Simtel MSDOS 1992 December
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Mass Appeal - Mailing List Manager
(c) 1987, Steve Hughes
1422 Applegate Drive
Alabaster, AL 35007
Mass Appeal Documentation
1 Introduction
1.1 Purpose
Mass Appeal is a general purpose mailing list management program designed for
PC's and compatibles.
You are allowed to generate reports, address envelopes, create mailing labels,
print rotary cards, and create interface files (which are used in conjunction
with most word processing programs to create form letters).
1.2 Requirements
Mass Appeal requires 320K of available RAM, and operates best on a hard disk,
although a single floppy drive machine can just as easily operate this program.
2 Installation
Mass Appeal comes with batch files that automatically install the correct files
on either your hard disk, or floppy disk.
Mass Appeal will add the following two lines to your CONFIG.SYS file on your
boot disk (If you are using a hard disk):
2.2 Floppy Disk
For installation, you will need two formatted diskettes. One disk label Pro-
gram Diskette, the other label Data Diskette.
Insert your 'original' Mass Appeal diskette in drive A:, and enter the follow-
ing from the A> DOS prompt (Make sure drive A: is the default drive):
After following the instrictions, insert your Program Disk in drive A:.
Then, from the A> of DOS, enter the following and press return:
After several seconds, the very first screen of Mass Appeal will appear. When
this screen is displayed with the initial Mass Appeal "logo", remove the pro-
gram disk and insert your Data Diskette in drive A:, and press return.
2.3 Hard Disk
Change your default drive to drive A:. From the DOS prompt of A>, enter HARD-
DISK and press return.
NOTE: Mass Appeal installs on drive C:, if you need installation on a drive
other than C:, you may modify the contents of HARDDISK.BAT to fit your partic-
ular needs.
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Mass Appeal Documentation
After installation has been completed, you merely need to enter the following
commands from the C> prompt of DOS:
After several seconds, the very first screen of Mass Appeal will appear. When
this screen is completed with the initial Mass Appeal "logo", you will be asked
to insert your Data Diskette and press return. This does not concern you, since
you have a hard disk, and cannot remove it.
The next screen you see will be the main menu of Mass Appeal.
3 Main Menu
The Main Menu of Mass Appeal has eight (8) available options. Each of the
options on the main menu are now explained in detail.
3.1 Add Records
By using option one (1) from the main menu, you are allowed to enter additional
records into the active data base.
Simply fill in each field, as necessary. See Appendix B for detailed informa-
tion on how to move from field to field, and special editing features.
After you have entered all pieces of information, or pressed Ctrl-W (Which
means hold down the key labeled Ctrl, and at the same time press the letter W),
you will see additional options displayed in the lower window.
Listed is a detailed explanation of each option:
3.1.1 More
By pressing the letter M, you inform Mass Appeal you have more entries to
3.1.2 Re-Edit
If you notice a mistake in the entry currently displayed on the screen, you
can make changes now by simply pressing the letter E.
3.1.3 Help
By pressing the letter H, a series of help screen will appear. These screens
are a brief over view of the options available in the add routine.
3.1.4 Return
By pressing the letter R, your entries are added to the active data base, and
you are returned to the main menu.
NOTE: Please return to the main menu every 15 or 20 entries. Mass Appeal does
not add the records to the active data base file until you exit the add
routine and return to the main menu.
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Mass Appeal Documentation
3.1.5 *
Once one entry has been made through the add routine to the active data file,
the information in most of the fields can easily be brought forward without
having to retype that particular piece of information. Simply enter an aster-
ick ('*') in the field(s) you wish to duplicate from the previous entry.
3.1.6 Function Keys
The function keys can be set up with commonly used words or phrases. Then,
when in the add routine, pressing the F2 key might automatically display the
word 'Avenue'.
To define the function keys to different words or phrases, access the mainte-
nance menu, option seven (7), from the main menu.
3.2 Editing
By using option 2 from the main menu, you are allowed to make changes, look at
the entries, find someone, and many other operations.
In the lower window, you notice that there are a total of 10 options that can
be performed. Here is a detailed explanation of each of those options:
3.2.1 Del
Every entry in your data base is either marked for deletion, or it is not.
