call with first byte of _inbuf set to max chars
mov ah,1 ; turn dos cursor on
mov ch,6 ; /
mov cl,7 ; /
int 10H ; /
mov dx,offset dgroup:_inbuf
mov ah,0ah ; dos read buffer line function
int 21h ; /
mov ah,1 ; turn dos cursor off
mov ch,32 ; /
mov cl,0 ; /
int 10H ; /
; read directory into the filename area
getdir: call clrdir ; clear the directory area
mov dx,offset dgroup:_dirfn; now read the name
mov cx,0 ; attribute "normal"
mov ah,4eh ; read first
int 21h ; dos call
jc getdirx ; exit if no match
call dodir0 ; else print it
mov cx,30 ; 30+first+room max
getdir1:push cx ; save count
mov ah,4fh ; read next
int 21h ; dos call
pop cx ; get count
jc getdirx ; exit if no match
push cx ; save count
call dodir ; else print it
pop cx ; get count
loop getdir1 ; do until done or limit
mov ah,36h ; get free disk space
mov dl,0 ; default drive
int 21h ; dos call
mul cx ; find out in bytes
mul bx ; result in dx:ax
mov ax,dx ; /65K
mov cl,2 ; /4 = 256K/file
shr ax,cl ; /
push ax ; save result
mov ax,0b800h ; set up video seg
mov es,ax ; /
mov ax,diradr ; current offset
add ax,0612h ; ah=x
mov bl,ah ; al=y, bl=x
mov bh,0 ; /
vxyadr ; bx = video page address
mov colr,grey
mov word ptr es:[bx],gry+'['; set up brackets
mov word ptr es:8[bx],gry+']'
add bx,2
pop ax ; get numb of files
mov room,al ; save the room number
mov ah,0 ; 50 MB is enough
call toddec ; print them
ret ; split
; read from _inbuf into the filename area
; do 4 names, then bump to next column
; call dodir0 to initialize, then call dodir
dodir0: mov diradr,0 ; initialize address
dodir: mov ax,0b800h ; set up video seg
mov es,ax ; /
mov ax,diradr ; current offset
add ax,0612h ; ah=x
mov bl,ah ; al=y, bl=x
mov bh,0 ; /
vxyadr ; bx = video page address
mov di,9eh ; point to source
push ds ; save local data seg
mov ds,_bases ; get system data seg
mov cx,8 ; 8 max to do
dodir1: mov al,[di] ; get the char
cmp al,'.' ; extension ?
jz dodir2
mov es:[bx],al ; no, write the char
inc bx ; bump pointers
inc bx ; /
inc di ; /
loop dodir1 ; loop
dodir2: pop ds ; get local ds back
mov ax,diradr ; bump screen address
inc al ; bump y
test al,4 ; 3 max
jz dodir3 ; branch if < 4
mov al,0 ; else reset y
add ah,9 ; .. bump x
dodir3: mov diradr,ax ; put it away
; clear the directory filename area
clrdir: mov ax,0b800h ; set up video seg
mov es,ax ; /
mov di,0b4ch ; point to 1st char
mov dl,4 ; 4 lines
mov ax,yel ; set color
clrdir0:mov bx,0 ; /
mov cx,72 ; 72 words per line
clrdir1:mov es:[bx+di],ax ; set the word
inc bx ; bump
inc bx ; /
loop clrdir1 ; do the line
add di,160 ; next line
dec dl ; /
jnz clrdir0 ; /
; show the current path
dopath: mov ah,19h ; get current disk drive
int 21h ; dos call
add al,'A' ; make it a letter
mov _inbuf,al ; put it away
mov byte ptr _inbuf+1,':' ; send colon & slash
mov byte ptr _inbuf+2,'\' ; /
mov ah,47H ; get current directory
mov dl,0 ; 0 = default drive
mov si,offset dgroup:_inbuf+3; put it in inbuf
int 21h ; dos call
jc dopathx ; exit if error
mov ax,0b800h ; set up video seg
mov es,ax ; /
mov bx,58H+(16*160) ; offset for line
mov ax,yel ; set color
mov cx,35 ; words in line
dopath1:mov es:[bx],ax ; set the word
inc bx ; bump
inc bx ; /
loop dopath1 ; do the line
mov bx,58H+(16*160) ; offset for line
mov di,offset dgroup:_inbuf; dir text
dopath2:mov al,[di] ; get the char
or al,al ; end?
