Simtel MSDOS 1992 December
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865 lines
PROCEDURE Emulate_TEK4010;
(* Emulate_TEK4010 --- Emulate TekTronix 4010 terminal *)
(* *)
(* Author: Philip R. Burns *)
(* Date: April, 1986 (Version 1.0) *)
(* January, 1988 (Version 4.1 -- add EGA support) *)
(* *)
(* Systems: For MS-DOS on IBM PCs and close compatibles only. *)
(* *)
(* History: Original with me. *)
(* *)
(* This emulator uses the high-resolution graphics mode *)
(* (640x200) of the standard IBM color graphics adapter, *)
(* or the high-resolution mode of the EGA (640x350). *)
(* Only graphics output is emulated, not graphics input. *)
(* On the CGA, the display consists of 33 rather than 35 *)
(* lines of text, while on the EGA 35 lines are displayed. *)
(* *)
(* Suggestions for improvements or corrections are welcome. *)
(* Please leave messages on Gene Plantz's BBS (312) 882 4145 *)
(* or Ron Fox's BBS (312) 940 6496. *)
(* *)
(* IF you use this code in your own programs, please be nice *)
(* and give proper credit. *)
(* *)
Graphics_State = ( Text_Plot, Vector_Plot_Start, Vector_Plot,
Point_Plot_Start, Point_Plot, Graphics_Input );
Done : BOOLEAN (* TRUE to exit terminal emulation mode *);
Ch : CHAR (* Character read/written *);
B : BOOLEAN (* Boolean flag *);
Regs : Registers (* For MS DOS interfacing *);
FlagG : Graphics_State (* Current graphics state *);
CursorX : INTEGER (* X position of cursor *);
CursorY : INTEGER (* Y position of cursor *);
Reset_T : BOOLEAN (* Dummy for reset of terminal *);
EGA_On : BOOLEAN (* TRUE if EGA installed *);
XFactor : REAL (* Horizontal scaling factor *);
YFactor : REAL (* Vertical scaling factor *);
YMax : INTEGER (* Maximum Y value ==> 199, 349 *);
YMaxM1 : INTEGER (* Maximum Y value - 1 ==> 198, 348 *);
YInc : INTEGER (* Increment in Y for characters *);
GMode : INTEGER (* Graphics mode type *);
ClrScr_Req : BOOLEAN (* TRUE if clear screen request typed *);
Save_SUpper: BOOLEAN (* Save send_upper_case_only flag *);
Prev_Ch : CHAR = ^@;
Hx : INTEGER = 0;
Hy : INTEGER = 0;
Lx : INTEGER = 0;
Ly : INTEGER = 0;
Old : INTEGER = 0;
LastX : INTEGER = 0;
LastY : INTEGER = 0;
YDist : INTEGER = 6;
Ch_FF = #12 (* Form Feed *);
Ch_CR = #13 (* Carriage Return *);
Ch_SO = #14 (* Start grahics *);
Ch_SI = #15 (* End graphics *);
Ch_SUB = #26 (* EOF Character *);
Ch_ESC = #27 (* Escape *);
Ch_FS = #28 (* Graphics start *);
Ch_GS = #29 (* Graphics start *);
Ch_RS = #30 (* Inc. plot start *);
Ch_US = #31 (* Graphics end *);
(* Plot_Point --- Plot one point in graphics display *)
(* *)
(* Procedure: Plot_Point *)
(* *)
(* Purpose: Plots one pixel in high-resolution graphics screen. *)
(* *)
(* Calling Sequence: *)
(* *)
(* Plot_Point( X , Y : INTEGER ); *)