This is called a toggle switch, because it is either on or off. Records marked
for deletion do not appear on any type of output.
To mark/unmark a record for deletion, simply press the letter D. If the
message read No before pressing the letter D, then it will now read Yes. If
the message read Yes before pressing the letter D, then it will now read No.
A record marked for deletion remains in the data base, until option three (3)
from the main menu is executed.
3.2.2 Edit
If you need to make changes to the record currently displayed, pressing the
letter E allows you to make changes. See Appendix B for detailed information
on how to move from field to field, and special editing features.
3.2.3 Find
Notice the intensity of the labels Last Name, Company and Zip code. Whichever
of these labels is different from the rest is the field you will be searching
Once you have pressed the letter F, you will be asked for either the last
name, company name or zip code to find.
Enter what you want to search for. If Mass Appeal can find a match, that
record will be displayed. If not, a message stating no match could be found
will be displayed.
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Another nice feature about Mass Appeal is that you do not have to enter the
entire last name or company to find. For example, if you have an entry in your
data base for Summerhalem, you can press F for find, enter Summerh, press
return, and Mass Appeal will find the closest match.
3.2.4 Goto
If you need to Goto the top, bottom, or to a specific record number in the
data base, you can use the Goto option. This is done by pressing the letter G.
NOTE: The Goto options (Except the Record# option) are executed in conjunction
with the setting of the Order option. Top
Pressing the letter T takes you to the very first entry in the data base,
based on the setting of the Order option. Bottom
Pressing the letter B takes you to the very last entry in the data base,
based on the setting of the Order option. Record#
After pressing '#', enter the record number, and press return. The record you
have requested will then be displayed, if it exists. Return
If you accidentally got to the Goto options, pressing the letter R will
return you to the editing options.
3.2.5 Prev(ious)
If you want to go to the previous record, based on the setting of the Order
option, pressing the letter P, for previous, will accomplish this.
3.2.6 Next
This option takes you to the next record in the data base, based on the
setting of the Order option.
3.2.7 Help
If you need help, pressing the letter H will take you through a series of help
screens concerning the editing options.
3.2.8 Specific
For information on how to specify which records from a data base should be
selected (Called a selection criteria), please see Appendix A.
Once you have specified your condition, Mass Appeal will locate the very first
entry in the data base that meets the condition you specified. If there are no
entries in the data base that meet the condition you specified, an error
message will be displayed.
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NOTE: When using the Specific command, options like Next and Prev may operate
much slower than normal. This is because it is taking into account the condi-
tion you specified.
3.2.9 Order
The order option allows you to tell Mass Appeal which order you want your data
to appear in while in the edit routine. Your options are simply last name, zip
code or company name. Select the corresponding number.
Options like Next, Prev, and Find all look to the order option for guidance.
3.2.10 Return
Once you have finished making changes to your data base pressing the letter R
will return you to the Main Menu.
3.3 Pack
Even though a record has been marked for deletion, it still remains in the data
base. If you want to permanently remove all records marked for deletion from
the active data base file, option three (3) is the process you need to follow.
NOTE: This process can be slow if you have a lot of entries. The more entries
in your active data base, the more time it will take.
3.4 Generate Some Output
Mass Appeal allows you to create a report (In forty (40) different formats),
address envelopes, print out rotary cards, generate mailing labels (In three
(3) different formats, each format up to four (4) wide), and create interface
3.4.1 Generate A Report
A report in Mass Appeal is a simple, easy to read column report that lists
specific information about each entry. The format of the report can be changed
by accessing the maintenance menu, and selecting reporting options.
After selecting option one (1), you are asked what records should appear in
the report. For detailed information on how to tell Mass Appeal to include
only certain records, please see Appendix A.
Once you have selected which records are to appear in the report, Mass Appeal
asks you where the report should be sent. Your options are to the screen,
printer, or quit. Press the corresponding highlighted letter.
3.4.2 Generate Envelopes
When you generate envelopes, your output automatically is sent to the printer.
After selecting option two (2), you are asked what records should you generate
envelopes for. For detailed information on how to tell Mass Appeal to "look
at" out only certain records, please see Appendix A.
