Simtel MSDOS 1992 December
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Assembly Source File
216 lines
; *** Listing 1 ***
; Turbo C tiny/small/medium model-callable assembler
; subroutines to:
; * Set 360x480 256-color VGA mode
; * Draw a dot in 360x480 256-color VGA mode
; * Read the color of a dot in 360x480 256-color VGA mode
; Assembled with TASM 1.0.
; The 360x480 256-color mode set code and parameters were provided
; by John Bridges, who has placed them into the public domain.
VGA_SEGMENT equ 0a000h ;display memory segment
SC_INDEX equ 3c4h ;Sequence Controller Index register
GC_INDEX equ 3ceh ;Graphics Controller Index register
MAP_MASK equ 2 ;Map Mask register index in SC
READ_MAP equ 4 ;Read Map register index in GC
SCREEN_WIDTH equ 360 ;# of pixels across screen
WORD_OUTS_OK equ 1 ;set to 0 to assemble for
; computers that can't handle
; word outs to indexed VGA registers
_DATA segment public byte 'DATA'
; 360x480 256-color mode CRT Controller register settings.
; (Courtesy of John Bridges.)
vptbl dw 06b00h ; horz total
dw 05901h ; horz displayed
dw 05a02h ; start horz blanking
dw 08e03h ; end horz blanking
dw 05e04h ; start h sync
dw 08a05h ; end h sync
dw 00d06h ; vertical total
dw 03e07h ; overflow
dw 04009h ; cell height
dw 0ea10h ; v sync start
dw 0ac11h ; v sync end and protect cr0-cr7
dw 0df12h ; vertical displayed
dw 02d13h ; offset
dw 00014h ; turn off dword mode
dw 0e715h ; v blank start
dw 00616h ; v blank end
dw 0e317h ; turn on byte mode
vpend label word
_DATA ends
; Macro to output a word value to a port.
OUT_WORD macro
out dx,ax
out dx,al
inc dx
xchg ah,al
out dx,al
dec dx
xchg ah,al
_TEXT segment byte public 'CODE'
assume cs:_TEXT, ds:_DATA
; Sets up 360x480 256-color mode.
; (Courtesy of John Bridges.)
; Call as: void Set360By480Mode()
; Returns: nothing
public _Set360x480Mode
_Set360x480Mode proc near
push si ;preserve C register vars
push di
mov ax,12h ; start with mode 12h
int 10h ; let the bios clear the video memory
mov ax,13h ; start with standard mode 13h
int 10h ; let the bios set the mode
mov dx,3c4h ; alter sequencer registers
mov ax,0604h ; disable chain 4
out dx,ax
mov ax,0100h ; synchronous reset
out dx,ax ; asserted
mov dx,3c2h ; misc output
mov al,0e7h ; use 28 mHz dot clock
out dx,al ; select it
mov dx,3c4h ; sequencer again
mov ax,0300h ; restart sequencer
out dx,ax ; running again
mov dx,3d4h ; alter crtc registers
mov al,11h ; cr11
out dx,al ; current value
inc dx ; point to data
in al,dx ; get cr11 value
and al,7fh ; remove cr0 -> cr7
out dx,al ; write protect
dec dx ; point to index
mov si,offset vptbl
mov cx,((offset vpend)-(offset vptbl)) shr 1
@b: lodsw
out dx,ax
loop @b
pop di ;restore C register vars
pop si
_Set360x480Mode endp
; Draws a pixel in the specified color at the specified
; location in 360x480 256-color mode.
; Call as: void Draw360x480Dot(int X, int Y, int Color)
; Returns: nothing
DParms struc
dw ? ;pushed BP
dw ? ;return address
DrawX dw ? ;X coordinate at which to draw
DrawY dw ? ;Y coordinate at which to draw
Color dw ? ;color in which to draw (in the
; range 0-255; upper byte ignored)
DParms ends
public _Draw360x480Dot
_Draw360x480Dot proc near
push bp ;preserve caller's BP
mov bp,sp ;point to stack frame
push si ;preserve C register vars
push di
mov es,ax ;point to display memory
;there are 4 pixels at each address, so
; each 360-pixel row is 90 bytes wide
; in each plane
mul [bp+DrawY] ;point to start of desired row
mov di,[bp+DrawX] ;get the X coordinate
shr di,1 ;there are 4 pixels at each address
shr di,1 ; so divide the X coordinate by 4
add di,ax ;point to the pixel's address
mov cl,byte ptr [bp+DrawX] ;get the X coordinate again
and cl,3 ;get the plane # of the pixel
mov ah,1
shl ah,cl ;set the bit corresponding to the plane
; the pixel is in
mov al,MAP_MASK
mov dx,SC_INDEX
OUT_WORD ;set to write to the proper plane for
; the pixel
mov al,byte ptr [bp+Color] ;get the color
stosb ;draw the pixel
pop di ;restore C register vars
pop si
pop bp ;restore caller's BP
_Draw360x480Dot endp
; Reads the color of the pixel at the specified
; location in 360x480 256-color mode.
; Call as: int Read360x480Dot(int X, int Y)
; Returns: pixel color
RParms struc
dw ? ;pushed BP
dw ? ;return address
ReadX dw ? ;X coordinate from which to read
ReadY dw ? ;Y coordinate from which to read
RParms ends
public _Read360x480Dot
_Read360x480Dot proc near
push bp ;preserve caller's BP
mov bp,sp ;point to stack frame
push si ;preserve C register vars
push di
mov es,ax ;point to display memory
;there are 4 pixels at each address, so
; each 360-pixel row is 90 bytes wide
; in each plane
mul [bp+DrawY] ;point to start of desired row
mov si,[bp+DrawX] ;get the X coordinate
shr si,1 ;there are 4 pixels at each address
shr si,1 ; so divide the X coordinate by 4
add si,ax ;point to the pixel's address
mov ah,byte ptr [bp+DrawX]
;get the X coordinate again
and ah,3 ;get the plane # of the pixel
mov al,READ_MAP
mov dx,GC_INDEX
OUT_WORD ;set to read from the proper plane for
; the pixel
lods byte ptr es:[si] ;read the pixel
sub ah,ah ;make the return value a word for C
pop di ;restore C register vars
pop si
pop bp ;restore caller's BP
_Read360x480Dot endp
_TEXT ends