Simtel MSDOS 1992 December
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Automated PC-Pursuit Version 3.7
March 18, 1988
P.O. Box 1901
Boston, MA 02205-1901
(617) 438-0396
Welcome to the possible world of PC-Pursuit automation under
This collection of command files provides a system of menus for
accessing Telenet's PC-Pursuit. The command files presented here
are written in ASPECT and requires PROCOMM PLUS. These command
files will not operate under PROCOMM 2.4.2.
Due to the uncertainty of Telenet's 2400 baud support, the 2400
baud option ("2424.ASP") contained in this package and described
here has not been verified as being operational. It is included
for information and future planning purposes only.
To use these command files you need to perform the following
four steps.
(1) The first step is to use PKXARC to un-ARC the distribution
files into the appropriate directory on your disk. The
appropriate directory is one of many possible directories.
As an example, on my system I specify the following in my
In addition, I start PROCOMM PLUS by specifying the following in
So in my case PROCOMM PLUS will search directories in the
following order when looking for the other command files in the
I have all of the command files installed in C:\COM\PCP. This
allows me to put modified copies of each in C:\COM\CUR for
testing. When I'm satisfied with the new version I simply
replace the original version in C:\COM\PCP and delete the copy
out of C:\COM\CUR.
(2) The second step is to establish one or more entries in your
dialing directory of the form:
141 PC-Pursuit - Slow xxx-xxxx 300 E-7-1 F 0303
142 PC-Pursuit - Medium yyy-yyyy 1200 E-7-1 F 1212
143 PC-Pursuit - Fast zzz-zzzz 2400 E-7-1 F 2412
144 PC-Pursuit - Experimental zzz-zzzz 2400 E-7-1 F 2424
xxx-xxxx is your local Telenet access number for 300 baud
yyy-yyyy is your local Telenet access number for 1200 baud
zzz-zzzz is your local Telenet access number for 2400 baud
(3) The third step is to specify your Telenet Account Number and
Telenet Password. Using your favorite editor or word processor
edit the following command files:
The Telenet Account Number and Telenet Password are clearly
identified in the command files. You need to:
o Replace "xxxxnnnn" with your Telenet Account Number, and
o Replace "nnnnxxxx" with your Telenet Password.
THEM AVAILABLE TO ANYONE. Give my command files to everyone but
in the form I gave them to you. Otherwise you may end up
financing the processing of some strangers.
(4) The fourth step is to customize the remote city menus for
your own use. Using your favorite editor or word processor
modify the names and telephone numbers of Electronic Bulletin
Board Systems (EBBS) in the remote city menus. If a new city is
added to PC-Pursuit you can use the Generic EBBS menu named
"XXXXX.ASP" as a model to create a menu for that new city.
You are now prepared to invoke APCP by using the PROCOMM PLUS
dialing directory. Using the examples from the INSTALLATION
o <alt-D> <select 141> <enter> establishes a 0300 baud local
connection and invokes the PC-Pursuit main menu 0303.ASP
for subsequent dialing of remote cities at 0300 baud,
o <alt-D> <select 142> <enter> establishes a 1200 baud local
connection and invokes the PC-Pursuit main menu 1212.ASP
for subsequent dialing of remote cities at 1200 baud,
o <alt-D> <select 143> <enter> establishes a 2400 baud local
connection and invokes the PC-Pursuit main menu 2412.ASP
for subsequent dialing of remote cities at 1200 baud, and
o <alt-D> <select 144> <enter> establishes a 2400 baud local
connection and invokes the PC-Pursuit main menu 2424.ASP
for subsequent dialing of remote cities at 2400 baud.
When the main menu appears, you can specify as many cities as you
desire as an example "tja" would dial Atlanta and if busy then
dial Houston and if busy then dial Phoenix. Note that the
dialing was in the order "ajt" even though you issues "tja".
Once a remote city is connected a menu for that city will appear.
Again choose the possible connections from the list and they will
be dialed in ascending order. When a connection is finally made,
PROCOMM PLUS will no longer be executing an ASPECT menu command
file and you'll be on your own.