After you have entered the number of spaces to skip, the very first record
meeting the conditions you specified is displayed in the upper window.
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You are now prompted in the lower window with three (3) options. Your options
are P, to print the envelope currently displayed, S to skip the entry dis-
played, or Q to quit. Press the corresponding highlighted letter.
3.4.3 Generate Rotary Cards
After selecting option three (3), you are asked what records should be includ-
ed when you create these rotary cards. For detailed information on how to tell
Mass Appeal to include only certain records, see Appendix A.
Once you have selected which records are to appear, Mass Appeal asks you where
the rotary cards should be sent. Your options are to the screen, printer, or
quit. Press the corresponding highlighted letter.
3.4.4 Generate Mailing Labels
When mass Appeal generates mailing labels, it automatically removes all blank
lines, and performs field trimming for a perfect mailing label.
After selecting option four (4), you are asked what records should be included
when you generate the mailing labels. For detailed information on how to tell
Mass Appeal to include only certain records, please see Appendix A.
Once you have selected which records are to appear, Mass Appeal asks you where
the output should be sent. Your options are to the screen, printer, or quit.
Press the corresponding highlighted letter.
3.4.5 Generate An Interface File
Mass Appeal has the ability to generate a file that can be used with word
processing programs to create form letters, notices, or whatever.
After selecting option five (5), you are asked what records should be included
when you create the interface file. For detailed information on how to tell
Mass Appeal to include only certain records, please see Appendix A.
Once you have told Mass Appeal what records you want placed in the interface
file, you are then asked for the name of the interface file. There is enough
room to include an alternate drive and/or path name.
With most word processors, you can quickly and easily create form letters with
the interface file created by Mass Appeal. See your word processing documenta-
tion for further details. The format for the interface file is:
Last name, first name, salutation, company, address line 1, address line 2,
city, state, zip code and comment field.
3.4.6 Exit Options, Return To Menu
You can return to the main menu simply by pressing the number six (6).
3.5 Import Existing Data
If you have a comma delimited file, or an SDF file, Mass Appeal may be able to
read in that data, saving you from having to re type all those names.
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NOTE: Each field in your comma delimited file or SDF file must be in the same
format as those in Mass Appeal. For example, in a comma delimited file, the
person's name must be broken into the last name, first name and salutation (If
any). Otherwise, Mass Appeal will not import your data correctly.
First, simply enter the name of the existing data file.
Next, you need to tell Mass Appeal the order of each field in your existing
data file. You do this by entering the corresponding number, in order, for each
field. Enter 99 when finished.
Mass Appeal will now read in the data, and place it in the currently active
data file.
3.6 Change Active Data Base File
When you start Mass Appeal, the file that is active is MAILER.DBF, which is
called the default data file. Until you select another data file, all opera-
tions (Like Add, Edit, etc...) are performed with MAILER.DBF.
Once you have selected option six (6) from the main menu, another screen is
displayed. This screen shows you available data files, how many records that
are contained in each file, and the date that file was last used.
There are three (3) options available to you in the lower window. Here is a
detailed discussion of each option:
3.6.1 Add-A-File
If you want to add a data file, press the letter A. You will then be asked for
the name of the data file. Enter the name, up to seven (7) characters.
If the file did not already exist, it will be created, and you will see it
displayed when the available data files are displayed.
3.6.2 Select-A-File
To select a different active data file, press the letter S. You will then be
asked for the corresponding number of the data file you would like to have as
the active data file. Simply enter the corresponding number.
3.6.3 Delete-A-File
WARNING: This option erases the data file, and all accompanying index files
for that data file. Use this option with extreme caution!
To delete a file, press the letter D. You will then be asked for the corre-
sponding file number to delete. Enter the appropriate file number. You will be
asked twice to confirm your intent before the damage is done!
3.6.4 Return
To return to the main menu, simply press the letter R.
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3.7 Access The Maintenance Routines
The maintenance routines are where you can tailor Mass Appeal to your needs. It
is also here where the real power and flexibility of Mass Appeal becomes
Listed below is a detailed explanation of each routine.
