Simtel MSDOS 1992 December
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Assembly Source File
291 lines
; STRINGS2.ASM --- MASM String Package #2
; Copyright (c), 1988 Ziff Communications Co.
; PC Magazine * Ray Duncan * November 29, 1988
bufsize equ 1024 ; size of buffer for temporary strings
_DATA segment word public 'DATA'
lctab dw 26 ; 'strlwr' translation table
dw 'A'
db 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
uctab dw 26 ; 'strupr' translation table
dw 'a'
strbuf db bufsize dup (?) ; temporary string buffer
strptr dw strbuf ; current buffer pointer
_DATA ends
_TEXT segment word public 'CODE'
assume cs:_TEXT
; STRCAT: string concatenation routine
; Call with: DS:SI = address of string1
; BX = length of string1
; ES:DI = address of string2
; DX = length of string2
; Returns: DS:SI = address of result string
; in temporary storage
; BX = length of result string
; Uses: DI, ES
public strcat
strcat proc near
push cx ; save register
push di ; save string2 address
push es
mov cx,bx ; save string1 length
add bx,dx ; BX = result string length
call strmem ; get temporary storage for result string
cld ; copy string1 to result
rep movsb
pop ds ; get string2 address
pop si
mov cx,dx
rep movsb ; copy string2 to result
push es ; let DS:SI = address of
push di ; result string
pop si
pop ds
sub si,bx ; correct for bytes moved
pop cx ; restore register
ret ; back to caller
strcat endp
; STRDUP: string duplication routine
; Call with: DS:SI = address of string
; BX = length of string
; Returns: DS:SI = address of string copy
; in temporary storage
; BX = length of string copy
; Uses: nothing
public strdup
strdup proc near
push cx ; save registers
push di
push es
call strmem ; get temporary storage to hold string copy
mov cx,bx ; make copy of string
rep movsb
push es ; let DS:SI = address
push di ; of copy
pop si
pop ds
sub si,bx ; correct for bytes moved
pop es ; restore registers
pop di
pop cx
ret ; back to caller
strdup endp
; STRXTR: string extraction routine
; Call with: DS:SI = address of string
; BX = length of string
; CX = offset of substring
; DX = length of substring
; Returns: DS:SI = address of substring
; in temporary storage
; BX = clamped length of substring
; If BX = 0, then substring offset
; was invalid and DS:SI is unchanged.
; Uses: nothing
public strxtr
strxtr proc near
push cx ; save register
add si,cx ; point to substring
sub bx,cx ; adjust string length
jnb sxtr1 ; length OK, proceed
xor bx,bx ; bad substring,
jmp sxtr3 ; return length = 0
sxtr1: cmp bx,dx ; clamp length?
jb sxtr2 ; yes, jump
mov bx,dx ; no, set substring length
sxtr2: call strdup ; make copy of substring in temporary storage
sxtr3: pop cx ; restore register
ret ; back to caller
strxtr endp
; STRXLT: string translation routine
; Call with: DS:SI = address of text string
; BX = length of text string
; ES:DI = address of translation table
; The translation table has the
; following format:
; dw number of character codes in table (n)
; dw character code of first position (m)
; db translation value for character (m)
; db translation value for character (m+1)
; .
; .
; db translation value for character (m+n-1)
; Any character positions in the table which
; contain zero are ignored. Any characters
; in the text string falling outside the range
; defined by the table are unchanged.
; Returns: DS:SI = address of translated string
; in temporary storage
; BX = length of translated string
; ES:DI = translation table address (unchanged)
public strxlt
strxlt proc near
call strdup ; make copy of string to be translated
push bx ; save registers
push cx
push si
mov cx,bx ; use CX for loop count
jcxz sxlt3 ; exit if zero length
sxlt1: mov bl,[si] ; next character
xor bh,bh
sub bx,es:[di+2] ; correct for table base
js sxlt2 ; jump, outside table
cmp bx,es:[di]
jae sxlt2 ; jump, outside table
mov bl,es:[bx+di+4] ; get translation value
or bl,bl ; is it zero?
jz sxlt2 ; yes, ignore it
mov [si],bl ; store translated value
sxlt2: inc si ; bump text string pointer
loop sxlt1 ; process next character
sxlt3: pop si ; restore registers
pop cx
pop bx
ret ; back to caller
strxlt endp
; STRLWR: convert string to lower case
; Call with: DS:SI = address of string
; BX = length of string
; Returns: DS:SI = address of lower-cased
; string in temporary storage
; BX = length of lower-cased string
; Uses: nothing
public strlwr
strlwr proc near
push di ; save registers
push es
mov di,seg lctab ; ES:DI = address of lower
mov es,di ; case translation table
mov di,offset lctab
call strxlt ; translate the string
pop es ; restore registers
pop di
ret ; back to caller
strlwr endp
; STRUPR: convert string to upper case
; Call with: DS:SI = address of string
; BX = length of string
; Returns: DS:SI = address of upper-cased
; string in temporary storage
; BX = length of upper-cased string
; Uses: nothing
public strupr
strupr proc near
push di ; save registers
push es
mov di,seg uctab ; ES:DI = address of upper
mov es,di ; case translation table
mov di,offset uctab
call strxlt ; translate the string
pop es ; restore registers
pop di
ret ; back to caller
strupr endp
; STRMEM: allocate temporary storage for string
; Call with: BX = length needed
; Returns: ES:DI = address of temporary storage
; BX = length (unchanged)
strmem proc near
mov di,seg strptr ; ES:DI = address within
mov es,di ; temporary string buffer
assume es:_DATA
mov di,strptr
add strptr,bx ; update buffer pointer
cmp strptr,offset (strbuf+bufsize) ; check for buffer overflow
jb smem1 ; jump if no overflow
mov di,offset strbuf; reset buffer pointer
mov strptr,di
add strptr,bx
assume es:NOTHING
smem1: ret ; back to caller
strmem endp
_TEXT ends