(* *)
(* X --- Horizontal coordinate (0--639) *)
(* Y --- Vertical coordinate (0--349) *)
(* *)
BEGIN (* Plot_Point *)
{; Check if we are to use BIOS to plot pixel}
$F6/$06/>WRITE_GRAPHICS_SCREEN/$01/ { TEST Byte [>Write_Graphics_Screen],1 ;Check if direct scren writes}
$74/$30/ { JZ Bios ;No -- use BIOS}
{; Write pixel directly to screen memory}
$8B/$96/>Y/ { MOV DX,[BP+>Y] ; Get Y}
$8D/$1E/>SCAN_LINE_TABLE/ { LEA BX,[>Scan_Line_Table] ; Get scan line table address}
$D1/$E2/ { SHL DX,1 ; Y * 2 for integer offset}
$01/$D3/ { ADD BX,DX ; Get offset of entry for Y}
$8B/$1F/ { MOV BX,[BX] ; Get offset for Y}
$8B/$96/>X/ { MOV DX,[BP+>X] ; Get X}
$89/$D0/ { MOV AX,DX}
$B1/$03/ { MOV CL,3 ;}
$D3/$EA/ { SHR DX,CL ; X DIV 8 = Byte offset within row}
$01/$D3/ { ADD BX,DX ; Byte location in screen memory}
$25/$07/$00/ { AND AX,7 ; X MOD 8}
$BA/$80/$00/ { MOV DX,$80 ; 1 bit in leftmost position}
$89/$C1/ { MOV CX,AX ; shift count}
$D3/$EA/ { SHR DX,CL ; 1 bit in proper position}
$C4/$3E/>GRAPHICS_SCREEN/ { LES DI,[>Graphics_Screen] ; Get screen address}
$01/$DF/ { ADD DI,BX ; Get byte address}
$26/$08/$15/ { ES: OR BYTE PTR [DI],DL ; Get byte to alter}
$E9/$13/$00/ { JMP Exit ; Return to caller}
{; Plot pixel using BIOS}
$55/ {Bios: PUSH BP ; Save BP in case BIOS zaps it}
$1E/ { PUSH DS}
$B8/$01/$0C/ { MOV AX,$0C01 ; Plot pixel function}
$8B/$8E/>X/ { MOV CX,[BP+>X] ; Get horizontal position}
$8B/$96/>Y/ { MOV DX,[BP+>Y] ; Get vertical position}
$B7/$00/ { MOV BH,0 ; Always page 0}
$CD/$10/ { INT $10 ; Plot the pixel via BIOS}
$1F/ { POP DS}
$5D); { POP BP ; Restore BP}
END (* Plot_Point *);
(* XOR_Plot_Point --- Plot one point in graphics display using XOR *)
(* *)
(* Procedure: XOR_Plot_Point *)
(* *)
(* Purpose: Plots one pixel in high-res graphics using XOR. *)
(* *)
(* Calling Sequence: *)
(* *)
(* XOR_Plot_Point( X , Y : INTEGER ); *)
(* *)
(* X --- Horizontal coordinate (0--639) *)
(* Y --- Vertical coordinate (0--199) *)
(* *)
BEGIN (* XOR_Plot_Point *)
{; Check if we are to use BIOS to plot pixel}
$F6/$06/>WRITE_GRAPHICS_SCREEN/$01/ { TEST Byte [>Write_Graphics_Screen],1 ;Check if direct scren writes}
$74/$30/ { JZ Bios ;No -- use BIOS}
{; Write pixel directly to screen memory}
$8B/$96/>Y/ { MOV DX,[BP+>Y] ; Get Y}
$8D/$1E/>SCAN_LINE_TABLE/ { LEA BX,[>Scan_Line_Table] ; Get scan line table address}
$D1/$E2/ { SHL DX,1 ; Y * 2 for integer offset}
$01/$D3/ { ADD BX,DX ; Get offset of entry for Y}
$8B/$1F/ { MOV BX,[BX] ; Get offset for Y}
$8B/$96/>X/ { MOV DX,[BP+>X] ; Get X}
$89/$D0/ { MOV AX,DX}
$B1/$03/ { MOV CL,3 ;}
$D3/$EA/ { SHR DX,CL ; X DIV 8 = Byte offset within row}
$01/$D3/ { ADD BX,DX ; Byte location in screen memory}
$25/$07/$00/ { AND AX,7 ; X MOD 8}
$BA/$80/$00/ { MOV DX,$80 ; 1 bit in leftmost position}