Notice that entry 143 in the example establishes a 2400 baud
connection to your local Telenet node and then dials all of the
remote nodes using 1200 baud. This will provide you with the
maximum file transfer speed at 1200 baud. You can almost achieve
a non-packet switch speed at 1200 baud. The negative effect of
this technique is that text that you type will appear a little
It has been reported that if you prefer to use ZMODEM that this
techniqe for file transfers is not available. If using ZMODEM
you must use the same baud rate at both the local and remote
connection (as provided by "0303.ASP", "1212.ASP", or
"2424.ASP"). So, if you have a 2400 baud modem and a local 2400
baud telephone number for Telenet then you have a choice:
o Use an entry like 142 in the example for slower file
transfers and smoother typing, or
o Use an entry like 143 in the example for faster file
transfers and "choppier" typing.
(I personally prefer the entry like 143 and find the slight
"choppiness" to be almost unnoticeable.)
Notice that entry 144 in the example establishes a 2400 baud
connection to your local Telenet node and then (in theory) dials
all of the remote nodes using 2400 baud. I have never
accomplished this feat. Numerous rumors exist on the
availability, non-availability, and planned availability of 2400
baud support in Telenet. I don't know if it exists now or if it
will ever exist in the future. If and when it ever exists the
entry 144 in the example will be made to operate.
When you log off an in the remote city you can gracefully
disconnect from PC-Pursuit by calling the APCP re-select menu and
requesting "Q" (or any key other than "C" or "E") for "Terminate
APCP". This is:
<alt-F5> "APCP" <enter> "Q" <enter>
To select another EBBS in the same city by calling the APCP re-
select menu and requesting "E" for "Select new EBBS". This will
return you to the current remote city menu (that you previously
selected) of EBBS telephone numbers. This is:
<alt-F5> "APCP" <enter> "E" <enter>
When the remote city menu appears select the new remote EBBS as
you did the first time.
To select a new city simply call the APCP re-select menu and
request "C" for "Select new CITY". This will return you to the
appropriate main selection menu (either "0303.ASP", "1212.ASP",
"2412.ASP", or "2424.ASP") of PC-Pursuit city codes. This is:
<alt-F5> "APCP" <enter> "C" <enter>
When the main menu appears select the new PC-Pursuit cities as
you did the first time.
In order to retain the information on your request, the main city
menus ("0303.ASP", "1212.ASP", "2412.ASP", and "2424.ASP") create
a file called "APCPSTRS". This is a very short file that
contains the main city menu name ("0303", "1212", "2412" or
"2424") and the remote city code (of the form "SSCCC" where SS is
the state and CCC is the city).
You should also be aware that the "APCPSTRS" file is created in
the DEFAULT directory. On my system this is C:\COM\CUR.
If the very first thing you do with this package is to execute
"APCP.ASP" it WILL NOT WORK and you will receive an error message.
You must enter this package through the dialing directory and use
APCP to re-select.
The current implementation only allows 42 remote EBBS entries in
each remote city menu. There is no reason why there couldn't be
a large number of these menus for each city with an intermediate
selector menu to get from one to the other.
There's one aspect of this procedure that's a little strange.
Each time a connection is made, a log file is opened with a name
which is the local telephone number. This allows you to trace
all activity. More importantly, this is the mechanism by which
the macros recognize that a connection has been made in the past.
It's needed for the circular dial mechanism to work.
Now here's the quirk ... you call once are connected do your
processing and log off. The next day you try the same number and
the macros do not work! That's because you must MANUALLY delete
the log for that number from the previous connection. The
command "ERASE *." will delete all files in a directory with no
extension (make sure you don't confuse it with "ERASE *.*" which
deletes ALL the files in a directory).
You should also be aware that these log files are being created
in the DEFAULT directory. On my system this is C:\COM\CUR.
(The way I have PROCOMM PLUS configured for my own use that the
default directory C:\COM\CUR is:
o The default directory for downloads,
o The default directory for uploads,
o The directory that has all APCP log files, and
o The directory that has the APCPSTRS control file.)
