Simtel MSDOS 1992 December
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Assembly Source File
117 lines
title MPMUL1.ASM Multiple-Precision Unsigned Multiply
page 55,132
; MPMUL1.ASM Multiple-Precision Unsigned Multiply
; for Intel 8086, 8088, 80286, and
; 80386 in real mode/16-bit protected mode
; Copyright (C) 1989 Ziff Davis Communications
; PC Magazine * Ray Duncan
; Call with: DS:SI = address of source operand
; ES:DI = address of destination operand
; CX = operand length in bytes
; Assumes direction flag is clear at entry
; Assumes DS = ES <> SS
; Assumes CX <= 255
; Returns: ES:DI = address of product
; NOTE: Buffer for destination operand must be
; twice as long as the actual operand, because
; it will receive a double-precision result.
; Destroys: AX (other registers preserved)
; Usage: DS:SI = u[0] base address source operand
; SS:BP = v[0] base address destination operand
; ES:DI = w[0] base address of product
; BX = i index for outer loop
; CX = j index for inner loop
; DH = m operand length in bytes
; DL = k remainder of partial products
_TEXT segment word public 'CODE'
assume cs:_TEXT
public mpmul1
mpmul1 proc near
push bx ; save registers
push dx
push bp
sub sp,cx ; make buffer on stack
mov bp,sp ; for destination operand
mov dh,cl ; save operand length (m)
push cx
push si ; copy destination operand
push di ; to temporary storage in
push es ; stack frame, because result
push ss ; will be built in destination
pop es ; operand's buffer
mov si,di
mov di,bp
rep movsb
pop es
pop di
pop si
pop cx
push di ; initialize destination buffer
xor ax,ax ; to receive result (it better be
rep stosw ; twice the size of the operands)
pop di
xor bx,bx ; i = 0
mpmul11: xor dl,dl ; k = 0
xor cx,cx ; j = 0
mpmul12: xchg bx,cx
mov al,[si+bx] ; get u[j]
xchg bx,cx
xchg bp,di
mov ah,ss:[di+bx] ; get v[i]
xchg bp,di
mul ah ; t = u[j] * v[i]
add al,dl ; + k
adc ah,0
add bx,cx
add al,[bx+di] ; + w[i+j]
adc ah,0
mov [bx+di],al ; w[i+j] = t mod b
mov dl,ah ; k = t / b
sub bx,cx ; restore i
inc cx ; j++
cmp cl,dh ; j = m?
jne mpmul12 ; no, repeat inner loop
push bx
add bl,dh ; w[i+m] = k
adc bh,0
mov [di+bx],ah
pop bx
inc bx ; i++
cmp bl,dh ; i = m?
jne mpmul11 ; no, repeat outer loop
add sp,bx ; discard operand buffer
pop bp ; restore registers
pop dx
pop bx
ret ; back to caller
mpmul1 endp
_TEXT ends