$89/$C1/ { MOV CX,AX ; shift count}
$D3/$EA/ { SHR DX,CL ; 1 bit in proper position}
$C4/$3E/>GRAPHICS_SCREEN/ { LES DI,[>Graphics_Screen] ; Get screen address}
$01/$DF/ { ADD DI,BX ; Get byte address}
$26/$08/$15/ { ES: OR BYTE PTR [DI],DL ; Get byte to alter}
$E9/$13/$00/ { JMP Exit ; Return to caller}
{; Plot pixel using BIOS}
$55/ {Bios: PUSH BP ; Save BP in case BIOS zaps it}
$1E/ { PUSH DS}
$B8/$81/$0C/ { MOV AX,$0C81 ; Plot pixel function}
$8B/$8E/>X/ { MOV CX,[BP+>X] ; Get horizontal position}
$8B/$96/>Y/ { MOV DX,[BP+>Y] ; Get vertical position}
$B7/$00/ { MOV BH,0 ; Always page 0}
$CD/$10/ { INT $10 ; Plot the pixel via BIOS}
$1F/ { POP DS}
$5D); { POP BP ; Restore BP}
END (* XOR_Plot_Point *);
(* Clear_Graphics_Screen --- Clear screen and home cursor *)
PROCEDURE Clear_Graphics_Screen;
BEGIN (* Clear_Graphics_Screen *)
Set_Graphics_Colors( EGA_On,
Graphics_BackGround_Color );
(* Move cursor to upper left-hand *)
(* cursor. *)
Graphics_XPos := 0;
Graphics_YPos := 5;
CursorX := 0;
CursorY := 5;
LeftH := TRUE;
Prev_Ch := CHR( 0 );
END (* Clear_Graphics_Screen *);
(* Draw_Line -- Draw line between two points, low res. mode *)
PROCEDURE Draw_Line( X1, Y1, X2, Y2: INTEGER );
(* *)
(* Procedure: Draw_Line *)
(* *)
(* Purpose: Draws line between two points in hi-res. graphics mode *)
(* *)
(* Calling Sequence: *)
(* *)
(* Draw_Line( X1 , Y1 , X2, Y2, LineCol : INTEGER ); *)
(* *)
(* X1 -- Horizontal postion (0 through 639), 1st point *)
(* Y1 -- Vertical position (0 through 119), 1st point *)
(* X2 -- Horizontal postion (0 through 639), 2nd point *)
(* Y2 -- Vertical position (0 through 119), 2nd point *)
(* *)
(* Calls: TurnOnTimeSharing *)
(* TurnOffTimeSharing *)
(* Get_Screen_Address *)
(* *)
(* Remarks: An incremental plotter algorithm is used. *)
(* *)
LongDelta : INTEGER;
LongStep : INTEGER;
ShortStep : INTEGER;
LineStart : INTEGER;
LineStop : INTEGER;
BEGIN (* Draw_Line *)
(* Turn off timesharing while drawing *)
IF ( MultiTasker = DoubleDos ) THEN
Get_Screen_Address( Graphics_Screen );
$C7/$86/>LONGSTEP/$01/$00/ { MOV WORD PTR >LongStep[BP],1 ; assume motion down or right}
$8B/$B6/>X2/ { MOV SI,>X2[BP]}
$2B/$B6/>X1/ { SUB SI,>X1[BP] ; get BP := LongDelta}
$7D/$06/ { JGE PL1 ; if X1 <= X2 then no change}
$F7/$9E/>LONGSTEP/ { NEG WORD PTR >LongStep[BP] ; ELSE LongStep := -1 (go up or left)}
$F7/$DE/ { NEG SI ; LongDelta = abs(LongDelta)}
$C7/$86/>SHORTSTEP/$01/$00/ { MOV WORD PTR >ShortStep[BP],1 ; assume motion down or right}
$8B/$86/>Y2/ { MOV AX,>Y2[BP]}
$2B/$86/>Y1/ { SUB AX,>Y1[BP] ; get AX := shortdelta}
$7D/$06/ { JGE PL2 ; if y1 <= y2 then no change}
$F7/$9E/>SHORTSTEP/ { NEG WORD PTR >ShortStep[BP] ; else, ShortStep = -1 (go up or left)}
