Simtel MSDOS 1992 December
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Assembly Source File
236 lines
; READENV.ASM -- Reads Environment Strings
; --------------------------------------------------
;This program reads the Environment strings to demonstrate:
; 1. How to find and print each of the strings in the Environment
; 2. How to search for and find an Environment string by
; means of its variable name
;Program structure:
; 1. Read the entire Environment in a loop
; 1. Copy each string to a buffer
; 2. 0 terminate it
; 3. Print it
; 2. Find a particular string by variable name
; 3. Print it
CSEG Segment
Org 100h ; For COM file
Entry: Jmp Main
;All data is here:
notice db 'Copyright 1986 Ziff-Davis Publishing Co.'
notice2 db 'Programmed by Richard Hale Shaw'
Environment_Offset Equ 02ch
String_prefix db 0Dh,0Ah
Env_String_Buffer db MAXIMUM_ENV_STRING+2 dup(1)
Env_Offset dw 0
Environment dw 0
Variable_to_find db 'path',0
Call Set ; Call subroutine to imitate DOS SET
; Next, find "PATH" and display entire string if found
; "PATH" is stored at Variable_to_find
Lea SI,Variable_to_find ; Address of variable name
; to find into SI
Call Getvar ; Get the variable
Cmp CX,0 ; If CX is 0, not found, so
Je Exit ; Get out of program
Call Print_Env_string ; Else print the string found
Int 20h ; Exit program
; Subroutines: ----------------------------------------------------------------
Set: ; Like the DOS SET command, reads each environment string
; and prints each one out
Mov Word Ptr Env_offset,0 ; Set to search Environment
; From the beginning
Find_string: Call Find_Env_String ; Find a string
Cmp CX,0 ; If CX is 0
Je End_set ; No string found, go ahead
Call Print_Env_string ; else Call Print Environment
; string routine
Jmp Find_string ; Try for another string
End_Set: Ret ; Return to caller
; requires SI to point to NULL-terminated variable to find
; if CX is 0 upon return, the string was not found
Mov Word Ptr Env_offset,0 ; Set to search Environment
; From the beginning
Call String_length ;Get length of variable to find
; Pointed to by SI
Cmp CX,0 ; If length of string to compare is 0
Je End_getvar ; No variable to compare
Call Upper ; Upper case the variable
Push CX ; Save CX (length of variable)
Push SI ;Save SI (Address of variable)
Call Find_env_string ; Find a string
Pop SI ; Get it back from stack
Cmp CX,0 ; If CX is 0
Pop CX ; Restore CX from stack
Je Not_found ; String not found
Cld ; Clear direction flag
Push SI ; Save Address of variable
Push ES ; Save ES on stack
Push DS ; Save DS on stack
Pop ES ; Put DS into ES
Lea DI,Env_string_buffer ; Address of buffer into DI
Push CX ; Save length on stack
Repe Cmpsb ; Compare the two strings
Pop CX ; Restore length
Pop ES ; Restore ES
Pop SI ; Restore variable address
Jne Another_string
Cmp Byte Ptr[DI],'=' ; If '=' next character
Je End_getvar ;Got it, length in CX, get out
Xor CX,CX ; Don't have it, clear CX
End_getvar: Ret ; Return to caller
; requires SI to point to string to get length of
; Length of string in CX on return
; String should be NULL-terminated
Push SI ; Save SI on stack
Xor CX,CX ; Clear CX to 0
Cmp Byte Ptr[SI],0 ; If 0 found
Je End_string ; Go to End string
Inc CX ; Add 1 to count in CX
Inc SI ; Next byte to compare
Jmp Next_one ; Compare next one
Pop SI ; Restore SI from stack
Ret ; Return to caller
; Prints NULL-terminated Environment string pointed to by
; Env_string_buffer
; Calls Int 21h function 2 to print each character
; Terminates when NULL-terminater is reached
Push SI ; Save SI on stack
Lea SI, String_prefix ;Load address of buffer into AX
Mov DL,Byte Ptr[SI] ; Character to print into DL
Cmp DL,0 ; If character is Zero
Je End_Print_Env_string ; Get out
Mov AH,2 ; Function to print string
Int 21h ; Call DOS
Inc SI ; Point to next character
Jmp Print_another ; Loop back
Pop SI ; Restore SI
Ret ; Return to caller
; Finds an Environment string beginning with the first
; One. Copies each to the Env_string_buffer. If End
; of Environment found, places Zero in buffer, and CX
; is 0.
Cmp Word Ptr Environment,00 ; See if Environment address
; is available
Ja Get_Env_string ; If Available, Get a string
; If not,
Mov AX,CS:[2Ch] ; Get Environment address
Mov Word Ptr Environment,AX ; Store Environment address
Lea DI,Env_string_buffer ; Address of buffer into DI
Mov SI,Word Ptr Env_offset ; Current Environment Offset
; into SI
Mov AX,DS ; Get DS into AX
Mov ES,AX ; And put it in ES
Mov AX,Word Ptr Environment ;Get Environment Segment Addr.
Mov DS,AX ; Put it into DS
Xor CX,CX ; Clear CX to 0
Push SI ; Save SI on stack
Cmp Byte Ptr[SI],00 ; Check for End of Environment
; String
Je End_env_string ; If found, break out of loop
Inc CX ; Add 1 to count
Inc SI ; Point to next byte
Jmp Next_byte ; Loop back to check next byte
Pop SI ; Restore SI from stack
Cmp CX,0 ; If CX is 0
Je End_Find_Env_string ; Nothing to move, goto finish
Push CX ; Save count on stack
Mov AX,SI ; Put SI offset into AX
Add AX,CX ; Add number of bytes found
Inc AX ; Add one
Mov Word Ptr ES:Env_offset,AX ; Set Env_offset for
; current Environment offset
Cld ; Clear direction flag for forward move
Rep Movsb ; Copy Bytes from Environment to buffer
Mov Byte Ptr ES:[DI],0 ; Set last byte to zero
Pop CX ; Restore count from stack
Mov AX,ES ; Set Data Segment back into
Mov DS,AX ; DS
Ret ; Return to caller
; Uppercases the Null-terminated string pointed to by SI
Push SI ; Save SI Pointer
Upper_Another: Cmp Byte Ptr[SI],0 ; If NULL
Je End_upper ; Get out
Xor Byte Ptr[SI],32 ; Uppercase the character
Inc SI ;Increment SI to next character
Jmp Upper_Another ; Uppercase the next character
End_upper: Pop SI ; Restore SI from stack
EndProg Label Byte ; End of program
End Entry
; End of Readenv.asm