jz dopathx ; yes, exit
mov es:[bx],al ; no, output to screen
inc di ; bump pointers
inc bx ; /
inc bx ; /
jmp short dopath2 ; loop
dopathx:ret ; exit
; critical error handeling (trapped DOS int 24H )
push bx ; save cpu state
push cx ; /
push dx ; /
push di ; /
push si ; /
push bp ; /
push ds ; /
push es ; /
mov al,0 ; setup to ignore
test ah,80h ; disk error ?
jnz cerrorx ; no, exit
push di ; save error cond
mov dx,seg dgroup ; set up data seg
mov ds,dx ; /
mov dx,offset dgroup:_err_wp;write protect ermsg
pop ax ; check for write protect
or al,al ; write protect
jz cerror1 ; yes, branch
mov dx,offset dgroup:_err_dx; general ermsg
cerror1:call errmsg ; do the message
mov ah,al ; put result in ah
mov al,0 ; ...to Ignore
cmp ah,'I' ; wanna?
jz cerrorx ; yes, go do it
inc al ; ...to Retry
cmp ah,'R' ; /
jz cerrorx ; /
call curoff ; this is serious
call cls ; clear screen
mov ah,2 ; set cursor to top of screen
mov dx,0 ; /
mov bh,dh ; /
int 10H ; /
mov ah,1 ; turn dos cursor on
mov ch,6 ; /
mov cl,7 ; /
int 10H ; /
call stopt ; stop system timer
call stopm ; stop mpu ints
mov al,2 ; Quit
cerrorx:pop es ; restore cpu state
pop ds ; /
pop bp ; /
pop si ; /
pop di ; /
pop dx ; /
pop cx ; /
pop bx ; /
; Error message handler
; call with errormsg in dx
; returns with al = I, R, or Q
push dx ; save message addr
mov vpagen,1 ; set page 1 as swap
mov al,0 ; set page 0 active
call page ; /
mov ax,0b800h ; set up video seg
mov es,ax ; /
mov si,58H+(16*160) ; offset for line
mov di,offset dgroup:_foo; scratch buffer
mov bx,0 ; clear index
mov cx,35 ; words in line
mov ax,es:[bx+si] ; get the char
mov [bx+di],ax ; save it
inc bx ; bump
inc bx ; /
loop errmsg0 ; do the line
mov ah,2 ; bios set cursor position
mov bh,0 ; page 0
mov dx,102CH ; x,y of cursor
int 10H ; do bios int
pop dx ; get the message
mov ah,9 ; print line
int 21H ; dos call
errmsg1:mov ah,8 ; get a key response
int 21h ; dos call
call touc ; convert to uppercase
cmp al,'I' ; check for "I", "R", or "Q"
jz errmsg2 ; ...and branch if ok
cmp al,'E' ; /
jz errmsg2 ; /
cmp al,'R' ; /
jz errmsg2 ; /
cmp al,'Q' ; /
jnz errmsg1 ; /
errmsg2:push ax ; save result
mov ax,0b800h ; set up video seg
mov es,ax ; /
mov si,58H+(16*160) ; offset for line
mov di,offset dgroup:_foo; scratch buffer
mov bx,0 ; clear index
mov cx,35 ; words in line
mov ax,[bx+di] ; get the char
mov es:[bx+si],ax ; restore it
inc bx ; bump
inc bx ; /
loop errmsg3 ; do the line
mov ah,2 ; bios set cursor position
mov bh,0 ; page 0
mov dx,102CH ; x,y of cursor
int 10H ; do bios int
pop ax ; return kbd input
ret ; exit
; errwrt: check for error while writing
; call with cx = proper file size
errwrt: jnc errwrt1 ; branch if no error
or errflg,1 ; set flag
mov errwrd,ax ; save message
errwrt1:cmp ax,cx ; correct size
jz errwrtx ; yes, exit
or errflg,2 ; no, set flag
; check for error while opening write file
