Simtel MSDOS 1992 December
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Assembly Source File
144 lines
title EXTMEM --- get/put extended memory
page 55,132
; EXTMEM.ASM --- Routines to transfer data between
; conventional and extended memory.
; For use with small model C programs.
; Copyright (C) 1989 Ziff Davis Communications
; PC Magazine * Ray Duncan
; Assemble with: MASM /Zi /Mx EXTMEM;
_DATA segment word public 'DATA'
gdt db 30h dup (0) ; global descriptor table
_DATA ends
_TEXT segment word public 'CODE'
assume cs:_TEXT,ds:DGROUP
args equ [bp+4] ; offset of arguments, small model
source equ word ptr args
dest equ word ptr source+4
len equ word ptr dest+4
; GETXM copies data from extended memory to conventional memory.
; status = getxm(unsigned long source, void far *dest, unsigned len)
; Status is zero if move successful, nonzero if move failed:
; 1 = parity error, 2 = exception interrupt error, 3 = gate A20 failed
public _getxm
_getxm proc near
push bp ; set up stack frame
mov bp,sp
push si ; protect register variables
push di
push ds ; let ES:SI point to
pop es ; global descriptor table
mov si,offset DGROUP:gdt
; store access rights bytes
mov byte ptr es:[si+15h],93h
mov byte ptr es:[si+1dh],93h
mov ax,source ; store source address
mov es:[si+12h],ax ; into descriptor
mov ax,source+2
mov es:[si+14h],al
mov ax,dest+2 ; destination segment * 16
mov dx,16
mul dx
add ax,dest ; + offset -> linear address
adc dx,0
mov es:[si+1ah],ax ; store destination address
mov es:[si+1ch],dl ; into descriptor
mov cx,len ; store length into source
mov es:[si+10h],cx ; and destination descriptors
mov es:[si+18h],cx
shr cx,1 ; convert length to words
mov ah,87h ; Int 15H Fxn 87h = block move
int 15h ; transfer to ROM BIOS
mov al,ah ; form status in AX
pop di ; restore registers
pop si
pop bp
ret ; back to caller
_getxm endp
; PUTXM copies data from conventional memory to extended memory.
; status = putxm(void far *source, unsigned long dest, unsigned len)
; Status is zero if move successful, nonzero if move failed:
; 1 = parity error, 2 = exception interrupt error, 3 = gate A20 failed
public _putxm
_putxm proc near
push bp ; set up stack frame
mov bp,sp
push si ; protect register variables
push di
push ds ; let ES:SI point to
pop es ; global descriptor table
mov si,offset DGROUP:gdt
; store access rights bytes
mov byte ptr es:[si+15h],93h
mov byte ptr es:[si+1dh],93h
mov ax,dest ; store destination address
mov es:[si+1ah],ax ; into descriptor
mov ax,dest+2
mov es:[si+1ch],al
mov ax,source+2 ; source segment * 16
mov dx,16
mul dx
add ax,source ; + offset -> linear address
adc dx,0
mov es:[si+12h],ax ; store source address
mov es:[si+14h],dl ; into descriptor
mov cx,len ; store length into source
mov es:[si+10h],cx ; and destination descriptors
mov es:[si+18h],cx
shr cx,1 ; convert length to words
mov ah,87h ; Int 15H Fxn 87h = block move
int 15h ; transfer to ROM BIOS
mov al,ah ; form status in AX
pop di ; restore registers
pop si
pop bp
ret ; back to caller
_putxm endp
_TEXT ends