$F7/$D8/ { NEG AX ; shortdelta = abs(shortdelta)}
$C7/$86/>LINESTART/$00/$00/ { MOV WORD PTR >LineStart[BP],0 ; assume no skip length}
$8B/$8E/>X1/ { MOV CX,>X1[BP] ; x coordinate in CX}
$8B/$96/>Y1/ { MOV DX,>Y1[BP] ; y coordinate in DX}
$39/$F0/ { CMP AX,SI ; is shortdelta > LongDelta?}
$77/$40/ { JA AltCode ; yes, use alternate draw code}
{; Do following when line has slope between 0 and 1}
$89/$B6/>LINESTOP/ { MOV >LineStop[BP],SI ; assume length = LongDelta}
$89/$F7/ { MOV DI,SI ; set up the cycle pointer}
$D1/$EF/ { SHR DI,1 ; cycle := LongDelta/2}
$89/$B6/>LONGDELTA/ { MOV >LongDelta[BP],SI}
$BE/$00/$00/ { MOV SI,0 ; initialize loop counter}
$3B/$B6/>LINESTART/ { CMP SI,>LineStart[BP] ; start to plot yet???}
$7C/$0D/ { JL PL5 ; no, skip}
$50/ { PUSH AX ;Save registers}
$53/ { PUSH BX}
$51/ { PUSH CX}
$52/ { PUSH DX}
$57/ { PUSH DI}
$E8/$6E/$00/ { CALL PlotDot ;Plot pixel}
$5F/ { POP DI ;Restore registers}
$5A/ { POP DX}
$59/ { POP CX}
$5B/ { POP BX}
$58/ { POP AX}
$03/$8E/>LONGSTEP/ { ADD CX,>LongStep[BP] ; always move along the X AXis}
$01/$C7/ { ADD DI,AX ; cycle = cycle + shortdelta}
$3B/$BE/>LONGDELTA/ { CMP DI,>LongDelta[BP] ; is cycle >= LongDelta?}
$7C/$08/ { JL PL6 ; no skip (don't go along y yet}
$2B/$BE/>LONGDELTA/ { SUB DI,>LongDelta[BP] ; yes, reset cycle pointer}
$03/$96/>SHORTSTEP/ { ADD DX,>ShortStep[BP] ; and bump the y coord}
$46/ { INC SI ; bump dot counter}
$3B/$B6/>LINESTOP/ { CMP SI,>LineStop[BP] ; done??}
$76/$D2/ { JBE NormLoop ; no, plot next dot}
$E9/$A1/$00/ { JMP PLExit ; yes, go to commom exit code}
{; Do following when slope has absolute value > 1}
$96/ { XCHG AX,SI ; swap LongDelta, shortdelta}
$8B/$BE/>LONGSTEP/ { MOV DI,>LongStep[BP] ;}
$87/$BE/>SHORTSTEP/ { XCHG >ShortStep[BP],DI}
$89/$BE/>LONGSTEP/ { MOV >LongStep[BP],DI ; swap LongStep, ShortStep}
$89/$B6/>LINESTOP/ { MOV >LineStop[BP],SI ; assume length = LongDelta}
$89/$F7/ { MOV DI,SI ; set up cycle pointer}
$D1/$EF/ { SHR DI,1 ; cycle := LongDelta/2}
$89/$B6/>LONGDELTA/ { MOV >LongDelta[BP],SI}
$BE/$00/$00/ { MOV SI,0 ; initialize loop counter}
$3B/$B6/>LINESTART/ { CMP SI,>LineStart[BP] ; start to plot yet?}
$7C/$0B/ { JL PL8 ; no, skip}
$50/ { PUSH AX ;Save registers}
$51/ { PUSH CX}
$52/ { PUSH DX}
$57/ { PUSH DI}
$E8/$22/$00/ { CALL PlotDot ;Plot pixel}
$5F/ { POP DI ;Restore registers}
$5A/ { POP DX}
$59/ { POP CX}
$58/ { POP AX}
$03/$96/>LONGSTEP/ { ADD DX,>LongStep[BP] ; always move along Y AXis}
$01/$C7/ { ADD DI,AX ; cycle := cycle + shortdelta}
$3B/$BE/>LONGDELTA/ { CMP DI,>LongDelta[BP] ; is cycle >= long delta???}
$7C/$08/ { JL PL9 ; no, skip (don't move along x yet)}
$2B/$BE/>LONGDELTA/ { SUB DI,>LongDelta[BP] ; yes, reset cycle pointer}
$03/$8E/>SHORTSTEP/ { ADD CX,>ShortStep[BP] ; and bump x coordinate}