3.7.1 Label Options
With these options, you perform options like change the dimension of the
label, change the number of labels across, and other operations. Define Label Dimension
This option allows you to select one of the three (3) sizes of labels sup-
ported by Mass Appeal. Choose the corresponding number for the size label you
will be using. Change Number Of Labels Across
This option allows you to change the number of labels across. Enter the
corresponding number representing the number of labels across to print. Define A Printer String For Labels
You can have Mass Appeal print your labels in italics, or another font if you
define a printer string here. For further details, please see Appendix C. Exit Label Maintenance, Return To Main Menu
To return to the main menu, press the number four (4).
3.7.2 Report Options
With these options, you perform options like change the format of the report,
define a printer setup string, and other operations. Change Report Format
By using this option, you can select a different report format for printed
reports. NOTE: This applies only to printed reports.
With a short description of each report, you will also see the width printer
required, and whether or not the report is compressed print. Next-Screen
Pressing the letter N will display additional report formats, unless the
last screen is displayed. Previous-Screen
Pressing the letter P will display additional report formats, unless the
first screen is displayed.
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Mass Appeal Documentation Select Format
Once you have found a desired report format, press the letter S, and then
entering the corresponding report format number. Return
Pressing the letter R will return you to the previous screen, without chang-
ing the report format. Define A Printer String For Reports
You can have Mass Appeal print your report in italics, or other font if you
define a printer string here. For further details, please see Appendix C. Define A Printer Compression String For Reports
If the report format you have selected requires compressed print, you MUST
define the printer compression code for your printer here. For further de-
tails, please see Appendix C. Set Spacing On Printed Output, Single, Double, Etc.
Mass Allows you to produce reports that are single, double, or triple spaced.
Enter the corresponding number for the desired report spacing. Exit This Report Maintenance, Return To Main Menu
Pressing the number five (5) will return you to the main menu.
3.7.3 Function Key Setup
During the add routine, you can press the function keys, and have any word or
phrase you desire typed in automatically. Define Function Key(s)
This option allows you to change the current values of the function key(s),
when pressed by themselves. Simply enter the corresponding word or phrase to
be assigned to each function key. Define Alt + Function Key(s)
This option allows you to change the current values of the function key(s),
when pressed along with the Alt. key. Simply enter the corresponding word or
phrase to be assigned to each function key. Define Ctrl + Function Key(s)
This option allows you to change the current values of the function key(s),
when pressed along with the Ctrl key. Simply enter the corresponding word or
phrase to be assigned to each function key. Define Shift + Function Key(s)
This option allows you to change the current values of the function key(s),
when pressed along with the Shift key. Simply enter the corresponding word or
phrase to be assigned to each function key.
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Mass Appeal Documentation Reset Function Keys To Original Values
This option will reset each function key to the default value. Generate a report of the function key setup
This option allows you to produce a report of the current values defined for
the function keys. You may send the report to the screen, printer, or quit
the report. Press the corresponding letter for your appropriate selection.
3.7.4 Add Routine Defaults
When you enter the add routine, you can have certain fields already filled in. Set Up Default City
Allows you to define a default city for the add routine. Simply enter the
appropriate city for the default value. Set Up Default State
Allows you to define a default state for the add routine. Simply enter the
appropriate state for the default value. Set Up Default Zip Code
Allows you to define a default zip code for the add routine. Simply enter the
appropriate zip code for the default value. Set Up Default Category
Allows you to define a default category for the add routine. Simply enter the
appropriate category/categories for the default value. Set Up Default Salutation
Allows you to define a default salutation for the add routine. Simply enter
the appropriate salutation for the default value. Set Up Default Home Phone
Allows you to define a default home phone for the add routine. Simply enter
the appropriate home phone, or partial home phone for the default value. Set Up Default Work Phone
Allows you to define a default work phone for the add routine. Simply enter
the appropriate work phone, or partial work phone for the default value. Set Up Default Comment Field
Allows you to define a default comment for the add routine. Simply enter the
appropriate comment for the default value. Reset All Defaults To Blank Values
This allows you to quickly reset all your defaults back to blanks.
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Mass Appeal Documentation Exit Default Maintenance, Return To Main Menu
Entering the number ten (10) will return you to the main menu.