erropw: mov errflg,0 ; clear error flag
jnc erropwx ; exit if no error
or errflg,4 ; set flag
mov errwrd,ax ; save message
; check for error while closing write file
errclw: jnc errclwx ; exit if no error
or errflg,8 ; set flag
mov errwrd,ax ; save message
; check for error while opening read file
erropr: mov errflg,0 ; clear error flag
jnc erroprx ; exit if no error
or errflg,40H ; set flag
mov errwrd,ax ; save message
; check for error while closing read file
errclr: jnc errclrx ; exit if no error
or errflg,80h ; set flag
mov errwrd,ax ; save message
; errxrt: check for non fatal error while reading
; call with cx = proper file size
errqrd: jnc errqrd1 ; exit if no error
or errflg,10h ; set flag
mov errwrd,ax ; save message
errqrd1:cmp ax,cx ; correct size
jz errqrdx ; yes, exit
or errflg,20h ; no, set flag
; errxrt: check for fatal error while reading
errxrd: jnc errxrd1 ; exit if no error
errxrd0:mov ax,offset dgroup:_errmod; yes, give parting shot
mov byemsg,ax ; /
jmp split ; exit
errxrd1:cmp ax,cx ; correct size
jnz errxrd0 ; no, split
; errundo: check for undo open error
jnc errundx ; exit if no error
mov ax,offset dgroup:_opundo; yes, give parting shot
mov byemsg,ax ; /
jmp split ; exit
; debugging routines
if debug
public show0,show1,show2,show3,showq
show0 dw 0 ; debug show words
show1 dw 1 ;
show2 dw 2 ;
show3 dw -1 ;
showq dw 22 dup (0)
dw 0
; move 16 words, starting with ds:[bx] into show array
; all registers preserved
showw proc near
push es
push ds
push ax
push bx
push cx
push di
mov ax,seg dgroup
mov ds,ax
mov di,offset dgroup:showq
mov cx,44
showwl: mov al,[bx]
mov [di],al
inc bx
inc di
loop showwl
pop di
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
pop ds
pop es
showw endp
; show 16 memory values starting with SHOW0
; all registers preserved
show proc near
cmp word ptr vpage,0b800h; don't show 0
jnz showa ; /
ret ; /
showa: cmp word ptr vpage,0bf00h; don't show 7
jnz showb ; /
ret ; /
showb: push ax ; preserve all registers
push bx ;
push cx ;
push dx ;
push di ;
push es ;
push ds ;
mov es,vpage ; seg of screen
mov ax,seg dgroup ; seg of SHO0
mov ds,ax ; /
mov di,offset dgroup:show0 ; address of show0
mov bx,152 ; addr of 76,0
mov cx,25 ; 25 words
mov dh,yellow ; color
showl: mov al,1[di] ; get hi byte
tohex ; convert it to hex
mov dl,ah ; get hi nybble
mov es:[bx],dx ; send hi nybble
mov dl,al ; get low nybble
mov es:2[bx],dx ; send low nybble
mov al,[di] ; get low byte
tohex ; convert it to hex
mov dl,ah ; get hi nybble
mov es:4[bx],dx ; send hi nybble
mov dl,al ; get low nybble
mov es:6[bx],dx ; send low nybble
add bx,160 ; move down
add di,2 ; bump index
loop showl ; do 24 bytes
pop ds ; restore registers
pop es
pop di
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
show endp
endif ; end of debug routines
end _doit ; change to END if withc