$46/ { INC SI ; bump dot counter}
$3B/$B6/>LINESTOP/ { CMP SI,>LineStop[BP] ; done???}
$76/$D4/ { JBE AltLoop ; no, plot next dot}
$E9/$56/$00/ { JMP PLExit ; yes, go to common exit}
{PlotDot: ;PROC Near}
{; Check if we are to use BIOS to plot pixel}
$F6/$06/>WRITE_GRAPHICS_SCREEN/$01/ { TEST Byte [>Write_Graphics_Screen],1 ;Check if direct screen writes}
$74/$43/ { JZ Bios ;No -- use BIOS}
{; Write pixel directly to screen memory.}
{; Determine if EGA or CGA and get Y offset.}
$F6/$06/>EGA_USE/$01/ { TEST Byte [>Ega_Use],1 ;Check if EGA used}
$74/$12/ { JZ CGA ;No -- go figure CGA offset}
$89/$C8/ { MOV AX,CX ;Save X}
$B1/$06/ { MOV CL,6 ;Shift count}
$89/$D3/ { MOV BX,DX ;Copy Y}
$D3/$E2/ { SHL DX,CL ;Y * 64}
$B1/$04/ { MOV CL,4 ;Shift count}
$D3/$E3/ { SHL BX,CL ;Y * 16}
$01/$D3/ { ADD BX,DX ;Y * 80 = offset for Y}
$89/$C1/ { MOV CX,AX ;Restore X}
$EB/$0A/ { JMP Short Both}
$8D/$1E/>SCAN_LINE_TABLE/ {CGA: LEA BX,[>Scan_Line_Table] ; Get scan line table address}
$D1/$E2/ { SHL DX,1 ; Y * 2 for integer offset}
$01/$D3/ { ADD BX,DX ; Get offset of entry for Y}
$8B/$1F/ { MOV BX,[BX] ; Get offset for Y}
$89/$CA/ {Both: MOV DX,CX ; Get X}
$89/$C8/ { MOV AX,CX}
$B1/$03/ { MOV CL,3 ;}
$D3/$EA/ { SHR DX,CL ; X DIV 8 = Byte offset in row}
$01/$D3/ { ADD BX,DX ; Byte pos in screen memory}
$25/$07/$00/ { AND AX,7 ; X MOD 8}
$BA/$80/$00/ { MOV DX,$80 ; 1 bit in leftmost position}
$89/$C1/ { MOV CX,AX ; shift count}
$D3/$EA/ { SHR DX,CL ; 1 bit in proper position}
$C4/$3E/>GRAPHICS_SCREEN/ { LES DI,[>Graphics_Screen] ; Get screen address}
$01/$DF/ { ADD DI,BX ; Get byte address}
$26/$08/$15/ { ES: OR BYTE PTR [DI],DL ; Get byte to alter}
$E9/$0B/$00/ { JMP Exit ; Return to caller}
{; Plot pixel using BIOS}
$55/ {Bios: PUSH BP ; Save BP in case BIOS zaps it}
$53/ { PUSH BX ; Save BX}
$B7/$00/ { MOV BH,0 ; Page 0 always}
$B8/$01/$0C/ { MOV AX,$0C01 ; Plot pixel function}
$CD/$10/ { INT $10 ; Plot the pixel via BIOS}
$5B/ { POP BX ; Restore BX}
$5D/ { POP BP ; Restore BP}
$C3); { RET}
(* Restore timesharing mode *)
IF ( MultiTasker = DoubleDos ) THEN
END (* Draw_Line *);
(* Plot_Char --- Interpret current char as text to display *)
(* Holds point plot routine offset *)
Plot_Pixel_Function : WORD = 0;
(* Shape table for characters *)
Char_Bits_Table: ARRAY[0..581] OF BYTE =
( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 96, 0, 96, 96, 96,
0, 0, 0, 0, 216, 216,
0, 80, 248, 80, 248, 80,
0, 240, 40, 112, 160, 120,
0, 152, 88, 32, 208, 200,
0, 16, 120, 144, 144, 112,
0, 0, 0, 32, 48, 48,
0, 32, 64, 64, 64, 32,
0, 64, 32, 32, 32, 64,
0, 136, 80, 248, 80, 136,
0, 32, 32, 248, 32, 32,
0, 64, 96, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 240, 0, 0,
0, 24, 24, 0, 0, 0,
0, 128, 64, 32, 16, 8,