3.7.5 Miscellaneous Options
If an operation does not fit specifically into any of the other areas, it may
be in this routine. Change Monitor Type
Mass Appeal needs to know what type of monitor you have. If you have a color
monitor (RGB, EGA, etc...) enter the letter C. If you have another type
monitor, press the letter N. Change Output Order
When Mass Appeal generates output (reports, labels, etc...) it first looks to
the setting of this option to determine the order the output should appear
Enter the corresponding number, based on your desired order of the output you
will be generating. Group Deletion Of Records
With this option, you can mark a group of records for deletion at one time.
See appendix A for how to tell Mass Appeal which records should be marked for
deletion. Group Recovery Of Records
With this option, you can un mark a group of records for deletion at one
time. See appendix A for how to tell Mass Appeal which records should be un
marked for deletion. Reset All Data File Pointers
If things seem to be a little out of whack, this routine should clear up any
problems. Use this option when you aren't Finding someone you know exists,
and similar problems occur. Report Of Previously Saved Criteria
If you have previously saved your criteria, you can obtain a report of them
using this option. You can send the report to the screen, printer, or quit.
Press the corresponding letter for your selection. Carriage Return Required For Field Advancement
Normally in the Add and Edit (When editing the record) routines, you are
automatically taken to the next field when a field (i.e. the State field) is
entered. This options asks whether or not you should be required to press
return before advancing to the next field.
Press the corresponding letter of your selection.
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Mass Appeal Documentation Exit This Maintenance Menu, Return To Main Menu
Pressing the number eight (8) will return you to the main menu.
3.7.6 Index File Adjustment System
This allows you to determine the sensitivity of Mass Appeal in keeping the
record sorted. This is also a way to save space for floppy drive users!
NOTE: Each time you adjust the index files, the adjustments effect ONLY THE
ACTIVE DATA FILE. This way, you can have different indexing schemes for dif-
ferent data files.
You have three (3) index files automatically maintained by Mass Appeal. Your
options are: Zip Code
You can adjust the sensitivity of sorting on the zip code using this option.
Notice you have three (3) options. Option 1
Mass Appeal will use all ten (10) places when sorting by zip code. Option 2
Mass Appeal will ask you for the number of digits to use when sorting the
zip code. Actually, you need only the first five (5) digits, which is what I
use for my mailings! Option 3
By pressing the number three (3) you will be returned to the index file
selection menu. Last Name
You can inform Mass Appeal how to maintain your last name index file using
this option. Option 1
To have Mass Appeal use the entire last name, select option one (1). Option 2
For a smaller index file, you may want only the first few letters of the
last name to be used in sorting by the last name.
This option should be used when you don't have a lot of similar last names,
or don't really care about maintaining your list on the persons last name. Option 3
Option three (3) tells Mass Appeal to use the entire last name, and the
entire first name for sorting.
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Mass Appeal Documentation Option 4
Option four (4) is similar to option three (3), but you yourself determine
the sensitivity of the index file.
Use this option when you don't have a lot of similar last names, yet, you
want your first names sorted within similar last names. Option 5
By pressing the number five (5) you will be returned to the index file
selection menu. Company Name
Finally, you can determine the sensitivity of the company name index file
using this option. Option 1
To use the entire company name, select option one (1). Option 2
For a smaller index file, you may want only the first few letters of the
company name to be used in sorting by the company name.
This option should be used when you don't have a lot of similar company
names, or don't care about sorting your list on the company name. Option 3
Option three (3) tells Mass Appeal to use the entire company name, and the
entire last name for sorting. Option 4
Option four (4) is similar to option three (3), but you yourself determine
the sensitivity of the index file to be created.
This option should be used when you don't have a lot of similar company
names, yet, you want your last names sorted within the company name. Option 5
Lastly, for those requiring sorting the first name within the last name, and
sorting the last name within the company name, there is option five (5).
And, as usual, Mass Appeal allows you to specify the sensitivity to which
the file will be maintained. This option should be used for persons main-
taining large lists, and utilize hard disks. Option 6
By pressing the number six (6) you will be returned to the index file
selection menu.
