Simtel MSDOS 1992 December
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Assembly Source File
207 lines
title TRYFTRIG --- Demo of FTRIG routines
page 55,132
; TRYFTRIG.ASM --- Interactive Demo of FTRIG routines
; To exit from the program, push <Enter>
; alone at the "Enter a number" prompt.
; (C) 1989 Ray Duncan
; Build with: MASM FTOA;
cr equ 0dh ; ASCII carriage return
lf equ 0ah ; ASCII line feed
stdin equ 0 ; standard input handle
stdout equ 1 ; standard output handle
_TEXT segment word public 'CODE'
assume cs:_TEXT,ds:DGROUP
extrn ATOF:near ; ASCII to floating point
extrn FTOA:near ; floating point to ASCII
extrn FSIN:near ; 80x87 sine
extrn FCOS:near ; 80x87 cosine
extrn FTAN:near ; 80x87 tangent
extrn INIT87:near ; initialize numeric coprocessor
main proc near
mov ax,DGROUP ; make our data segment
mov ds,ax ; addressable...
mov es,ax
mov ax,03ffh ; initialize coprocessor
call init87 ; rounding = nearest or even
; precision = 64 bits
; mask all exceptions
jz main1 ; jump, coprocessor present
mov dx,offset errmsg ; coprocessor absent,
mov cx,err_len ; display error message
call pmsg ; and terminate program
jmp main3
main1: mov dx,offset signon ; display sign-on message
mov cx,so_len
call pmsg
main2: mov dx,offset prompt1 ; display prompt
mov cx,p1_len
call pmsg
mov dx,offset inbuff ; read keyboard entry
mov cx,80 ; from the user...
mov bx,stdin ; standard input handle
mov ah,3fh ; funct. 3FH = read
int 21h ; transfer to MS-DOS
cmp byte ptr inbuff,cr ; was anything entered?
jne main4 ; yes, proceed
main3: mov ax,4c00h ; no, exit to MS-DOS
int 21h
main4: mov si,offset inbuff ; convert convert user's
call atof ; input to binary in ST(0)
fld st(0) ; duplicate the value
fmul qword ptr deg2rad ; convert it to radians
fstp qword ptr arg ; save angle in radians
mov al,' ' ; clear output format areas
mov di,offset disp1
mov cx,30
rep stosb
mov di,offset disp2
mov cx,30
rep stosb
mov di,offset disp3
mov cx,30
rep stosb
mov di,offset disp4
mov cx,30
rep stosb
mov di,offset disp5
mov cx,30
rep stosb
mov si,offset disp1 ; convert degrees to ASCII
call ftoa
fld qword ptr arg ; convert radians to ASCII
mov si,offset disp2
call ftoa
fld qword ptr arg ; load radians
call fsin ; calculate sine
mov si,offset disp3 ; convert sine to ASCII
call ftoa
fld qword ptr arg ; load radians
call fcos ; calculate cosine
mov si,offset disp4 ; convert cosine to ASCII
call ftoa
fld qword ptr arg ; load radians
call ftan ; calculate tangent
mov si,offset disp5 ; convert tangent to ASCII
call ftoa
mov dx,offset display ; display original angle,
mov cx,d_len ; angle in radians, sine,
call pmsg ; cosine, and tangent
jmp main2 ; do it again...
main endp
pmsg proc near ; display message on stdout
; call with
; DS:DX = message address
; CX = message length
mov bx,stdout ; standard output handle
mov ah,40h ; function 40h = write
int 21h ; transfer to MS-DOS
ret ; return to caller
pmsg endp
_TEXT ends
_DATA segment word public 'DATA'
signon db cr,lf
db 'Demo Program for Coprocessor Trig Routines.'
db cr,lf,lf
db 'Specify angle in degrees as a signed decimal value'
db cr,lf
db 'followed by the <Enter> key. The sine, cosine,'
db cr,lf
db 'and tangent of the value are displayed.'
db cr,lf,lf
db 'Press <Enter> alone at any prompt to exit.'
db cr,lf
so_len equ $-signon
prompt1 db cr,lf
db 'Enter angle (degrees): '
p1_len equ $-prompt1
display db cr,lf
db 'Degrees: '
disp1 db 30 dup (' ')
db cr,lf
db 'Radians: '
disp2 db 30 dup (' ')
db cr,lf
db 'Sine: '
disp3 db 30 dup (' ')
db cr,lf
db 'Cosine: '
disp4 db 30 dup (' ')
db cr,lf
db 'Tangent: '
disp5 db 30 dup (' ')
db cr,lf
d_len equ $-display
errmsg db cr,lf
db 'No 80x87 coprocessor found!'
db cr,lf
err_len equ $-errmsg
deg2rad dq 3f91df46a2529d39h ; 2 * pi / 360
arg dq 0 ; angle in radians
inbuff db 80 dup (?) ; keyboard input buffer
_DATA ends
STACK segment para stack 'STACK'
db 128 dup (?)
STACK ends
end main