0, 112, 136, 168, 136, 112,
0, 112, 32, 32, 96, 32,
0, 248, 96, 16, 136, 112,
0, 112, 136, 48, 136, 112,
0, 16, 248, 144, 80, 32,
0, 240, 8, 240, 128, 248,
0, 112, 136, 240, 128, 112,
0, 64, 32, 16, 8, 120,
0, 112, 136, 112, 136, 112,
0, 112, 8, 120, 136, 112,
0, 96, 96, 0, 96, 96,
0, 64, 96, 0, 96, 96,
0, 16, 32, 64, 32, 16,
0, 0, 240, 0, 240, 0,
0, 64, 32, 16, 32, 64,
0, 32, 32, 48, 136, 112,
0, 112, 128, 176, 136, 112,
0, 136, 248, 136, 80, 32,
0, 240, 136, 240, 136, 240,
0, 120, 128, 128, 128, 120,
0, 240, 136, 136, 136, 240,
0, 248, 128, 240, 128, 248,
0, 128, 128, 240, 128, 248,
0, 120, 136, 184, 128, 120,
0, 136, 136, 248, 136, 136,
0, 112, 32, 32, 32, 112,
0, 112, 136, 8, 8, 8,
0, 136, 144, 224, 144, 136,
0, 248, 128, 128, 128, 128,
0, 136, 136, 168, 216, 136,
0, 136, 152, 168, 200, 136,
0, 112, 136, 136, 136, 112,
0, 128, 128, 240, 136, 240,
0, 104, 152, 168, 136, 112,
0, 152, 144, 240, 136, 240,
0, 240, 8, 112, 128, 120,
0, 32, 32, 32, 32, 248,
0, 112, 136, 136, 136, 136,
0, 32, 112, 136, 136, 136,
0, 136, 216, 168, 136, 136,
0, 136, 80, 32, 80, 136,
0, 32, 32, 32, 80, 136,
0, 248, 64, 32, 16, 248,
0, 120, 96, 96, 96, 120,
0, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128,
0, 120, 24, 24, 24, 120,
0, 0, 0, 136, 80, 32,
0, 0, 248, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 32, 96, 96,
0, 136, 248, 136, 80, 32,
0, 240, 136, 240, 136, 240,
0, 120, 128, 128, 128, 120,
0, 240, 136, 136, 136, 240,
0, 248, 128, 240, 128, 248,
0, 128, 128, 240, 128, 248,
0, 120, 136, 184, 128, 120,
0, 136, 136, 248, 136, 136,
0, 112, 32, 32, 32, 112,
0, 112, 136, 8, 8, 8,
0, 136, 144, 224, 144, 136,
0, 248, 128, 128, 128, 128,
0, 136, 136, 168, 216, 136,
0, 136, 152, 168, 200, 136,
0, 112, 136, 136, 136, 112,
0, 128, 128, 240, 136, 240,
0, 104, 152, 168, 136, 112,
0, 152, 144, 240, 136, 240,
0, 240, 8, 112, 128, 120,
0, 32, 32, 32, 32, 248,
0, 112, 136, 136, 136, 136,
0, 32, 112, 136, 136, 136,
0, 136, 216, 168, 136, 136,
0, 136, 80, 32, 80, 136,
0, 32, 32, 32, 80, 136,
0, 248, 64, 32, 16, 248,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 124, 124, 124, 124, 124 );
BEGIN (* Plot_Char *)
(* Use XOR rather than OR for *)
(* the cursor. *)
Do_XOR := ( ORD( Ch ) = 128 );
IF Write_Graphics_Screen THEN
(* Turn off timesharing while drawing *)
IF ( MultiTasker = DoubleDos ) THEN
Get_Screen_Address( Graphics_Screen );
(* Get byte offset in row *)
XB := SUCC( X SHR 3 );
(* Get bit offset within byte *)
XS := X AND 7;
XSL := 8 - XS;
(* Get offset of character bit *)
(* pattern. *)
K1 := ( ORD( Ch ) - 32 ) * 6;
K2 := K1 + 5;
(* OR/XOR in bits of new character. *)
(* If X is even byte address, then *)
(* simply loop over rows in the *)
(* character. If X is not even *)