(I find this arrangement very convenient as I now have one
directory that is the central focus for all currently active
communications files. File maintenance with an arrangement like
this is quite straight forward and is easily augmented with a
couple of simple batch files. And, when I issue an "erase
\com\cur\*." command it removes all of the APCP logs and the APCP
control file.)
The collection of PROCOMM command files are consistent in their
use of the PROCOMM string variables. This usage is:
n0 - <unused>
n1 - <unused>
n2 - <unused>
n3 - <unused>
n4 - <unused>
n5 - <unused>
n6 - <unused>
n7 - <unused>
n8 - <unused>
n9 - <unused>
s0 - User Request
s1 - Work Area
s2 - Remote City Access Code
s3 - Remote City Name
s4 - Remote EBBS Number
s5 - Remote EBBS Name
s6 - <unused>
s7 - <unused>
s8 - <unused>
s9 - Flag for "MORE" to Dial
The files in the archive all contain:
03-18-88 - as the creation date.
12:00a - as the creation time (some programs (like the DOS
DIR command) print this time as a blank field).
The files in the archive are:
READ.ME Errata on the current distribution
APCP.DOC This documentation file
0303.ASP 0300 baud local / 0300 baud remote city menu
1212.ASP 1200 baud local / 1200 baud remote city menu
2412.ASP 2400 baud local / 1200 baud remote city menu
2424.ASP 2400 baud local / 2400 baud remote city menu
APCP.ASP Main APCP re-selection menu
AZPHO.ASP Phoenix, AZ remote EBBS menu
CAGLE.ASP Glendale, CA remote EBBS menu
CALAN.ASP Los Angles, CA remote EBBS menu
CAPAL.ASP Palo Alto, CA remote EBBS menu
CARIV.ASP Riverside, CA remote EBBS menu
CASAC.ASP Sacramento, CA remote EBBS menu
CASAD.ASP San Diego, CA remote EBBS menu
CASAN.ASP Santa Ana, CA remote EBBS menu
CASFA.ASP Sam Francisco, CA remote EBBS menu
CASJO.ASP San Jose, CA remote EBBS menu
CODEN.ASP Denver, CO remote EBBS menu
CTHAR.ASP Hartford, CT remote EBBS menu
DCWAS.ASP Washington, DC remote EBBS menu
FLMIA.ASP Miami, FL remote EBBS menu
FLTAM.ASP Tampa, FL remote EBBS menu
GAATL.ASP Atlanta, GA remote EBBS menu
ILCHI.ASP Chicago, IL remote EBBS menu
MABOS.ASP Boston, MA remote EBBS menu
MIDET.ASP Detroit, MI remote EBBS menu
MNMIN.ASP Minneapolis, MO remote EBBS menu
MOKAN.ASP Kansas City, MO remote EBBS menu
MOSLO.ASP St. Louis, MO remote EBBS menu
NCRTP.ASP Res. Tri. Prk., NC remote EBBS menu
NJNEW.ASP Newark, NJ remote EBBS menu
NYNYO.ASP New York, NY remote EBBS menu
OHCLV.ASP Cleveland, OH remote EBBS menu
ORPOR.ASP Portland, OR remote EBBS menu
PAPHI.ASP Philadelphia, PA remote EBBS menu
TXDAL.ASP Dallas, Tx remote EBBS menu
TXHOU.ASP Houston, TX remote EBBS menu
UTSLC.ASP Salt Lake City, UT remote EBBS menu
WASEA.ASP Seattle, WA remote EBBS menu
WIMIL.ASP Milwaukee, WI remote EBBS menu
XXXXX.ASP Generic remote EBBS menu
For those of you who wish to save disk space, you can delete the
menus that you don't need. If you only run in 1200 baud then you
can delete "0303.ASP", "2412.ASP" and "2424.ASP". In addition,
you can delete any remote city menu that you never contact. If
as an example you never call Tampa then you can delete
"FLTAM.ASP". You can of course delete "READ.ME" and "APCP.DOC"
after reading them. You can not delete "APCP.ASP" or
"APCPSTRS" however.
