Simtel MSDOS 1992 December
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Assembly Source File
156 lines
; TRYSTR2.ASM --- demo of MASM string package #2
; Copyright (c), 1988 Ziff Communications Co.
; PC Magazine * Ray Duncan * November 29, 1988
cr equ 0dh ; ASCII carriage return
lf equ 0ah ; ASCII line feed
stdin equ 0 ; standard input handle
stdout equ 1 ; standard output handle
stderr equ 2 ; standard error handle
_DATA segment word public 'DATA'
str1 db 80 dup (0) ; string 1 buffer
str2 db 80 dup (0) ; string 2 buffer
s1len dw ? ; string 1 length
s2len dw ? ; string 2 length
msg1 db cr,lf,lf,"Enter string 1: "
msg1_len equ $-msg1
msg2 db "Enter string 2: "
msg2_len equ $-msg2
msg3 db cr,lf,"STRCAT: "
msg3_len equ $-msg3
msg4 db cr,lf,"STRLWR: "
msg4_len equ $-msg4
msg5 db cr,lf,"STRUPR: "
msg5_len equ $-msg5
_DATA ends
_TEXT segment word public 'CODE'
extrn strcat:near
extrn strupr:near
extrn strlwr:near
assume cs:_TEXT,ds:DGROUP
main proc near
mov ax,_DATA ; make our data segment
mov ds,ax ; addressable...
mov es,ax
main1: ; display prompt for string 1...
mov dx,offset msg1 ; address of message
mov cx,msg1_len ; length of message
mov bx,stdout ; standard output handle
mov ah,40h ; function 40h = write
int 21h ; transfer to MS-DOS
; get first string...
mov dx,offset str1 ; address of buffer
mov cx,64 ; maximum entry length
mov bx,stdin ; standard input handle
mov ah,3fh ; function 3fh = read
int 21h ; transfer to MS-DOS
sub ax,2 ; anything entered?
mov s1len,ax ; save string length
jnz main2 ; jump if something entered
mov ax,4c00h ; exit if empty line
int 21h ; transfer to MS-DOS
main2: ; display prompt for string 2...
mov dx,offset msg2 ; address of message
mov cx,msg2_len ; length of message
mov bx,stdout ; standard output handle
mov ah,40h ; function 40h = write
int 21h ; transfer to MS-DOS
; get second string...
mov dx,offset str2 ; address of buffer
mov cx,64 ; maximum entry length
mov bx,stdin ; standard input handle
mov ah,3fh ; function 3fh = read
int 21h ; transfer to MS-DOS
sub ax,2 ; save string length
mov s2len,ax
; display STRCAT title
mov dx,offset msg3 ; address of message
mov cx,msg3_len ; length of message
call pmsg
; concatenate strings
mov si,offset str1 ; string1 address
mov bx,s1len ; string1 length
mov di,offset str2 ; string2 address
mov dx,s2len ; string2 length
call strcat
; display result string
mov dx,si ; result string address
mov cx,bx ; result string length
call pmsg
; display STRLWR title
mov dx,offset msg4 ; address of message
mov cx,msg4_len ; length of message
call pmsg
call strlwr ; translate concatenated string to lower case
; display translated string
mov dx,si ; result string address
mov cx,bx ; result string length
call pmsg
; display STRUPR title
mov dx,offset msg5 ; address of message
mov cx,msg5_len ; length of message
call pmsg
call strupr ; translate concatenated string to upper case
; display translated string
mov dx,si ; result string address
mov cx,bx ; result string length
call pmsg
jmp main1 ; get more strings
main endp
; PMSG: display message on standard output
; Call with: DS:DX = message address
; CX = message length
; Returns: nothing
; Uses: nothing
pmsg proc
push ax ; save registers
push bx
mov bx,stdout ; standard output handle
mov ah,40h ; function 40h = write
int 21h ; transfer to MS-DOS
pop bx ; restore registers
pop ax
ret ; back to caller
pmsg endp
_TEXT ends
STACK segment para stack 'STACK'
db 128 dup (?)
STACK ends
end main