(* byte address, we need to store *)
(* part of pattern in two success- *)
(* ive bytes. *)
IF ( XS = 0 ) THEN
WITH Graphics_Screen^ DO
FOR I := K1 TO K2 DO
FALSE: XO := Scan_Line_Table[ Y ] + XB;
TRUE : XO := ( Y * 80 ) + XB;
END (* CASE *);
Screen_Image[ XO ] := Screen_Image[ XO ] XOR
Char_Bits_Table[ I ]
Screen_Image[ XO ] := Screen_Image[ XO ] OR
Char_Bits_Table[ I ];
Y := PRED( Y );
WITH Graphics_Screen^ DO
FOR I := K1 TO K2 DO
FALSE: XO := Scan_Line_Table[ Y ] + XB;
TRUE : XO := ( Y * 80 ) + XB;
END (* CASE *);
XO1 := SUCC( XO );
Screen_Image[ XO ] := Screen_Image[ XO ] XOR
( Char_Bits_Table[ I ] SHR XS );
Screen_Image[ XO1 ] := Screen_Image[ XO1 ] XOR
( Char_Bits_Table[ I ] SHL XSL );
Screen_Image[ XO ] := Screen_Image[ XO ] OR
( Char_Bits_Table[ I ] SHR XS );
Screen_Image[ XO1 ] := Screen_Image[ XO1 ] OR
( Char_Bits_Table[ I ] SHL XSL );
Y := PRED( Y );
(* Restore timesharing mode *)
IF ( MultiTasker = DoubleDos ) THEN
BEGIN (* Plot through BIOS the hard way *)
Plot_Pixel_Function := $0C81
Plot_Pixel_Function := $0C01;
$8B/$86/>X/ { MOV AX,[BP+>X] ;Get X position}
$48/ { DEC AX ;Decrement for 0 offset later}
$89/$C6/ { MOV SI,AX ;Save X position}
$8B/$86/>Y/ { MOV AX,[BP+>Y] ;Get Y position}
$89/$C7/ { MOV DI,AX ;Save Y position}
$31/$C0/ { XOR AX,AX ;Clear AX}
$8A/$46/<CH/ { MOV AL,[BP+<Ch] ;Pick up character to display}
$2D/$20/$00/ { SUB AX,32 ;Convert to 0 offset}
$89/$C3/ { MOV BX,AX}
$D1/$E0/ { SHL AX,1 ;Offset * 2}
$D1/$E0/ { SHL AX,1 ;Offset * 4}
$01/$D8/ { ADD AX,BX ;Offset * 5}
$01/$C3/ { ADD BX,AX ;Offset * 6 = offset into shape table}
$8D/$06/>CHAR_BITS_TABLE/ { LEA AX,[<Char_Bits_Table] ;Get address of shape table}
$01/$C3/ { ADD BX,AX ;Get starting address this character}
$B9/$06/$00/ { MOV CX,6 ;Loop over rows in character}
$51/ {Char1: PUSH CX ;Save loop counter for rows}
$53/ { PUSH BX ;Save table offset}
$8A/$07/ { MOV AL,[BX] ;Get bit pattern for this row}
$08/$C0/ { OR AL,AL ;Check if any bits on in this row}
$74/$22/ { JZ Char4 ;No -- skip display this row}
$B9/$08/$00/ { MOV CX,8 ;Loop over bits this row}
$51/ {Char2: PUSH CX ;Save loop counter for bits}
$A8/$01/ { TEST AL,1 ;See if "this" bit is turned on}
$74/$15/ { JZ Char3 ;No -- skip to next bit}
$50/ { PUSH AX ;Save bit mask}
$56/ { PUSH SI ;Save X}
$57/ { PUSH DI ;Save Y}
$89/$F0/ { MOV AX,SI ;Get X}
$01/$C1/ { ADD CX,AX ;Add offset}
$A1/>PLOT_PIXEL_FUNCTION/ { MOV AX,[>Plot_Pixel_Function] ;Plot pixel function}
$89/$FA/ { MOV DX,DI ;Get vertical position}
$B7/$00/ { MOV BH,0 ;Always page 0}
$55/ { PUSH BP ;Save BP in case BIOS clobbers it}
$CD/$10/ { INT $10 ;Plot the pixel via BIOS}
$5D/ { POP BP ;Restore BP}
$5F/ { POP DI ;Restore Y}
$5E/ { POP SI ;Restore X}
$58/ { POP AX ;Restore bit mask}