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3.7.7 Merge Two Existing Data Files
Mass Appeal allows you to merge specific records from one file (Called the
source file) into another file (Called the target file).
Simply enter the appropriate names for the source and target files. You will
then be allowed to specify what entries should be taken from the source file
and placed in the target file. For details, please see Appendix A.
3.7.8 Import And Export Data File Options
Mass Appeal allows you to specify what types of files you should be importing
and exporting. Your options (For import and export file type) are currently
limited to SDF and comma delimited files. Most of the time, you will more than
likely use comma delimited files.
3.7.9 Exit The Maintenance Menu, Return To Main Menu
Press number nine (9) to return to redisplay the main menu, after a reminder!
3.8 Exit Mass Appeal, Return To DOS
When you are ready to exit Mass Appeal, and call it a day, simply press the
number eight (8), and you will be returned to DOS.
4 Appendix A
Here, you will learn how to inform Mass Appeal to include on records that meet a
certain condition in a report, labels, an interface file, or whatever.
Notice the four (4) options displayed in the lower window. also note that the
window immediately above the lower window states All entries.
Notice in the top window, you have eleven (11) ways in which you can narrow your
output (Whether it is a report, mailing label, interface file, or what ever).
Some fields allow you to define a range, meaning you can define a starting and
stopping value for that particular field.
Listed below is a detailed explanation of each option.
4.1 More-Criteria
Pressing the letter M will allow you to define additional conditionals for your
After pressing the letter M, you must then enter the corresponding number for
the field you wish to narrow the output down by. After doing so, you will
either be asked for a single value, or a range. Enter the appropriate value(s).
You will then see your conditional being built, in English words and phrases in
the large lower window.
If you plan to narrow your output based on several fields, you will be asked
how the previous condition and the one you are fixing to define should be
joined. Enter the corresponding number, and proceed as normal.
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4.2 Save-Criteria
Once you have completed your criteria, you have the ability to save it and then
retrieve it at a later date.
After pressing the letter S, you will be asked for a short name, and then a
long name for the criteria currently displayed. Enter both names, pressing
return after each.
4.3 Retrieve-Criteria
You can retrieve previously saved criteria by pressing the letter R, and then
entering the corresponding short name of that criteria.
4.4 Finished
Once you have finished defining the criteria (If any), you continue with your
operation by pressing the letter F.
5 Appendix B
This will explain special keystrokes available when in the Add routine, and
using the 'E' option of the Edit routine.
Key Stroke Action
Up Arrow Move cursor up one field.
Down Arrow Move cursor down one field.
Left Arrow Move the cursor left one position.
Ctrl Left Arrow Move the cursor a word to the left.
Right Arrow Move the cursor right one position.
Ctrl Right Arrow Move the cursor a word to the right.
Home Move cursor to the first position of the field.
Ctrl Home Move cursor to the first field (Last Name).
End Move cursor to the last position of the field.
Ctrl End Move cursor to the last field (Comment field).
Ctrl Y Delete text from cursor position to the end of the
Ctrl U Restores text previously in that field (Only if you
haven't moved to another field)
6 Appendix C
In several areas, you are asked for a printer string. A printer string is simply
a special code that will be sent to your printer to perform some special opera-
tion, like print in italics, etc...
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Your printer manual will show you how to perform such a task in BASIC. Simply
take this information, leave out all LPRINT statements, $'s on the CHR$() func-
tion, and enter the code.
For example, if your manual says LPRINT CHR$(15), then you would enter CHR(15)
as the code for Mass Appeal.
7 Appendix D
To register your copy of Mass Appeal, simply fill out the following form, and
mail to the address at the bottom.
Name: _________________________________________________
Company: _________________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________
City: ______________________ ST: ______ Zip: __________
Where did you obtain Mass Appeal:
What features would you like to see implemented in Mass Appeal that are current-
ly not a part of the program?
Mail To:
Steve Hughes
1422 Applegate Drive
Alabaster, AL 35007
Quantity Pricing: 1 - 9: $35.00 Each
10 - 24: $30.00 Each
25 - 99: $25.00 Each
99 & Up: Please Call For Price!!!
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