APCP37 - Version 3.7 - March 18, 1988 - The ASPECT file problem
still remains for some. All files were again revised to issue a
goto top and this was followed by a return that will never be
APCP36 - Version 3.6 - March 17, 1988 - The ASPECT file problem
has been traced to a DataStorm error in calculating the length of
a buffer which is truncating (or appending) the last command in
the buffer. All files were updated with PCEDIT to contain
"return", "CR", "LF", "CR", "LF", "EOF".
APCP35 - Version 3.5 - March 16, 1988 - Some users reported that
they could only use APCP34 if they used the PCEDIT program from
DataStorm to edit their files. Since PCEDIT does not add a
trailing CR/LF after the End-Of-File, all files were updated yet
again using PC-Write to add the missing CR/LF. The corrected
files should now work with any editor. The original problem that
caused all of these releases of APCP3x are the clear result of a
very odd bug in the ASPECT processing in PCPLUS.
APCP34 - Version 3.4 - March 15, 1988 - Some users still reported
errors with APCP33 when executing the last statement in a file
which was a "goto top". This was changed to a "return".
APCP33 - Version 3.3 - March 14, 1988 - The bad Dallas Remote
EBBS file "TXDAL.ASP" was corrected. The minor problem in the
Tampa Remote EBBS file "FLTAM.ASP" was corrected. The files were
all updated using the PCEDIT program from DataStorm. This
assures that no editor incompatibilities in the distribution
archive exist.
APCP32 - Version 3.2 - February 29, 1988 - The APCP31.ARC
distribution library was permanently fixed by adding a carriage
return/line feed/end of file at the end of each file. This
should permanently correct inconsistencies introduced by various
and sundry editors when used to modify the menus. The 2400 baud
local with 1200 baud remote option was added. Specific tests
were added for a request to process an "empty" element in both
the remote city and remote EBBS menus. The documentation file
APCP.DOC was added with additional information included.
APCP31 - Version 3.1 - February 24, 1988 - The APCP30.ARC
distribution library contained some garbage characters. A new
distribution library was created. The re-select menu (APCP.ASP)
was added. The READ.ME documentation file was expanded.
APCP30 - Version 3.0 - February 22, 1988 - The APCP20 mechanism
was revised to use the newly release PROCOMM PLUS program in
place of the previous PROCOMM Version 2.4.2.
APCP20 - Version 2.0 - January 19, 1988 - The APCP10 mechanism
was revised coincide with the changes made to the access codes
for PC-Pursuit and to allow 300, 1200, and 2400 baud support.
APCP10 - Version 1.0 - January 03, 1987 - The basic APCP
mechanism was a repackaging of the work started by an unknown
programmer in the EBBS world an enhanced greatly by Bob Lake.
The menus and messages were changed in this version as well as
the method for initially invoking the menus.
I do not request any money for this package. You should feel
free to distribute this package to anyone who desires to use it.
You should feel free to modify your copy of this package for your
own use.
I do request that you do two things for me however:
o Drop me a message if you use this package that just says
that you use APCP, and
o Do not modify APCP and redistribute it as the name
APCPxx is starting to be associated with me and Thom
Little Associates.
If you have suggestions for changes and improvements to APCP
please feel free to contact me.
If you encounter any problems using this package I will be glad
to try to help you solve them. I make no guarantees or
warranties however. Be it known that you use this package at
your own risk. I am not responsible for any problems that you
encounter through the use of this package. I developed it for my
own use and use it every day.
I hope you enjoy the automation.
Thom Little
... by mail:
P.O. Box 1901
Boston, MA 02205-1901
(617) 438-0396
... by modem:
(617) 354-8873
1200/2400 N81 and 9600 MNP
Brian Miller (sysop)
... by APCP using PC-Pursuit:
At the CITY menu select "B"
At the BOSTON menu select "A"
Telenet is a trademark of Telenet Communications Corporation
PROCOMM PLUS is a trademark of DataStorm Technologies, Inc.
ASPECT is a trademark of DataStorm Technologies, Inc.