$D0/$E8/ {Char3: SHR AL,1 ;Shift bit mask to next bit}
$59/ { POP CX ;Retrieve bits counter}
$E2/$E1/ { LOOP Char2 ;and try next bit}
$5B/ {Char4: POP BX ;Retrieve table offset}
$43/ { INC BX ;Point to next shape table byte}
$89/$F8/ { MOV AX,DI ;Decrement Y}
$48/ { DEC AX ; ...}
$89/$C7/ { MOV DI,AX ; ...}
$59/ { POP CX ;Retrieve rows counter}
$E2/$CC); { LOOP Char1 ;and try next row}
END (* Plot_Char *);
(* Display_Cursor --- Display block cursor *)
PROCEDURE Display_Cursor( X, Y: INTEGER );
BEGIN (* Display_Cursor *)
(* Don't display cursor while plotting *)
IF ( FlagG = Text_Plot ) THEN
Plot_Char( CHR( 128 ) , X , Y );
END (* Display_Cursor *);
(* Display_Graphics --- show character received from port *)
PROCEDURE Display_Graphics( VAR Ch : CHAR );
(* *)
(* Procedure: Display_Graphics *)
(* *)
(* Purpose: Displays character received from comm. port on *)
(* screen/printer/capture file. *)
(* *)
(* Calling Sequence: *)
(* *)
(* Display_Graphics( Ch : CHAR ); *)
(* *)
(* Ch --- Character received from Comm. port. *)
(* *)
(* Calls: Async_Receive *)
(* Min *)
(* Update_Review_Pointers *)
(* TimeOfDay *)
(* TimeDiff *)
(* *)
(* Remarks: *)
(* *)
(* This routine strips out certain characters which *)
(* should not be displayed, implements the XON/XOFF protocol *)
(* in a simple-minded manner, performs output wrap, and saves *)
(* output line in the review the review buffer. *)
(* *)
CR_Ch : CHAR = ^M;
LF_Ch : CHAR = ^J;
BL_Ch : CHAR = ' ';
KeyC : CHAR;
TT : Transfer_Type;
(* Do_Graphics --- Interpret current char as graphics command *)
PROCEDURE Do_Graphics;
BEGIN (* Do_Graphics *)
(* Get previous character and *)
(* save current character *)
Old := ORD( Prev_Ch );
Prev_Ch := Ch;
(* Set first X corrdinate *)
IF ( C > 31 ) AND ( C < 64 ) AND ( Old > 95 ) AND ( Old < 128 ) THEN
Hx := C;
(* Set first Y coordinate *)
IF ( C > 31 ) AND ( C < 64 ) THEN
Hy := C;
(* Set second Y coordinate *)
IF ( C > 95 ) AND ( C < 128 ) THEN
Ly := C;
(* Set second X coordinate, and *)
(* plot point if necessary. *)
IF ( C > 63 ) AND ( C < 96 ) THEN
Lx := C;
(* Get PC screen position of point *)
XPos := TRUNC( XFactor * ( ( Hx - 32 ) * 32 + Lx - 64 ));
YPos := YMax - TRUNC( YFactor * ( ( Hy - 32 ) * 32 + Ly - 96 ));
(* Turn off timesharing while drawing *)
IF ( MultiTasker = DoubleDos ) THEN
Get_Screen_Address( Graphics_Screen );
(* First coordinate -- just move *)
(* to it *)
Vector_Plot : Draw_Line( Graphics_XPos, Graphics_YPos,
XPos, YPos );
Vector_Plot_Start: FlagG := Vector_Plot;
Point_Plot : Plot_Point( XPos, YPos );
Point_Plot_Start : FlagG := Point_Plot;
END (* CASE *);
(* Restore timesharing mode *)
IF ( MultiTasker = DoubleDos ) THEN
(* Update graphics position *)
Graphics_XPos := XPos;
Graphics_YPos := YPos;
END (* Do_Graphics *);