Simtel MSDOS 1992 December
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Assembly Source File
116 lines
name qsorti
title QSORTI.ASM Integer QuickSort
page 55,132
; QSORTI.ASM --- Integer Quicksort
; Copyright 1988, Ziff Communications Co.
; PC Magazine * Ray Duncan
; Call with: DS:SI = address of first item to sort
; DS:DI = address of last item to sort
; Assumes items are 2-byte integers
; Returns: Nothing, all registers unchanged.
itemsiz equ 2 ; bytes per integer
_TEXT segment word public 'CODE'
assume cs:_TEXT,ds:NOTHING,es:NOTHING
; stack variables
left equ [bp-8] ; first item to sort
right equ [bp-4] ; last item to sort
public qsorti ; make visible to Linker
qsorti proc near
cmp di,si ; if right <= left
jna qsort5 ; just exit
push bp ; set up stack frame
mov bp,sp ; and local variables
push es
push di ; offset last item
push ds
push si ; offset first item
push dx
push cx
push bx
push ax
sub si,itemsiz ; SI = i = left - 1
; DI = j = right
mov bx,di ; BX = right
qsort1: ; partition array on
; value of rightmost item
qsort2: ; scan right for item
; >= partitioning value
add si,itemsiz ; i++
mov ax,[si] ; while(items[i] < items[right])
cmp ax,[bx] ; (guaranteed to terminate
jl qsort2 ; when i = right)
qsort3: ; scan left for item
; <= partitioning value
sub di,itemsiz ; j--
cmp di,left ; while(items[j] > items[right]
jna qsort4 ; && (j > left)
mov ax,[di]
cmp ax,[bx]
jg qsort3
qsort4: mov ax,[di] ; exchange the items
xchg ax,[si]
mov [di],ax
cmp di,si ; while(j > i)
ja qsort1 ; (do until pointers cross)
mov ax,[di] ; undo the last exchange
xchg ax,[si]
mov [di],ax
mov ax,[bx] ; put the partitioning
xchg ax,[si] ; element into position
mov [bx],ax
push si ; save i
mov di,si ; qsort(left, i-1)
sub di,itemsiz
mov si,left
call qsorti
pop si ; qsort(i+1, right)
add si,itemsiz
mov di,right
call qsorti
pop ax ; restore registers,
pop bx ; discard stack frame
pop cx
pop dx
pop si
pop ds
pop di
pop es
pop bp
qsort5: ret ; return to caller
qsorti endp
_TEXT ends